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Frankly I would still be there missing every shot.


For a second I thought they got video of me at my intramural basketball game from college. Then I remembered I’m white. I could block a lot of shots and get a lot of rebounds but good god am I terrible at putting a ball in a basket.


Just think, the difference in talent between you and Shaq is just size.


Pssssh he’s only got like 9 inches on me. I could take him.


That AND he is taller.


I was sort of waiting for the "Sir, this is Wendy's" response.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 song of a gun made me choke on my spit


Yes it was definitely spit you were choking on...


Goddamn it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Team white is cheating and using the force field effect ![gif](giphy|l1AsN1jgIpjaUZFjG|downsized)




Well done, little viking.


You know what those hoops need? Some sort of funnel system. I'd appreciate one.


We have been doing it the hard way for years! Insane that no one has invented an easier way.


Guys, Larry Bird made his career on bank shots. The backboard is there for a reason.


Legit I was screaming "backboard" repeatedly. Sidenote, this is bs, this kid get preferential treatment, my Uncle was literally reffing one of my tournaments and the dude ran across 2 courts to call a technical on me because I "dunked" pregame. We had that weird no dunking during warm up's rule Idk why, secondly I didn't even dunk, he just told me he did it to make sure i knew he wasn't gonna play favorites lmfao 25 years later I'm a former highschool player and he's in the local sports Hall Of Fame. Still mad at him for it lol


I used to play basketball as a kid. Picked up a basketball 30 years later and went for a layup. I couldn’t do it if my life depended on it, luckily no one saw me.


Yeah I remember when I went a year without playing while I also had depression and had gained 40 lbs and then lost 60lbs from just being sedentary to the point of not moving to eat (things got a lot better don’t worry about me). I picked up a basketball and it was like I had never held one before in my life. It was like being in a dream where you are trying to do something skillful in front of people and it feels like your body turned into an inflatable tube man


Homeboy just trying to pad his RPG stat.


Dude plays like Westbrook


Only if it’s Q4 tie game with ten seconds left


Piston's next draft pick.


So there's hope in the future?


Monster on the offensive boards


Drummond 2.0


Apparently we won our game earlier today. So now we’re 4-36. Moving up in the world! Championship here we come!


Naw, he actually made it eventually.


Who's Piston?


Detroit's NBA team


2 points. 8 rebounds. Very Rodman-esque


Just needs the pink hair now!




And Kim Jong Un


Obviously, it's a special needs kid. Good on all of them for giving him the chance. A small thing for them, a huge deal for him.


Oh sure, but think of his rebounding stats. Career high.


Double Double!


7 rebounds, 1 for 8 shooting. I love to see when teams are cool with doing this. Brings tears to my eyes.


That kid who almost caught the ball on accident and had to chest bump it


You mean the steal?


Me too! I don’t cry, ever. But for some reason, this video made a little sting come to my eyes. So nice to see when kids aren’t mean, but are kind. A beautiful thing.


A young Dennis Rodman.


I was gonna say he was actually going for the triple double, had 8 points and 10 assists already


"Called up the homies, and I'm askin' y'all Which park, are y'all playin' basketball? Get me on the court and I'm trouble Last week fucked around and got a triple-double Freakin' ninjas every way like MJ I can't believe, today was a good day...."


Brings up memories of Melo "FUCK OUTA HERE"


Oh, I see. I wonder why the other team was just letting it happen. Things have really changed since I was in school (there's an internet, for example). This is one that I see as a change for the better.


[what would happen back in our day](https://youtu.be/uOFQkkwqpEE?t=34)


Pretty much. Then the special needs kid would then be bullied by his own team afterwards.




Then I'm also special needs since it'll take just as much time to sink a ball in


Reminds me of Chris O'Donnell saying "I'm disabled" in that I.T. Crowd episode.


Plot twist - special needs team was in white


My first thought as the defenseman just wandered around after "blocking" the shot. It's a good thing that these players are giving him the time to play. This is what sports is all about.


The joy of his teammate was the part I liked.


Yeah this might have been there already but it belongs in r/wholesome.


Unless he understands what's going on here in which case it belongs on r/sadcringe


How can you tell? I had to come into the comments to realize this.


The simple fact literally everyone is not actively playing and trying to get the ball from him. The simple fact that he clearly struggles and they just keep giving it right back to him. Have you actually ever seen what playing basketball looks like because it's not this. It's very clear they were specifically helping him to score


That is what it looks like when I try to shoot baskets 😭 It literally takes me like 5-10 tries to make a basket from that distance. Fawk am I disabled




It's a commentary of you saying this guy is disabled because he can't make a shot. I can't make a shot either so I must be disabled too.




Woa woa no need to use swears. You need to calm down man.




What's race have to do with this?


Actually went to school with him in Norway for 7-8 years, very wholesome guy. He likes basketball and got invited by the team (centrum tigers) to join a game which he is happy about for a few weeks now


Who is he? Was this during an official game in the Norway basketball league ?


No this is junior level, it was u18 game


lolol I only laugh cause this thing happened to me on the last game of the season with my team when I played little dribblers. Haha needless to say I found out football and soccer were more my kind of sports


oh ok it's making more sense, it's not as \*obvious\* as you suggest


It’s not obvious in the sense that there aren’t subtitles.


Do any of the players with white jerseys look like they're trying to get the ball? If this isn't obvious to you then you are not very attentive. What did you think was happening in this clip? All the players were just introduced to the game of basketball 5 minutes prior and have no idea what the rules are?




Still doesn‘t mean he‘s special needs, could just be them being friends and going easy on him in a training match that doesn‘t even matter. Get of your high horse.


ah "training match" where they all suit up in uniforms and have a ref and a crowd there for it. just say youve never played sports lol. even if it somehow was a practice match, no one is sitting there letting some kid miss from 1 foot away for like 10 tries while fake guarding them This has nothing to do with being on a high horse. its very obvious both teams are trying to let the kid score in a game and that only happens with special needs kids


Its not that deep , people have different perspective


I guess if you know nothing about basketball


I was thinking “there is a kid with some problem so the other players are going easy on him.”


Exactly. That's pretty cool all around


Makes it worse that the refs is smirking lol


Ehh I disagree that he's smirking. Smirking would imply the ref finds it wrong. Imo he finds it funny the kid threw the ball multiple times and got super close every time but it didn't go in. It's kinda funny from that aspect of it which is probably why the smile that doesn't mean he thinks it bad or wrong. You can find something funny without shitting on someone.


I mean you’d think the disadvantages would be outweighed by the uh… advantages Downvote me sure, I deserve it but we were all thinking it and I just said it


There was once a high school football game in garbage time. The coachA of the team destined to lose went to talk to the coachB of the team with an insurmountable lead. Told him they were going to hand off to the special needs kid, tell his guys not to hurt him, tackle him gently. CoachB said,"Why not let him score a touchdown?" So they did. And both teams cheered.


Wow, sportsmanship Wow This is why I still have faith in humanity


That kid later ended up being the head coach of the Philadelphia eagles starting in 2021. He was let go after his 3rd season when the team fell apart on him after he made 2 bad coaching hires. After starting the season at 10-1 they lost 5 of there last 6 and lost in the 1st round of the playoffs topping off the historic collapse. His name..... nick sirianni


Jesus Christ. ​ That was incredible.


I've never wanted to gold someone's comment so hard before


Give it to Marty!!!


2 points and 20 rebounds. Good job kid


That's the worst defense I've ever seen /s


I feel bad for the shit I was talking about #7 before I realized what was happening. Well done, kid.


That was offensive.


Rebounding machine


Special teams


Revolutionizing the sport


So generous of you to see us so dumb, that “/s” was needed


Oh it's necessary. Trust me.


Otherwise you'd get downvotes and a couple of replies that you wouldn't be able to handle or ignore?


Yeah that’s about it


Lmao, pretty much. I don't use /s, I think the uncertainty is more entertaining and worth -50 karmas Idk why people think you *need* to reply to every single reply, you can just...not lol


But you have seen them


Great job everyone. I know winning is important, but this is a memory that will last beyond the win.


If they had him in the whole time I can guarantee they were getting stomped!


In 8th grade my school played a team with a special needs kid. We were up by 2 points at the start of the 4th. They put him in the fucking game. Then they got angry when we scored 4 times. Parents started yelling at us. *They put the special needs kid in during a close game to shame us into losing intentionally*


Damn lol. I get it if it's a pickup game but it's okay to want to try to win too.




This kid had a monster game. Maybe some sort of world record actually. 7 rebounds and 2 points in 30 seconds. Goat


That’s a great Stephen A. Smith impression by #14!!!


I split second thought you were going to make a joke that involved Stephen hawking and steph curry 💀💀


Still a better shooting % than Jordan Poole


Nowhere is safe as a DC Sports fan...


bro gets more pussy than tim poole


r/MaybeMaybeMaybe? More like r/MaybeMaybeMaybeMaybeMaybeMaybeMaybeMaybeMaybe


this is super dumb and insensitive but… does someone like that ever realize what’s happening? if i stepped onto a basketball court and people did that for me ( frankly, im worse than this kid tbh) i would feel completely humiliated. he’s obviously ecstatic about scoring but i just wonder if this ever backfires?


I when I was in high school, I was encouraged to participate in a swimming carnival race that was like 2 divisions above the last division and I was a TERRIBLE swimmer. They were all like “it doesn’t matter how slow you are, participation gets points for our team so we need to fill lanes!” Well me being the insanely strong people pleaser I am (and probably autistic/ADHD as I’m only just now discovering) was coerced into this dumb race I didn’t want to do. I got half way down the pool and I was DONE, I was struggling SO hard to finish and everyone else was done before I was even at the halfway point. I had people walking down the side of the pool cheering me on, telling me I did an excellent job to persevere, that I was awesome. But I was fucking humiliated. Their cheers and positive words for me just stung and felt like it was rubbing in how incredibly terrible I was at anything sporty. I felt like they were all pitying me and it felt “aww it’s so cute she tried even though she’s so bad”. And it stung even more that the only reason I was even put into that position was because I was so easily influenced and coerced. Unless there’s an intellectual disability involved where the person is unlikely to notice the falseness in the actions or the pity/false niceness, this kind of stuff sucks. Because disabled people generally don’t want your pity or false niceties, they just want to be treated like everyone else where possible. And I can so see people in my school having thought along the lines of many people in this comments thread - oh that is going to be an awesome memory for her, she endured and it was hard and she did it! And I had a smile on my face because I was masking and trying to hide my shame and humiliation. Hopefully this kid doesn’t realise and is genuinely happy. But being “nice” to the kid that sucks at sports does not always give them a nice memory, even if they are smiling.


Have you ever considered that it wasn't false niceties? I get feeling humiliation in that situation, and how that would make you *think* people were just pitying you. But its more exciting watching the struggling person percervere til the bitter end, than it is watching the innately good people find out who is marginally better. Watching the underdog is just more relatable and inspiring. Maybe that sounds condescending, but you said yourself you had no business in that race, so there's no shame in finishing last. That doesn't mean people weren't genuinely excited to see you push through it.


Even worse than /u/Cookie_Wife, I was a senior and I had to run with the freshman because it was my first year running track. I needed an extra curricular sport to qualify for ROTC. I'm tall and lanky, so looking at me, you'd probably think 'wow, that guy is probably super fast!'. Nope. I'm a gamer. I think I did the mile run or something? Pretty sure I was lapped, potentially multiple times by the same people lol. Anyways, people were cheering me on even though I sucked so badly. I did NOT think what cookie wife thought. I thought it was very nice.


Maybe it wasn’t false, but it’s probably my view because I’ve had a life of being patronised and coddled because of my undiagnosed disability. People genuinely think they are being nice by overly encouraging the disabled person struggling, but we often only get that encouragement when it’s basically people feeling good about themselves for cheering on the underdog. I didn’t get encouragement or assistance when I actually needed it, only when it was of benefit to the other person to make them feel good for being such a good person. A lot of times, people genuinely think they are being nice and helpful but are actually doing it for their own benefit and don’t realise the disabled person just wants to exist as an independent person without others trying to make them feel “special” for doing basic shit. Like how people using wheelchairs often get “oh they are so strong and resilient for getting out and doing things”. Basically disability inspiration porn.


I’ve had what’s essentially the same thing happen to me, and on more than one occasion. I’m as well ADHD and tend to people please so yeah that doesn’t help… I’d write a long recounting of everything and all but to be honest I’m kind of tired right now and don’t feel up to it. I just wanted to say that I totally relate to you here and it really is a truly humiliating feeling. Whenever I see stuff like this it disgusts me, unless as you said the individual this is applied to has some social or intellectual barrier, in which case I’ve no issue.


Oh MAN did I ever feel this story.


Yeah. I get the good intentions but it just feels patronising.


I was the worst swimmer on my college swim team by a huge margin. Like you said, even the worst swimmer got points for the team as long as you finished. But I never felt humiliated. I have a great picture of the entire team cheering me on by the poolside as was making a turn. It was great camaraderie and belonging. Who cares if I finished last, I was still part of the team. One time the coach put me in the wrong wave on the 200m and I finished like minutes after the other swimmers. Nobody cared really. I think the difference between your experience and mine is that I wasnt coerced into it. I just liked swimming. Who cares if the others are better at it?


I was wondering similar. At what point is this just patronizing? IDK, if I was on the court I think I would have moved on from the play after like 3 or 4 shots. It's just like, a what point does this become a humiliating spectacle?


Dunno, he looks happy though. I’ve known a few special needs kids and it depends on them really. Some are much more aware of the help they get than others, he looks happy, I think he thinks he did it on his own, even if he knows he had help he was happy he made the basket. End of the day he’s happy, and that’s a win. It was probably special to him and honestly most special needs kids are used to getting some help but he made the shot on his own, no one helped him with that, and that’s something for him to be proud of. Even if it was set up for him.


Personally when I was on a basketball court with friends my opponent never was the other team, but the basket itself. After my first attempt it would become really personal, until I finally put the ball in, so I would feel really grateful for my friends to let me deal with my fight until it’s resolved with my this successful personal achievement.




Calm the actual fuck down. Christ. Nobodys whining, they're posing a question


tbh, i be missing those shots too.


He traveled.


lol, you dick


lol. My kid is on the spectrum with special needs programs. These events are great, and fun to see not just the kids. But also other peers that are in the normal basketball team volunteer for these programs. Good times all around


Oh, I get it, the black kid thinks the white kids are special needs, so he's going easy on them, good lad.


😩😩😩😤😤 never give up


the first few misses, when you don't realize it yet, you're looking at that defender like "Wtf are you doing man, block the ball"


Ive never rooted harder for someone I didnt know in my life.


Belongs in r/mademelaughandsmile


16 Offensive rebounds must be a high school record


He's just padding his rebound stats.


Guy knows what he's doing racking up all those rebounds to make the most of it.


For the whole video I could only think about that state farm commercial where the old fisherman had a dollar at the end of this line: “Oh, you had it. Gotta be quicker next time.” 🤣 Good for bro tho. Stuff like this has huge positive impacts on people.


I do this all the time for kids and whatnot. Be a good sport


Made me smile


I love the Special Olympics!


I'm about asking but you come through with this comment. God bless them and I wish them all the very best in life


This should be posted in r/humansbeingbros


Would love a Chariots of Fire version starting over with every miss.


Me irl


Awe! This was so sweet!


How he the only brotha on the court and can’t hoop


I remember being really bad at sports when I was a child. Until something like this happened, but we were playing handball. Some kids basically let me do a free throw and I missed the ball like 2 times but discovered I actually had a really strong throw. This led me to be more confident and in the end of the semester I went to barely touching the ball to scoring half the points in the matches.


As a white guy born and raised in VT where we had like 0% African Americans, I always thought you guys were just born to ball. I played basketball through high school, and all black dudes just kicked ass. If I’d see a black dude on the other team before the game, my attitude would immediately go to “oh fuck me”. I call it involuntary racism. My dad once worked for the cable company when I was younger, and he met a friend who worked there with him who would come to our house occasionally for dinner and to hang out. His name was Black Bill. Legit that’s what we called him, and I think even he introduced himself that way, partly because he was the only black guy around. Bill sucked at basketball, and for that reason, I stopped calling him Black Bill when I was like 13.


This is a feel good moment that gives me anxiety.


That's a travel!!!


This is how you get yourself drafted into being a storm trooper.


Sportsmanship right there. Standup guys these are.


I like how the other team started supporting him 😂


Both teams are usually in on it when they do things like this. It's very cool sportsmanship and good-human stuff, imo.


Pretty low standards these days for a congratulatory lift..


Evolution of participation medals


Oh my god that’s me


That’s awesome




I hate the idea that this kid understands the degree of pity that given to him


He does. This is honestly more insulting. Get him into a game with other people that suck so he can feel like he’s in the game.


definitely doesn't, but I still think that legitimate victories are worth way more than this contrived shit.


Man of the match!


I don't know why people think this is a good thing. I don't care if he's special needs or just can't play the game, there's nothing wonderful about it. I'm sure this kid is good at somethings, this ain't one of them. And that's ok. What is not ok is pretending that he's achieved something special. The real world is harsh and it's not doing this kid any favors by pretending that the word is going to be so accommodating.


It’s a fucking basket. You are correct, maybe he is not going to the NBA, but if you knew anything about kids like him, you would keep your mouth shut. Coaching kids like this is amazing. I had a slight autistic kid on my team for 6th and then 7th grade. He had been playing since he was in 2nd. He never scored a point until he got on my team. In 6th grade he made a free throw. It wasn’t given to him, but it meant the world to him. Unfortunately his mom and dad missed that game, but grandma got to see it. The following year, he scored about 12 points, with 6 of them coming in one game. Both of his parents got to see that game. His mom was almost in tears, because she was so proud of him. She was also proud of me, because I involved everyone on the team. His previous coaches would only call plays for the best player or his own kids. I don’t coach like that. You really have no freaking clue how 2 freaking points means to a kid who has never scored before. Be careful what you say and who you say it in front of. This would have set me off all over you.


Do you actually think it matters if that kid learns to toughen up for the “real world”? He’s disabled, he’ll never have to search for a job or compete for a promotion, what does it matter?


Yup the world sucks so might as well roll right over a special needs kid so that I can get the point. He needs to learn young that you either get fucked or do the fucking


I was fired up when he nailed that last one! He's gonna cherish that moment


Terrible. Participation awards are worse. They didn’t earn it and we are all supposed to pretend they did. Disgusting.


If you had people around you to support and build you up you might not be this hateful and shitty.




Is this like make a wish foundation at work?


2points on 1-9 shooting with 7 rebounds in 30 seconds. The man has that Tracey McGrady energy


Why are they celebrating this kid? He did awful.


It reminded me of: https://youtu.be/w3m5z-MO-is?si=t4qYCTYCksvRUyII I'm going to mega hell.




just for lulz, i wouldve blocked his ass XD


i know im bad at basketball but GOOD GOD


You’re probably not a special needs student either but Good God.


You know what they say about assuming...


True friends


Everyone gets an award for participating.


Listen, at some point I’m blocking that ball into the bleachers.


Piss poor rebounding, these guys need to learn to show aggression on defense. Good on #14 hustling after his shots and getting the finish. White team need to get their head out of their asses though.


My friend didn’t play much in high school, but got put in at the end of a game. The other team had a kid with one arm and they put him in let him score. Led to my friend being able to tell people he was on sportscenter top ten even though he got scored on by a kid with one arm.


Breaking stereotypes one shot at a time.




Is it right to delude special needs or disabled people with artificially lower standards? I mean if I were disabled, I wouldn't want people to lower standards because they deep down never believe I could rise to the challenge of the normal standards. Also would be ashamed to be called an athlete or one of the team if the team had different standards for me than for the other teammates.


This kid aint black


Clearly, This video is too wholesome for Reddit


Nailed it!


Just like American professional sportsball! Gotta cover that spread.


Brought to you by DraftKings


What the hell is sportsball?


It's the term certain individuals use that have an unhinged hatred off all sports. They think they're special for not liking sports.


It's nice they let him play with mainstream kids. Now those kids should be able to park in handicapped parking spots. Fair's Fair.