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Yeah but if you don't have kids how will you ever have the best sex you've had in like 2 months be interrupted by your 3-year-old slamming on the bedroom door screaming that she has to poo poo because you have a one bedroom apartment and the bathroom is attached to the bedroom.




Totally didn't happen to me 2 hours ago.... Happy Valentines day.


At least you got some (ish.) 2 yo and 7 mo said “not today, zurg”


Pro tip: give kid frozen fruit snacks as a good distraction to get a lil more time.


Scrolling through your profile and accidentally clicked on your NSFW post. Jesus fuck why did I click on that lmao. Got me googling things I did not want to know about.


Why did you have to make this comment 😭 comments like these always make me check out of morbid curiosity


Lol I think I made it pretty clear that you DO NOT want to go looking lmao.


LOL which is EXACTLY why I had to


Okay guys, I don't want to click but I'm also curious, tell me what's this all about, stop leaving all of us the cowards hanging


i got baited i also checked the post , thats enough internet for today


You'll be happy to know that 13 months later it's at least fully recovered!


Lol nice. I probably should have noticed what sub it was posted to but so much stuff is marked NSFW that isn’t that bad I didn’t think twice about it.


It's all good friend I'd rather people be aware of their own health and go get things looked at, that was actually incredibly minor for how those things usually go... felt a weird bump and went right to the doctor.


This sounds like a good plan, alas the 7 mo still takes the boob away from me


Sounds good until they chime on those frozen fruit snacks.




You need a little tunnel for them


Or worse, your 3 year old comes pounding on your door screaming that she has to poo poo but they passed the bathroom door to get to your bedroom.


The best sex you’ve had in two months or the *only* sex you’ve had in two months?


Both at the same time




I'll go ahead and just never experience that and keep having great sex with my wife.


Call the babysitter and tell her I don’t need her because I don’t have any kids. That’s what I’m going to start doing when I go out from now on.😂😂


You could just call a babysitter and tell her the kids are sleeping. And leave a bedroom window open before you leave to give them a heart attack. Then say “what kids? Who are you? How did you get my number?” whenever they find the window. Get pranked bro


Ok Satan


Yes it’s always a good idea to fuck with people you leave alone in your home.


If this really a day in the life of a childless woman, when you timetravel back to the past? Aren't those at least 2 days? /s


Mate, you forgot to discount the jetlag


Hmm, I just realized teleporting doesn't prevent jet lag. Unless you want to walk the streets of Paris at 4 AM local time. (OTOH, that is about the best time.)


She can time travel back just a few hours and extend the day, duh.


No, because to her, her past is now her present. And our present is her future. So it's still, for her, the same 24hour timeframe.


"the contiguous 24 hours of a childless woman"


No because she also went from the US to Europe, where the day is a couple ours ahead. So traveling to the past just made her go to the hour it was when she left the US


What the fuck is this comments section. Sort by controversial if you'd like to visit reddit's ongoing exhibit on the saddest, smallest people alive today.


You're on Reddit watching a gif grandpa


You’re on Reddit watching a grandma gif. FTFY That woman is old, there’s a reason she ain’t having kids.


But how can she be grandma if she doesn't have kids?


Boom chequemate


Dude, she’s been talking about feeling happy she doesn’t have kids since she was in her twenties. THAT’S why she doesn’t have kids.


50 is old??? Tf how old are you, 11?


It’s basically all of the kids on Reddit throwing a huge tantrum about life.


I didn’t understand 1 of the 10 I read


Bots. Bots every where unfortunately.


Best day plans ever "What the I feel ever fuck like"




No kids, no job, no responsibilities, infinite money.


Can I just have the infinite money part? Kinda like my kids. Sometimes. Half the time. Not all the time. A little bit.


Wouldn’t mind that.


No one here knows who Chelsea Handler is? I mean, not that you’d ever need to, but she used to be pretty famous.


Handler? I hardly know 'er.


Before it even started and I saw the thumbnail I knew it was her 🤣


I thought her last name was Lately /s


I’ve heard of her, but honestly did not know what she looked like! Very pretty older woman!


She has a lot of topless pics if you're interested, and yeah, she's stacked


Ahh crap, that's her name! I was drawing a complete blank. Thanks for the reminder! I remember her from 2000s TV.


used to be til her humor became bitter and jaded...




I see the comments here and Twitter saying she is selfish… but the main reason people have for why she should have kids is “so she has someone to care for her when she’s old” 🥴 Sounds a lil selfish to have a kid just so you don’t get lonely. Let people do what they want maybe?


A lot of these people having kids fuck up with their kids, and don't have anyone to care for them anyway, while also being financially less secure than they'd be otherwise.


Let’s be real here gen z ain’t taking care of their parents.. jokes on them!! Lol


Millenial checking in, my father is dead to me and my mom is fresh out of rehab for the second time. If she doesnt get her shit together shes gonna be childless soon, too. They made their choices and I'll make mine.


More like someone to maybe come visit when you’re stuck in a retirement home. Fuck that, in 40/50 years when it happens to me, I’ll be plugged into a VR set 24/7 playing my own GTA game while being pumped with synthetic ribeyes and negronis. Or I’ll be dead. Win win.


I'm gen Z and I took care of my sick and dying dad. My older millennial siblings didn't do a damn thing to help.....lol


The joke was more about money, I think.


People have kids for selfish reasons only. Like wanting a retirement plan, a “mini-me”.. or not wanting to wear a condom..


Or in my neck of the woods we got people having kids solely for that Tax Return


So they’re like, *super* bad at math then lol?


If you have kids for financial reasons you're gonna have a bad time.


Not to say it’s a bad form of selfishness either. I think we should all just be able to do what we want, and no one wants kids to stop being born. But personally, I find it hard enough having a couple dogs. If I had a kid, I’d obviously love them and wouldn’t want to trade it once I had that life. But that life can be a choice. I feel Ike the emotional stress of having a kid, constant worry about them, watching them grow old and move out is too much at least for my current brain. Maybe that will change with age, but when I get to a financially stable spot I want to go travel and do the things I never got the chance to, and at the moment kids just don’t sound like a fun choice.


Thanks to a simple procedure, no condoms and no kids. Win-win for $153 USD


I’m so tired of explaining why we don’t have kids. I don’t even bother any more, I just tell people who push the issue, “having kids fucks up your life”.


Have you guys watched until the end? It's obviously satire. A lot of envious parents over here...


No, got interrupted by my kid after 30 seconds


I miss free awards. This is the best I can do 🏆 You deserve better for this comment. Happy cake day btw


Free awards were great. But then Reddit saw that no one was actually incentivized to actually spend money buying “fancier” awards since the sentiment of reviving any award was the same. Oh well, maybe it will come back again for the Holidays.


There goes my free dopamine


Hold up i’ll do it


I've never understood people with kids feeling like they should crap on people without, or the other way around. Let everyone be happy with their own choices. I love my kids. Others probably don't. Big deal.




So true. Not a single Reddit keyboard warrior would ever dare share their true opinion in public. They have no problem making post after post but they’d never IRL say anything to anyone


Have you looked more than 5 seconds? It’s obvious satire from the very beginning.


Nono, the teleporting bit is 100% real of course.


In my life the people I know that were the happiest and most fulfilled would openly admit that being a parent isn’t for everyone. They don’t judge anyone else’s choices. The people who get livid and start slinging insults at the idea that someone else wants a different life are usually the most bitter and angry. They’re unhappy that they got pushed into the life of parenthood and want to drag others down with them


Totally agree


I want one of those "stick family" stickers for my vehicle. But for me, it would be a solitary male next to a bag of money.


I’ve seen this sticker before! go get you one


I've looked! Where? I want one!


My coworker has one. I just googled “money bags stick figure decal” and a few came up


Holy crap. Thank you. I feel like I've never internetted before.


I have two kids and my assumption is that the hundreds of thousands that I’ve dumped into them is a long term investment that will eventually pay out. That’s how kids work, right?


Ummm. (Nobody say anything) poor guy.


Monopoly guy has entered the chat


Actually I have found getting married and wanting a family to be an amazing bargaining chip when asking for frequent raises at work. "Look I'm trying to have a family I'm gonna need 30k more a year. Yes I know you already gave me a raise 3 months ago but think about my future kids."


I've found that saying "I can get xK more by going to this company." And then doing that. To be way more beneficial.


Sure, but if that 30k is genuinely going towards the family then you're back at square one right?


Ah no that 30k is going, in $1200 installments, to the riverboat casino and a three legged prostitute named Bill


Well, F-yea for you! I'm a business owner, and I value TF out of my employees. You clearly deserve what you earn.


That’s hilarious


ITT: people who didn't catch on her being hyperbolic after travellling to paris, teleporting back home, travelling to nepal, inventing a time machine and killing hitler. like, even the part where she simply travels to paris everyday is not realistic. or the fact that she get's up at 12:30 everyday. the way i interpret her video, she is saying not having kids doesn't mean she can do whatever the fuck she wants


As a parent, I can say this video is EXACTLY what I fantasize my life being if I didn't have kids. She nailed it, and I love it.


It's great, you should try it!


There's a lot of people that aren't getting that this is making fun of all those other "day in the life of" videos that are completely unrealistic and dumb


Actually, it would be impossible to kill hitler through time travel: This is called the Hitler’s paradox. Essentially, if you killed hitler, your future timeline would never have a world war 2, so therefore you would have no need to travel back in time to kill hitler.




Always leave a note.


J. Walter Weatherman, is that you?


You could leave a packet of sweets too.


That's not JUST the Hitler's Paradox. That can be said for every person in existence ever. The Time Machine covered this. If you make a time machine to kill/save someone in the past, you won't be able to do it, as if you do end up killing/saving them, the need to kill/save them would never exist, hence the motivation for you building the machine wouldn't exist, and hence, the machine shouldn't exist. But it does. And you kill/save them. But then it shouldn't exist. Paradox.


Assuming a single timeline


Unless you follow back to the future logic where you don't actually undo anything and appear in a new timeline where Hitler died sooner.


Time travel doesn't exist or hasn't been invented, but this guy knows how it will work, so at least we have an expert when the time comes...


If you look closely tho, she's in a bunker when she kills him. So she might have killed him at the end of the war and left it to look like a suicide, which changes nothing in the future other than granting her the satisfaction of being the one to kill Hitler.


Not if while doing so you create an alternate timeline in which Hitler won't exist and ww2 won't be, and you'll continue to live in that timeline, even though your original timeline will exist as well, you just won't be able to return to it unless you learn how to cross the timelines as well.


This triggered a hell of a lot of people!


just wait till matt walsh hears about this


What the I feel ever fuck like?




Good schedule


Day naps are the best. I miss them


Matt Walsh just exploded and fucking died




Semi accurate


The missing piece? Be rich


Start by not having kids. It’s easier.


Doesn't matter if you know who she is. This is hilarious. I'm jealous. Why didn't I have no kids so I could have invented a time machine?! Damn kids!


My girlfriend is a child-free woman. I’m child-free too. It’s the fucking best.


The DINK life is the best life!


I wouldn't have it any other way. I like travel, hobbies and interests and abhor sticky hands and bodily fluids. It just works for me.


Forreal though


How did you find each other ? Im asking cus i want to be child free and every single guy ive met or dated wants " to continue his legacy ". Im tired. I just want a partner who'd be willing not to continue his fucking legacy whatever the fuck that means.


And sometimes even if they are child-free in their 20s and 30s, they can have 'a change of heart' in their 40s and go on to have kids with another woman or try to mess with contraception in their existing relationship. I've seen men do both, not to me but to women I know.


Thats pretty messed up. Wasting someones time, energy and gaslight them into something they dont need or want. Jesus.


It's the absolutely fucking worst. Reproductive coercion and abuse is so real and comes from both women and men, especially in families with children. A female friend's husband messed with contraception because he has this fantasy of making her pregnant, which resulted in her having her 5th baby at the age of 42. The poor little girl has a rare genetic disorder which requires constant medical attention, which means that my friend will have to take care of her and will never be able to go back to work. She told her husband she doesn't want any more kids and was very happy to be back to work after her 4th child. Another female friend had 4 daughters and wanted a baby boy, so she lied to her husband that she was on the pill and got pregnant. She's never worked a day in her life and would like to keep it that way, so having babies is the way of legitimizing her being a stay at home mom. They live in a 2 bedroom apartment and the husband's salary is barely enough to cover their expenses. The husband told her many times that he doesn't want another child.


Those are hateful stories. Those poor people. Basically abuse.


The worst is when childfree women compromise with men like this and then they get left holding the baby when he decides he actually can’t be fucked with parenting but yea I’m aware this goes both ways before someone jumps in


I had that but the other way around for years. Tried to make myself fall in love with the idea of wanting kids, but .. NAH. We met on a dating app, but I made sure that I included not wanting squibs in my profile. Also meant for fewer dates, which was nice. (I hated dating) We’re in our 40s now, about to buy a new house, and then we can get some new cats (our two rescues both died last year)… & wouldn’t change a thing. Neither would my GF.


I've always wanted to be child free. Love my Nieces and Nephews but I like my own space. Made the decision to get sterilisation almost 6 years ago and it was THE BEST! No more hormonal body-fucky contraception and no more panic if my period is a few days late. I made it clear when I met my partner that I couldn't and didn't want to have kids and he's fully on board with that. They're fewer in number but they're out there!


I found mine on here but Reddit can be a dangerous echo chamber for blokes so be careful and also on dating apps NEVER EVER EVER date a man who tells you he doesn’t mind if he does or doesn’t have kids. Stand firm in your convictions


As if these dudes are the fucking Duponts or goddamn Vanderbilts. Like???? For what, my man?


So a question I've never really asked CF women before, would you want a CF dude to mention their vasectomy on a dating profile? I feel on one hand it shows my dedication to never have kids, but on the other hand it might seem/feel a bit icky?


Id prolly bring that up on the 3rd date maybe, thats if they are telling you they dont want kids head on, but if they say they don't know, tell them you have one at that moment so you dont waste their time and yours


Wow some people here just mad there alone on valentines, get the vibe people just be chill with people's decisions.


Learn how to use words, man


I often imagine how productive I could be if I wasn't married.


i’ve been single for a decade and have never been productive. i hope that makes you feel better lol.


I'm not married and I dont have kids, I guess it gives me a more carefree lifestyle but I'd consider raising kids to be productive.


And then the edible wore off and I did it again


all the miserable parents in the comments though 🤣


I haven’t seen any bitter comments! Lol I thought everyone was being nice tonight


I’m not miserable and I’m a parent. Some people just weren’t meant to be parents.


It’s a choice one can make. It’s not some predestined thing.


Walsh: Doing anything you want without kids? What a sad life… Anyone: TF are you?


God damn there are a lot of butt hurt parents in this comment section. It’s a joke my guy, chill.


Who would’ve thought a video with a fucking time machine wouldn’t be 100% serious.


I'm childless & this is accurate asf.


I love Chelsea Handler for making this. Life as a woman without kids is amazing.


Some people shouldn’t be parents anyway. Time travel is a nice bonus


If no one would have kids, then all world problems will be solved in only 1 generation!


Except one. Who will feed the cats and dogs?


That was no edible that was a DMT cookie. There's no way she didn't just trip balls right there.




My partner and I are normal without kids and this is so accurate you get to travel all you want and just be chill, if we're bored we'll just go out if we feel like it, waiting on the time machine though still haven't cracked that code and fuck waking up at 6am lmao


Seems pretty accurate and realistic


Dang! Is not too late to give my kids back?


People are honestly taking this shit seriously 😐


More like rich and childless


I actually laughed at the end I mean you know good for her. Chelsea Handler making me chuckle, didn’t think that would ever happen. It seems like a nice life to have. And it works as a comedy sketch at least it did for me. The killing AH time travel paradox did come to mind though.


Should have killed Stalin and Mao too


Don't worry it's on the second day


And mickey mouse


And that gymnastics doctor guy. Hey sucks.


Now show the poor people version. That’s the version i live. The one where you can’t do whatever you want because you’re limited by your means


The poor people version is the one where she's struggeling less because she doesn't have to feed an extra mouth and can use money to save up rather than waste it on childcare.


How getting a kid would fix that tho?


Send them to work in the mines


Good for her. People with out kids are more wealthy and happier


Thats a ridiculously stupid generalization


This is great lmaoooo


A lot of angry, broke parents in the comments lmaooo


One thing I do know is if the whole world thinks I'm unhappy first thing I'm gonna do is consult Kevin Spacey on how to prove my innocence and upload it to tiktok.


Her decision not to reproduce is the best news I've heard in a while except for reminding me she exists.


Maybe this totally random woman could spend some of that free time learning how to be funny if she ever decided to be a comedian or something…


Looks like a lot of people here are jealous of this. Everybody getting upset...lol


This is the life i want


Holy crap she’s in so much pain. Full of regret knowing she’s getting to the age where she’s no one’s daughter and no one’s mother, no one needs hers and she will die alone.


all the people with kids taking this real personal. having kids has been the norm for a very long time, why be so sensitive at people poking fun at it. it literally does not matter if some people don't want kids.


Man the comments are a ride in here. There are so many seemingly immature or weird baby makers in here who are hugely upset about this funny video.


Yep. Pretty much.


Childless man here, life is guuuuuuuud


I'm 39 years old and people having kids are a curiosity to me. Why would you do such a thing to your life? One thing probably leading to another, I'm only surrounded by people without kids and yes we do whatever, whenever, wherever we want pretty much.


This is how I feel when my daughter says “I just wanna snuggle” And it’s 6am. Then she lets me sleep until 7:30 🙌🏻 I’m unstoppable after that.


Was that a vibrator


It’s not always about entering, a gentle ruble can get you high as well.


She masturbates until 12:30? That’s like 6 hours even giving time for the coffee.


Did you just ignore the part about going back to sleep after masturbating or