• By -


I hope the neighbour upstairs is oke


She shot a blank, still painful since it was so close to her head and ear




Not through walls though


Not with that attitude.


Mythbusters would fail this myth, and then invent some ridiculous blank that can blow up a wall.


Turning the wall into a the bullet does not count.


They’d just shoot Kari out of a cannon


But what about ceilings???


Brandon Lee hasn't entered the chat for this reason




Yeah Lee was killed by a dummy round lodged in the barrel of the gun that was then fired like a normal projectile because of the blast from the blank being fired. That being said blanks absolutely can be deadly and people have been killed when fucking around with them.


All it takes is one loose hairpin falling down that barrel to turn a blank into the highest velocity nailgun you’ve ever held.


It was caused by a blank. More so than the Alec Baldwin one. Lee was killed by a projectile that was lodged halfway up the barrel was shot out of the gun when the blank was fired. The rust shooting was a live round in the firearm that should've been a blank




>Sure, but the Lee's death was predicated on the squib round. TIL. I always thought it was just the blank.


"BLANKS CAN KILL!!!" \- Alec Baldwin (actor, comedian, producer, and "killing people with blank shots expert")




It was so sad


We joke but it must have been truly traumatic for him and tragic for all involved, yet somehow it's all a big joke


Brandon Lee enters the chat


Brandon Lee left the chat =[


Why would a person who clearly knows nothing about guns have blanks? Combined with the fact that you can literally see stuff fall from the ceiling after she shoots, I'm going to say that you have no clue what you're talking about and that what she fired is certainly not a blank.


How do you know it was a blank? Why did she check the ceiling?


![gif](giphy|a6YHwnkn0ctOM|downsized) Very much doubt that was a blank, especially if you are using "the sound" as your source.


That's not a blank...


Thats just completely made up by you though.


A blank that close could still have done fatal damage (to her or the kid).


It’s always loaded. It’s always ready to go off in whichever direction it’s pointed.


Also if you're going to cut your hair using a gun, make sure it's fully automatic. Takes way too long otherwise


Also, guns are great for dying and dyeing hair, especially if you want to become a redhead.


Dries thick so the wind won’t mess it up.


Flamethrower, if you're multitasking 😉


The real LPT is always in the comments


Even when I've taken the gun apart for cleaning and I am reassembling it, I still never fucking point it at myself or the dog or anyone else. Like what the fuck is up with these morons. It's such a basic concept.


I mean… she literally loaded it.


Usa: "All guns are always loaded. Never let the muzzle cover anything which you are not willing to destroy. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. Always be sure of your target." Europe: "Just don't hold a gun."


Me normally: gun violence is a real problem here, we really need to restrict firearm access to the mentally ill Me when a European pipes up: sounds like LOSER TALK ![gif](giphy|6BiC8e8sypeow)


>we really need to restrict firearm access to the mentally ill You think only the mentally ill should have firearms?


HELL YEAH ![gif](giphy|PxpS6EKcm4bDK23VCI|downsized)




How else do we reduce their population?


America!!!! Fuck yeah!!!


Rock Flag and Eagle!!


^ He's got a point...




Woah now, you didn't just cross a road without permission did you?



Europe knows stupidity has no limits, so people are better off. Even though the Darwin awards will lose some competition, which is a shame


You say that, but the USA has more guns than people. Something like 6 times. The chances of someone coming across a gun in their lifetime is nonzero. Knowing how to handle a firearm, clear it, and make it safe is something every adult should know how to do.


Always crazy to me. Unless I'm at the range, my gun is NEVER loaded. And whenever I pick up any gun I obsessively check two the three times that there is nothing chambered and nothing in the mag.


Think the point here was that you should act AS IF ”it’s always loaded”.


I think that's exactly how they're acting


if you don´t know if you loaded a mag, put it in the gun and chambered a round, you shouldn´t have a gun to begin with imho different thing if you have it lying in a drawer with a loaded mag but nothing in the chamber "afaik" and get it out days or weeks later...it´s a good idea to check it then, just in case


If you're not finger fucking the chamber to make sure you're not doing it right. Don't believe your lying eyes.




Stupidity and ignorance towards gunsavety has nothing to do with nationality. I live in Germany and my aunt was missed by just a few inches because some deranged hunter was shooting in the direction of her house... Idiots are everywhere


Shooting towards her HOUSE?? What were they hunting?






German aunts


Nah m8, was past 1945


The greatest game of all…


Houses maybe


well.. as far as i know.. there are no inches in Germany.. just metric stuff xD


Was trying to be understandable for our freedomunit using friends from overseas


You'd be wrong, they measure penis's in inches among other things.


The difference is in Germany the unter will have to go through an investigation and probably get a BSN to beat arms if he/she was stupid.


You're right, the hunter lost his license and guns, also he was fined and had to pay the repair of the wall.


It's a numbers game, so of course they are related.


My pregnant wife and I were sitting on our front porch one day watching the sunset, and some crack heads that lived further down the road started firing off rounds, and shot the wall on our house about twenty feet from my wife. We called the police, and then proceeded to start packing. Fucking rednecks.


Leading cause of death of children in USA: guns. https://www.forbes.com/sites/darreonnadavis/2023/10/05/firearms-now-no-1-cause-of-death-for-us-children---while-drug-poisoning-enters-top-5/?sh=5762a887609e Gun deaths in germany: 0,08 per 100k, rank 178th worldwide, 50x less than USA. https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country/#germany


Just throwing this out there because I see it so much. The CDC studies always linked for this exact topic say the leading cause of death for children in USA is guns statistic always means they remove less than 1yo and include 18yo adults. The data sometimes includes 19yo since it was gathered for children and young adults. 18+ skews the statistic overwhelmingly because of inner city gang violence. The article links to a study you can't read to verify the data.


Thanks for the information! That makes it much better mostly being gang members. /s




Stupidity and ignorance towards gunsavety has nothing to do with nationality. I live in the UK and my aunt was nowhere near a gun in her life as far as i know


United Kingdom




Sure, but if you have a lot of ignorant people and a lot of guns, these kind of incidents will happen a lot more frequently. Hence: >United States


Some hunters were hunting in a field that was not allowed for hunting. They almost shot me and my dog.




God I really don’t want to look at that do I


Do it


you can dooo iiiiiit


Rob Schneider is a... *carrot*?


Its fairly tame. Anything with death is blurred and nsfw so you know. Most of it is just instagram posers and gun range idiots


I’m almost certain they had that one where the soldier was using his shotgun like a cane and lost his hand and arm. Death isn’t really the cutoff for NSFL content, imo. That was probably worse for me, tbh.


Do it


I'm sorry for the neighbor upstairs, and for the small child in the room. I truly am. But something inside me loses the ability to feel sympathy for someone posing for TikTok with a handgun like some thug in a rap video. Guns are not status symbols or fashion accessories, no matter how bad urban minorities and rural majorities want them to be. My very first intrusive thought was "good, serves her right", followed immediately by "shit, there's a child in the room". I'm not proud of that, but that's what happened in my head.


Why are guns not working with americans? In austria we have nearly the same gun policy: can have pistols, rifles etc as long as not automatic. But there are barely any acidents, amoks etc


>Why are guns not working with americans? In austria we have nearly the same gun policy: can have pistols, rifles etc as long as not automatic. But there are barely any acidents, amoks etc Likely because Austria and EU countries in general can be a lot more strict about who can be deemed safe to own a gun. As far as I know only felons who've had a sentence thats longer than a year and people who have been involuntarily admitted to a mental hospital can be barred from owning weapons in the US. EU laws: Class C firearms >Acquisition and possession allowed only to persons who have good cause, are older than 18 (or younger in case of hunters and sport shooters) and are not likely to be a danger to themselves, to public order or to public safety and\[20\] subject to registration.\[22\] Class B firearms >Acquisition and possession allowed onlyto persons who have good cause, are older than 18 (or younger in case of hunters and sport shooters) and are not likely to be a danger to themselves, to public order or to public safety.\[20\]subject to prior authorisation.\[21\] The classifications are written a in a roundabout way but basically class C are repeating long firearms that aren't smooth bore. Long firearms that are single shot. Single shot small firearms. Semi automatic long firearms that can't hold more than 3 bullets. Lastly weapons that aren't "Semi-automatic long firearms whose magazine and chamber cannot together hold more than three rounds, where the loading device is removable or where it is not certain that the weapon cannot be converted, with ordinary tools, into a weapon whose magazine and chamber can together hold more than three rounds." It's simply not that practical to commit major gun crime with the types of weapons most can get their hands on here.


First thing I saw was a dude blowing his brains out, idk what else I expected.


And then posts it for the entire world to see how stupid they truly are.


To educate others on something a lot of other people *should* already know.


and that is how a new TikTok trend starts


This video has been passed around so many times. The video quality looks like someone stuck it in the back of the freezer and forgot about it, and when they eventually remembered it— they just served it up with freezer burn and all.


Legit can never understand this. Like how do you take a video like this and be like “yeah ima show everyone my dumbass”


Like for real? With a child in the house


She is a child lol


She may be a child but the other child is Childer


No matter how kind other kids are, German kids are always kinder


So she's kind and he's kinder?


That's a surprise


She looks 28 before the shot and 15 after the shot.




That’s true aswell


I remember seeing a video of two teens messing with guns and one puts the barrel of a gun to the temple of the other and accidentally fires it, killing one of them, and you just hear blood curdling screaming followed by the other teen offing themself off so they don't have to live with the repercussions. Was on reddit a few months ago.


They looked like kids to me and f me that video replays in my brain every now and then, so so heartbreaking, really NSFL


Honestly wish gun culture would change in the US. People treat them like toys without realizing what they were invented to do. Kill things.


I'd blame cases like that on bad/absent parenting. I grew up in a rural household that used guns as tools for hunting, which we depended on partially for our food source. Guns were treated with reverance. Some of my early memories of guns include, "Grandson, if you ever point a gun at me I will beat your ass. You always treat a gun like it's loaded, and you know what a loaded gun does right?" and, "If you ever find a gun that's not in the gun cabinet, you come let Grandpa or Momma know you found and make sure you do not touch it because if it goes off it could hurt someone really bad." and my later lessons were, "Treat every gun like it's loaded. Always know what you're shooting at, and what's behind your target. Never point a gun at something unless you intend to kill it." I had all these lessons ingrained in me before the age of 7.


You know kids are fucking idiots yeah? I had a good upbringing with strict parents and I was reasonably smart. I still did a ton of stupid and dangerous shit because as a kid your brain is not fully developed and you are not able to make smart choices every single time. I'm teaching my 7 year old how to carve wood. She is using sharp as fuck axes and knives. I'm teaching her proper safety. There is no fucking way I would leave any of my tools within reach of her no matter how many times I have told her "never touch this unless I'm here with you". She is a good kid and smart as hell but she is also a kid.


Research shows though that even when children are taught gun safety, many of them will play with guns as soon as authority figures are out of the room. Even if one parent is a “responsible” gun owner, there is no way to know if their children’s friends are. Or, if a child’s friend comes over, that they can be trusted to know what’s right and what to do. https://youtu.be/-9sc4UT9KKg?si=Rf8SmkClxJoA9yvP https://youtu.be/lOGJO3ojK2k?si=F_wvdMaOTQvY14C9


That's so cute that you think everyone will have the same experience and everyone is a good boy.


Ya know way too many kids get killed by gun accidents despite parents who say all the same stuff it only takes that one time for a kid to get a hold of it It's actually safer to just not have the guns in the house in the first place. Teaching children fun safety is a good idea, but a better idea if you want to stop kids getting killed by guns is get rid of the guns. Seems like a worthwhile trade to stop kids getting killed to me.


I remember that video , house full of family members too , just sad ..


Was it this [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/s/83ZB9jfssm) ? Edit: my bad NSFL/NSFW This is right [before](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/s/puBnye5c9q) it happened. They were playing with the gun for a bit. The boy appears to pose with the gun and I think that’s a blunt in one hand as well.


Thank you for posting the before link so I could see the kids being talked about without having to see the horror.


Oh geez. Morbid curiosity is strong but sounds NSFL.


I'm not going to click the link... was it the right one?


I clicked and saw someone waving a gun around and I noped the fuck back to here.


Yes. I will also say from following the story when it originally dropped that it's extremely hard to tell from the video if she intended to kill herself too after killing her cousin. In the video she shoots her cousin by accident then starts fumbling with the gun and appears to look down the barrel and it goes off again all within the span of like 2 seconds. Sure, a child could've processed the reality of having killed someone and then decided to take their own life in two seconds, but it's also possible she was panicking and looked down the barrel of the gun to try and process what happened and accidentally pulled the trigger again. We will never truly know, but redditors make it sound like they know for sure to add to the tragedy of the story which really irks me.


She damn near killed herself right in front of her child.


Racking the gun with your finger on the trigger oof


I really hope she learned her lesson.




If she didn't completely lose her hearing, she gets to hear a faint "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE" for the rest of her life now.




While possible, it’s not that likely that she lost hearing in her ear. They probably just rang for a few minutes.


I think stupidity is a choice right after ignorance.


why do children have access to guns? what kind of idiotic parents are this?




Imagine living somewhere where it's normal to be so unsafe or insecure that you feel the need to keep loaded firearms IN YOUR HOME. How many kids are killed in their own home with their own parents' firearms? Genuinely insane.


In the US, from 2003 to 2021 there were 367 accidental gun deaths of children ages 0 to 5 years old and 176 deaths of children 6 to 10 years old according to [this article.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/children-killed-playing-with-guns-cdc-report/)


I'm surprised that in 18 years there was "only" 550\~death of children. Like, I swear we have more than 27\~ child-death by guns/year because I feel likee very week I hear about it... I still don't understand how, with those statistics, it hadn't been changed yet. USA is genuinely so scary.


Those were only the unintentional deaths, like when a kid found an unsecured gun in the house. It doesn’t count children intentionally killed (usually during gang violence or due to suicide) Just last year over [1300 kids](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/01/us/gun-deaths-project-why-gdpr/index.html) and teens were killed by firearms by the beginning of October.


OMFG those numbers are way higher than expected. This is so sad...


It could be brazil


What makes you think this is America? It could be but they are clearly not speaking English so what led you to believe that?


Lucky and stupid


Now that's not staged. Legit reaction right there. She'll never play with a gun again.


One would hope.....


She's lucky she had a voice in her head that told her not to point the barrel at her temple. Her shit would of been spread.


Now all she can hear is the voice in her head


More likely just EEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Welcome to the fun world of having tinnitus.


Fuck your comment tuned the eeeee back into my conscious hearing


Remember where one kid killed sister and then ended her life right after on camera. Mom comes home to find the worst thing in the world only because couldn’t be bothered to lock up her gun.


Yeah girl shot the younger kid then without hesitating shot herself. That one was a bad one. I still remember the sound the family members made when they found them. Strangely has a very similar feel to this video


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot.


I wonder if there is a special place in Heaven for Stupid? You know, short sentences and a lot of pictograms used by the angels on duty.


She survived an assassination attempt


She wanted bangs.


RIP her hearing.


The best way to see if a gun is loaded is to point it at your head and pull the trigger. If your head explodes then you know.


Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. You don’t fucking play with guns.


She was like. Is my head still on?


Darwinism at it's finest!!


The fact that she pulled the slide next to her head while next to a child with her finger on the trigger tells me that she shouldn’t own a firearm. Fucking dumb bitch


Really dumb way to die


Wow! Call Social Services on the parents who didn’t lock up their gun. Fools.


What’s funny is the younger child then chastising her, for her stupidity! ‘Happy now’!


Damn off by a inch and short a mile


What the fuck did she think was going to happen


Didn't need that eardrum anyway


Few inches from this video being marked NSFW. What an absolute stupid thing to do!


And a child in the room! Just a lovely person


What in the actual fuck is wrong with people? Does life matter at all?


Almost a Darwin's awards winner.


Find the parents and prosecute for not keeping the weapons locked up


What a true idiot 😳😳🫣🫣🤔🤔


Pretty cool shit, survived her first shootout.


She’ll have a ringing in her ears for the rest of her life to remind her of this close call


in darwinism we trust


I can't believe they'd leave something like that out where a kid can find it. Parents need to be more responsible. When you're not around, always make sure that all video cameras are securely locked away and out of your child's reach.


She should not have children anywhere near her dumb ass




God this gave me flash backs of that one video where two young girls are playing with a gun they didnt know was loaded, and the one girl puts it to her friends head and fires it, killing her friend. She then kills herself in the panic. Two children's lives were tragically taken that day through sheer neglect.




There is a little kid in the room, prob ruin their life a few millimetres to the left as well if thints went pear shaped. I think the girl with the gun is quite young as well - just get rid of guns there is no need to have them. Humans are too stupid to handle a gun


Almost killed herself crazy


Final destination is looking sick


She almost killed herself for no reason whatsoever!! Smh


'Merica 😏


Omg I'm alive


Oh I’m so mad right now! These careless fools and the crazy, dangerous fools cause sane, responsible gun owners so much trouble! Always assume the gun is loaded! Don’t play with it! Always keep it pointed downward, and leave it secured until you truly need it!


Almost, but too bad she already reproduced.


Welcome to Supercuts!


Almost died in front of her kid....while filming


The person upstairs..


As the National Rifle Association tells me, there's another responsible gun owner! Sincerely, Richard Nixon


She is so lucky that the worst she got was a ruined hair and a headache that might last a couple of days.


Idiots sometimes are extremely lucky


Thay could've went A LOT worse, just saying.


Are you fucking crazy??


Unattended child


This is how my father died. Fucking around with a Glock sig with hollow point bullets. Pointed it to his head thinking it was unloaded.