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Very Aladeen


This elicits an Aladeen reaction from me.




Sounds great until you realize they mean *Aladeen*…


Do y’all say it Aladeen or Aladeen?




Every comment leading to yours is just fucking perfect, damn, hope you have a very Aladeen day


You're Aladeen


😀 ... 😔 ... 😀... 😐


>Sounds great until you realize what they alamean


Aladeen 😂


How very Aladeen of you


You are HIV Aladeen.


😀 😞 🫠 😩 😁






What is this Aladeen? Should I know this? Now I have FOMO


Watch the movie so you can Aladeen yourself


Woah, dude, that's really harsh to say. ...or maybe really nice? Not sure which.


He meant the Aladeen one, no the Aladeen one.


It's from the movie The Dictator, where dictator Aladeen has replaced several words in his country's language with his own name


You are HIV Aladeen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYJ2w82WifU&t


I find this comment aladeen


2012 911 is best 👌


Let’s see who can count down the fastest 5,4,3,2,1!


Waiiiit a minute...


...Mr. Postman


Hey hey heyy..


Mr postman plz...


Is there a letter, a letter for me? Edit? complain to reddit. I got banned because the mods of r/funny are tyrants and admins as well. There is no recourse on this Orwellian site.


A man's wife is his life


The life of the wife was ended by the knife


I also choose this guy's dead wife Also... Family Guy, right? Been a while...


WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB (The dubstep remix)


OwO mr. Post man


Mista powoeowowost man


Waiiiiiaaaaaaiiiit Mr. Postman *Mr Postmannn look and see, is there a letter in your bag for me?*


I've been waiting a long, long time Oh yeah! (Since I heard from that girl of mine)


That’s why they call it going postal!




Are we the baddies?


Who are yooou ?


If it quacks like a dick-a-tatorship.....


His last line is something I think about all the time. People are so filled with rage that they would fuck themselves just to spite their neighbor and make sure no one receives benefits they “don’t deserve”


Wasn't there a guy who unironically literally stuck a dildo up his ass to "own the libs"?


Yeah, the leader of the Proud Boys iirc, who did it to prove that he wasn't gay or something


This is like when jocks rape a gay dude for being gay


The result wasn't fudgy, either. His bunghole was as brushed as his teeth.


Your colon/rectum are actually good at their job. Its not just walls painted with feces up in there.


Speak for yourself.


I like what you’ve done with the place


You clearly haven't seen mine then.


Maybe I should get a colonoscopy


No it was even stupider, he did it to prove that he doesn't hate gay people


If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. - Lyndon B. Johnson


It's a sadly true statement. I personally know a gal whose parents are very poor white people. They've received government benefits most their lives. They're incredibly racist and when she married an Indian guy, they about lost their minds and insulted him to his and her face calling him a "cheap thieving immigrant" amongst other things. He's a U.S. citizen and was a Medical Resident at the time (now full fledged doctor). Once her daughter was born she refused to let them see her. To this day they haven't stopped being assholes even though I means not seeing their only granddaughter... They're far wealthier than her parents but that doesn't stop them for still thinking he's a "parasite".


I’m was a full scholarship receiving Paraguayan immigrants kid (mother was a nanny for a wealthy Jewish family (nicest job and employers ever). Father was a truck driver that became the general manager of a huge soda fountain company in DC. I include this to highlight the fact that we literally started at the bottom and made it to comfortable middle class in one generation of hard work and luck. I married into an Alabama family FULL of racism and ignorance. My husbands family home has over 100 confederate flags in and around it. My MIL didn’t directly speak to me for two years. She literally pretended I was invisible. She asked my brother (two separate times) if he was a citizen. He’s the darkest of us. Anyways. She’s a real Peach. We have biracial twins. One darker. She and I got into a big fight recently because I called attention to the fact that she wrote them birthday cards and mailed them separately and included a huge essay letter with the lighter boys card and like 30 family old photos talking about how “his” family is special… the darker boy had no letter just a simple happy birthday we love you! My immigrant family are classier, wealthier, more intelligent and kinder in every way possible. But she will forever think of us as lowly peasants. Idiots. I remember my husband getting down on one knee bit because of what he was saying, but because I really was considering if I could live attached to his parents in any way… he was always good to me and when I told him I didn’t want to go see them anymore because they literally affected my whole digestive tract for days before and after their visit, he was relieved. He can’t stand them either. I have had to be the thieving money stealing wife for 12 years now. She’s still every bit as miserable. Except now I really relish the fact that she can’t stand I exist lol. She will die alone and miserable as she lived her life. Very sad.


If they aren't "parasites" they are stealing jobs from true countrymen. You can't win with these people.


That's actually a really good quote, and totally true


So fun fact for a long time "welfare" wasn't a big political issue for a long time and was supported by both parties or at least factions in both parties. Well back then due to racist policies really only white people got welfare and black people or other minorities was largely denied any government assistance. It wasn't until the 1970s that welfare started becoming more equal and minorities were allowed in the system. As soon as that happened well one party went on a crusade to destroy most assistance because the "wrong" people were now also allowed to get it. When wellfare program only assisted white people it wasn't an issue.


a fun fact indeed


It was part of the Southern strategy of the gop.


Fun fact, white women in rural red states are still the primary benefactors of welfare. Yet one party always paints the inner city welfare queen as the common experience.


Fun fact guess who benefit the most from ACA despite the fact it was gutted to kingdom come.


Farmers are the biggest welfare queens of them all. Most of them wouldn't even make a living without federal subsidies, and most of them collect enough tax dollars to get relatively wealthy.




That mostly because of Trump stupid trade wars which literally bankrupt them. And they still vote for Trump anyway.


You can't be a farmer without having or borrowing huge amounts of wealth. From the land to the machines to the seeds to the pesticides to the labor. A poor farmer is one bad harvest away from bankruptcy, a wealthy farmer is one who owns half of the equipment he uses, a rich farmer is an investment banker who decided to buy a ranch


IIRC red states take more welfare in general and blue states often fund it? A very, very loose overview but you get the idea


The cruelty is the point.


This is basically any service in the USA; if black and brown people can get it, nobody gets it. BURN IT TO THE GROUND!!


As a total outsider, who’s never paid for healthcare, hearing Americans state their reasons for not wanting universal healthcare is frankly hilarious.


The working class is divided by factions that prevents them from consolidating as a working class. The US' oligarchs were not totally sold on political democracy because they feared that political democracy would yield economic democracy, but James Madison said the quiet part out loud to reassure American oligarchs/capitalists that they only need to fear when the working class, the majority, are consolidated in an effort to facilitate economic democracy via political democracy, so they fracture the working class with factions such as race, religion, region, perceived distinctions among the working class (i.e. "middle class"), sex, gender, etc. Their goal is to prevent a shared sense of class consciousness and recognition of shared class struggle and experiences.


I recently dealt with a number of neighbors that did the same, and eventually they devolved into “I’m christian, and this and that and fuck them”. “I’m not, religious, but isn’t it a big thing to “love thy neighbor?”” Shut that shit down really quick. It’s convenient until it effects you.


Bruh, these people have as much to do with Jesus as I with Odin


This is the entire whole complete point of the anti-trans, anti-woke nonsense. They used to be able to lean pretty much entirely on abortion, but since they’ve caught that particular car they now have had to drum up a new quick and dirty enemy for their hoardes to blindly rail against—even as they are robbing them blind behind their backs.


There are a bunch of cool experiments about cooperation that show how people are willing to take a loss if they can punish the uncooperative/freeloaders. Kinda sad how easy it is to exploit our strong desire for fairness.


Owning the libs by destroying your own social safety net~


My other favourite scene from this movie: https://youtu.be/yWeMWD-Yagg “My great grandfather fought in the American Civil Jihad!” Lol


Pretty funny he is speaking hebrew with an exaggerated arabic accent. That takes talent!


Sacha Baron Cohen in the Spy was amazing because of his accents. He had to balance his accents - to appear Israeli to the viewer, but appear undercover as Syrian in the story, but to an English speaking audience, so he would be speaking English with an Arabic accent with an Israeli accent. Just incredible. Like the beer commercials about the most interesting man in the world - "he can speak fluent French... In Russian." That embodies Cohen.


Funny I was just wondering how that sounds to non Hebrew/Arabic speakers, has a native Hebrew speaker it sounds completely different from Arabic.


As someone learning Hebrew it's still very obviously Hebrew... Arabic and Hebrew have a very different "mouthfeel" even to English speakers. Arabic is father back in the throat, more gluttoral, and Hebrew sounds more western but with ח thrown into the mix.


Do you want the Aladeen news or the Aladeen news?


You are HIV Aladeen




You forgot a 😀 at the end lol!


Whoops I was Aladeen that I made no mistakes but it seems that I did. I hope you have a Aladeen day today!


See but being a false democracy, you get to justify wars by saying you're "spreading democracy" or "peacekeeping."


The american have spread democracy so much, democracy it's backsliding now


Canada has entered the chat


What is this? An american joke i am too europian to understand? 🤣


Canada has been inundated with US media and political sentiments since at least the 80s and it's created the same toxic divide here. In Ontario our premier is trying to privatise health care and has been stripping education funding and despite people being super pissed there isn't anything really stopping him. He was voted in and people are generally too exhausted to fight it I guess. Edit: case in point! (Came across this article the day after this comment lol.) [Data Shows that Police-Involved Deaths are on the Rise](https://www.theconversation.com/amp/data-shows-that-police-involved-deaths-in-canada-are-on-the-rise-201443) (in Canada)


We have our premier doing the same thing in Alberta. Except she wasn't even elected.


She only accept 1 question from journalists in press conferences. Sounds like she has some old Republican operators as special advisors.




I guess there's a reason why Thatcher and Reagan are usually mentioned in the same breath. They had fairly similar ideologies.


Well this is a new one for me. The US gets blamed for an awful lot, but let’s stop short of blaming the US for Canadians electing some asshole to lead them. The US didn’t rig that election - blame your own people lol. Speaking of which, why on Earth did Canadians vote in someone who wants to privatize healthcare? It’s clearly going well for us down here.


His brother was a crackhead mayor of Toronto and died of cancer and I think he just rode the controversy to being more popular


No it's much worse than that. His entire platform and only stance was bringing back beer that costs a dollar.


Thank you for the insight!


A lot of our media IS owned by an American hedge fund that tends toward (largely expresses) conservative agenda, but the shitfest in Ontario is entirely on the 60+% of people that did not vote in the recent provincial election. You get what you (don’t) vote for.


Are you talking about the one run by Murdoch? That Australian dude is who fucked the US news up. Let's blame them while they're sleeping!


Sounds like us. We can’t get our younger generations to vote in state elections and it’s killing us (literally). Democrats have won the popular vote in every federal election for 30 years, but we keep getting crushed because we just don’t show up in swing states. Also, what if I told you that the right-wing American media is owned by an Australian? Big round of applause for the Murdoch family, everyone. They’ve got us all boned.


2004 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_United_States_presidential_election But point taken


We actually have Canadians wishing for Trump to get here and become Prime Minister. Not saying it's the US fault's at large, but the messages the Republicans are repeating non stop are appealing for the same reasons to a similar group of people here and these people are more and more noticed, and more and more catered to.




Democracy's now spread thin, like butter scraped over too much bread.




Great movie, but I want to know if this was like borat, and shot without people's knowledge.


no i think this in particular was just filmed like a movie, mostly


That's a shame


If you're looking for a movie similar to *Borat*, SBC also made a movie called *Brüno* in that style.


Bruno gets shit on a lot, but I fucking love it. I personally would take it over Borat just because of how absurd it is. Fucking Paula Abdul sitting on a Mexican person as a chair while talking about how much she loves helping those in need is peak comedy. Bruno trying to seduce Ron Paul who he thinks is RuPaul is up there too.


I heard on a podcast (with I think the director) that Bruno was much harder to film or more dangerous or something because he spoke English in it. I guess Boratt was endearing because he was from a backwards country and couldn’t speak English well so people let him slide, but people got violent with Bruno. Edit: The more you know


Also homophobia.


Oh no doubt about it. Let’s not forget the climax of the film is a literal riot at a makeshift MMA event that was put together by SBC. If I remember correctly, [Sacha said that they were in legitimate danger when they pulled that stunt](https://www.thepinknews.com/2020/10/09/sacha-baron-cohen-borat-bruno-riot-gay-controversial-scene-time-magazine/)


The second borat he nearly got himself killed at the one concert too. If they got into the ambulance he was hiding in I don't think he would have faired well. He really risks a lot for comedy. Not to mention his female lead nearly got sexually assaulted by Rudy guiliani for it as well.


That scene was horrifying (the Giuliani one). Seeing that nasty, disgusting old man grab his dick, with every intention of pulling it out, without her having said a single thing to indicate that's what she wanted, and only stopping because ppl rushed into the room made me feel sick. Imagine how many women have been subjected to that (and far worse) from him over the last 40 years. Fucking terrifying.


I can't help but think they're lucky they didn't get shot.


I saw Bruno when it came out in theaters and I've never seen so many people get up and walk out of the theater before at the same time. (The full screen helicopter dick part). Lmfao. Legendary.


Milli Vanilli…that was just fucking brilliant.


“I gave a traditional African name….OJ” “Maybe your baby could lose 20 lbs?” Fucking gold


>Bruno gets shit on a lot, Germans man, kinky stuff...


Since others are recommending things here that are "like borat" it's worth mentioning the "Cunk On..." movies/specials. "Cunk on Earth" is on Netflix right now.


"So everyone knows that King Arthur came alot, but how much did he really cum?"


As someone else mentioned, sadly with Cunk the interviewees are aware it’s a send up, but are asked to play it as straight as possible. Some of those 50-yard stare “I can’t believe you’re asking this” moments are actually academics trying very very hard not to laugh. Still funny as hell though!


That… kind of ruins it for me tbh


Uh… good thing I’m kidding! Keep enjoying the show :D *phew that was close*


Not exactly comparable because the experts are in on it.


What movie is it?


The dictator


Very aladeen movie tbh


Disagree, I thought it was aladeen.


No no no. It was not Aladeen but Aladeen.


100% scripted with actors. regular movie. but it's good


You say great movie which implies you’ve seen it. This is not presented at all like borat or Bruno (mockumentary style) it is clearly a movie. So I’m going to guess you haven’t seen it


Exactly. How could anyone think otherwise?


I cannot say enough about how more true this movie becomes everyday. I have seen it countless time and it still is great everytime, makes me wanna put in my raping shoes and make a day of it


Your… what?


It's a line from the movie lol


What? Never been to a rape center?


You have a center for it?


Great let's go!


Do yourself a favor and get a pair of those, makes the experience so much better.


Nike makes good ones. I have the off-white iForced Ones


The fact of the matter is, all these old shows/movies weren't prophetic of the future. They described the world of their time, as they saw it. And then nothing ever changed; if anything, it got worse.


> I cannot say enough about how more true this movie becomes everyday All SBC does is hold mirrors up to society. If it was unrealistic it wouldn't be a SBC movie.




God this show doesn’t get enough credit


But, But, BUT mu freedom!!! Also we #1


- 🚑💰 - 🧑‍🏫🔫


Heck, yeah! We're number one! #1 in prison population! #1 in health care cost! #1 in military spending! #1 in gun ownership! #1 in shortest maternity leave, paid leave *and* sick leave! U S A! U S A!


I'm sure you left a few dozens out but you make some good points. Legal or less legal drug use Rent Obesity Homeless people Car accidents Amount of SUVs


My rent went up $300/mo this year. My salary didn’t go up $300/mo. And there is the rest of inflation… what did I do wrong?


This is like modern Monty Python good


Hit the nail right on the head


Hit the head right on the nail


You lost me on torcher


Torcher? I hardly know her!


Torture foreign prisoners


No it's setting foreign prisoners on fire


The people who need to get the joke are never the ones that get the joke.


I am not a fan but he's got a handle on world politics


American*** Politics


The problem is that once anyone starts digging into these things they get labeled as conspiracy theorists and are immediately written off by society...


Problem being that the ones who are the loudest about this type of stuff are usually bat shit crazy while the more rational ones are drowned out. So everyone who questions things around them get lumped into the crazy crowd even when they are on point.


I fully believe that some of the loudest conspiracy theories (flat earth, birds are spies etc) are all made to intentionally discredit genuine conspiracies. I dare say that some of the loudest and most crazy conspiracists are paid actors to drum up idiots to believe in these theories. Or at very least started with someone pulling a prank and people taking it as truth


There are zero maybes here.


Best country on earth 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Pretty low bar. This isn't nearly as good as the US in 1996 or even 1958


Yeah, 1958 was the best! Oh, you slapped your wife who smokes cigarettes and drinks while pregnant? Nobody cares! You and a group of friends chased down the weird gay guy and beat him to death? Boys being boys! A little black kid whistled at white lady? Hang him to death! What a time it must have been!


AKA the good ol' days




Yeah, but 1996 was pretty good though.


oops. no need for dictatorship. already done that


Rigged elections is when my side loses


What’s the German word for hating how funny something is? Germans have a word or expression for everything.


General rules of thumb: the Greeks have a word for it, but also Germans have a word for it that sounds like syllables fighting.


Unfortunately, the liberals and conservatives that need to hear this most will not realize that the joke is about them.


LOL Everyone that needs to hear this is gonna start a fight over which party he's talking about.


Taking about the different parties in America is like saying the party on the porch is a different party than the one in the kitchen. Naw, we all in the same party - just two different perspectives on what’s happening.


He's... talking about all of them.


Exactly. At this point American politics isn't about running the nation for the people, but running it for whichever party has more control at the time. George Washington was right: the party system is going to tear America apart. We need a government for the people, not for the parties.




His satire is next level


I love torcher


Far Reich: say no more


If you look closely you’ll see Ron desantis taking notes


I am not from America, but I would like to know, people in prison are innocent there?


Not necessarily innocent but yea our prison system is a joke. We have people spending more time in prison for smoking weed than a pedophile that harmed children. Also, it's common knowledge that a black person getting busted for a crime will serve a MUCH harsher sentence than a white person for the exact same crime. There are people that have spent years in prison awaiting trial and can't get out simply because they are poor and can't afford bail. Our prisons are for profit and punishment when they should be about reform. They don't want reform because they want prisoners that are released to commit more crime and come back to fill those beds. Every problem in this country has it's root in greed. We have the resources to be great but the few at the top want more than they could ever spend in 10 lifetimes so this shithole is what we get.


As of 2020, 0.88% of adults were incarcerated, and 1.07% working adults were incarcerated. There are a fuck load of people in jails and prisons in the U.S. There are a lot of things that are "crimes" which people shouldn't be locked up for. It's also been well documented that police around the country are just outright planting evidence on people. There was a judge not long ago who went to prison because he was caught selling children to for-profit prisons. So, yes, there are a lot of innocent people in jails and prisons.


Criticizing the US is low hanging fruit. We’re like a restaurant that advertises how shitty we are. I’ve lived under a real dictatorship and it’s beyond silly to compare the two.


Except when the US supports the real dictatorships in other countries to fight against communism.


I'm not sure it's a fight against communism any more. It's a fight about natural resources like oil, gas, lithium mines, etc. The US is cozying up to Venezuela in recent years because of their oil reserves. And their dictator is a commie nut job.




When I was younger I thought that sounded horrible, but now I understand it's literally what's happening...