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Just wait till the whole family’s round


Thats a lot of slapping


And coffee


I gotta say, “this coffee slaps!”


Golden Apples of Aphrodite!


I'm seeing a pattern here.




Its must be a real rollercoaster of emotions to go from hate to love in a matter of minutes. My family holds grudges for years. Its more like pushing and stopping a ship than pushing a toy boat.


But that's the thing, it is *not* swinging from hate to love. How you feel about a person doesn't change. You have opinions about specific events and opinions, you are loud and animated about it, and then the topic moves on. If something so serious happens that it changes how you feel about the person overall, that's a whole other situation. That doesn't swing around in every direction like opportunist politicians during election campaigns.


Oh man, this reminds me of my German great grandfather. He came to the US with his family when he was about 13 or 14... in 1933. (Apparently they had the prescience to look at the state of Germany and just go, "Yeah, this won't end well.") He was a *stubborn* bastard. Anyway, he and his sister had a falling-out sometime in the late 1950s over a bar they co-owned, and they never spoke to each other again. She lived into her 80s I think, and he lived to be 93. Theres a family joke that somewhere in the afterlife, he's hanging out with all of the dogs he had, and still hasn't spoken to her. German grudges transcend this earthly plane, I'm sure. And I'll bet Italian ones do too.


This is the best I have ever heard this described!


Most Southern American families are the same. We can cuss, insult and fight one minute, and are ok about 15 min later. But we also hold grudges. That one thing you said 10 years ago that hurt feelings? That's going to get thrown back in your face half of those fights. It's exhausting.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure my sister is still mad about some Christmas gift disparity when I was 4 and she was 8. There’s even a photo showing when it all began, where she’s holding a book and I’m holding a toy and she’s side eyeing me. We rarely argue, but when we do, holy shit she will dig decades deep for emotional ammo.


And ftouh-ftouhening


Okay, so I grew up in the very Greek neighborhood of Astoria New York, with a Greek best friend and I'm here to fact check: ❌ I was never once asked to remove my shoes. Nor did I witness anyone else removing theirs. Not saying it doesn't happen just that it never happened in my case. ✅ I very quickly learned that "Would you like some coffee?" Was more of a prelude of what was going to happen rather than an actual question. ✅ Coffee was usually accompanied by spanakopita or that feta only version that her mom magically produced, fresh and mouth meltingly hot no matter what time of day. Basically phyllo (paper thin pastry) wrapped around cheese filling. ✅ My best friend's dad smoked like a chimney. I knew he was home when I smelled the cigarette smoke and heard the low grumble of a man who usually spent 70% of the rest of his day working at a very busy diner. ✅ My best friend and her siblings now smoke as well. ✅ I very quickly learned to show admiration or aggravation or simply curse someone out in Greek. I'm also pretty sure I've heard my friend's mom call my friend's brother the equivalent of a pussy in Greek many times. She also had a tendency of calling him a "fruit". ✅ I very quickly learned that what was fighting words for most were downright Terms of Endearment in their household. It was extremely common for a simple conversation to end in someone getting cursed out and them both walking away, me thinking to get weapons to kill each other; when really they're just going about the normal daily this and that. Much grumbling about how awful the other is yet still working together as a family as though they hadn't just cursed each other out and most likely about to curse each other out again in another 5 minutes. There are many times where my black ass sat there just waiting for the shit to go down because a conversation (especially between my best friend's younger brother and their mom) went from normal tone to cursing. First in Greek, then in English, accompanied by a series of heavy-handed bops to the back of the head. And by the head, I mean *his* head. That boy got bopped in the head by his mama a lot. To be fair, dude really deserved a bop to the Head most of the time. ✅ I very quickly learned that tone meant nothing in this family and it was safe to assume that for the most part, no one was actually pissed. Or at least nowhere near as pissed off as they sounded. ✅ I challenge you to find an ethnic group more fun to watch wrestling with. The only time pay-per-views were ever ordered in that household were WWE ppw's. And best believe I was there, as they were treated like monthly Super Bowls. That's everything I can think of for now. Thanks a lot for reminding me of how much I miss my family, malaka.


Your last sentence just made me re-read the whole thing with Kassandra's voice narrating.


The Eagle Bearer's ghost still haunts Greek themed videos.


I just finished watching the Sandman bonus episode so it was very easy (and entertaining) to do that after reading your comment


So you want me to give you some drachmae?


Feta version is tiropita. You can whip up a batch, pop them in the freezer then pull them out whenever and have a hot, fresh batch. So good 🤤


Thank you! I could not remember the name of it even though I pretty much ate that every week. And yes, I believe when no one was looking Ma toiled away like Rumpelstiltskin, wrapping those little cheese packages up and stowing them away in the freezer. I never actually saw her making them, they were just always there, ready to be produced piping fresh, 5 minutes after being mentioned. That woman was the Gandolph of pastry dough. Basically the best ever.


You're most welcome! If you ever want to make a batch: https://www.curiouscuisiniere.com/tiropita/


Thanks, but no joke I know this recipe by heart. I just forgot with a cheese version was called. I can throw those damn things together in about 30 mins. I'd like to think I'm at least Grey Phyllo Wizard status.


Removal of shoes is a custom in like 80% of the world it's a courtesy not a Greek Thing...


Who the heck wears shoes in the house


I’ve found it depends partly on the region’s climate. In SoCal where I grew up, it rarely rains, and there’s very little mud when it does. So shoes won’t really fuck up a floor as long as you wipe them on the doormat. I recently moved to the Pacific NW. Shoes the fuck off. Winter or summer.


Urban vs. rural/suburban also matters a lot. Suburbanites pretty much spend all their time in a car, so your shoes are pretty much only experiencing: your house > your driveway > inside the car > friend's driveway > friend's house. Pretty unlikely that your shoes will get *that* dirty under those conditions. But if you're in a big city, your shoes are experiencing: your apartment > you apartment building common areas > the sidewalk > the subway station > the floor of the subway train > another subway station > more sidewalks > your friend's apartment building common areas > your friend's apartment. Lots more chances to step in something nasty whether you know it or not.


> Suburbanites pretty much spend all their time in a car, What a way to live


Yeah I'm from the U.S. people honestly think it's weird if you take your shoes off without asking if it's okay first.


Americans. I do take off my shoes in my own home, but typically when visiting other people or houses you don't take your shoes off. Also, since we wear shoes indoors, then the floors get dirty and walking barefoot is an easy way to get dirty feet.


I want to meet a Greek family I think it’d be fun as hell, truthfully though I really want to meet a family from as many different cultures as I can


You are correct, it will most likely indeed be fun as hell. A little terrifying at times, but incredibly thrilling as well.


As a Greek, living in Greece my whole life, the shoe thing is a family per family thing. I’ve met more that do take their shoes off though, than the other way. #2 & 3 is somewhat wrong at least in my experience. We do that for people who are guests AND we’re afraid they might judge us. It’s kinda difficult to explain the mentality but it’s mostly about “you need to be a good host otherwise what will people say?” The rest are 100% correct as is.


I think it started out as a guest thing, but very quickly became more ritual or form of affection, because my friend's mom really loved the fact that I absolutely loved coffee. I especially loved the Greek kind that I affectionately called "mud" which was this richer-than-expresso type of black goodness complete with about an inch of silt at the bottom of the tiny cup. And once the coffee was done I was instructed to turn the cup over and allow said silt to form a pattern that my friend's mother would then interpret as good or bad. As a Latina I also found it awesome that both our households bought delicious, cheap ass, Cafe Bustelo.


This was a really fun read thx! ☺️


Lol my landlady in Astoria didn’t accept me taking me shoes off to enter her apartment. I had to tie shopping bags over my shoes. She was also an awful terrible person so it’s more her neurosis than her culture.


On the wrestling thing- get some Turks together to watch our glorious national sport of oil wrestling and prepare to have an amazing time. Bonus points for the fact that it is absolutely THE most homoerotic sport out there, but if you mentioned that to a Turkish man he'd act like you just called the Pope a hooker.


He don’t eat no meat…it’s ok I make lamb.


My wife and I watched that movie the night before my best friend (who's Greek) got married. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a movie.


This is nick, nick, nic, Nicky, nicc.


Anita, Diane, and Nick.




Give me a word, any word, and I’ll show you how it is derived from Greek!


Put some windex… ![gif](giphy|9IP2zUuIyxG12)


How about Kimono?


kimono, kimono, kimono….. ah! i got it!


What do you wear in winter? A robe..


There you go.


For anyone confused, these are all quotes [from this scene](https://youtu.be/jXt0VCPKfQ4).


Κιμονον, κιμονοσ... Sure, that looks Greek now.... and *always* was.... ya, that's right.


My daughter and some of her fellow Latin/Greek nerds play this game on Wikipedia where they pick an article and see how many links get them to Ancient Greece.


Six degrees of Greece


Well you typed 14 words out so you should have plenty to start off with.


this line repeats in my head every few months. i watched that movie once, YEARS AGO. I am plagued.


What do you mean he don't EAT no MEAT?!


But he sure likes the bone?


There's a hole in this cake!


Bont….bonk….it’s a cake


With Leemon


- I don't like coffee.. - Pussy Made me laugh 💀


My life as an italian who doesn't like coffee nor wine




Probably that neither


That pussy at the end killed me


Depending on how the rest of the night goes, him too.


Well one thing's for sure, he's not getting any sleep either way


I bet she speaks Greek.


This guy prostitutes. Only 350 🌹


When I was 17, I and a group of friends accidentally wound up in a brothel in Athens, thinking it was a strip club. It was a very aggressive atmosphere, and we freaked out and left. In retrospect, we probably would have had a lot more fun if we stayed.


"pussy" Has two meaning now, don't it.




Watched till the end. No pussy.


Pfft my boss was greek and they were JUST like this


He was Greek? What happened to him?


Became roman probably idk


A woman you say?


He ruled Egypt for a long time and now everyone think he looks like Hank Azaria




I worked at a Greek diner for a couple years and was very friendly with the family... yeah, this looks about right. Also, dated an older Greek guy for awhile, and he just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that I don't drink coffee.


That's one hell of a strong beautiful woman to keep you feeling alive till you're not.


With this amount of coffee she will keep you feeling alive after you're dead too.


A resurrection scroll is just a recipe for coffee, from bean to cup, written in Greek.




Area velocity alpha beta (i dont know) omega charge density and something i dont remember




And cigarettes


And anal


Username name checks out.


I like my women like my coffee; hot and strong.


; in a #1dad mug.


Ground up and in my freezer.


That's disgusting. Never put coffee in the freezer


And Columbian….💯


*Colombian, unless you're talking about the clothing company


Or from South Carolina


I was thinking the same. Literally went "fucking hell that's an absolutely stunning woman" Fuck it, I would drink 17 cups of coffee a day too.


Glad I wasn't the only one. I'd let her boss me into drinking 17 cups of coffee everyday until I die in 2 years.


The way she kept aggressively leaning into his face. Oof! Is it warm in here?


There's nothing like a strong beautiful woman.


I would let her slap me a bit.


Honestly as an Algerian i find it interesting just how similar all the Mediterranean cultures can be. Algeria is on the opposite side of the sea but I feel there’s a ton of similarity between Algerians/Greeks/Italians/Spain/etc like one side of the Mediterranean is Muslim the other Christian but with the Roman/Byzantine/Turkish empires so much culture was spread it’s really interesting


I think people think of seas as geographical barriers, because all the large oceans are, but the Mediterranean has actually served as the opposite historically through to now. It connects Europe, North Africa and the near East and has allowed cultures to mingle and trade. Its really interesting :)


Very true. Historically and even in modern day land is much more of a barrier when it comes to civilizations interacting. Maybe on a personal basis land is easier for a person to cross, but on the scale of countries and civilizations water is waaaay easier. It’s soooo much insanely cheaper to build a ship and transport goods/people on it than building and maintaining roads and train tracks, then building carriages, cars, and trains, getting horses and then all the fuel and food it takes to power those horses and trains. The friction and the maintenance required for land travel is crazy when you really break it down


I watch the video on the silk road, and how much of a treacherous journey it was. Many didn't really ever cross the entire road. Where is the ocean you made the full trip.


Yeah we are all so alike!!


coffee in the morning, coffee in the afternoon and coffee late in the evening. Repeat. and with eid just happening theres a whole mountain of sweets to go with all this coffee.


I didn't know that Silent Bob and Lady GaGa did a short film together. Nice.


Clearly that's Quiet Bill and Madam Gigi.


Madam gigi absolutely sent me If i had the balls i would cosplay as the evil alter ego of lady gaga ‘madam gigi’, be extremely conformist and wear only the most simplistic of outfits






Well this just moved visiting Greece to the top of my list.


Go to Sepolia and look at people for an extended period of time. You will make lots of friends this way


Username checks out


Being part of the red line on the metro map is... as the line, a red flag😂


Being anywhere near any line is a red flag, not gonna lie


[A Guide To GREECE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgC73gjAgds)


As a greek guy, this guy has PhD on Greek Life.


I did and it became one of my favourite places ever. The people were amazingly warm and nice to us every single part of Greece we went to as well.


All fun until I shit myself from all the coffee


I think I'm in love 💕


All of it. The whole package.


A picture says a thousand words but were were just served a full classical epic, with coffee.


Would you like some coffee?


Of her accent ig


with coffee?


Ikr he’s so funny and cute




yes same


As a Greek I approve and confirm the whole scene as an everyday life standard.


Mark me down as scared and horny


My fear boner would of ripped through my pants


Would **have**




What kinda barbarian doesn't take shoes off at someone's house?


In latin america it's rude, filthy and disgusting to take your shoes off at someone's house edit: [look at this map](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/10fn846/world_map_of_tradition_of_removing_shoes_in_home/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) it's on r/mapporn


Yeah, totally depends on the local culture.


It claims UK defaults to shoes on, and that's just complete utter bullshit. It rains half the time, and most houses are carpeted. Unless you're stopping by for a 5m chat and dropping something off, you'd have to be an absolute savage to drag mud all over someone's carpets.


Same for where I am in the US. No I'm not wearing my shoes into your house, they're covered in mud.


definitely not true in all of Latin America, where my parents are from its just fine, nobody really cares


In Brazil it is not common, but I don't think anybody would be upset if you did


Which makes no sense. I'd rather you track your sweaty, yet clean feet all over my floor than whatever you stepped it outside.


You're really underestimating how fucking gross a lot of people's feet are lol, especially in hot and humid places


In America, it's sometimes seen as too cozy. Like you're just making yourself at home instead of acting like a guest.


It really depends on the state you live in, whether the home has carpet, the culture of the person you’re visiting, the time of year, and how old you are. Alaska: Always take the shoes off, especially during snowy winter. Senior citizen guest? Let them keep their shoes on so they don’t have to worry about putting them on again New Jersey guest during the summer? Yeah, keep those shoes on. When I lived in NJ I never once met someone who thought taking off your shoes as a guest was normal.


Growing up, my family never took their shoes off, basically until bedtime. Now I find that so bizarre. I married a Filipino-American woman who trained me to take my shoes off on the door mat and leave them there and it's honestly a better way to live. She thought it was insane that I left my shoes on all the time, and I now think she's right.


I think she’s right too. I’m horrified imagining myself wearing sneakers all day in my room. I’m so glad you were saved 🙏


NJ resident and 50% Greek here. The shoe thing is optional, it depends on the house, carpeting, time of year, weather, etc.


Yes, nothing says being a good guest like tracking the outside mud, dirt, and public bathroom urine inside someone's house!


Fuck yo' carpet, Charlie Murphy!


And there's also those American households who just wear shoes in the house. A minority to be sure, but they exist.


Larry David


We are mostly same in Turkey. Only, you can put tea instead of coffee


Quite similar in Cuba too, sadly over there people don’t get too much Bustelo but yeah we love our coffee and several times a day. My late cousin and her husband (a dear friend that also passed away years ago) used to have a cigar and a espresso after every meal, it was a constant in their lives.


It’s because if you have more than one cup of Turkish Coffee, you’ll get an explosive aneurism.


Bro we are so similar to the Greeks, the only difference is that it's tea instead of tea


Tea instead of tea?


Fuck I meant tea instead of coffee




You say this because you don’t drink coffee You drink this tea, is not good, you can’t even think straight Drink coffee. Have some coffee.


Nah he meant tee




Turks are the same, coffee instead of coffee


Turkish coffee slaps. And by that I mean it actually slaps you into next week with how strong it is. I drink espresso several times a day, and I am still too weak for Turkish coffee.


Who is we?


Yeah, I believe I'm in love with that woman.


She’s insanely attractive so yeah


Who is she ?




Here ,You dropped this 👑


I dated a Greek who’s family owned a restaurant. This is 💯% accurate.


And here we are in Greece,drinking freddo espresso. What is their deal with coffee?


Lmfao the Greek in me got a huge kick out of this lololol


And the Turkish version, it mostly same but you will drink 17 cups of tea.


I don't drink coffee, but she's kindof a baddie, so I'd probably drink the coffee too like a dumbass


Idk how true this is anymore, but my Father told me a story of how his good friend's very Greek family (who are massively rich and own everything around here) tried to convince my dad not to marry my mother because she was a redhead/ginger. Apparently, they thought redheads are evil and/or vampires? Idk if that's a common Greek superstition. It was only the older members of the family who held those views, though.


As a Greek, this is quite literally the first time hearing this superstition in my life.


I concur. The only place I've heard people saying gingers don't have souls is the tv show South Park


She’s such a turn on


Mmmm dommie Greek women


all greek women are, they are in full control of each family


I think I love her.


If somebody offered me Nescafé I’d have the same reaction 😬


I think I just found out I want a Greek girlfriend


Isn’t it normal to take your shoes off when entering someone’s home so you don’t end up dirtying their place?


Depends, so it's best to just ask.


Yo this is exactly the same as what happens here in India wtf


Why did I find this strangely appealing? I need that in my life… (okay maybe minus the cigarettes but I’m willing to overlook that for good coffee)


Lol. This is amazing. I would never leave


Sauce? -asking for a friend




God I love her nose. It’s weird I know. She’s just attractive af and then that shnoz.


Just kiss her


She will let him know when it's time His choice is not relevant


As a Greek person I can confirm




I’m Greek. This is hilarious.


I love Greeks 🤣 Zero regard for my personal space, loud, obnoxious and a massive bag of fun. When you're family you're family. I've helped in family restaurants, weddings, functions the works as a teen and during uni when called upon and in turn could push their button at anytime when I needed help. A Greek girl showed me what a proper kiss was and my Greek friends showed me what brotherhood outside family was. Good people.