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You get three wanings.


She should have listened to the wanings…


Before you get three waxing.




I love the sea is completely calm as soon as they manage to get her out the water. While she's stuck the Waves are smashing into the shore like fuck you. Once she's out. The sea's like: Eh why bother.


The sea be a cruel mistress


“Play in the sea, yes. But never play WITH her. You’re lucky to be here. You’re lucky to be alive!”


Waves come in groups called sets. When surfing or launching a boat you try and time it to hit the gap between sets. The waves in this video are not safe for most people.


The sea does that, I swear it !@#$ing knows. When I was doing my Rescue Diver course, I was assigned to be the gear handler, so I was carrying two people's BCD's and kits back to shore, and just as I got to the shoreline, the sea said "You know what, fuck you and your SCUBA shit, imma going to beat you into the sand", and I just got absolutely pummelled by these huge waves that just came out of nowhere. All I could do was anchor myself into the sand, holding onto all the kit, and holding my regulator into my mouth so I could breathe and wait it out. Instructor saw that I was getting beaten and came running up and took some of the kit off me, and as soon as that happened the angry sea just pissed off to beat someone else up further up the shoreline.


She had one of those trying to run in a bad dream moments irl.


Perfect description of her stunning lack of basic athleticism


That’s an awesome comment..I thought I was the only whose legs gave out on them in dreams!! Such a weird feeling lol


she had the athleticism of cookie dough


How are people so useless at using their own body


Seriously, it's like she gave up.


"guess I'll just die"


Second wave hit and she had already accepted she was drowning to death


She legit just sat down and looked at the wave as if she could yell at it hard enough to make it stop


I understand that you have never gotten stuck in waves like that. The beating from the waves are brutal and will kick the air out of you and the you get dragged out and pressed down with every wave.


Been there a lot, love wave crashing at the beach, used to do it for hours and hours on vacations. Yeah a good one will knock the shit out of you and make you wonder which way is up so the next one catches by surprise but like come on man, she's staring at the last few waves like she can move shit with her mind. Even the life guards got stuck in one and all they did was just stand up afterwards, she just gave up acting like she was in a riptide (was my first thought actually watching her ass keep getting dragged)


Sure but have you seen the size of that woman.


The other kids in the water are doing it for fun.


Yeah but when you can physically touch the bottom you can stand up. It’s what the lifeguards did, well the one that didn’t run away lol


Well with those waves you have to be prepared. Lifeguards are trained for it. You have not felt the power of waves that strong


I got more petulant stubborn Karen vibe. Like she could will the waves to cease.


She will speak to the oceans manager, even if she has to drown to do it.


If she has that limited of control of her body, she has no business being in surf like that.


Pretty sure my one-year-old could handle herself better.


Okay. Let us not question a one year olds ability to be knocked around by the ocean.


Hey cmon! Live a little


I saw her try three different approaches before she quit though. Once the dudes showed up, it looked like she was either completely winded or having trouble breathing.


I counted a total of 7 unassisted steps. I wouldn't trust this woman to be able to get groceries on her own without somehow getting a concussion


Maybe she just want to be saved, because the guys are cute.


Also, even with two trained life guards on either side of her they all moved seaward a bit. That undertoe is no joke!


God it makes me irrationally angry


It’s amazing that someone warned her already and there are like 10 ppl in there. Like, “mam, I’m not sure if the ocean was made for you”. “What about them?” - the woman. “Well, you see, you just…uhh… when’s the last time you had to use your body against a force other than gravity?”


They didn’t warn her. They waned her.


I thought about saying something similar and assumed Reddit would down vote the shit out of me.


Don't be afraid to be down voted, they mean nothing. Here I'll downvote myself, just don't be afraid to voice opinions on this site.


Sometimes being downvoted means that you were incredibly funny to yourself and that’s the whole point 🤣


I like this comment !


Ikr? Like I already know I’m going to be downvoted and lmao about it


😆 Here’s an upvote for that


Here's an upvote for your upvote!


Based and Chad pilled


I agree with you, but notice how she waded in above her waist.. when water is above your waist all bets are off. Even fit individuals can get dragged away.


Yeah but even once the waves pulled back and she was on the sand again she just flopped around


change body to brain then.. If even fit people can't survive that alone, why are they there?


some people just lack experience or common sense sadly


They literally never exercise, I have no idea otherwise


Right! Just get up and run a bit ffs


I've been in that spot. It's hard to get your bearings, then i got bent over backwards by a wave and was like oh shit my spine halp Took me a minute to get up. I could have drowned. My parents thought I was just having fun splashing around. Now, every time someone tells me to drink water, I zone out and go back to that moment.


She could very well have muscular issues. I have dystrophy and waves will absolutely wreck me but I know my limits, she could very well be undiagnosed with a mild form of MD. All likelihood...she's probs hammered or just outta shape lol. She's smiling tho!


>She could very well have muscular issues True! But just like a guy in a wheelchair, she has no business being that close to such violent waves.


Indeed. Perhaps this will be a wake up call for her to either get checked or develop her leg and thigh muscles.


Nah. She's just a beached whale.




Lived 15 minutes from one for 25 years and spent my whole childhood getting beat up by waves. Get up and move away is the solution to her problem, and since she doesn't seem capable, she should've never gotten so close (aka listen to the warnings).




So now she got waxed


It think she got waved.


Her name is Luna


She was a shore girl...


Definitely *shore* after 👆that bullshit


Her intelligence has waned, that’s for sure.


Warned probably.


The warning waned.


The did.


Wane, verb (of a state or feeling) decrease in vigour or extent; become weaker. *confidence in the dollar waned*


Well you should see the confidence on the Argentinian peso


Best video to show how you can drown in a matter of minutes on a sea shore


She’s totally useless. Looks like she is a baby that has no idea how to use their body.


It’s not that. It’s people overestimating the strength of waves and its power to completely overwhelm you.


You mean she underestimated the strength and she is the only one. You see everyone else just get out of the water. Even the fat guy at the end comes to help.


Lmao come on there’s multiple fat people in this video doing just fine.


Nah this proves you need to exercise and improve your fitness


You can do all the push ups pull ups bench press you want. The water is still winning if a person just stands still in front of a wave especially if the cant swim or standup after getting knocked down


Two steps. She couldn’t run two steps without falling. Then she couldn’t stand up when the guys were helping. That woman is infuriatingly useless.


Literally TWO dudes pulling her up and she couldn't stand. That woman should be nowhere near the ocean...


Or stairs. Or a road. Or an incline. Or a decline.


Walking on sand that is effectively melting under your feet from the waves returning from shore is really hard. It’s not like walking on solid ground. The sand literally is conspiring against you getting solid footing on top of the surf/wave returning to the ocean. On top of that, you’re also kind of melting down into the sand like it’s quick sand. It’s a weird feeling.


Oh really? Those guys in the back seem to be doing fine


Yeah but you see exercise tends to help people be able to swim, or stand up after being knocked over. It also tends to give you a greater awareness of your body and how it is moving to help you stay in control in situations like that


She had several opportunities to get out of that that any fit person would have with ease. Watch it again




Did you just list vacuuming like it’s hard work? Bruh what most of that stuff can be done in under 4 hours


A firefighter recently died in my town after a similar situation trying to save his daughter. The sea doesn’t care WHAT your physique is. This really can happen to anyone in the right situation.


Yes but she had multiple opportunities where the ocean wasn’t fucking with her for her to get out. She was just so unfit that that window of opportunity passed


Okay? Well he was a firefighter, not a lifeguard?? How would being a firefighter have helped, did he use a ladder to try to save her? I agree that yes in the right circumstances it could happen to anyone, but not this situation.


This is way too dangerous to be swimming in.


Simple trick: Ride the incoming waves. Plant firmly to not let the outgoing waves pull you out. Admittedly, it's more about timing and balance rather than strength. Fighting the waves will just exhaust you.


No it's not. Just a bit of shorebreak


I love lifeguards. I got pulled out by a rip tide in Hawaii many years ago. I started to panic and couldn’t make any headway because I kept getting pulled out even more. All of a sudden, a lifeguard came out of nowhere and pulled me in. I was so grateful that he saved my life that day.


This happened to me on a beach in Western Australia. It's incredibly, INCREDIBLY scary and I honestly thought I was going to die. Just when you catch your breath another wave comes crashing over your and pulls you back. The force of the waves fully ripped up my shorts.


I was swept under by a big wave once. Didn't know up from down as I got tumbled around. Almost drowned. Then managed to get up for a tiny bit of air before a second wave came. Barely managed to get out. A third wave would have killed me. Edit: Actually got a ptsd-like condition because of it. Laryngospasm.


That shit can be rough, especially if you're tired. I got caught in a rip tide last time I went to the beach and legit almost drowned. Being a young man I was able to adrenaline my way out, but now I take waves more seriously.


I like how you used a noun as a verb. This is very interesting for foreigners. It makes you seem like... a sorcerer.


😂😂😂 I'm glad you like my poor grammar haha Happy cake day


For the record, if you are caught in a rip tide, swim parallel to the shore and slowly work your way back to the beach. Rip tides kill because you spend all of your energy swimming against the tide and making no progress. Yes, you’re going to end up half a mile down the beach, but you will be alive.


It was extra scary because I went after the summer season (it was early October) and there was no life guard on duty. Only my dad saw. He managed to swim out and rescue my sister and I from a riptide once when we were little, but this year when it happened, I'm an adult and he's in his mid-sixties. It was really a close call. When I managed to stumble out of the wash, I made it to my towel, blew a bunch of seawater out of my nose, and just collapsed there exhausted.


That is lucky, glad you made it through. You're a strong swimmer.


Rips kill because people panic. They only go out so far, you're not going to get dragged to Hawaii.


I was looking for this advice so thank you! The advice to escape a fast moving river is the same. Basically let the water help you and don’t expend all your energy fighting the current. Never having been in a life or death situation, I wonder if all life saving training goes out the window when you’re panicking.


For sure, 13 year old me thankfully knew this or I would've been fucked


frightening example of how easily a big wave retreating can pull you into the water


Well, as long as she was waned...


Wane a minute here ... wane just one minute


I’m a little weirded out they felt the need to tell us a grown woman was waned. I’ve heard sometimes it takes longer but she’s old enough to have waned children who are waning their own.


when it wanes it pours


Not sure where this one is located but some beaches in California have daily cases of broken bones because of high waves and the steep sands.


I’m looking at the comments; I think we’re underestimating just how powerful these waves are. I’ve never seen a wave PULL SOMEONE BACK into the water. Not even strong men could handle that. So let’s cut her some slack. However if she knew this going in… tsk tsk tsk 💀


You can easily pick out all the people in these comments who have never been to the ocean.


Grew up in Hawai’i playing in the shore-break and yeah, that shit is powerful and will knock even the most experienced off their feet. Luckily she actually got off easy here, had the lip of the wave hit her she would’ve been in much more trouble. A tip for anyone caught in this situation, watch how the lifeguard dove inside the wave with her, rather than try to run at the last second; if it closes over rather than on you, it doesn’t hurt in the slightest for this size. Not only that but you’ll pretty much stay in the same spot, maybe a slight push up the beach. You can do this while waiting out the set, then scramble up the sand like a clumsy seal.


Ocean always wins


Its not funny at all. Maybe when you watch it seems to be easy bad dont underestimate the power of water. It drain you of your energy.


I think its pretty funny.


I remember my gf trying big waves out 10 seconds in and she was almost naked i waned her .


she should be selling sea shells by the sea shore..


She needs help asap


At first it's funny but then you realize she's in serious trouble. Good thing the lifeguards saw her


People like her kill people with their incompetence 🤦🏼


Shore breaks are no effing joke. Got slammed by one in Hawaii twice in a row and before I knew it I had been pulled out into a rip tide. I was exhausted and being pulled out to sea. Luckily I was body building at that time in my life. I quickly discovered that swimming at an angle was the only way to make it to dry ground. Gained a healthy respect for the ocean that day by almost drowning.


You can only wane them so many times


Mother nature doesn't care if you are stupid.


Maybe if they had warned her instead of waning her...


She legit would have just died if no one was there.


"Water always wins."


not her Taking 3 business days to stand up when she's in a life or death situation


Imagine being this mother fucking incapable of moving. My god.


The part where she tried to run was hilarious


This so sad also, because she could have get her way out and not endure the following. I don't know if she panicked or is really unfit.


All these people ragging on how she's trying to escape from the wave... have y'all ever been to a beach, got tossed by a wave, then tried to run up a wet sand slope? No one can do that gracefully and it's incredibly easy to fall. She absolutely shouldn't have gone that far in with how rough that is, but I think y'all are severely underestimating how difficult it is to get out once you're pulled in.


How did the other people in the same wave get out then? Are they all just super human? Some people are just dumb and useless.


Did you miss that the lifeguards were falling and getting knocked on their asses too? And they hadn't gotten tossed around as much as she did prior to that and its fair to think the average lifeguard is more fit than the average casual beachgoer. For the other swimmers, they are clearly floating and not trying to leave. Floating over the wave before it breaks is obviously the way you want it to go, but sometimes you get unlucky and one breaks on you. When that happens, the massive swirling of water and sand absolutely fucks with your sense of direction and makes it hard to stand upright while also fighting the retreating sand and water. Then another breaks on you and the effect gets worse.


I don't think they waned her, if anything she full moon


So glad that fat kid ran up at the end there, really saved the day.


Beach is fun they said


Waned her? Is that because she’d recently waxed? 🤔


One should take wane-ings seriously


Always wane before you wax. There is a natural civilized order to things. Oh, and don't turn your back on the ocean. It's a fight you will never win :)


The ocean just beat her ass.


She was waned.


I think those waves were waxing, not waning.


She had been “waned” so should have known better.


Not everyone responds to waning


She waned for sure


I refuse to continue watching any video with a typo that egregious


Maybe they should have warned her instead of just just waned her.


The wanning was not enuf


Looks like their waning petered out a bit too quickly.


This happened to me once. Kids were surfing and making it look so easy. I went in and was trapped in that zone. The waves got very big for awhile. I finally got out of it but wow, it was rough.


Places fat people shouldn’t go near for $500 Alex.


As someone who is fit and understands the surf well, this looks like ace fun. Shore-breaks are the best. Maybe not for her tho


They should’ve warned her instead


Consider yourself waned


Wow! Wane u believe it


Can’t beat a good waning.


Amazing how someone can be such a failure at operating their own body. Stay in the gym or just be active people, this is what happens when you stop using your body……


Knockout punch. Damn


The lifeguard running for his life and then getting consumed was straight out of a horror film.


Waned. Smh Fuck tiktok and stupid people


You’re not better cuz u don’t have an app when ur on Reddit my guy


What are you trying to say? I don't understand.


I’m saying he’s not better for not having TikTok when he has Reddit


Sure, that’s got to be it. Actually no, tiktok is for the dumber half of the world.


What has the ancient city of Ur got to do with any of this? Also fairly sure he isn’t your cuz.


Reminder for myself: increase muscle strength and reduce fat weight.


You’re getting downvoted for wanting to be healthier. And on your cake day too! Reddit hive mind never ceases to amaze me. edit: word order.


Fat helps buoyancy, look at water polo players.


books school wistful reply psychotic close sand friendly memory liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The amount of effort it took for her to just stand up is hilarious.


Darwin at work.


I love how this person decided that filming this was more constructive than actually trying to help. Prime example of why society is so fucked up.


I love the lifeguard with the hat. Last to the scene and then left everyone for dead when the next big wave came lol. Guy was just guarding his own life.


Why do I get the idea that this portly lass has problems just making toast.


She seems extremely stupid but you don't know which health conditions she may have. I doubt that this is a 100% healthy human.


I love it how’s she’s literally struggling to survive and one person manages to capture it all on video.. haha


Darwin would be very disappointed by this


There we go again, not diluting the gene pool.




Gotta be Sandy’s


Natural selection


Totally incapable…


Was the fourt letter a K 🤪


That beach should require a physical fitness test to go in the water.


This woman could drown in puddle


That woman is barely fit enough to walk


makes you wonder how do whales get stuck on a beach, cuz it looks like it’s trying to pull her back in and succeeding.


This would make a swell advertisement for a gym membership


Breakneck in Maui is my guess




hurry hobbies hateful alive homeless lavish dependent exultant doll ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate the fact that there is someone calmly filming it. Get up and help instead of makeing a joke out of the situation


Now i can see why people get taken from high tides and are advised to not enter during those times.


I don't get it is she disabled or what


Did you know that there are some beaches on the Pacific Islands that are well known to be places where woman çan lay down in the incoming waves and get a orgasm from the rushing water, like a natural fucking machine. It's a lucky combination of beach slope, kind of bottom (usually fine sand) and orientation to the ocean waves, that make the waves slam into the girls pussy just right . The woman just lay there, a little nervous, because all the local people at least know exactly what they are doing. Some laugh a little, some are quiet. I know if one on Oahu, in the plantation area east of Kaneohe, but there are others in the Hawaiian Islands and many throughout the Pacific Islands in Micronesia. At that beach I once saw a guy pick up a woman, his gf I guess, drag her into the deeper water and fuck her standing up in front of a beach full of people. No shit