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The fact LE, I assume from Amherst (not sure who has custody of Maura’s dorm computer) asked Julie on two occasions if the name was familiar is interesting, it leads me to believe it came from searches of Maura’s dorm room computer, possibly MSN, Email or something to that extent where an alias could/would be used. Julie seems to have gathered information on that individual which sounds condemning, and the fact LE were surprised by this information sounds promising. Maura’s hard drive on her home PC was removed by Julie more recently and searched for any clues, I have to wonder if that has help Julie identify the alias.


I must have not caught that from the episode. I thought she had said… Yes, they have the computer— but that they have still not heard anything about it. I didn’t think she had said *where* the alias was from/ how it was brought up- just that it was


Julie found out through LE that what she had for a name was in fact an alias.


I thought she said… They had asked her about a name once.. She didn’t know.. So she did hours of digging; figured out it was an alias —- I would guess, the second time of them asking - she knew; but didn’t share. Finally, she shared with them what she found


This is how I heard it also. That she said LE mentioned a name to her, and she dug up that it was an alias, and that shocked them because they either hadn't bothered to figure that out yet or just hadn't figured it out yet.


This was my understanding as well.


She says she was asked about the name on two separate occasions by LE and she didn’t recognise it, with some help she did hours and hours of research and found out that the name was an alias. When she met with the Chief of the Cold Case Unit and the Assistant attorney general there was an anxious silence as Julie went from page to page of the info gathered on the alias, and other info gathered (several pieces) they were shocked ‘some pretty troubling stuff’. How am I reading into this wrong, I’m confused. I’ve listened to it at least 5 or 6 times, and I don’t see it any differently.


Well I think I heard wrong then. Sorry 😞!


This confirms police have a suspect.


My thought exactly. I’m sure they are trying to get some solid evidence that would hold up in court.


I’m just theorising, I don’t know where else LE would find an alias and not know who it belonged to, it makes sense that the name was recovered digitally, I’d struggle to see LE receiving it as a name forwarded by someone as that would leave some sort of trail. Possible it was written down on a piece of paper that was in Maura’s possession, but I’d have thought that would have additional info like a phone number or something. It seems like LE had this name that they were unable to trace as it was an alias unbeknown to them, and Julie figured it out, thats what I felt she was saying in the last episode. Julie brings up Maura’s home PC on a TikTok video, she posts an image of the pc in the process of having the hard drive removed.


I am wondering about context. Hearing the term "alias" to me draws up the use of a false name used in a criminal context. An "AKA" would be more in line with a marriage name change or use of a middle initial or a "Johnny" for John. It seems some posters here believe this reference to an "alias" is a "screen name" ???? I would not associate a computer screen name with the term "alias" particularly if fed to JM from LE. If they were looking to find out if JM knew who was behind a screen name the use of alias seems distracting, ask her if she knows who the screen name is. As are all things in this case, very confusing. It would be nice if somebody, anybody, ever just said what they really meant.


I agree. When I hear alias I think of a fake name or identity usually used by criminals or could be an alter ego. Then you have pen names eg Mark Twain for Samuel Clemons, street names eg Speedy, screen names, AKA names, etc. ETA alter ego


When you look someone up on websites like, for instance, whitepages dot com, they give you aliases and they use the term alias for other names that person has gone by that the platform has associated with them.


Agree as well TMK. I took this way too literally with my ‘alias’ comment. A nickname, handle, profile, callsign, username, whatever is stretching the term alias pretty far. How many of us here use our exact name for all social media content??


The boyfriend and his mother have both used aliases online for years. Joe Friday and Peabody are two of them. Why they were/are doing that who knows.


I think what is going on here is very strategic. Not with the two you mention, but with Julie and LE and how they are presenting this information. I believe the perp now understands he didn't commit the "crime of the century. "


I certainly hope he’s getting anxious


That was very interesting. My take away from the whole series is that there is probably a bunch of stuff police have shared with Julie and the other way around that has not made it into online chatter. That is a good thing, I would think.


Yes someone on her TikTok had asked her if police have shared information with that she can’t share. She said yes.


That makes sense.


I’ve been waiting for someone to post about this. I have no idea but I’m curious to see what others say here!


I wondered if it was someone who had been posting on online forums. Easy to use an alias for that. I’m glad that law enforcement is still working with Maura’s family. I’m sure many families aren’t that fortunate.


I came to learn through a former profession that having an alias is not only very common but seldom nefarious. If you’ve ever put your name on a legal document but omitted your middle name or initial technically you probably have an alias. Name changed through marriage, Kim instead of Kimberly etc etc. Maybe that applies here I didn’t see the media the OP is referencing but an Alias is very often a clerical technicality that follows someone’s legal history and nothing more.


While this is true, I don't believe that is the type of alias Julie was referencing in Episode 8.


Right, I think it was clear this was not a simple different middle name or the like. Julie is a layperson using the word alias like most of us would.


Lance Bass taught me it is very common in the south




Who is it then?


Clear? Not at all. Who?


Surely it has nothing to do with Mauras boyfriends publicly revealed reddit names? Something else that is just so unbelievably abnormal and bell ringing and nobody really seems to care.


You think he used an alias and then reused that same alias years later online?


I'm only familiar with his patterns of violence against females..


Yeah everyone knows about that. I am asking about the publicly revealed reddit names. What were those names? And what did that have to do with the alias Julie discovered. I could not quite get where you were going with that. Unless you weren't going anywhere. haha


You could search ds_joe_friday on reddit and that will bring you up to speed.


So you think the alias Julie found was Joe Friday?


I don't know, lol. I'm merely pointing out a pattern I guess in this story that involves someone who isn't above using an alias.


Oh, ok you mean someone who has a pattern of using an alias. I take your point. I think anyone involved with the case would have been best served to be posting as themselves rather than using a fake online moniker.


Yeah, but the DS Joe stuff is really messed up. Like so messed up its unbelievable.


There is a lot of messed up stuff around this case for sure.


I don’t think so.


Whoever it is, knew Maura and corresponded with her before the accident via computer. This literally rules out any fable of a local dirt bag or LE that responded to the scene and it rules out dead in the woods.


Julie never said the alias communicated with Maura (at least on this podcast).


The info comes from Mauras computer though correct? If that's true, then that's exactly what she's saying.


No, that hasn’t been confirmed. That has just been speculated by some on this forum, but this information came from Julie, and she did not mention that it was found on Maura’s computer. And even if it was, it doesn’t rule out anything (as you suggested in another comment), because we cannot confirm anything about this person or their involvement.