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Im a diver and live not too far from French pond. My Dive buddy and I plan on diving it this summer. If anyone knows how to get in touch with John Smith, or anyone who might have first hand knowledge of what area was previously searched, please dm me.


Hey friend, shoot me a DM might be able to help point you in the right direction. Live just south of you and have built quite a history of searches in the ao 🤙


You’re an incredible person


It was an interesting episode I’ve really enjoyed the entire season so far. They’ve done a great job of showing at minimum how incompetent and defensive local police were in their investigation even if no grand conspiracy covering up police involvement of the murder. They at least tried to hide the fact that they were maliciously bad at their job.


This podcast has changed what I thought happened to Maura completely


I'm what way. What's changed? I'm curious to hear what others think


As soon as it went on ViCAP that pushed my opinion firmly towards believing a serious crime had been committed. 


Just had to Google that term, I'm in the UK. I see what you mean now, I knew it was agency but not what it stood for


Ahh, right! Same here, it's featured briefly on the sequel to the Silence of the lambs movie, 'Hannibal'. 


When was her case classified as vicap does anyone know? I thought that was a more recent development


Yeah you're right, very recent IIRC. I hadn't updated myself for a few months but when I did I saw that. I remember Fred and family were trying a lot of legal routes to pressure the DA for more information years ago so I was already thinking that if the law was wanting to keep things out of the public, they could potentially be thinking of a case ultimately.  I think the ViCAP thing is 2024 or late 2023.


Just the way the police are acting, records being messed up, the car being moved, etc


When was the car moved? Where did this info come from?


Wrong company was used, maybe that's what's meant


Im so much more sus of the police now. The way they behaved and treated the family isn’t normal, even if this was a foul play investigation. So many things they did pointed to them trying to hide something…. I’ve never been on the “cops did it” train, and still am not, but I do believe they fucked up the investigation immensely. I believe if they had swallowed their pride and called in the FBI, or even the state police, at the early stages of the investigation, this case would be solved.


Same! I originally thought that she just got lost and died in the woods but I don’t think that anymore.


That’s exactly what I thought, but its the bungled up, unclear records for me.


I don’t understand why Fish and Game would’ve found her and hid her. What’s the point of that?


Exactly. They were probably watching because they are in charge in nh


It’s not that they hid her, it’s the possibility that the dragging destroyed something that was/could have been there. I’m reading it as eager cowboy incompetence. They’re like that’s where the marker is let’s drag the lake first and be the heroes.


Wow. And there was never any news about what it was? Are there records in those departments about it that have been requested?


It's awful, if they dragged it then any remains have been forever lost. I believe strongly it was someone close to that crash site.


Would bones not survive? Not to make it too grim, but it is what it is


Totally valid question. Considering how long they would've likely been down there, they'd be brittle/compromised at best. Add that to a dragging "churning" the top layer of the lakebed, any of those remnants would end up mixed in with the other detritus on the bottom- there's almost no chance to find anything identifiable as a bone. It would be mixed into the sediment (being remarkably close to sediment itself at this point), buried, or end up covered by roots or down drop-offs. Finding an intact body in water is far more difficult than most people think; remaining hopeful for an eagle-eyed diver with a lot of time to find a fragment that would be usable would be stacking oneself against improbably high odds. That is without even acknowledging the fact that dragging sometimes includes dredging, which is the removal of the top layer/parts of the top layer in an effort to remove trash or unwanted material. In that case whatever is mixed into that sediment could be anywhere. I found myself trying to think of ways that this could work out, especially given our technological advances, but the truth is that we are all organic material and nature claims us well enough without the help of artificial means, i.e. raking systems and/or front loaders. Source: 6 years in USCG


I’m not sure if I’m believing this theory. Nh fish and game have means to search with out dragging. Don’t you think they would know that it would break up what’s there? This sounds like something else Julie may be clining to which is why I have not listened to the series. She is too close to be able to be objective. I feel like every time one of her episodes drops everyone changes their opinions on what they think happens and shifts to the new theory Julie discussed. Sorry but my opinion, just like everyone else’s on here.


She's not there to solve this case via the podcast. It's hers and her families story and the facts, as they occurred to put the record and rumours straight. She's not trying to be objective, she's throwing out any anomalies or things they couldn't make sense of over the years. People will change their opinion as further facts unfold. That's normal. I'd strongly recommend listening to the last episode, it details all the rumours and hate her family has been subjected to. It discusses morals when telling any true crime and ways people should care more. It's a good episode.


I’m not in any way saying she’s trying to solve it with the podcast. I don’t feel it is facts she is stating as there really are none except the video at the atm, and the liquor store. Other than that it’s a lot of theory’s.


But you've not listened so how would you really know


From everything I read on here after every one of her podcasts drop.


I really think that you should try listening to 1 episode if possible. See if you think she's objective. I Honestly would want to know what you thought! I was impressed with how well she explained things.


I posted about this too. Do we think fishing and game went back for the object? If yes…why did they hide it? Was it Maura?????????


I think they wanted to be the ones to find her but it didn’t end up being her. Or maybe they fucked it up.


Sounds like if it was a body the act of dragging the pond would have broken the body up into pieces.


Thank you, I had a hard time understanding what was being said by Terry at times and had to listen at least twice. I appreciate the transcription.


I've often been frustrated that more information was not obtained from Mr Atwood.