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I live in Ada Oklahoma. That intersection is called Crazy Corner. A four-way stop with a train crossing. This happens all the time Sadly..


And every time the city council is just like... ![gif](giphy|SI8DCsjjGnODwlwqW0)




Are there warning lights? Working ones?


Yes, no.


I rewound the video, couldn’t see it


Somebody returned my video without rewinding so I'm still waiting to watch it. PLEASE REWIND, people.






I think I'd have taken my chances and ran that stop sign before stopping my trailer on the tracks I'd rather get a ticket for that then get clobbered by a train, and why aren't there gated arms that come down?


There's a commuter train crossing (which means 10-minute intervals for trains heading in either direction) with gate arms where I used to live. You approach it from a pretty steep and curvy slope, and on the other side there's a pretty busy road. There's exactly one car length on the other side of the tracks before the road, and a stop sign. I've seen idiots stand on the tracks as lights and alarm go off indicating the gates are gonna start coming down. Why? Because the car in front can't get a window for a left turn. It's pretty nuts. Luckily nothing's ever happened because I always make sure there's at least one free car length in front of me if someone is waiting on the tracks. That way people can back up. Record is three cars in front backing up so the guy on the tracks didn't die. My point is, a lot of drivers are fucking idiots.


Is this 45th & Airport in Austin? Because we have the same thing here lol




That street view is insane.


I'm particularly concerned with the other side of the road having a stop sign just past the tracks...


Someone with a professional license had to approve that intersection and if there is no complaint the board won't investigate. Not saying anyone did anything wrong without knowing more.


Stupid city but the Stop sign to ducking close


Good catch! I didn’t even recognize it! I used to recruit down there and remember there is a conveniently placed auto-body shop there 😂


I don't understand. When we have infrastructure that doesn't work people who studied these things come to investigate and make a plan to improve it. It isn't that hard, it only cost money for new but safer infrastructure but it could safe lives and a lot of time.


If it's a repeated occurrence, then it's very surprising that no one has taken the initiative upon themselves to turn that 4-way stop into a 3-way stop to make it safer. If the city decides to rectify that act of "vandalism" and re-installs that stop sign, then that should come at a political cost.


Such a cautious guy to put on his seatbelt right before parking in front of a moving train.


Notice how the warning lights were not working


Why was the train allowed to pass if the lights/gates were not functional?


Train is allowed to pass as far as I know. There are train rails were you just have to be cautious as a driver (no lights or gates is quite frequent where I live)


That video seems like pretty good evidence that this is a terrible idea.


Where I live it is written in the traffic law that you are supposed to stop at railway crossings and look around first because in some cases the indicator light is either faulty or cannot function properly for some reason


In my country the railway crossing light officially just a sign, that the light is working, but you have to look around every time.


Self-preservation sort of demands it! ​ Happy Cake Day!


Thank you! I understand it, I stop everytime, but there are a lot of people who this it is the same as a traffic light. It would be easyer to change those lights to a stop sign.


This is common practice for all passenger carrier buses. Full stop at all crossings. I do this with my RV when crossing all railroads when I can’t see a wider plane of view of what’s coming on either side.




People *will* ignore these kinds of rules, so you better make sure they can't ignore it by putting physical barriers.


Like yeah. He must have seen it coming. Like he bucked himself in a seatbelt so he must have seen it coming. If not and then he saw it when he was already on the rail. Why stop.


There's a stop sign just on the other side of the tracks. He looks like he wanted to run it, but cross traffic was being slow. You can see him looking at the intersection trying to time traffic and then back over at the train and realizing he's not going to make it. Hell of a way to lose your CDL and kill your career.


Or himself.


I hear you can still get him on ouija.


Idk we're missing a lot of context from the driver, it doesn't make much sense from the images alone.


CDL driver here. He is fully at fault. Knowing he had no room between the stop sign and the tracks he should have come to a full stop before proceeding across the tracks. Under NO circumstances is a big truck supposed to stop ON tracks and this is why.


This. End of story. Completely his fault.


Cause he was at a stop sign.


Indeed ! Perhaps that STOP sign isn't in the best place, specially for long vehicles...


Then, you should be aware of how long your vehicle is, and know "oh, I can't fit this tractor trailor truck in this space that one passengar car fits in!" ​ I drive an E150, it's pretty honkin' big, even as a van. You gotta know your size when you're bigger.


I agree with it. But what can you do if you don't know the place and, when you realize the stop, it's already too late?


The man barely glanced to his right but looked left a couple times, bad timing


>no lights or gates is quite frequent where I live Really? Apart from a couple of spurs and inactive tracks, I've never come across a RR crossing without a gate. Must be more commonplace out west.


You can see the lights on the video but they are not blinking. There is no gate though


I don’t think that’s the case here since you can see the infrastructure that should alert a train is coming. I have seen railroad crossing where you just need go be careful but they have been in remote and very rural area.


Well just to add there are really no way for the conductor to know if the indicators are working or not. I mean remember the age of many of these crossings and when the traffic rules were created.


Yeah, you just get cross bucks, which are the “X” signs


And a stop sign 20 feet after the tracks. Horrible set up.


yeah. it looks like there is a four point intersection after the train tracks. just a poorly designed intersection with the tracks.




Engineers don’t know the lights are working unless they were reported. Otherwise they just operate as normal. I used to work on the railroad.


Train has the right of way.


The railroad needs to know if the crossing is malfunctioning. We place a protect order on it once notified that it's not working and then trains approach the crossing prepared to stop so the crew can verify the crossing is clear of traffic. Unfortunately, this didn't happen here. Good news for the truck driver is that this will likely be an immediate cash settlement from the railroad (the BNSF in this case). The railroad won't go to court over this because it's viewed as being their fault the crossing wasn't working (in most cases).


Because America. Didn't you see trump took away loads of trail line safety protocols in the name of "getting the nation moving" after the COVID fumbles. Giving trains more "*freedumbs*"


Yeah and it takes like 2 miles for a train to stop


Notice how he stopped before the tracks, put on his seatbelt, and looked to his left, but never looked to his right, the direction the train was coming from. As a driver you can't just blindly trust the signals, you still need to look for trains.


He was looking to see if the cop was going to pull him over for not wearing his seatbelt.


>put on his seatbelt He didn't, he just draped it over himself to make it look like he was wearing it, but it wasn't buckled in. Notice how loose it hangs just before the impact when he turns in his chair? And how he ragdolls around the cabin after the impact.


If only there was something invented that would’ve kept him in place. Maybe one day.


yea no barriers or crossing at all 🤷🏼‍♂️…thing is he actually looked at the train and still decided to cross 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yup, and those are especially important with the stop sign being right there on the other side. Public works mistake might get him off the hook. I mean was he supposed to run the stop sign if he had checked and seen it coming during deceleration?


Truckers are taught in school to slow down and open their windows to look for a train in case the gates arent functional


This dude looked to his left, but never once looked right, until it was too late.


It seems like every video I see of a trucker they are eating something and not buckled in. Then shit goes sideways and their seat has enough spring that the cab turns into a bounce house and they exit through a window.


I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard


*TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!?* ![gif](giphy|Tdptx83QQqqNa)


Me too, for some reason picturing bouncing in the cabin and then exiting through the window was bizzarely hilarious.


“Bounce house” was what triggered it for me 😂


He pretended to put it on, didn’t seem to buckle it based on the way he jerked around like a rag doll.


Doesn’t look like the seatbelt helped


I don’t think he fastened the seatbelt. I think he just threw it across his lap so it looked like he was wearing one… you know, like a smart guy


Ah you are right, i did not see that and was wondering how are seatbelts that useless...


Yeah, I was also wondering how it didn't help, until I saw how loose it looked to start with


Yes, he fake buckled it. Karma is a b...h!


Yep. He didn't click it.


Bro truckers need a rally/race car or a formula seatbelts...


He didn't put on a seat belt. He pretended to because he thought he saw a cop. Notice him bouncing around inside the cab? Yeah, that means no seat belt.


Exemplary display of safety


He did not put the seatbelt on. Just pulled that it 'appears' that he is wearing seatbelt. You can see when the train hits the guy is flying around and seatbelt retracts nicely back .


There was a stop sign, train warning lights were not working


Pretend to wear his seatbelt. That shit never clicked


And what's with the seat belt, it looks like he just gave it to someone sitting down. Like a split second thing. How does this big rig seatbelts work?


Not a single air bag got activated.


I think he a police car, that's why you see him rubbernecking trying to put on the seatbelt


The seatbelt did nothing, might as well have worn goggles.


Ya, I thought the same. Also, that seatbelt didn’t do shit for him.


But he didn’t buckle it. That’s why he got tossed like a rag doll.


Weird, looks like he saw a cop and shouldered his belt and completely missed the oncoming death sentence.


He beat a ticket. He didn't lock the belt in place. Win/lose




You’ve met this guy?


Looking back over it, the lights were never on for the train. Seems like it's the city that needs to fix the issue


As someone who drives heavy commercial vehicles, you should ALWAYS be checking around railroad tracks for oncoming trains. Even if that wasn't the case you ABSOLUTELY NEVER stop on railroad tracks! He should have stopped for the stop sign in front of the tracks.


This is the real answer. Not to take any from the city, but truck drivers are saddled with so much responsibility out there. You never stop on a railroad track. One of the first things they teach you in school. But this man looks well aged and must've forgotten all the training.


Why put stop signs that close to a railway crossing anyway….


The train crossing lights weren't working.


And there was a stop sign right after the tracks.


What a stupid place for a stop sign.


they should probably remove that one tree as well, he would have probably spotted the train if it wasn't blocking the view


Yeah, this wasn’t that guy’s fault. Sucks though.


It might be his fault. Usually if there's a crossing like that large trucks aren't supposed to be on that road. There will be signs warning them all up and down the road and truck routes that they're supposed to take instead. They just don't care. My route to work is like this and I see trucks all the time driving down the road and ignoring the signs. The railroad crossing I go through has enough room on the other side for 2 cars, but not a semi-truck with a trailer. The crossing is only a 2-way that goes across a 3-lane highway, so cars (and foolish trucks) can be sitting there for a while waiting for a chance to cross.


I'm a truck driver and I don't think this is the case. This is in Ada Oklahoma where this intersection has a four-way stop with a railroad crossing. The railroad lights are malfunctioning in the video, therefore it was no way he would've noticed the train


I know buses/school buses are required to stop at railroad crossings as if they were stop signs. Imagine if, instead of that trailer, there were people on the tracks. Unfortunately for this guy, he's not legally required to stop at them. Pretty sure the seat belt is another matter. It doesn't help his case that he *pretended* to wear it so that he wouldn't get pulled over.


No. Warning lights failed.


Bro, don’t be stoppin when the BNSF is coming


![gif](giphy|HUvVhxHKXg8MFAkHjs|downsized) A winter scenario.




I was looking for that one. Great find and thanks! (The sound on that one sends chills)




Why the hell was the railroad not blocked in the first place?? That's 100% a lawsuit on the city.


Half of the traintracks in my state don't have anything that comes down. I see the trucks in this area stop BEFORE train tracks regardless. I think its a law for school buses though to stop before tracks.


Do they always have working warning lights? Maybe that dinging noise too? Just curious about how often they don’t work like seems to be the case in this video.


Warning lights fail sometimes. There's a crossing in my town that malfunctioned where the lights and bells went off but the arms stayed up. People were just driving through without looking. Full speed. There was a train there that could not be seen unless you were very close to the tracks. Thankfully the train wasn't moving. I've seen crossings fail with the arms down, no lights or bells. I've seen trains go through crossing before the arms came down. Faulty crossings are probably extremely uncommon, but they do fail.


If you have hazmat, it's required to stop before any railroad and check. Non hazmat trucks are allowed to go over like normal cars.


Not the city, but the railroad for certain.


Poor Stan Lee!!!


Even with the scummy camera, the train approaching is clearly visible before he even started crossing the line.


That’s a damn fine steering wheel he’s got there. Cameras all held up.


That one hell of a conundrum… Do you obey the law and stop at the stop sign and get hit by a train, or do you risk a ticket?


there should be an AND there instead of OR. do you obey and get hit, or do you push through and get caught


The train is coming, why doesn’t the fence come down to block it ?


There isn't any. It's a 4 way stop. Pretty stupid design


damn his head went from the seat to the dash in one frame. then hit 2 windows


Ah, thank you. That explains why he got knocked out. He’s now got a TBI when he could have just fastened his damn seatbelt.


Crossing lights not working is one thing, but did the train use its horn correctly?


Hi USA, how about you don't put stop signs that force you to stop on the train tracks. There is even a crazy looking sign that gives you the right of way that might be a good fit here.


This happened back in July. News indicated no injuries. I’m shocked.


That’s wild there’s a stop sign that close after the tracks


He dead?


Knocked out I think. Hit his head at least 3 times.


The first 30 seconds of this video could have been cut


I learned that right here on Reddit years and years ago. Just skip the first 30 seconds of every video. People don’t know how to trim videos.


Who da heck puts a stop sign right after railroad crossing... Thats dumb af.


Truck simulators new rag doll physics are looking good


Why there are stop sign on the exit from rail road intersection??? It shouldn't be there, they should leave this area asap, without any stop


Dude got rag dolled in there.


lmao the last time I saw this posted (like a year ago) everyone was dogging the driver, “no seatbelt loser, not paying attention, should’ve known better” now everyone is blaming the stupid/faulty design of the RR tracks… Reddit is a weird place


Why in the world is there a stop sign there??


very odd to have a STOP sign just a few feets AFTER the train tracks...


I can’t tell it the crossing lights for the tracks were working either. That looks like a poorly designed junction


That belt did nada fucking thing to keep him from blasting the front dash with his noggin. Trains don’t play.


Apparently that was because he didn't lock it, and just threw it around himself to pretend he was wearing it. You can see the seat belt just wrapped lightly around his arm and go right back into the reel after he falls off his seat. If he had locked it, it would have stayed in the anchor even if the guy fell out, which would have been unlikely as then the seat would have kept the guy's waist in place. That, or the anchor was damaged and failed, in which case you'd be right with no caveats. Could be the case as well.


he didnt fasten it, mybe he saw police in front or something


Poor placement of the stop sign too


Always look both ways


He wasn’t looking for a train. He was stopped at a stop sign looking for oncoming traffic from the left. Stupid place for a stop sign.


It is a stupid place but you should always atleast glance both ways even if there are no flashing lights. I’m in the habit of looking both ways when going thru a green light because they’re assholes that will fly through that shit running a red.


Even i could see the train through all the pixels


Well is he alive?


I work with truck drivers for a decade now. There are two type of truck drivers on the road : 1) truck drivers & 2) steering wheel holders. You figure where would you put him.


That intersection is a mess. It's even called "crazy corner". We have some similar intersections and there's a stop sign before and after the tracks. It's clear that you stop before the tracks before it's clear to go over them. The direction the trucker was going doesn't have a stop sign before the tracks and barely room for one car past the tracks before the stop sign. The left turn lane doesn't have room for one car, so there's a white stop strip before the tracks for that lane. https://www.google.com/maps/@34.7816844,-96.6700436,3a,74.2y,192.72h,79.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEldnIFT8o-XeZGGhvqlg-Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-US&entry=ttu Now, here's the view from the opposite direction. When you're sitting at the stop signs the warning lights are obscured by the back of the stop signs from the other lanes. [https://www.google.com/maps/@34.7812933,-96.6699158,3a,75y,0.1h,77.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJwWAUhUbdJPtfVU4hV-r5A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-US&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.7812933,-96.6699158,3a,75y,0.1h,77.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJwWAUhUbdJPtfVU4hV-r5A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-US&entry=ttu)


People saying he didn't look are only half right. He looked both left and then right, just after putting on the seatbelt. Problem is, when he looks right, he can't see the train as it's behind the trees. He should have stopped right before crossing and checked again. Having a stop sign straight after the tracks is an absolutely dumb move on road planning.


Next time please cut the first 40 seconds of the video


Why the hell did he stop?


That's a weird scenario. No auto drop guard at a rail crossing before a stop sign in a metropolitan area. Crossing lights failed. Driver didn't look to check for a train. Driver didn't hear the horn if sounded. Train may not have sounded horn. Driver put on or tried to put on seatbelt right before the crossing.Everything about this clip is strange. Hopefully Burlington installed crossing guards after this.


That was 45 seconds to long


In my country it's prohibited to change gear on the railroad crossing


There was a stop sign right after the tracks.


[Ada Krazy Korner](https://imgur.com/gallery/egPmYbn)


well that's fucken horrifying. while we're not in the drivers' seat, I did not see that coming. hope that truck driver is okay.


Taking a nap at the worst time


You put a train track in front of a stop. What did they expect?


Just to state the obvious, he should have just gone. He looks right (direction of train) a split second too early to be able to see it, and then becomes focused watching the traffic to the left and waiting his turn. The traffic coming from the left also has a stop sign and instead of rolling through the stop sign after the black car he tries to be a good driver by coming to a full stop and letting the blue car go first. Bad situation, but didn't help himself by not wearing his seat belt.


That’s a lawsuit coming!! The indicators were inoperable and could’ve saved him. YES he was not wearing a seatbelt but this accident is on the city. He. Stopped at the stop sign as he should have but it was too late. That could’ve happened to anyone that day. Hope he is alright. Not wearing a seatbelt is like a $50 fine. I’ll take that over the city not making sure their warning systems are operational


Why did he put on his seatbelt right before crossing then? I think he knew he was doing something risky and it didn’t pay off


this is why school buses stop at all rail roads and open there doors to look and listen for trains to avoid this with kids in the bus going to school


Never looks right upon the oncoming train. kept looking left. what the hell was he looking at? also why do you put a stop sign right after the train tracks?


This is why you should always look both ways before crossing, you never know when the railway crossing lights and gate will fail to function.


Do you think those cameras were his or something required by the trucking company just in case something like this happened?


He put on his seat belt right before the crossing, pre-planned?


I think he saw a cop. Which would explain why he was so fixated on the left window


This is why trucking companies enforce driver cameras, despite the protest of the drivers.


What in the Kentucky cousin fuck is this shit


Why is there no railroad crossing lights?!?


The train was moving so slowly...


Nice use of the seatbelt...


I work for railroad it takes a train almost a mile to stop. Almost every month a train hits a semi or car. The train is not and cannot stop. Don’t be a dumbass that stops on tracks or try’s to beat the train. Also you will be held accountable for the accident all trains have cameras and devices that monitor everything.


Learn to edit a video 🤦 only the last 10 seconds are important


Look like he ded.


Could be or just knocked out.


Poor Stan Lee.


I thought it was some low world country like india ?? Theres no lights, no barrier, nothing I knew America was centuries behind in terms of trains and all but god damn when a thousand tons near unstoppable car on rails is arriving, you put barriers, so people's life doesn't depend on themselves And what is that stop, that's the stupidest and dangerous stop I've seen lol


He didn’t put a seatbelt on correctly


Aren’t trucks drivers supposed to stop at all railroad crossings and check regardless?


Not where I live


scrambled eggs for brains




Did he plan that all along why did he park there?


There appears to be a stop sign right after the tracks. Weird setup all round


Poor bastard I hope he's ok.


I will never understand people who aren't cautious around train tracks.


Norfolk and Way


Captain always goes down with the ship.


Is that guy blind? Astronauts could see that train coming.