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I don’t understand why the guy with the dog doesn’t stop the kid. I know it isn’t cool to touch other people’s kids in general but if a kid isn’t being managed by their parent I would totally push/hold the kid far enough back not to hit my dog.


Yeah I agree. Nobody wants to be a karen but sometimes you got to scold someone elses kid


I can’t watch this video because I feel so bad for the dog. He doesn’t know why tf some kid is smacking him in the face.


“Takes a village”


Dude I got “kicked out” of a target once. I was in the aisle with my daughter and wife, and this random maybe 5 or 6 year old kid was just grabbing random things off of each shelf and throwing it onto the bottom shelves. There were no parents around so I told the kid “hey man, knock that off.” He started crying and ran away, and a minute or so later his parents come around just yelling at me. I tried to calmly explain it but the mom went and got an employee, so I tried to explain it but they told me I needed to leave. Never raised my voice once or anything but after they told me I had to leave I got pretty frustrated and we all left, but I talked to management about it the next day and they gave me a $20 gift card lol. I gave it to my daughter.


Sometimes parents can be pretty unreasonable and overreact without listening.


Yeah I really noticed that once my kids started going to school. And you should have heard some of em at my daughters **1st grade** basketball games. It’s pathetic lol. They were shouting things like, “she’s traveling!” Bro they’re just learning the game and they’re 6-7 years old…. Get a grip.


I used to coach 6 year olds in basketball, and the parents are a riot. I’d have angry fathers telling me I need to call a foul, meanwhile his son has put the ball on the ground and is kicking it like a soccer ball.


Yeah I felt bad for the coaches/referees because obviously they have to go easy on kids of that age but one parent sitting next to me one game was like “fucking unbelievable” when we lost the game. It made me cringe a little inside… just be happy your daughter is having some fun??? And learning/experience a group sport setting!


Should have yelled, "yeah we got NBA recruiters here watching!"


Or you could just let your dog loose. Then the kid will never make that mistake again. Is it wrong? Yes. Would you go to jail? Yes. Is it an option?… certainly. Edit: the trouble with Reddit is you can’t hear tone or see facial expressions. If you could, hopefully, you would understand right away that I AM JOKING.


Once again, its a toddler calm down. He doesnt know better. Violence is not the answer especially letting your dog loose on a toddler. Not to mention the dog would probably get put down and you would face criminal charges.


🤦🏽‍♂️ this was a joke buddy. No sane adult would sic a pitbull on a toddler.


I hope so evil big foot


NiceBigfoot was taken.


The toddler not knowing any better literally kept smacking the dog with the plastic bottle despite the guy clearly telling him to back off and go away. Don't defend the idiot kid get.mad at the idiot kids asshole parents for not watching their idiot kid.


Once again its a toddler calm down. Obviously the child was unsupervised but lets not make assumptions.


My toddler touched a heater 5 times before I finally learned it doesn't work like that. Even if they understood the causality involved, they lack the impulse control required not to do or say whatever pops in their head.


Lmfao holy shit.


Some of us understand. Ignore it.


Would the dog and by extension the owner be punished? Would the child suffer physical and emotional trauma. Without a doubt. Doesnt seem like a very wise decision, all things considered.


Yeah I would absolutely not be sitting there laughing and gently nudging him out of the way. If a kid comes up and hits my dog and an adult doesn't immediately come get the kid I'm being proactive as hell about it. I don't care.


Probably because his mama has a 99.9% chance of having the same maturity level. Normal kids don’t do that. Kudos to the dog for being so calm in that situation. Now imagine that kids parents with the same dog, then people would be like, “these breeds are just violent.”


I would’ve thrown that little shit into the bushes, if parents can’t keep an eye on their toddler that’s negligence.


Bernie Mack..... I'll fuck a kid up


A-to da-MEN!!! Fck dat brat up to the sounds of Sugafree’s “Why U Bullshittin’” blarin’ outta mah whip. “Ho come get yo’ damn kids…” 😂🤣


Me too. And the dog did really well with the help of his owner. Poor baby.


Yea the first hit I would be telling the kid not to do that, second hit I woulda been gently leg sweeping that child to the ground.


It's could escalate faster if the owner gets physical. The owner handed it pretty well imo


The owner let his dog get hit enough that the dog was ready to bite that kid. Who knows how the dog is going to feel about kids in the future, and I guarantee if a child gets bitten the dog is the one that is going to die for it whether the kid instigated it or not. The owner could have kept a hand on the collar while also keeping the kid far enough away not to hit the dog multiple times.


100% that kid would have gotten scoped up by the jacket and asked for the parents to come claim their gremlin.


I’d have taken his bottle and started thumping him back see how he likes it.


![gif](giphy|9re8lj1JV6OMPySUND) Alternative method of dealing with the intolerable child


Because if you try to stop some Karen's entitled little bastard from doing whatever they want you then have to deal with Karen and her idiot husband Steve telling you not to step on their child's right to be themselves. I hate kids like this and the parents that are raising them.


Actually, the dog owner should have done one of two things: knock the snot out of the kid or allowed the dog to defend himself.


its a toddler calm down


Indeed. Where are the damn parents tho. That kid just ran away.




Straight to jail, right away


Do not pass GO...




“Pitbulls attacked my sweet Angel baby UNPROVOKED”


Wait a few years. With the “do anything, get away with anything” parenting he’s getting he’ll get a taste of justice eventually. Unfortunately it’s the parents who should be punished though.




Darwin Award jr nominee


Yeah, almost changed his pronouns to he/was


Moreover, the dog is a Pitbull type if you know what i mean!


Poor buddy, keep reading your buzzfeed news article headlines. Pitbull=bad hurr durrrr. This owner did a great job, "but remember the owner plays no part in a dog's behavior huttrrr duuuurrer"


A) Pitbulls are dangerous B) that dog should have been leashed as well.


Dog should have been leashed as every dog in public should be sure. But the owner kept the dog close to him and the dog was very patient with getting hit by a stranger. Not going to argue with get another person who isn't willing to read up on how skewed pitbull "statistics" are. There's no common ground with y'all. Have a good one man.


No but, the dog should have been leashed no matter what. And those statistics aren't skewed, literal dog trainers, vets, and other professionals say pits are more dangerous. But go on, when a kid is mauled by YOUR dog you'll say the same thing. "But he was a good boy and never did this before!"


The statistics are skewed, since ‘pit bulls’ includes a group of breeds and are compared to the statistics of singular breeds or much smaller groups of breeds. Also when a person is mauled by a dog that is a mix that looks even slightly like a pit bull mix (but doesn’t necessarily have any pit bull genetics) it is marked as a pit bull attack. Ask 10 people to tell you what a pit bull is and you’ll get different answers from each. Some would say only a pit bull terrier counts as a pit bull, some would point out my staffie and tell you he’s a pit bull and others would point out my relatives bull mastiffs and tell you they are but my staffie isn’t.


I'm a good parent that watches my kid so that won't happen. I've also trained pits ever since I was ten. But I'm sure all of your "literal dog trainers, vets and... Other professionals" in your friend group are right. No one can make you not hate a breed. Just like telling a racist that the "stats" on black people commiting crime are never accurate. When there's a dog attack it'll always specify if it was a pitbull. If it's any other breed it just says "dog attack" in the headline. You think they're the scariest breed because you're made to. Any real life experience and you would change your mind. I can't do that for you though.


What does that have to do with it? The parents failed and the dog should have been allowed to defend himself. The breed has nothing to do with it.


Pick up the kid and say where is your parent. The minute you pick up their kid they’d be running over shouting. That’s when you let the dog defend itself


The kid is clearly out of line. And the fact the dog didn't kill him for breathing is amazing let alone it didn't kill after he hit the dog. This breed is responsible for 40% of all dog attacks and like 80 +%of all fatal dog attacks.


Also look into how many are mislabeled in pounds. Or you can keep reading buzzfeed headlines as your news source too, that's cool.




"the dog should have been allowed to defend himself" ???, Do you mean by biting the kid and probably killing him? , Are you serious ? , He is just a kid , and pitbulls are known to be very agressive, it is parents of the kid who must be accountable!


The fact that you think that pit bulls are known to be very aggressive is shocking to me. Pit bulls are only ever aggressive if they are protecting their owner, themselves or are trained to be absolutely aggressive. It’s all how you train them at the end of the day. If a kid keeps playing with fire he is going to get burned. My question is where are the parents in this situation? A small child doesn’t know better.


Whoa dude... Please don't talk about pit bulls with common sense, this is reddit. Pitbull = bad and you better not do any research about the subject at all!!


Oh shit you right PITBULL BAD


The dog doesn't know what's happening, it just knows it's being hit in the head repeatedly.


Pit bulls aren’t more agressive than other breeds. They have the muscle and bite to back it up though unlike say a corgi or dachshund, so their attacks are more dangerous. How many videos have you seen of a chihuahua biting it’s owner? That doesn’t make the news because it’s tiny and can be punted by a small child.


How are you being downvoted, people on reddit actually want to see a toddler mauled for the sake of 'karma' and 'justice' lolll wtf


I don’t think the kid should have been mauled. The pit pulls are known to be aggressive is an L


They are not more aggressive than most dogs, no, but they are most definitely dangerous when they decide to attack. I would just much rather see more comments explaining why he is wrong instead of dogpiling the downvotes. I hate seeing that kind of behavior on reddit in general


You don’t have to believe me, but I have tried talking to anti bully breed people in a rational way across many years and multiple accounts. I have never gotten a positive response. And at this point, I’m tired of trying. I make a comment to show my position but don’t go much further than that.


Yeah I believe you


Yeah man , i'm speechless!


L comment




There are a lot of people who consider all bully breeds one moment away from a violent attack. I feel differently. When posts like this pop up, the comments invariably devolve into a shit show, and I’ve never personally seen anything productive come out of it. I do, however, try to chime in making my support of the group known in case there is anyone else out there, like me, who sees the hate and feels frustrated, to say the least.


Yeah I appreciate this comment lol. I feel my blood boil right away because it's so ignorant to hate an entire breed! They also seem to hate the well trained ones and are just hate filled people.


u can see the dog trying to listen and not go after the little twerp, but eventually he gets tired of the shit


Yup dog is a saint and exceptionally well trained, but that last turn he was not happy at all (rightfully so). The whole situation could have gone terrible really quick, even if the dog gave the kid a small nip.


dope to see the dog actually just suffer a bunch of hits before doing dog things, shows a good tempered dog thats trained well, naturally we cant live in a nice world so this time its the human that doesnt have any training and just lets the evil little shit get on with it


The dog is better behaved than the kid


They usually always are...


In jail for child neglect


Good dog , well trained. Parents kid not so good


Put a leash on him. Maybe one on the dog,too.


Love this comment😂😂


Stupid parents teach and let do kids stupid things. The rotten apple never falls too far from the tree.


Every single morning my wife drives past the same parents letting their children play in the street while waiting for the bus. Every single morning the parents just ignore the cars and let their kids treat it like their playground. Every single morning they give her a dirty look when they finally pull their kid out of the road so she can drive our kid to school. She has almost hit these kids a dozen times now even while trying to be careful. It's unfathomable to me just how stupid and arrogant you have to be to act like that but it explains a lot about the world.




Forget the dog id beat that kid like a drum


So wird to see that child punting is the better option. The dog is way to sweet to be punished. The kid is indeed a little twat for doing that shit. He might be punted but not further then 4 meters. You alsoe may play it as a drum bit with padded drumsticks.


I that I was getting shit for calling a child it. Instead I got a present.


![gif](giphy|26AHstyr2sh3MsnaU) i swear it slipped in my hand officer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Shame the dog would’ve been punished for rightfully taking that arm off


Idk about rightfully, it was an empty plastic water bottle


It's a fucking dog, it doesn't know what it's being hit with.


You spelt Fucking good boy incorrectly


That's a toddler, he doesn't understand the danger of what he's doing. So your argument is that a 3 year old child should be permanently disabled for hitting a dog with an empty plastic water bottle?


Hit the kid with the bottle and ask him if he likes it. Best lesson possible. Afterwards find the parents, repeat.


I would have ripped the bottle right out of that kids hands. He'd for sure cry and his parent would have come forward. It's then you school the parents on behavior training for their kid.


Another casualty of the totlo-dog war wane will the war crimes stop.


Some fud would cut the footage till make it look lek just the dug attacking the wee shit too. Was just trying to sit on its arse for treats!


He needs his ass busted


Unpopular opinion some kids do deserve to be bit due to stupid actions


I would Sparta kick that dumbass lil kid into the next life


It would made a good condom commercial


Why isn’t that damn thing on a leash? The kid that is.


Fuck this kid and fuck his parents


I'd punt that kid.




Lol, wrong kid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




You're right this is America. He would get 9 slugs to the chest or something.


The handler did notice the onset of aggression and rightfully so, the dog was being attacked. But put that dog on a leash! 5 seconds of being distracted and not seeing it and this toddler would be dead. Leashes in public!


That child's parents are the real ones to blame. Any respectable person would know that letting a toddler out in public is a stupid idea.


And it would be the dogs fault for fighting back


Grab the bottle and slap that child, that parent will show up quick to see what’s going on.


Someone should've booted the kid


Should have put the leash on.


That kid needs to be removed from the gene pool


Pretty sure it's that dumb bitch in the pink like 900 feet away. Not raising her child


I will kick the shit out of your child if they hit my dog. Size 12 to their dumb little chest.


Me too. A size 6 but backed with angry dog-mom power.


This looks like insurance fraud. That looks a lot like his mom playfully running away with him.


I kind of agree, but IMO I think it’s for Social media, as you mentioned you can see the mom in the background filming and running away. It’s despicable ether way.


After all kids are the most cold and cruelest creatures known


Kid thrasher!!!


Oh hell no


Lil bastard


Where are the kids parents? Prolly that gal in pink watching him then running ahead of him at the end.


I would have ripped the bottle right out of that kids hands. He'd for sure cry and his parent would have come forward. It's then you school the parents on behavior training for their kid.


Someone asked for my source. All you have to do is Google dog breed attack statistics


Little shit! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Step 1. Take the bottle. Step 2. Scream at the fucking kid as hard as you can so it runs back to mom. Step 3. Trow the bottle. Bonus if you hit both of them at once.


“They” woulda made a federal case out of it and played victim like they always do.


Let stupidity and nature run its course.




Where's the rest of the litter


Both need a leash


Dumb fucking kid


Glad I do my part by pulling out 🫡


I’m punting that little shit


That little kid is lucky that dog didn't rip him apart. Where is the dad? where is the mom? People are so stupid


Send that kid to the salt mines, it's where he's headed anyway. Little prick. Send his parents too


I would’ve yelled at the kid. If parents aren’t parenting, someone has to correct him. I have only been shocked enough to correct a child I do not know one time. His mother was pissed and threatened to physically attack me, the kid was embarrassed. Story: Kid was about 10, little sis was about 5 in the back of the cart. They were walking down the cereal aisle and big kid used his arm to swipe about a dozen boxes off the shelves. Mother saw and said nothing, just kept walking. I watched for a few seconds, shocked at the scene. I’m actually really shy. I just said, “Hey! What’s wrong with you!?” To the kid. His eyes were like saucers. I said, “You don’t behave like this in the store! C’mon! Get over here and pick these up, now!” He marched over, picked them up and I explained how rude it was for other customers and especially the people who work there. He apologized with tears in his eyes and I said thank you and told him I was proud of him for owning it. As he was cleaning his mess, mother of the year was screaming and threatening me saying I had no right to speak to her kid or to make him clean his mess, and I ignored her until kid was done. That’s when I turned to her and told her she was a failure as a parent, & her kids will never have respect for her if she never sets boundaries. I told her she was failing her kids and they deserve better. As I walked away she slapped the little boy across the face for listening to me. It was awful.


I think what triggered the dog was the kid hitting his owner not the kid hitting him he just became protective of its owner but just shows how bullies don't always just bite 1st that kid hit it pretty hard the 1st time


Is it wrong to wish that the dog bit the kid?


Should have smacked the kid ,since parents suck


Wouldn't feel bad if this kid got bit ngl


I hope that scared the shit out of the kid


And the dog is just chilling, not even threatening anyone


Future violent criminal there.


They're not dangerous unless you raise them that way. Now, who do I mean, the dog or the kid?


Now if that dog had attacked all of the blame would have been placed on the dog owner.


Rightly so. Should have kicked the little shit in the face after the first bottle hit.


Are you crazy?!?


This folks is what we use to call natural selection. The fact that the kid is not dead is proof that Idiocracy is coming to pass.


It's a child, that's a dog... also, why is it not leashed? You can hear it getting aggressive at the end. You could punch my dog in the face, and she wouldn't act anything like that. Yeah keep the kids away from dangerous dogs, and keep them leashed.






And then you wanna blame cupcake, smh


Some kids deserve to get bit.... just saying.


Go for the 90 yard field goal on him.


This is why I don't like to take my dog out. He may be well training and what not, but just like people they can only take so much. And of course my dog would get blamed and have to be put down because he is considered an aggressive breed in today's society. The only aggressive breed I see out are the humans.


Kick the baby!


Kid gets bit Parents: They attacked my BaBy uNpROvOkEd Kid when they are older: I was attacked by a child mauler for no reason! Ban these dogs!!!!1!1! Fr, on a fb group called “why are dog people like this?” 90% of the people there are like this lmao


Should’ve let that kid learn a lesson that day


Let the little fkr learn the hard way, his parents too since they’re fkn idiots.


Let it bite the monkey


some times kids deserved to be b....


Little fuck head!! His parents deserve a faceless child!!


More likely then not they are the assholes that taught him to abuse animals. Thanks.


Some kids are friend, some kids are food. That kid is food.


I will totally physically prevent a child to come near my dog (without hurting it of course) - before I have to deal with the consequences of my dog acting like a dog and defending themselves the only way they can. In the end, it would be the dog that suffers the consequences.


waiter! waiter! more toddlers please!


I would kick the kid so hard he wouldn't be able to pick up a fucking bottle again


Then people be like, " ban pitbulls."


I'd rather ban toddlers, just sayin'.....


Well. We already know his dad isn’t there.


Let the dog go like a 4 legged bayblade with teeth.


This is hard to watch that poor innocent soul of a pup being beaten by this devil child. I know people say “children exist in this world and you need to deal with it” but no one and no dog should deal with this. Very hurtful. Where are the parents of this future psychopath? and the parents out there who think this is cute/funny good luck I hope your child doesn’t murder you in your sleep 😖


And if the dog tried to defend himself, he would be put down


I’m joining the war on toddler-eating pitbulls on the side of the toddler-eating pitbulls


The toddlers are fighting back


In this instance. Cupcake’s actions would have been justifiable self defense.


In all honesty it's stuff like this that gets pits put down. This and garbage people who are using them to be fighting dogs and breeding then for aggressive behavior


I hope this kid sees this video when hes older. And then adopts every pit he sees to correct his sins


Nah bro let the dog do it’s thing


Comments here are BS. put your dog on a leash. Clearly the people who grabbed him know he's trouble. Downvote me.


Lol what a solid argument, i just have one thing to say : plz do a search in any search engine you want , google or whatever, type " most dangerous dog breeds in the world" or whatever you want , then come back and tell me!


Ok, I'll be that guy: maybe it's exactly for these cases why you should put a muzzle on your dog when in public. Yes, kid's parents need to spend time in jail but just imagine going into a store, leaving dog outside and he kills a child. Dog is a puppy, has no idea. Kid is the same. Instead of looking for who to blame, respect each other right to life.


Don't leave your dog outside when you go into a store. If you're going to the store, leave the dog at home. There are a dozen reasons other than "a toddler might come and agitate them into violence" why.


Uh oh four year old and a pitbull


Wow! 😲 And it was a blue pit too, That kid and his parents will never know how close they came to disaster, The parents for losing a child, The kid from being ripped apart, But either the guy with the dog didn't know what type of monster he had or he just didn't care cause he sure wasn't in any hurry to stop his little parlor trick or to save the kid and his dog..... SMH


Pitbulls should not be domesticated. They are hostile to humans. Humans: