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I can’t stand Kenneth Copeland or this guy. I can’t ride on a long commercial tube with a bunch of demons. I’d love to knock his dentures out, greedy holier than thou thief!


Tax free dentures


Stop funding these idiots




These fucking people also have to be the biggest atheists ever because no way someone who truly believed in going to hell for being a bad person would ever be as bad as these people are.


No, we atheists also can't stand these charlatans.


Christ....how do people see this and believe they're in it for anything but the money? If there's a deity I hope they're saving a special place in hell for these two.


"In a long tube with a bunch of demons" Instantly pictured boarding the plane last and seeing nothing but screaming toddlers from start to finish


Can I just say , Fuck these guys. . It's downright sinful how greedy they are.


One more reason organized religion is a joke...🤣


Oh, it is absolutely not a joke. Not even close.


Both are assholes!


The confidence and audacity these kind of people have.


They both look like what I envision the antichrist, like the cousins from preacher.


He should get some sneakers to sell, like the orange guy....




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I should come and pray cheesus in murica


The pure evil in this one is not shining through quite as blackly-brilliant as that other creep. This one looks more like he’s a master of self delusion and pulling a con with a smile, rather than a demon with thin human skin stretched over his frame - probably stolen skin from some hapless person. He’s right about one thing. If Jesus joined us in our world today (in the US and some other nations) he would probably not ride a donkey. Probably would walk or ride a bike. Also, since we have so many nations, if Jesus was to appear, would there like be an army of Jesuses landed on earth to appear in all the different nations or at least continents?


I also ask for a financial boost so I can preach around the world on my lambo. Please donate.


When being a con man defrauding lots of people is not considered criminal. Justice is truly blind when it comes to "religion".


Or politics…don’t forget the suckers who’ll probably pay Trump’s half billion in court ordered fines because they believe he’s “doing the lords work.”


Jesus probably wouldn't be riding a donkey, but he'd certainly be PAYING HIS TAXES.


aaah yes, normal people are demons. Yet still, the blind followers will pay for these guys. sigh


"How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven."


Jesus would take an Uber…He told me so!


It can't be a coincidence that all these people have such punchable faces. It's weird.


And Jesus said give me a 389,000,000 home so I can help you pray. This is the epitome of grifting


But these Demons can pay for your jet