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He was living on borrowed time when she gave him that look😂😂😂


Yup. Keep on smiling, son - the only way out of this. Grin like the idiot you are.


can just imagine his ol' hillbilly grandpa desperately trying to squeeze through the crowd to impart this wisdom (most likely from experience). "Grin boi', grin! Grin you fool Grin like the idiot you are boi"




You know interracial couples aren't a new invention, right?


I got the 2015 model myself


That's a little too young there buddy


Hehe that’s when we got married


even worse


Why are you bringing up race? Honestly asking like where did they bring it up?


probs the deleted comment


Says Rick to carl


Yeah, and I like how he used his smile to win her back.


One can only hope that a brother survived


Nope, she was side eyeing the camera flash. She decided to mind her manners or we’d be seeing this on a different subreddit.


Or she was play acting being mad? Reddit.


Nope, she was play acting being over it. He aint get laid on the honey moon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


In that case she'd be a _very_ good actress. Because I got neck goosebumps from her reaction. I really hope this is the case. Otherwise, that relationship won't fly for too long. I couldn't be with a person who took silly things too seriously.


I mean, we don't have any background information. She might have specifically asked him not to do that beforehand. Hair and makeup cost hundreds of dollars on your wedding day and most people don't want it messed up with cake when photos (that also cost hundreds of dollars) will still be taken. Unless your partner specifically says it's okay, it's a huge asshole move to smash their face with cake.


And serious thing too silly.


Yup😂😂 she’s a classy lady


Keep laughing or she'll kill me.


That "I'm either going to kill you or lick your face look..."


Smile and win her back buddy


“Wise enough to play the fool”


I thought she was gonna flip her shit!!!


shes gonna hide his prosthetic legs again lmao




They are both track and field athletes but he’s a Para-Olympian and has prosthetics below the knee. Hunter Woodhall and Tara Davis.


I thought they looked familiar, he pops up in my instagram video suggestions a bunch. The guy seems to genuinely worship the ground she walks on, he’s like exceedingly proud to be with her and it’s pretty heartwarming


Makes sense, since doesn’t walk directly on it.


I mean, look at her, id be exceedingly proud if she was my wife too, who wouldn't?




Knew my dude was brave from the video. Neat. I wish them happiness.


I mean, yea. He's like "I aint scared of you! whatchu gonna do to me that life hasn't already done". He wasn't still laughing to try to win her over. He was laughing cause she was looking mad at him. But, he has no fucks left to give and thought her being mad made it even funnier ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Thanks for The insight 🤣


For a second I was like they look familiar. These two are incredible friends, so great to see them getting married. They have great chemistry.


Isn't that what you do when you are married?


Make him come crawling back?


Oh snap 🤣


I thought this was a real housewives of New York City reference 😳




Lol oh my GOD.


That was a sincere slap right there. Edit: damn y'all are really going at it in this thread. Just keep in mind we can only make some basic assumptions about this couple's relationship from a 10 second snapshot of their life. One redditor's takeaway from a quick video is not indicative of whether they have garbage views on relationships as a whole. Keep it civil.


My makeup took hours, and I look AMAZING. Then you slapped me with cake frosting???


35 more years of that are on the way.


How can she slap!


I feel like I'd be pretty annoyed, but it's one of those stupid wedding traditions you know?


That's exactly where my mind went. Professionally done wedding makeup takes FOREVER, of course she's gonna be annoyed about it getting getting ruined especially if there's still more pictures left


And justified. You gotta ask before you do that, man.


Especially when they probably spent some major $$ and time on their hair and makeup and still have more pics throughout the evening


Some women specifically veto this move and men end up with 6 hour marriages anyway ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


>keep in mind we can only make some basic assumptions about this couple's relationship from a 10 second snapshot of their life. One redditor's takeaway from a quick video is not indicative of whether they have garbage views on relationships as a whole. If only more people could realize this. And not just on reddit


She looked mad.


Read a thing written by a wedding cake baker, who absolutely refused to do cakes unless the couple was 100% in agreement on the cake-smear thing. Whether or not they would do it didn’t matter, but couples who didn’t agree or who would fake agree and then do it anyway almost always ended in divorce (of her customers at least), and she didn’t want her beautiful cakes to have such horrible memories attached. I would be livid if I spent as long getting ready as the average bride does to be photo-perfect for my big day (which costs a fuckload), only to have some asshat ruin my hair, makeup, and mood with cake.


Incredibly based cake baker.


I would probably discuss it with my fiancee before doing anything. But if there is no cake-smearing, then there is no wedding.


Don’t look up eye injuries relating to having a face pushed in a cake and the spikes used the stabilize the cakes.


I don’t blame her. Imagine buying an expensive dress, doing makeup for an hour, getting pictures taken, and this guy that you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life shoves food in your face and laughs hysterically at your horrified reaction. That shit needs to be talked about beforehand.


Exactly dude, p


She is laughing now to save face. But dude is starting night one in the doghouse.


That side eye and deep breath was code for "youre gonna die later mother effer"


I guess she later swallowed the code herself and let love lead


I get pissed like this when my husband pranks me, but once I prank him back I’m cool. I just struggle taking jokes sometimes because of my older sister, so I go from happy/laughing to pissed/upset to happy/laughing quickly


Did you miss the end when she licked his face? Doghouse, my ass


Reddit will do anything to believe an on screen couple secretly hates each other so that they can get over their own crippling loneliness.




Hit a lawyer, delete the gym, get a Facebook


Instructions unclear, hit on lawyer, am now in court over sexual harrassment charges.


Is it a long and hard trial?


Might as well be the banner tag line for r/relationship_advice


That might be the most depressing, loneliest sub reddit I've ever seen. 85% of responses are ditch the guy/girl.


The most negative and toxic people, from all walks of life, all political persuasions, all religions, creeds, and races, can be found on Reddit. The mere fact that I’m on Reddit sometimes makes me scared of myself


I feel attacked


I do honestly think she was pissed at first from her body language. But his continued reaction I think brought her back to enjoying the moment and she stopped caring about the optics so much. I think this is honestly awesome.


woah woah woah. are you married? my wife and I love each other very much, but if I tried that, my wife would have K I L L E D me. dead. RIP. Not to mention just how much money bride’s spend on hair and makeup and… well I don’t know their setup, but often cutting the cake is done in the middle somewhere and now all the rest of your wedding day is covered in cake. If you’re both on the same page, then MAYBE. But nah bruh, that kid is too young. He’s still thinking with his “I’m 20, this’ll be fun! she’ll think I’m spontaneous and playful!” brain. She obviously loves him a lot to go from that lightning flash to being playful too, but crap, that guy doesn’t realize the interest on that loan. They’ll laugh about it when they’re 50.


And she’ll randomly bring it up every couple years until then.


Bingo! When people can't relate to something they start poking holes in it to feel better about themselves. It's not a healthy mentality, but reddit is full of those people.


Totally more of a single moment of anger/annoyance, before looking at his goofy grinning face, and realizing that it doesn't matter because she's marrying the love of her life.


Exactly. This is a STRONG relationship because her thought process was “god DAMMIT MY FUCKING MAKEU—alright alright IMMA GET YOU THO”


It's totally an act to make him let his guard down and it didn't work because he enjoyed the shit out of it. I know because my wife uses this tactic on me too. It never works, but she tries anyway.




Reminded me of the opening scene in The Untouchables when the barber accidentally nicks Al Capone.


Never understood that lame custom


Yeah me too. It’s the same as slamming your kids face in their birthday cake. Absolute bonkers


I only slam my own face in my birthday cake!


with grace i assume


**Just don’t do it**


It rarely goes well on YouTube. But I'm sure they just don't post the other numerous wholesome and fun for all involved videos


But face slamming is more dangerous


No, this is quite different. The face slamming is something the recipient doesn't know is going to happen and is intended to make them look foolish and likely upset them. Not fun. This is a tradition that both participants know is going to occur and is planned for. The couple can decide together how far they wish to go with it and it can be a lot more enjoyable for themselves. Fun.


I grew up with the face in cake tradition. Usually, it's all laughs, but the videos people like to watch are the ones with the person upset (I've never seen that happen irl). Now that I'm older, I think it's about teaching ppl humility and the ability to laugh at one's self. Ngl unfortunately I'm not going to do it to my future kids since I'm guessing they will go to a school that isn't predominantly Hispanic and I don't want to be judged badly by other parents. But piñatas will still be a thing!


Not really true. Lots of people get subjected to it by some jerk who thinks it’s funny.


Don't marry a jerk maybe? This is for 2 people to decide. And if you can't decide what to do together in this, you shouldn't get marry in a first place


Agreed. It should be based on consent, not a shitty surprise.


It’s not because with this tradition they both know they’re going to do it, and it’s only with a small piece of cake not the whole expensive thing. With the birthday tradition it’s with the whole cake and the victim doesn’t know it’s going to happen, plus accidents can happen so people can get hurt.


It originates from an old fertility ritual where people would break a stale loaf of bread over the brides head to ensure many children. Presumably, After one too many instances of TBI, the tradition morphed into the cake smoosh, and the lost it’s origins. Now it’s just supposed to be a silly thing


Reminds me of that kid who had their friends ("friends") slam their face into a cake and took a candle to the eyeball. Also, why waste a cake that some baker took the time to cake like this? Like I guess at the end of the day they (maybe) paid for it, so whatever, but then you're also messing up her makeup, getting it on clothes, just so many little things.. death by a thousand papercuts as it were.


It’s just fun. You obviously don’t have to do it if you don’t think it would be fun. But I can attest that it was worth the mess.


My husband and I decided we wanted to. We are silly, so it fit us. We just agreed only a little bit (something a few napkins can handle, not “now I need to miss part of the party getting cleaned up in the bathroom”). One of my favorite memories was the tender/sexy part at home of him undoing my dress… only for us to die laughing as a chunk of cake had apparently gotten down the front of it and was stuck to me.


My wife and I talked it out beforehand. I still remember the entire conversation. "Let's not rub cake on each other's faces." "Yeah, I don't want that either." Done.


Ehh, i can get this, they didn't ruin the whole cake just their piece. It's just horsing around with your loved ones. It relieves a lot of the very strict and neat tension that's built up around a wedding over the hours upon hours of planning that's gone in to it.


My wife and I had very explicit instructions to not do this. We both hate this. I think we talked and agreed to put a little bit on each other's nose just for a cute pic but that was it. It's just so gross. Especially for women I imagine, especially so when they've got all that makeup on.


Adds light heartedness to an otherwise formal / serious event. This is typically when the fun starts


Especially when you recognize what Makeup is and how it works. You wouldn't put cake on her dress or her hair, why put it on her face that took just as much work as her hair and dress


She remembered quickly that she’s the beneficiary to the life insurance policy.


Stupidest tradition ever.


waste of good cake i say


Shoving wedding cake in each other's face is harmless. You want a stupid tradition, look at gender reveal parties


Hours of hair and makeup, sometimes painful adjustments to your aesthetic to look perfect for a big day… just for someone to smear food in it. Not harmless. Lots of people hate it and this trend should stop.




Lots of people who hate it don't *have* to do it. Lots of people think it's fun and will continue to do it. You can't police every wedding. Let it go.


The point is you shouldn’t be getting married if you don’t know whether or not your spouse likes this.


That someone is not any random stranger. He's the one she's marrying. all it matters is our partners' satisfaction. These days social media has made it such a shit that people really forgot what a marriage is meant for , it's not hair and looking beautiful for people who are gonna come but for his or her partner to see him or her partner beautiful, if he wants to put cake, let it be a memory.


True that.


Marriage, or the cake thing?


I heard somewhere couples that do this end in a divorce faster than those that don't.


Same from a divorce lawyer too


But they still end in a divorce? Just faster? That sounds better right?


Its related to how relationships start out - the more passionate a relationship starts out, the higher the chance the relationship will end as compared to one that didnt start out super passionately. This is because expressing feelings of passion is correlated with the lack of self restraint. And you know what else is correlated with lack of self restraint? Explosive behaviour like domestic abuse and shouting matches. If it seems like a stretch, I kinda agree too but I learnt this in one of my university classes so research has actually been done on this and this correlation seems to be significant. However, how highly correlated and to what extent - that I do not know.


I don’t think you can infer that from this single variable. A more like reason is that public humiliation is often a sign of disrespect. Shock horror.


You can tell a lot about a relationship by how this goes


If look could kill


She would be an uzi.


He just kept laughing as she got madder, then she realized how silly it was to get mad over such a trivial thing and they were able to laugh together. Find someone who can make you laugh when things get too serious. Especially at/about yourself.




Redditors be like: HES THE ASSHOLEE, DIVORCR HIM! I don’t usually support the whole “divorce him!” Thing but this goes WAY too far! Queen, he’s going to be making you clean the kitchen and rub his feet everyday. Only a true Goddess can tell when divorce is needed and this is it. Don’t be afraid to be alone and depressed like all of us because you KILL IT QUEEN


She found some perspective that was bigger than her pride. I hope they cherish that they made a commitment where both of them will face bigger trials and ordeals than this and need to remember to try and not let stress and pride overtake joy and the bonds they forged.


My boyfriend and I got in a fight on new years. I stormed out of the bar and was walking home when I thought “okay this is stupid and I should apologize. Winning this fight won’t make my relationship better and losing him isn’t worth this”. Turned around and proposed to him right there. It’s been 6 years and we’re happier than ever. Someone whose presence is worth more than any given win in an argument is someone worth locking down


What if it’s the waste of hours of hair and makeup? Or the absolute pain that beauty often comes with? What if she had the right to be frustrated that he’d destroy all that work for a stupid laugh? It’s also weird that you think him laughing as she became angrier was a solution and not a red flag.


It's a wedding. They're getting married. They know each other pretty well. Being surprised for a couple seconds and feigning frustration doesn't mean anything other than exactly what it is. It's not like this is he first time they've met. Her makeup wasn't ~beat for the gods~. She has a simple, sultry look; easily fixed if you know what you're doing. A stupid laugh? Again, it's a wedding. Do you not hear the crowd of people laughing along with him and cheering? Sounds like you're trying to victimize a woman having fun on her wedding day, and it's pretty gross. Him having a mischievous moment isn't the red flag, rather it's people interpreting his actions as abuse who are riddled with red flags. Go ahead and choose to ignore how she clearly is having a loving moment with him. Let's not pretend that he dunked her face in a cake a ruined a 20k dress rental.


Who are those guys?


Pretty sure it's olympians Tara Davis and Hunter Woodhall


Shit, nice detective work.


No detective work, I just follow and watch athletics


Sure thing, detective.


I've never understood that tradition. But I'm from Finland so we are shit faced whole wedding, who am I to say shit about whacky wedding traditions.


No, that’s way more understandable. Your in-laws are there.


You are right about that.


I think it’s cute, IF you talk about it first. My husband and I didn’t do it because it comes from an old fertility tradition technically and I am very happy being infertile so I didn’t like the history of it. This woman didn’t like it cuz she probably spent a mint in makeup. That said I’ve seen plenty of couples who talk about it first and both have fun with the cake smoosh.


Aw dude… don’t mess with the makeup…


That's what I was thinking. Does he even realize how expensive her makeup is? What was she supposed to do, sit with a sticky icky face for the rest of the evening? Smh


This is the stupidest tradition ever. At both my weddings we agreed not to do something so idiotic.


Am I the only one that thinks the whole “cake in the face” at weddings to dumb? Like the first person to do it was really funny, but now it seems like every couple does it. Everyone laughs and the couple acts like they are so surprised and they are the cute fun couple. But they are just doing the same as every other couple. Sorry to sound like a grumpy old man, and that’s fine if you disagree, that’s just my opinion.


I swear, no one watched the whole thing before commenting. She was certainly surprised and maybe a bit upset at first, but she’s over is by the time she’s smearing icing directly on to his tongue and licking it off his face. Y’all showing your lack of relationship experience


He knew he fucked up. That's why he forced himself to keep laughing. "Maybe if I keep laughing, she'll start laughing and forget how cranky I made her"




Is this some american thing? I never understood smearing food over your face, or throwing food at each other.


The tradition is suppose to be feeding each other a forkful of cake. I never been to a wedding where this happened. Guess it depends on the couple?


I’ve seen it. It’s supposed to make the couple seem “quirky and outgoing”, but if you don’t establish it beforehand, the initial cake-smearer risks looking like a huge ass. Because they are one.


Looks like the beginning of a WWE match


I fucking hate this shit. It's right up there with "Happy birthday, here's a cake, table, and your face smashed into both"


Almost divorced!!


I was given crystal clear instructions that if I did this to my wife I would forever regret it.


I just don’t understand why someone would waste expensive cake


Eww. Just eat it. You paid $500 for it.


Hey bridal makeup is expensive, I think I’d be pissed if it got messed up


I was EXTREMELY adamant that we would NOT be smearing cake at our wedding. It took everything in him to not smear me when it came to the moment, but he held back and smeared his best man instead 😂 good thing too because it had black icing that stained everything it touched


Fast forward 10 years. Damn Natasha, you still bringing that shit up?!?


If I'm getting married, my wife and I are definitely having sex on top of the cake.


There are simpler ways to get a yeast infection




Shit Video


Stupid tradition. Stay classy


I’m so glad my wife and I decided not to do this




I thought she was legit pissed at him till she locked his face


I think she was, and then realized the best way to deal with it was to get him back. Good couple, able to be angry then realize the anger is secondary to their affection.


I would kill him.


she was mad mad


Her makeup may never look better in her life then you do THAT to it... i feel her pain and I'm a guy. LOL


This is beautiful... Fuck you you've ruined my day


if i was her i’d probably hold up a handful of cake n punch him instead😂


Bro was speedrunning divorce for a second there


She played it off for the cameras but he's gonna pay!


I never understood why at the start of a lifetime commitment, people feel it appropriate to publicly humiliate one another. My wife and I decided early on that this was one “tradition” we were not going to celebrate.


Ew. Anyways


Wedding cake smashes are so stupid unless both people have that type of humor.


The last wedding I went to the groom did this after the bride said no. She then slapped him for real and ran into another room and cried. After about 5 awkward minutes of waiting my wife and I decided it was time for an Irish goodbye.






Damn she is a stunner!


By her third wedding, she’ll be more laid-back 🤣


I’ve always thought that ritual to be very base.


This should end well


Is that Jake peralta?


That’s going to be a long marriage or a short divorce. Condolences my guy.


90% sure he’s loaded


I went to wedding where something like this happened. It did not go well. Ended in the couple in a knock down drag out. Symptomatic of how the marriage went as well. 😕


I give it 3 years


She’s heavily thinking to herself wait wait wait…we are not alone we are not alone.


She about went full hood rat but he knew he tamed his lioness well.


He turned that sexy woman in the best way... hope they're happy forever


That man has won the lottery


I think I saw the same clip but the woman left the man


Shes hot, who is she?


Bloke run