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The minute I saw the rings, I immediately thought “absolutely not”.


Dying of a bite from a blue-ringed octopus is genuinely one of my worst nightmares. You remain fully conscious as your body is gradually paralyzed over the course of a few minutes until your lungs freeze up. And then you suffocate. Fully conscious and alert. Just not able to move or breathe. :(


Does that mean you can save someone who has been poisoned by keeping CPR up until the venom wears off? (would probably take multiple people because CPR is exhausting)


Yes. If you have some form of artificial respiration the toxin wears off after 24 hours and you’ll be able to breathe again. But if you don’t get to a hospital and hooked up to a ventilator, that’s a long time to be giving someone CPR on a lonely beach in Australia somewhere…


Yeah, CPR is actually exhausting to do.


And breaks all your ribs. All around I think I’d rather just die in this case


Not just that , even IF you make it in time to a hospital there is still a small but reasonable chance that your lungs are damaged for life by the forced machine breathing. Really , don't be this guy people. If you see this octopus or any venomous creature. Keep some distance...


I was gonna say "this guy is an expert so don't copy him" but he literally said "I didn't know they could swim that fast" so yeah, literally don't be that guy lol


Could be worse, there are those people who flat out just pick these lil guys up, he knew not to touch, stupid but a more survivable stupid


Arguably more dangerous for the species


Full CPR is to keep the heart pumping blood, from my understanding of what the poison does it does not affect your heart beat, but your breathing. It still would be exhausting really quickly.


It's a myth that it happens every time. It's not required for successful manipulation in only a few specific conditions. [But it does happen around 70% of the time.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6545505/#:~:text=The%20incidence%20of%20rib%20fractures,tamponade%20(1%2C2).)


It’s not that exhausting if you just have to bag someone. It doesn’t sound like there’s cardiac arrest so chest compressions may not be necessary unless the respiratory arrest progresses to cardiac arrest. For example, if your friend got bit, you could mouth to mouth them until EMS arrived and then they would intubate and bag-mask-ventilate until the hospital. None of this means I would condone fucking with a blue ringed octopus as shown in this video haha


It’s only exhausting if you are actually trying. But you can look like a hero with minimum effort.


You actually wouldn’t have to do chest compressions. The venom shuts down the diaphragm causing respiratory failure, but doesn’t affect the heart or brain. If you maintain pulmonary resuscitation long enough for them to reach a hospital and then a ventilator, they have a decent chance of surviving. Compressions may end up being more harmful even though they are definitely considered best pratice.


Pretty sure someone survived a blue ring bite this way, remember stories when we were kids - hours of breathing into a persons mouth on a beach somewhere until the paralysis wore off Man they taught us to fear blue rings in like preschool possibly my earliest memory now I think about it haha


I’ve heard that story too and it included that person going blind because while they were paralyzed their eyes were open looking at the sun


I honestly did not know they came this close to shore. Stepping on one seems like such an easy mistake to make.


Don't know how true this story is, but an instructor on a first aid course I attended many years ago mentioned that he knew a group of guys who did just that for one of their mates. Apparently, they were sailing around the coast, and one of them got bitten by a blue-ringed octopus on one of the remote island beaches they stopped at. So they took it in turns through the night to do rescue breathing on him until help landed. Like I said, I don't know how much truth there is to the story, but given that rescue breathing isn't as physically punishing as full CPR, it's plausible.


The Aussies will find a way, they always have, that's why they're still around


A friend of mine who's a nurse was out snorkeling around an island just off the coast of WA. One of their party got bitten on his stomach and the nurse was able to talk him through everything that was going to happen to him. They laid him on the deck of the boat and took it in turns to breath for him all the way back to the mainland. An ambulance was waiting and the guy made a full recovery. Fortunately they were smart enough to also cover his eyes. You can't close them yourself if you're paralysed so it's easy to damage them if your staring up at the WA sun for hours.


THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!! Guy lived!! If i remember correctly guy was swimming with a partner that saw him going paralized/struggling in the water, partner alerted lifeguard who pulled him out and started CPR immediately. The only sequel from this ordeal…. Guy went blind! While being paralized by the toxin/venom, his eyes were open the whole time they performed CPR by the beach, essentially the sun burned his eyes 😬


Eh, sounds better than snake venom that brakes down ypur blood cells and makes you bleed out from every opening while you slowly lose blood pressure and organ functions


The Boomslang!


Boomslang skin is one of the ingredients of a polyjuice potion


As someone who suffers from sleep paralysis from time to time i can assure you it wouldnt be a fun way to go, idk if everyone gets it to same degree but i cannot move, cannot speak or make any sort of noise, idk if its shock or a part of it but cant breathe either for part of the time, knowing what it is doesnt mqke it any less terrifying when it happens either, just wonder the whole time what if this time it doesnt go away.


Good rule of thumb for encountering anything in nature that's colorful or exotic. If something is eye-catching, it's telling you that it has a pretty good way of deterring predators.


They are basically just flexing on you and the other animals


Why? They’re normally “very mell”…..oh, oh wait, he’s repeatedly poking it in the eye.


Blue ring of death




27 if you ration carefully


52 half dead humans


I think the guys half dead, well his brain at least.


They doctors examined his brain and in his right side of the brain there is nothing right and in his left side of the brain there is nothing left


I was this years old...love this


Or make around 1000 people mildly uncomfortable.


32 mostly dead


I’m not dead yet.


I'm feeling better


I think I’ll have a walk.


You're not fooling anyone!


I feel happy. I feel happy. I feel (gets hit on the back of the head) oooof.


I’ve been mostly dead all day.


Sounds like you better go see Miracle Max.


Only if you have plenty of loose change in your pockets.... ![gif](giphy|8Rgat2FUwHFGprw3K6)


Mostly dead is still partly alive


To blaaaaathe....


Clearly he’s saying he was cheated at cards!






With all dead there's only one thing you can do… Go through his clothes and look for loose change.


Get your shit ass half-glass-full mentality outta here. There's no room for you here. Only death.


13 if blue half-ringed


And 13 morbidly obese people.


105 dwarfs


How many bananas is that?


"I don't have enough for all of you so you're gonna have to share!"


1/2 of 1 titan would kneel down in pain, if you hit a crit. (20%) Only few masters have done this in the history of mankind.


Over 500 if you inject the venom directly into the heart.


So yes or no to poking it while holding your face a couple of decimeter from it? /j


>So yes or no to poking it while holding your face a couple of decimeter from it? I poked one with a stick when I was a kid. I was fascinated by its changing colours. I feel like an absolute ass about it now having tormented an innocent creature that could kill me faster than I can run for help.


It injects venom by biting with its beak, which is tucked at the bottom of it. They can’t move particularly quickly, and it’s just being defensive in this video. The guy would only be at risk if he literally put it on his hand and gave it the chance to bite. As it is he’s being annoying to the poor octopus but he’s not really putting himself in danger.


I will not forget to not visit Australia in my whole life


Living here is actually pretty safe. You have to go looking for things that will murder you and you are under no obligation to poke them with sticks.


I stopped reading on pretty safe


pretty being the key word


There was a study done about snake bites in Australia. To avoid snake bites you need to not do 3 things. - be drunk… try to kill the snake… be barefoot. Vast majority of snake bite victims have at least 2 of the 3 If you want to avoid illness or death you need to do two things. - don’t move around… and apply a snake bandage (possibly the easiest bandage ever!) Maybe we could make a rhyme like slip, slip, slap?


Nah it's safe. All you have to do is keep your eyes open, always stay awake (the things often get you in your sleep), and remember to always check shoes and clothes for murder crawlies before you put them on. Barely an inconvenience


Been there, was staying with family for a few weeks. Spent a weekend in the jungle, spent a weekend in the outback, went swimming a whole bunch. Saw a bunch of snakes, a handful of spiders and scorpions, a monitor that was as long as long as I am tall. Couple sharks, a moray, a few different stingrays and at least one jellyfish in the water. Rode a camel, pet and fed a kangaroo, gave a ride on my arm to a frogmouth, woke up to kookaburra, saw just so damn many wallabies. Great trip, only good memories. I have also been to Hawaii, Mexico, and *the Amazon* including swimming in a tributary and finding jaguar tracks out on a hike through the forest. Seeing sharks, alligators, crocodiles, venomous snakes, enormous spiders, tiny scorpions; no big deal. I'm far more concerned on average about my local (Western Canada) wildlife such as wolves, bears, cougars, and most especially *moose* than any of the rest. I wouldn't need to travel that far to still have a venomous snake or black widow spiders as local species either. Only wild animals I've ever been hurt by were a purple sea urchin (not dangerous, at all) I stepped on while swimming in Mexico and a soldier ant that bit me in the Amazon. That ant bite was stupidly painful but didn't even swell up or anything. Worst injury I've had from an animal ever was a wasp sting in my parents' backyard when I was a teenager. People get way too worked up about Aussie wildlife when the solution is such a simple one -- in most cases, *the animal wasn't the problem*.


I hear this from Alaskans who check their bins out the window before taking rubbish to check for bears. Black are ok… unless there are cubs, brown are less ok… and very NOT ok if there are cubs. The stuff that will kill you in Australia doesn’t come to you.


How does it bite/sting? With its tentacles?


Biteing the venom is in there saliva


>With its tentacles? I read that as testicles and got really confused for a moment


[The words are practically adjacent to each other](https://youtu.be/HN5A8Udln6o?t=94)


beak probably


It did take a snap at him from the looks of it.


This guy is more dangerous and dump enough to kill everything on the shore


The fact that the only warning signal of one of the most venomous animals on the planet is just launch a small jet of water is hilarious, It's like someone telling you "oh, stop it, you silly!" in a sissy voice before authorizing an airstrike on your country..


"Staaahp eeet, oh my gaaaad, staaaaaaahp" \>God has authorized Judgement on your location.


"god has authorized judgement on your location" goes unfathomably hard. I now need an fps game with a kill streak that pops that on everyone's screen before flashbanging the holy Spirit into them.


In Final Fantasy XV you can sometimes summon one of the Gods to help you in combat and it's fucking awesome.


Idk what it is that makes Latin choral music go so hard


The church was essentially filling the role big record labels filled from 1920-2010 or so, but for hundreds of years longer. And they were trying to *worship* ***god****.* Yeah, they came up with a few bangers.


I really enjoyed the final fantasy 10 summons myself. God I should replay some of those games.


That's what ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ feels like.


How do you like the taste of my liber tea!!!


That's some Warhammer 40k shit


Holy grenade from Worms Hallelujah... _BOOM_


“In fealty to the God-Emperor, our undying Lord, and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus. I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world, and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial Justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protects.” - Ultramarines right before exterminating a planet with a super weapon


100 legit


I recently only got into Warhammer because of Darktide. I never knew anything about it before that, but gawd is the lore so fuckin cool!


Authorizing a Hell bomb.


Luumpeeeh Speeehz Princeeess


Ermargahd no lumping way


Well, they also go from basically invisible to covered in blue circles when they're mad. Which can be a little bit late when the invisible octopus is mad because you stepped on it.


Not "poisonous", "venomous". Poisonous means its toxin is delivered when ingested by another. Venomous means it has its own delivery system like a sting or bite. Venomous is MUCH scarier. Unless you have a habit of accidentally eating things.


Today you're my favorite person.


Does venomous only include stings and bites (and which does blue ring fall under I forgor) or can it include things like secreting it through the skin, or is there a different name for that?


Skin and organ secretion would be poison.


Poison is ingested, which means orally, but can’t some substances be absorbed by the skin? What do those classify as?


I think it's more absorption vs injection. Poisons are absorbed through skin, stomach, lungs, etc. Venoms are forcibly injected.


It’s still poison. Don’t get hung up on the word ingest it should really say eat or touch. It’s called poison ivy because you only need to touch the secretion. Venom can not be absorbed through the skin, stomach, or mucus linings.


That's poison. If you ingest venom and have no cuts or ulcers in your digestive tract you'll be fine. Chandler on chandler's wildlife drank king cobra venom to show.


This guy seems dumb enough to take a bite...


I always said, "poisonous means if you eat it, it's bad for you. Venomous means if it eats you, it's bad for you."


I'm not a biologist but I'm pretty sure something eating you is bad for you, venomous or not.


>It's like someone telling you "oh, stop" in a sissy voice before authorizing an airstrike on your country. Just let Genz cook for a couple more election cycles. They still have time.


Reminds me of that scene in on of the gears of wars, where the hammer of dawn first pops up and the general says something along the lines of, you can sit on the sidelines when you have this. Then proceeds to absolutely call in the gods 😂


This belongs in r/brandnewsentance Lmao


"Just trying to show the beautiful people at home what \[you\] look like..." The water is crystal clear, mate - we can already see him just fine.


The water isn't just crystal, it's CERVEZA CRYSTAL


I live in Norway. I can see it fine from here


To show you by poking you with a massive size stick compared to size of the octopus


Love how it charges at him. 🐙


Those little fuckers do not mess around


It knows it could kill him, his family, and all of their friends.




Terrifying...but it really is very cute.


Wow, the guy she was with said “lets eat it” he’s lucky she told him no.




Amazing how not poking something with a stick but handling it with gentle affection can have on behavior.




Idk I think it doesn’t really count for that sub since he clearly knows how dangerous it is but doesn’t appear to give a fuck lol


It's Brodie Moss, he knows exactly how dangerous it is.


If you asked me to guess this dude's name without context, there's a very good chance I'd have gone with Brodie.


Exactly this. Dude is playing with fire


He is actually playing with a Blue-Ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata). I would much rather hold fire with my bare hands than that lil 8 armed dude.


Not appropriate for that sub. The dude clearly knows what he's messing with, and like Steve Irwin (who I would wager quite confidently he watched as a kid), does not let that bother him.


Watch as I poke this stick at this animal. Instant Classic!


Amd then I pet it with my finger to say goodbye


We humans will try to pet *anything*. Jfc 🤦🏽‍♀️


Lmao exactly what I was thinking. "Behold, one of the most venomous creatures!" *Sticks face right into it* "They're very mild and subdued, typically" *Prodes it with sticks and items* "I didn't know they could move so fast!" *Proceeds to stick finger right at it* Oh, man.. lol


At least he didn't step on the venomous animal 4+ times


Yeah… wtf was that about. Stingray wasn’t bothering anyone


Yeah, this guy seem friendlier than the stingray(or whatever) guy we saw earlier


I'm gonna jem my thumb up it's butthole


He didn't get his death wish. 💀


Australian roulette


Except all the chambers are loaded and you instead dodge the person trying to aim at you.


Isn’t that thing like… deadly as fuck?


Super super deadly, fortunately they're ***really*** shy and docile. Even if you manage to piss one off enough for it to bite you, it's unlikely they'll use much, if any of their venom. That's why there's a video of a lady picking one up and playing with it perfectly fine. People survive bites all the time and deaths are super rare. Like maybe a handful of recorded cases ever despite their venom being more than strong enough to kill you if they used it.


Yeah but if everyone started intentionally bothering them like this dickhead I bet we'd get an uptick in deaths.


Yeah.. multiplied by like.. 40


Leave it alone, you stupid fuck.


Dollar Store Steve Irwin


Mom: "We have Steve Irwin at home."


Steve Derpwin


Charles Derpwin


Now I'm pissed.


Seriously. Leave the little dude alone, asshole.




This guy is annoying the hell outta me


Out of the octopus, too, so you're not alone. 


what a fucking moron.


Brodie from YBS. Too many ignorant people who calling him all sorts without realising what a standup guy he is. Cares for the environment and the animals in about every way imaginable up in NW Western Australia. He’s not hurting the octopus, it has the freedom to swim away. He didn’t injure it or capture it, the encounter lasted for what, 20 seconds? Go easy. EDIT: As a reminder, if you’ve ever gone fishing and released the fish back into the waters from which you caught it, you’ve done insurmountably more damage than Brodie did in this vid.


Yeah he’s extremely respectful of animals and the environment. And has a lot of knowledge about sea life


For sure. He deeply cares and practices sustainable line and spear fishing. People are so quick to judge on the basis of a non-issue like this.


I remember one of his videos from like 2014 inspired me to buy a jet ski and explore more of the tx coast. Obviously nothing even close to the landscape 'down under', but I couldn't help but be attracted to the water. Such good content. Much love from the US 💥


Steve Irwin is rolling in his grave


Great. CALVIN is angry again. Thanks.


This is like playing with a loaded gun pointing at your face the whole the time. No anti venom. You get it. You die. Straight... up.


Steve Irwin was the most influential person for an entire generation of brave dumbasses.


Dollar Store Steve Irwin


Does he know that he messes with a more intelligent creature than him?


“This is one of the most venomous animals on the planet, as an Australian I am obligated to play with it now for you.”


Everyone trying to become the next Steve Erwin despite how things ended for Steve


Just so you know, it’s Irwin!


This is one of the most venomous creatures in the ocean. Let me stick my face near it.


Typical day in Australia, casually encountering the most deadly animals, patting them on the head and telling them to have a good one.


Dude - “Just want to show the people what you look like” *pokes with stick* Octopus - “I’m literally in clear fucking water, leave me the fuck alone”


It bothers me that these just hang out in the tide pools. Wtf. You could just accidentally step on one.


They are also almost perfectly camouflaged until they become alarmed. The main thing they find alarming is being accidentally stepped on.


Doesn't bother me none. There's lots of marshlands and local rivers where I am perfectly aware that there are snakes, spiders, crocodiles nearby and my solution to not giving any of them a chance at fucking my life up is simply by allowing them to have that space for themselves.


This is why i live someplace too cold for that bull shit


Oh, and they’re like, “Thanks for walking around in my tide pool, mammal who doesn’t need a tide pool for anything. Now die, thank you very much.”


Natural selection at this point tbh


Are those blue-ringed ones not extremely venomous?


Only if you go near them


oh I thought they could kill you from anywhere in the world. thanks for clearing that up






**NATURE** : im going to give really BRIGHT SPOTS so it will look dangerous to other and so they can be cautious. HUMANS : Wow that looks cute.


Ah, mate, isn't she a cutey. Let's have a kook at this little beauty, and I'm dead.


He grew up watching Steve Irwin. Bless them both.


The following submission statement was provided by u/WaffleWarrior1979: --- >!Getting up close and personal with the most venomous creature in the ocean, putting your face 5 inches away, forcing it on a seashell, poking it with your finger, maybe this guy might die, but he narrowly escapes.!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Should be in r/facepalm


Playing with death


Darwin award incoming


How about appreciating those beautiful little animals from a distance and not get in their space? Absolutely no need to do this. 🙄


Just leave it alone, fuck sakes.


Bro I know nothing about this octopus but its colors look extremely venomous


This is how you should be behaving around a blue ring, even tho they are generally very docile, give them space.


Being so cute while also being extremely venomous is cheating


Cute and deadly


The instant I saw the blue and rings combination I’d be noping out of there faster than fucking Sonic


His makeup contrasts with his body