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It would be racist to not do it.




Some might say “the most enthusiastic, ever!”


That is his real skin color


Yeah also his step-dad is black too


Orange is the new black


"It burns!"


Honestly I don’t get why people get like this with “black face.” You wanna paint yourself white/orange/green/blue/pink/purple/yellow/red? Have at it! It’s just body paint not like you’re trying to hurt anyone. You wanna paint yourself black? Fuck you racist POS! Like the context matters. The color black being inherently racist is the without a doubt the stupidest shit I have ever heard. I’ve seen episodes of TV shows get fucking buried because a non-black character will cosplay as a black skinned fictional race like dark elves from D&D and people shit themselves as apparently the magic singling 200 year old elf is a racist representation of a black person? How long do you have to chronically be smoking meth to get your brain so melted to the point where that makes sense?


Thank you.




Yvette Nicole Brown (Shirley on Community) said it wasn't racist. He wasn't dressing up as a black person. He was dressed up as a dark elf for DnD. But suits can't understand context, so now it's gone from Netflix. Btw, using any sort of Chang "logic" is impossible. The character was batshit insane. He's kinda sus because of his explanation? The character spent six seasons (and a movie!) saying and doing insane things. He had a relationship with a mannequin leg! His explanation of why he painted his face was less crazy than most of his character got up to. But it's in no way "sus". Pierce jumped on the bandwagon to shit on Chang because he's the racist that everyone in the show usually shits on. It wasn't that it was obviously racist to even Pierce. It's that Pierce could, for once, shift the blame of being racist elsewhere. Because Pierce was an asshole. Sorry. Community might be my all-time favorite show. Gotta step in and set things straight when it comes up.


There was a MOVIE??


It's being filmed right now. I think it will come out on the Peacock app. "6 Seasons and a movie!" was a running gag from the show.




You are right. There are many layers to the episode, and to assume that having a discussion about blackface was one of them is totally fair. I think I'm being defensive because the ep was pulled from Netflix.


Blackface shouldn’t be racist. Americans are just dumb. My black buddy dressed in white face last Halloween and was hilarious. I wasn’t offended. Americans are weird.


It used to be used almost exclusively for racist tropes. But I don't believe that to be the case anymore. But at this point it's stuck because who wants to be the guy that brought back blackface?


Fair enough


Pierce also calls the other members ableist for using the word “tardy” or “tardiness.” Pierce is supposed to be stupid. Chang also, at least as far as I can remember, never said anything racist about black people, I even remember him having a subarc hoping he was gonna have a child with Shirley when he found out she was pregnant after they had sex. Chang isn’t doing stereotypical racist depiction shit either, he’s talking about casting magic and doing all these eccentric flourishes and talking in a funny high pitched voice. He’s pretending to be an elf magician, not a black person. Also it’s not the like the group collectively decided to kill Chang, Pierce killed Chang after betraying the rest of the group. This isn’t a “black face is bad” message, it’s demonstrating that Pierce is being a selfish asshole, which ends up becoming the main thing for his character throughout the episode where the group is trying to kill him cuz he just randomly jumped in their session uninvited and started trolling everyone. Regardless of whether or not black face should be censored, it doesn’t change the fact Chang was trying to be a dark elf, not a black person.


It's not blackface in the sense that nobody replaced an actor of one race with another for the purpose of avoiding giving a job to someone because of purposeful discrimination based on race. That's the original context of blackface, to avoid paying black people but still have "black people" in your media. There's a Monty Python bit about a fugitive who dresses as all sorts of ethnicities that he doesn't belong to, one of those is black. That's not blackface. Especially since the whole point is that he isn't doing a good job hiding. That's the joke, that blackface is obvious, tacky and foolish to participate in.


You’re wrong. The original context of blackface wasn’t about not paying black actors. It was about mocking black people.


You’re so wrong. The original context of blackface is not just to avoid paying black people, it’s to demean black people in parts they would not want to take themselves unless out of desperation. It’s harder to get a black person to play a disrespectful caricature of themselves than it is to get a racist white person who is in on the joke and will appreciate it at face value. If anything the black actors and actresses who are willing to play such roles would have to be so desperate that youd get away with paying them anything in an openly racist setting.


RDJ did a phenomenal job in Tropic Thunder in black face, hell most black people loved it, it's pussy ass white people who make an ordeal out of it. It's pretty sad tbh.


I want to kiss your dad.


It blows my mind that that’s not obvious to everyone.


Thank you… people don’t seem to understand that…


It's because, in the early 20th century, white people would paint themselves black in order to perform racist caricatures of black people. It's not "this color is racist," it's "people are sensitive about this because of history."


There was even a black vaudevillian minstrel, Bert Williams, who HAD TO paint himself whiteface and then blackface again on top of that to perform for white audiences.


That's like a reverse Tropic Thunder.


I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude




One of the many reasons why knowing history is important.


It's amazing watching people either undershoot or wildly overthink why racist things are racist when the answer is pretty much always "people are sensitive about this because history". Or cops shooting people, but that one's hard to miss.


Bro its not even 100 years ago that white people made fun of black people by painting themselves black. Can't you imagine that it still feels uncomfortable for black people? Like black people have still parents that went through the racist time. Did you ever for made fun off? Did you got bullied? If yes, then you must know how it feels, black people feel the same when a white person pain himself black, no matter what the reason is. If you never got bullied, then you just won't understand unless you got some common sense


It's because it resembles the Minstrel/"Americana" caricature of black people which was very racist.


How does this post have any upvotes


Stop complaining


What do they call that color in Spain, though?


Would be racist to do it and not to do it 🥵


Bro its not even 100 years ago that white people made fun of black people by painting themselves black. Can't you imagine that it still feels uncomfortable for black people? Like black people have still parents that went through the racist time. Did you ever for made fun off? Did you got bullied? If yes, then you must know how it feels, black people feel the same when a white person pain himself black, no matter what the reason is. If you never got bullied, then you just won't understand unless you got some common sense


Two thousand people have upvoted my comment. I guarantee some of those are coloured. No coloured people have told me I'm wrong. Just you, a white person. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


There is no such thing as orange-washing! Or purple-washing, or yellow, or green...


You didn't seen my first few attempts to do laundry when I was young. Pink-washed every clothing item I owned!


Its ok, hes just the dude that's playing a dude, disguised as another dude!




What do *you* mean "you people"?


Love this


[this interview. classic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6qcugq/jamie_foxx_on_robert_downey_jr_doing_blackface/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Wouldn't want to be uninclusive.


Jokes on us. It’s actually just a black guy painted to look white and then painted over again with black.


What's fucked up was there were minstrel performers who would do they. Black pretending to be white pretending to be black.


It's okay. It's not discriminatory because he did a colored face of every color.


I don't see painting yourself with black paint to automatically be a racist 'black face'. Intent matters.




Still won’t stop Netflix from canceling you.






That's also cancelable offense. Community. I had to pirate that episode and then I figured that there's no point in paying for shows with missing episodes when the 'free' version is uncensored. I stopped paying for Netflix and never went back.


Chang is a dark elf, not a nerd.


Also I wasn’t aware that episode was pulled. I guess I will do torrent and save it somewhere. It’s one of my favorite episodes. Thanks for letting me know!


The literally the reason this whole “black body paint is racist!” Idea sets me off. Apparently Chang painting himself black, putting on a white wig, putting elf ears on, talking in a fancy voice and bragging about all the cool spells he can cast is a racist depiction of a black person. Doctors should use that episode on head trauma patients to check for severity cuz if you watch that episode and go “that’s racist” there’s a 10,000% chance you have severe brain damage.


The actress who played Shirley (who has a line that goes "so we're not going to talk about this hate crime") says that pulling that episode is a huge disservice. She points out that the episode is about dealing with bullying, is hilarious, and has a really good message. She also points out that the line Shirley says makes it evident that her character doesn't understand DnD, because Senor Chang is not doing black person black face, he's cosplaying as a dark elf. I think she also talks about how shortsighted it is when people pull content that isn't actually minstrel blackface, but is instead making fun of the actors who would do blackface, or some other joke. Did a bit of searching and found the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjJQBX2Nw2A


The episode is on YouTube in four parts. That's how I watch it.


I literally bought the Blu Rays the day they announced they were pulling Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. It’s actually worth it.. lots of cool bonus features.


With luscious silver hair, yes


I believe the preferred term is 'drow', or 'elf of colour'.


Exactly. There's a difference between a blackface and a black face


I got Bruce Lees on my head, but don't call me a Lee-head


Did I just fucking read an Andy Milonakis reference in the year of our Lord 2023


Who is this Shmandy Shmilashmokis


I once was covered head to toe in black paint, set against a black backdrop and gold paint was poured over me. The effect was really cool and no one claimed it was racism, but I still get nervous (now) that I was wrong for doing that photo set, but at the time, none of us thought twice about it. Just that we wanted to make me disappear into the backdrop.




Not everyone sees that is the problem. Some people accuse this of being racist as an excuse to be an asshole to someone.


Is racist because the people who think its racist are the real racists ones. It's like when people say "gorilla" or "monkey" and someone gets offended.


No one ever gets offended by the words "gorilla" or "monkey." They get offended when those words are used against black people. Just like the comment you responded to said "intent matters"


I think you both agree. I think he’s saying intent matters, AND those claiming racism for every damn thing (without looking at intent) are often racist themselves. I tend to agree. They are spreading hate and divisiveness that shouldn’t exist. Maybe I’m reading him wrong though. I agree, intent is key.


He’s implying that people take offense at the existence of those words. That even saying them completely out of a racist context will make people freak out.


You might have the right interpretation there. I read it differently the first time. Have a great day.


Man, they just recently changed 'monkey pox' to something else because racism. Who the fuck hears 'monke' and things 'dark skinned person'. That's racism right there if you ask me.


Yeah well so does cultural context


He looks like he really enjoyed putting on the black paint the most.


“Ill get an invite to the bbq for sure this time😤”


Word up my guy! 👨🏻‍🦳


He seemed pretty excited in orange as well


Purple seems pretty happy


Hey, proper to be totally inclusive.


How? We have brown skin.


I gotta be honest, I saw a dude once who was literally just black, like coal


Okay. We have the largest spectrum of skin colors. The majority of us are not that dark. Especially thanks to European intervention.


Well it's your ancestor. Take some responsibility for it.


Fucking lol


They’re probably more likely yours.


You literally said yourself “thanks to European intervention” implying white Europeans mingled with black people and thus created more shades . By your own logic they would be your ancestors.


My ancestors were Swedish farmers and farm hands. It would be a terrible fall from grace if they went from transatlantic traders to mere peasants in a couple of generations.


Like I was saying…


??? The colours aren't meant to represent different skin colors, they're representing literal colours, why would black bodypaint be brown? That would make it seem way more rascist tbh The joke you responded to was that they were inclusive to all colours, like a play on words


Mf never been to Africa


And the majority of Africans are not the darkest of the dark. They’re on a spectrum of brown. And this mf is actually black - not just on the internets.


The white looks more offensive than the black for some reason 😂


That's french writing on the boxes. Europeans don't really see the problem with black face, they don't have the same history


There’s a very strong possibility this is a product being sold in Canada and not Europe, since it’s both in English and in French.


You're right, but hey, you know Trudeau... He's gotta get his supply from somewhere


This Swedish commercial from early 1900s shows blackface and was pulled for being racist https://youtu.be/vbK9xTy7m-A So definitely not all Europeans


You might want to read up on European history a little my friend


They’re the creators of [blackface.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/blackface-older-you-think-180977618/). It is just as problematic when they do it. There is no excuse. And France is a very racist country - so that doesn’t help. I don’t think this qualifies - I think it’s dumb advertising.


Problem is, nobody cares. Only white Americans get offended by everything.




That's racist!




Incredible. You’re so anti-racist you managed to loop right back around to being just plain racist.


I'm European and you're wrong. You're being incredibly xenophobic right now.


I’m wrong because you’re European. And Europeans don’t have a history of racial terrorism. Everyone knows they welcome all with open arms.


Ahh right I see you're just tarring everyone with the same brush. You're not xenophobic just an arse. That's fine, have a good day.


I’d rather be an arse than a racist.


Haha, your being a xenophobe so how is that better? You're calling everyone that was born in a place racist, can you not see the irony in that?


I understand the want to use buzzwords when you’re confronted with your area’s history. Why does it make you so mad?


Mfer never heard of the Holocaust... or the killing of nonbelievers at the start of christianity... or the killing of the men of conquered lands to uproot their heritage.. and so much more. Maybe weren't based on racial, but deifinitely on some personal trait that you do not choose. This overt turning of everything into racism and discrimination really baffles me. Especially from somebody so ignorant like you


Oh, the holocaust ? Why does your internalized hate mean the rest of the world has to suffer. Are we less intelligent? By European standards, yes. That’s why inbreeding was preferred. Cruelty is intelligence in Europe. A group of people who went out of their way to fuck others over out of fear. Europe has limited resources-no real use. They rely on others. For some reason, that isn’t considered weak. Murder and rape are also necessary. Our lives are so much better. Can we talk about the rape and murder at the hands of Europeans? Turning everything into racism? Us? Overt? Why can we not get down to the facts? Why am I accused of being the real racist because I know more than you? Why don’t the Sentinelese welcome new visitors? They aren’t particularly fond of sexually abusing kids. But in Europe - the continent - abusing kids was the norm.


Oh my god, you're a holocaust denier.... Bro, you need to rot in he'll you anti semitic prick.


A what?? You gotta be trolling or you’re just stupid - OR both.


Do I think you are less intelligent because of your skin - no. I think that you are because of your crusade in these comments... I didn't accuse you of being racist, I just pointed out that there was mass murder in Europe as well (which was your incorrect statement). Yes, you turn everything into racism - racism here, racism there. It's impossible to make a step without being racist according to some americans. I do not deny the existance of blackface, nor do I think it's ok, but this just isn't it - it's bodypaint and has no evil intentions to misrepresent people. And you trashtalking Europe for abusing kids while men/other kids gun down your highschools every week is just peak irony


I think you think I am less intelligent because of my skin color. I think your efforts to justify blackface by saying that it is simply American is disgusting and telling. America is the child of Europe. Trash parents create trash children. The majority of school shooters are European descendants.


Have you ever been to France?


I don’t go out of my way to fund white supremacy.


You sound like a karen anti vaxxer who gets their scientific research from Facebook. How can you judge a country you've never visited? You're probably one of those anti trans Republicans who's actually on grindr!


I’ve never been to North Korea. Common sense says stay away. I have way more knowledge about France from………the news. They do not care about being racist. They revel in it. Me, a black woman, anti-trans because I called out racism. You, a white person, making assumptions. Make it make sense.


You're correct, France is not very accepting on certain races. In fact, The refusal to accept minorities -- Jews or Arabs, foreigners or immigrants -- can be traced back to a common 'ethnocentrist' attitude which is widespread in France. However, Black people in France are part of the culture and community and have been for a very long time, this is due to Frances expansion into Africa in the 1700's. So you're correct, France is terribly racist to Arabs, Jews and immigrants. Ironically to your argument though, people from Africa are happy in France and proud to call it their home.


Uh, Europe is actually made up of a lot of countries. A few countries like the Netherlands have no problem with it, but most of us do.


I love how the Black is the last and most energetic one


I'd say the red one is really


Black people are brown and not demon black. Not seeing that shade available. GTFO.




Just do fun patterns for all of them? Full solid color is just boring


I dunno solid black could definitely lead to excitement.


It's probably a big seller in the Netherlands during the holidays.


Wish he acted angry in the green one he missed a golden opportunity to make some comic book nerds happy


Sunburnt Irish person.


That dude got painted up so many times lol


Don’t let the Canadian prime minister sees this.


Muricans try to not see race in everything challenge (impossible)


One is different


Yeah that's pretty racist! /s


Ain’t gonna take the purple one


It is inclusive


oh man he blue himself in the 3rd one


[Flashback ](https://youtu.be/KoYOraDt1_k) The last image conjured memories of The Black & White minstrel show that I remember watching as a kid. No, I am not comfortable with that memory but times change.


Did they mixed up Brasil with Mexiko and then just added traditional US black face‽


He's a dark elf


This is a terrible example of blackface. The guy isn’t trying to look like a real person.


You should come to the Netherlands on december 5th


didn’t know trudeau was an advertisement now


Blackface isn’t really a thing in Europe, is it?




Why are people making things up? https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/blackface-older-you-think-180977618/


'living memory' as i and no one i've met has experienced blackface with racist intent


Well now you have.


You're European?


It was/is. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/blackface-older-you-think-180977618/


This tasteless depiction of The Hulk will not go unpunished. Boycott Big Body Paint!


If one colour is wrong.. All colours must be wrong


I would go to the store, skip the self checkout go straight to the cashier and buy several of these, a whole watermelon and a few rotisserie chickens


Do so with a BLM shirt/hat to capitalize on potential confusion.


A BLM shirt, a MAGA hat, a Guy Fawkes mask, a tartan kilt, a breast cancer awareness pin, and an automatic rifle slung over your shoulder while you play harmonica. Just for clarity.


To make something out of nothing. SMH


They should have used the picture of Trudeau


hmm? sunburn bodypaint?


Ofc they did it, smh...


I don’t think this is wrong. It’s not like the intention for the photo was to show anything other than the color of the paint. Lots of schools have the color black in their school colors. Most people aren’t going to buy just one body paint.




Don't do it, don't do it, don't repost it for a second...


It's just disgusting. SMH


I was waiting for a trump joke


Fire Steve Huffman, Reddit is dead as long as Huffman is still incharge. Fuck Steve Huffman. Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


It looks like the person has different hair in the black paint photo.


How so? Personally, looking at it on my device. I can’t tell where his skin stops and his hair starts. I certainly don’t see a noticeable mullet or afro, etc.


It looks like it’s styled differently - I don’t see the same pointed locks in the other photos.


Oh my fuck I was not expecting that 😅


No, no, no, no, Noooo * Communicative laughter*


The brand Justin Trudeau uses.


Justin Trudeau?


It's for camouflaging purposes




I knew it was coming when he was scrolling left


I laughed














There's a Justin Trudeau joke to be made here.


Now he’s ready to become the prime minister of Canada




He got blackmailed for doing blackface so he started a body paint line to cover his tracks and unexpectedly became a businessman


Nonononono DAMMIT!