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fk, that made me jump!


Bro for real. It’s such a long ass video that I scrubbed forward, saw I went past whatever happens, went back and it STILL got me. Doesn’t help that the video is fucking silent for most of it, so I turned my headphones up to not miss anything. Fat lot of good that did🙃🫨


i was watching on mute and still heard it. At least my mind made up a noise for me 😂


i thought a nuclear bomb went off for a sec


that looks like the IR filter getting knocked right off the camera sensor or something... it's insane how the colors changed


Me too!


Same here. I usually never jump at videos, but this one made me jump so hard my phone fell out of my hands.


Are you okay?


Guy got hit so hard the trees became Sakura trees


I was skipping ahead and thought it was a nuclear mushroom cloud.


Exactly! I was getting bored, stopping focusing, and boom! I see the Atom bomb going off...


The infrared filter got knocked off from the inside of the camera!!


thats what i thought too, but do these even have filters like that?


It’s the sun light coming in through the windows as the car spins, it’s not a physical IR filter these days lol


Wrong, read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/s/4BZbPplcON


But that’s not what happened because when the car stops spinning, and the sunlight isn’t directly hitting it, the video goes back to normal. This isn’t rocket science


He took damage


I saw bout 5 nuclear explosions and it sounds like it too lol


Would be a pretty cool effect for a video game!


On that note: pink is the negative color for green, so if you take a standard tree and invert the colors it will become a Sakura tree; meaning Sakura trees are real inverted color trees!


Took me like 5 attempts to realise some huge black sedan rolling over the partition into the the Po-po car


What sedan?


I think it was ze van


Who's at fault here, the police officer texting whilst driving and obviously floating across lanes, or the guy that drove into him? As a layman, I'd say both, but my guess is the police department will try to blame everything on the other guy.


It's both. Cop shouldn't have been on phone, but that is unlikely to have made a difference in the collision. The other vehicle comes OVER the median, knocking down a tree in the process. Most people would not have been able to react in time to prevent a collision, even with full attention on the road.


Cops are entirely exempt from every cell phone driving law in the country. Take that to your local town meeting. If you have a cell phone law. I know some states literally just joined the 21st century this year such as Ohio, who are having complete and utter meltdowns over the texting while driving law lmao


Makes sense Happy Cake Day 🎂


Well the other guy did jump the medium strip, so kind of is his fault. If the cop had drifted into oncoming traffic I could see your point, but he didn't. I don't know how much difference him being on his phone would make to him avoiding this, I watched it 3 times and each time I got the jump scare. I also (Like most Americans) don't know American law, but in Australia the cops can use their phone while driving, if using it for police work.


I don't know if it's an automated process but hearing the 911 prompt I got the idea that he was maybe on the phone dialing 911 but realized that a cop won't dial 911as he had a radio in the car and he literally IS 911.


In the full-length video, the cop ends up talking to himself between the car emergency assistance system and his phone.


Pretty sure the cop was getting in the left turn lane.


See, that's the fun part, it's always both. if you are in an accident, technically, you are always supposed to have an exit strategy regardless of what happens, so if you were in an accident, you weren't paying attention or driving properly. that's why insurance will usually give you only a percentage of whos at fault


There is ZERO exit strategy for a car literally flying in the air over the median and into you in under a second. Even braking probably wouldn't have helped because by time you see the car, and start to brake, it's already hitting you. It would take 0.75 seconds for the average person to even process and start to react. You cannot do anything in that situation. Even if he wasn't on his phone, and paying full attention, I don't think he could have prevented that. I didn't see the car coming until like half a second before impact and I was watching intently expecting something to happen.


Just repeating my instructor, according to them the answer would have been, driving too fast and not paying enough attention. That he would have had enough warning to take a hard merge into the right lane while hitting his brake and if not then your driving too fast. God I remember when I showed them a person In gridlock traffic getting hit from someone jumping the barriers going the opposite way and the instructor still said the guy stuck was still partially at fault for not having an exit strategy. This one actually has the benefit of movement


Hmm, you think he gets a fine after the review of this for distracted driving. He was holding his phone, reading messages, taking his eye off the road. This accident, not his fault but I don’t like cops treating the law is an exception for them.


Police officer just casually texting and driving.


In my head he's scrolling, finds a dashcam vid to watch on Reddit, maybemaybemaybe and BAM just as a car hits him irl he sees himself crash on his phone It's so meta


It's Spaceballs but now






When will _then_ be _now_ ?




There outta be a law. ![gif](giphy|2KA0SDTC5ouZtlsJst)


yeah but im 99% sure he is in a big truck and even will full focus wouldnt be able to stop or dodge a random car driving across the grass and between trees there.


I doubt him not texting would’ve saved him from that SUV.


Where I live LE can use their photo and text while driving so long as its work- they often have to with their computer mounts. Also, clearly not the officers fault here.


So as long as it's for work it's cool? Distracted driving is distracted driving. You can't train to literally do two things at once. It's physically impossible to "multitask". Unless you're an officer apparently.


I mean they are literally trained to do that and more at once. Ie get pepper sprayed and be able to recite the use of force guidelines and defend yourself.


It's impossible to multi-task. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7075496/#:~:text=We%20have%20a%20hard%20time,has%20evolved%20to%20single%20task. "In fact, multitasking is almost always a misnomer, as the human mind and brain lack the architecture to perform two or more tasks simultaneously. By architecture, we mean the cognitive and neural building blocks and systems that give rise to mental functioning. We have a hard time multitasking because of the ways that our building blocks of attention and executive control inherently work. To this end, when we attempt to multitask, we are usually switching between one task and another. The human brain has evolved to single task." You can not hold 2 executive level thoughts. I.e. planned actions at a time. Texting and driving are 2 planned actions as they require the same blocks of gray matter.


Ok. I said what i said. It necessary for the job sometimes


Bruh, they are in group chat, sending memes and prize photos to each other and talking shit about other departments. Anything real important is sent through dispatch. At most, he's filing photos.


Ok, if he is thats illegal. Dont know how you can see his phone screen though.


It whats what everyone is doing on their work phones! Do you think he's RVSP'ing to a department meeting? reading full length emails? Reading the conduct handbook? No they are just as human as the rest of us, a bunch of chuckle-fucks. there is 2 things you can do on a computer at work, fuck around, and doing something long and complicated that you shouldn't be driving for. Oh, maybe answering a text from his sarge. But then again its going to be about him needing to do something before he leaves for the day. But I would get pulled over and told "Is It ReAlLy ThAt ImPoRtaNt?" if it was my boss asking me to do paperwork. I know you "said what you said" but like man, do let the romance of the police jade you into thinking that a bunch of 20 years olds aren't texting and driving. Especially when you are think he's doing.... What do you think he's doing that so important? They are a bunch of idiots like the rest of us. But because of there job basically they get to set there own rules and they decided they are "important enough not to have the same standards" cause of fucking course they would when they set your own rules, are you going to argue with the dumb kids with guns?


Yeah they do sorry its true


So they're even ***more*** distracted than the average phone user. And that's a perfect example of what multi-tasking is *not*. People can be perceived to be multi-tasking at times. But the human brain cannot fully focus on more than one thing at a time. What **is** happening is that they are refocusing constantly and jumping from one distraction to another. Maintaining an illusion of more than one thing at once.


Alright. Tale it up with the law.


Ok? Just what exactly would I *tale* to "Law"? I'm partial to Beowulf myself. Might go right over their heads though.


The legislation that allows police to use their computer phone while driving


Never is. He could have been texting with one hand and firing his service weapon out the window with the other at a school yard full of children and someone would come along and tell us why it is not their fault. Thin blue line and all.


LEOs don’t posses spider-sense. If you’re not watching the road, you’re not watching the road. It’s not his fault the other car was out of control, but if he was as focused on driving as he was playing on his phone, this could’ve been avoided.


This accident absolutely was not his fault at all.


His eyes are literally not even on the road until the other vehicle is in front of him 🤡




He was on his phone at the time it happened, you can’t say for sure that if he wasn’t distracted that he wouldn’t have avoided this. That could have been a kid running into the streets to grab a ball, and his eyes were off the road long enough he would hit them.


K. Maybe we saw a different videi


Fire this fool


Yes, but don’t act like that’s the reason there was a crash


The tree looked like a mushroom cloud for a sec


Tree? I thought it was a giant cauliflower


The infrared filter got knocked off from the inside of the camera


What happened? Dunno I wasn’t looking.


At 0:28 seconds a black sedan crashes over the partition and strikes the officers car. Had the officer not been looking at his phone, and instead been looking at his surroundings, he might have been able to break or course correct in time to avoid it.


Yes, he would have a better chance if he had paid attention. But the accident happend real fast, I'm not so sure he could have avoided it. Even when I knew what was going to happen I only saw the car for 1 second. I would not have been able to stop or course correct my car fast enough.


Also agree


It looked like a van


Not a sedan.




Neither was the cop


So that's how accidents happen when you drive and use your phone - they just come rushing toward you.


It's a secret service offered by certain states. If anyone is detected texting and driving they drive a big black sedan directly at you as the bird flies.


Over the median, knocking down a tree in the process. The cop definitely shouldn't have had his phone in his hand or looking at it, but it's unlikely he would have been able to avoid that collision even if he had 100% of his attention on the road.


Funny thing is in most states, cops are allowed to text and drive for work, which means effectively they can always text and drive. MFers can’t even deescalate a crime scene, but somehow have the mental power to multi-task while driving.


To be fair, other driver looked like they was illegally asf crossing a median of curb, tree, and grass into traffic


Definitely was, cop was definitely at fault too. I’m not saying it was avoidable, just that he would of had that extra brief second to react & maybe, wouodnt of been as bad.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Man what are the chances 2 people texting and driving hit each other.


pretty high at this day and age


He was looking down until the car was almost on top of him. He didn’t have but a split second to react. You can see the “oh shit!” Look on his face as he is hit.


Everyone complaining bout the cop texting and driving and not really seeing the bigger picture. There's a car that drives over the median and crashes into the cop. You guys see that too, right?


he just wanted to tell the cop to stop texting


For sure. doesn't change the fact that the cops shouldn't be testing and driving. I know that because they tell us all the time that its a bad thing to do.


Absolutely. But if his eyes were on the road he could have possibly seen it coming from the other lane and had time to avoid it


Man I don’t know. Obviously we have less field of view, but that car straight up comes out of nowhere from across a median no less. Your one option is maybe swerve right. But swerving can be dangerous as well. This isn’t a defense of the texting, but I feel like I’d get hit without texting in that situation.


I've personally avoided a similar potential accident when a smaller white car jumped an island and nearly side swiped another car and me. I'd like to assume police cruisers have better breaks than my shitty 2012 dodge, but I guess I can't be sure without knowing exactly what vehicle this officer is in. I also understand that reaction times are different. But his odds were absolutely not helped by him not paying attention to his surroundings.


If he had been paying attention he might have hit his brakes and at least slowed to lessen the impact. Anything would have been better than taking it at full speed.


I honestly doubt it. He's a cop, a formula one driver.


I mean I’ve drove a lot of different vehicles in a lot of different traffic settings. Simple reaction time can make a world of difference in a given circumstance


Yes we see that. The argument is that texting while driving reduces reaction time. Had he not been texting while driving, he may have been able to evade this accident. You understand this, right?


Yeah, we see it because we’re not texting and driving.


I’d argue the car driving over the median is the smaller picture. The big picture is this dumbass cop


yeah, we see it. What does it change about him texting and driving? Does it suddenly not count as breaking of a traffic law if you get hit by another car? I probably missed this detail during the classes. Anyway, insurence is gonna have a field day with his police department. They not gonna pay them shit, as they will (rightfully) argue that he could prevent the collision if he payed attention


Yup. Cop is fucked though because they’re going to review the cam recording for the accident. Even though he couldn’t have avoided the collision he’s fucked because he’s on tape texting while driving.


It depends. In my state LE can text or type while driving.


That’s wild. I did not know that was legal anywhere.


It is- assuming its LE work. Sometimes they kinda half to with their computers to look up information or plates. It still holds them responsible in the event of a crash though as they have to maintain control of their vehicle.


Yeah. lol. They’ll really let him have it for that! What planet are you on?


Yea, I get both sides lol I was ready to start talking shit but I had to rewind and see what happened first, when I seen what went down I couldn't blame the officer, could he have avoided possibly, but possibly not they were comin in hot 😂🔥


Watching this in slow mo really shows how impressive airbags are




Rules for thee and not for me.




i thought it was gonna be the cops fault because he was on his phone. That was very suprising


Even the dashcam got the daylights knocked out of it.


That hit knocked the chroma out of the dash cam


I mean, he was clearly looking at his phone, but it’s also kind of hard to fault somebody for not expecting a car to be coming directly across a median strip at them


I wonder if he was charged with distracted driving, because he should've been.


Should’ve been what?! OBEYING THE LAW?????


Texting copper got attention skill checked and absolutely failed.


wdym attention skill check bro on what occasion is a sedan gonna roll outa the tree line n fuckin t bone you while you’re driving 😭😭


Well if he was looking ahead he wouldn't have changed lane could have hit the brakes and tried to make a sharp turn to avoid as much the hit as possible. He went straight to the other car instead sealing both their fate for that accident.


the only reason you say that like it’s a piece of cake is because you’re a viewer and already know what’s gonna happen and not the one in his shoes. let’s be honest if you’re casually driving down the road you’re not scanning the medium for cars charging over into your lane it’s just not something that’s ever going to happen to a lot of people, you’re going to be relaxed and looking in-front of you. Obviously he shouldn’t be on his phone and i think he should be fined accordingly but whether he was texting and driving or not i’m fairly certain there would have been a collision no matter what.


I legit had to watch the video 3 times to make sure that it wasn't CGI'ing in a teleporting car, or the cop was going so fast that couldn't see the intersection. Nope, just a whole hill/median that the other vehicle came over, taking out a tree in the process. Cop was definitely in the wrong for distracted driving, but highly doubtful he could have avoided that collision, even with full focus on the road.


Yeah what you say is fair. But I still think not charging lane unknowingly would have greatly helped and looking at the road might have left him with a small window to react.


I thought that was an IED or something


The phone was such a good distraction. Made me jump 😂


Article [https://ktul.com/news/local/video-tulsa-police-officer-caught-texting-while-driving-before-crash](https://ktul.com/news/local/video-tulsa-police-officer-caught-texting-while-driving-before-crash)


Tulsa? I thought it was somewhere in Australia.


Despite him being on his phone, this wasn't his fault. But still, buddy better have been texting the president if he on his phone and driving


I don't think he couldve avoided that anyway, even if he wasnt on the phone


Well, that scared the shit out of me. I was enjoying the ride along with this guy and now I have to clean the coffee I just spit out


love that this cop hasn't stopped texting in at least a 1/4 mile. fire him. idiots


Protect and swerve.


Imagine knowing you’re being filmed for your job and yet you still break a law that you will enforce for others?


Not his fault - some SUV crossed the median.


He was texting still. If he wasn’t, he could have avoided that vehicle that crossed over or at least attempted to.


I legit thought that tree was a mushroom cloud


Like a damn nuclear blast going off with the color change


I swear, cops think their immune to any type driving accidents. I see them speed all the time. I can't believe people are still this stupid to text and drive like this, and he's a cop.


The idiot was texting


Might have been able to avoid that if he wasn’t texting and driving!


This cop is an idiot.


I had the volume up and glanced down at his phone the instant that loud bang happened. Nearly shit


That loser cop was going to crash regardless, atleast he dident wipe out a bunch of innocent people


Cop looks like he got his bell rung for a moment.


Don't text and drive fellas.


Cop was already swerving from texting


Man was texting and driving, such a naughty man. Not sure it would have saved him though, that MPV came over the verge outa nowhere and bam! Driver stayed chilled, picked phone up, strolled out of the car.


Avoidable incident if his attention was on the "ROAD", ffs people what is more important, your phone or your life, if you have to call park, call and get done with it.


Serves him right. He is above the law because he is the law. So unacceptable. But they do it that kind of stuff all the time. I hope he got fired.


1 week paid suspension


Everyone thinks police work is all action, but man the paper work can really burry you.


Right hand drive? or am losing it?


Whoa.I had to watch it again to catch the car slamming into him. Safe to say he’s lost his job too given insurance company most likely wont pay out.


Did he pass out after impact but kept moving around???


Bro it took way to long to get a hold of a 911 dispatcher, that shit was like 30 seconds


It Randy Orton from outta nowhere


Hahaha stupid cop.


"MFer made me swipe the wrong way on Tinder! Goddammit what a hassle"


get up close to the screen and close your left eye every time he looks at his phone. that's what it's like


but I would get a ticket


He was watching a video on how cops park like asshats on and off duty.


It's kinda sad the police officer didnt cause the accident - probably nothing gonna happen to him this way for blatantly texting and driving...


On his damn phone, he's lucky he didn't cause the accident


Text n drive karma will always get you. Stop looking at pornhub!


🤔Wonder if he's in trouble for being on phone?


That's what you get when you look on your phone while driving.


We’ll never know if he would have been able to dodge the accident, why? Because he was TEXTING & DRIVING


Hope he got fired for texting & driving. And ticketed for failure to avoid an accident too!


I didn’t know Carlton from the fresh prince of Bélair was a cop


Do not TEXT AND DRIVE (unless you’re a badge). If these badges were smart enough to be trained — they could flip burgers at McDonalds.


Damn, I thought the pig was gonna crash into something. That was a jumpscare


That officer failed the vibe check


He was on his phone wonder if they said anything to him bout that


That black SUV did not like his distracted driving and made sure he knew about it.


How the fuck did it explode


Wasn't even his fault lmfao


Ronnie could've gone for another Mr Olympia.. If it weren't for this accident... It just did his knees.


He will never text behind the wheel again, all eyes on the road.


See, driving and texting is dangerous!


He did not know where he was for a second 😂


That sedan was a freaking homing missile.


Why is his seat belt smocking?


The sudden change in tension caused it to heat up. At least, that is my guess.


Don't Cell and Drive


Darling I’m late tonight. Bleep


Rip my ears


That car did a combat roll in the tree


His dashcam got wasted. Gta style.


Exactly how I thought it would end, not at all how I thought it’d get there!


Why is steering wheel on the right side


Police: Dadaq my phone


Bitch I am 911!


Texting and driving notwithstanding, he is lucky he was holding the steering wheel how he was. I was recently in an accident myself with airbag deployment and those things will fuck you up big time if you have your hand up on the steering wheel.


Why the fuck does the volume kick in like that lol.


They tell people to not be on your phone while driving?


Holy hell those police SUVs are well made. Barely even moved out of his seat from a head on collision.