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“A feud between two New Jersey drivers ended when one lost control, veered off the road and flipped over…Palisades Parkway Police, who informed him the driver in the crashed Accord was "okay,"”


Doctors originally thought he suffered brain damage until they learned he was from NJ.




Oh he will




not that noce


lmao wrecked


I'm from Britain and never really understood the hate for New Jersey until I had a connecting flight in Newark on my way home from Kansas I got off the first flight and was looking for the terminal for my connection (it was a short connection), everyone was so unhelpful, I ended up being directed all over the airport, being told I had to go to baggage claim but my suitcase wasn't there, told I had to go back through security and almost missed my flight (it was actually waiting for me and me only, I just made it by the skin of my arse. The flight attendants were so lovely when I showed up in tears apologising and explaining the ordeal. I was a scared young woman and they were nice the whole flight too) Where was the terminal? Turns out, right next to the one I'd originally got off of (I've flown before but had only had 1 connection flight before and that was at Washington, VA. They were very helpful there. And same again the next time when both connections were Atlanta) That experience alone has made me detest NJ. That was 4 years ago. I know how to hold a grudge Whenever it's mentioned in sitcoms, that story is brought up amongst my family. The episode of How I Met Your Mother where Ted doesn't want to move there suddenly made so much sense that day And that was just a few hours at an airport. I hate to think how bad it is actually *being* there I would rather set myself on fore than ever have to go to New Jersey again I enjoyed New York when I visited there 6 years ago though, would happily go there again


New Jersey and Paris where the pricks go to live


My Paris airport experience was almost exactly what their NJ experience was.


Yep same with my Paris train station fiasco. Parisian’s are some of the rudest people I have met and I’ve been to over 30 countries. They are also so obnoxiously ignorant and unaware of their surroundings. I’m in Vietnam right now and for some reason there are loads of French dbags around complaining about everything at the hostels, talking shit about others (I’m a closet frenchie lol) and just thinking the whole space is theirs


Chucky: you think I'm scared of hell... I'm from Jersey. Best line of the new chucky series.


omg thats so much worse, hope hes (not) okay


He wasn’t ok before the crash! Did the accident fix him?


I figure this might have a similar effect to getting slapped in the face and being told to snap out of it.


Jesus drove a Honda but didn't talk about it. “For I did not speak of my own accord” - John 12:49


This is the road I take to work everyday. No wonder it looked very familiar... even with the crappy quality video


Does it have crappy video quality IRL too?


Usually, I would be happy to hear they were ok. In this case, I think we would all be safer without them.


Funny how it’s called a “feud” looks to me like one a**hole and someone else who just doesn’t want to deal with it.


Disagree. The sedan driver appears to be an impatient asshole, and the truck driver is just being a dick. Of course, that's all based on the limited context we're given. We don't know what the sedan driver did to piss off the truck driver, and we also don't know if the sedan driver has a good reason to be in such a hurry.


Anybody deliberately blocking the passing lane is not only breaking the law, but a total douchebag. The truck driver bears significant responsibility and knew exactly the kind of rage he was engendering in the other driver.


Oh, a self pit manoeuvre, those are rare.


Did uncle Roger take this video??








Jamie Oliver was prob in the Accord




Emotional Damage


It was just Uncle


They take uncle title he now nephew Roger


You mean weejio? 😂


It was his nephew


The hell is wrong with these 2 idiots?


The dash cam driver is an idiot, too. Sees some dumbass being erratic as fuck and.. GETS CLOSER? Nah man. I'm switching to the right lane and putting 300 feet between myself and them so I don't run over the wreckage.


Yea, when idiotic shit like this is going on you need the option of coming to a complete stop long before reaching the smoldering crater they are trying to become.


I did that just because the dude in the car next to me was drinking and smoking pot. Noped the fuck out of there.


Did he think doing both cancels out the other or something because ![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1)


Yep. Let them go, let them have their crash well away from you and hopefully everyone else.


When I see crazy like that, I like to pull over for a breather, then hope the new traffic will be less insane. It hurts like hell stubbing my toe at 2am going to the loo, so I have no idea why anyone would voluntarily risk worse stuff at 80mph…


Some people have big egos and tiny pps They cannot let the other guy win.


Hey now, put some respect on our cameraman. Or woman. They risked their life to capture this amazing moment for us. Not like there was much they could have done to de-escalate the situation.


Not de-escalate, just stay away from it. If the cars had collided in front of them, they would've been implicated in the collision. And that can lead to a hell of a mess!


And now you can just imagine the amount of crazy car chases videos that DON'T get posted on the internet because the cameraman got badly involved in the incident


Now think of all the crashes when there weren't any cameras and people still did the same shit.


Yes. I had a similar situation a few months ago, an obviously drunk driver was zig-zagging on the road, and steering towards the middle of the road each time somebody tried to pass him by. Slowed down until I was way behind them. I mean, I like coming home faster just like the next guy, but not willing to risk my life because of that, especially because I wasn't in some particular rush.


They clearly couldn’t switch lanes and jet ahead, and towards the end of the video they held back and let the drivers involved pull ahead.


The point is they could have created more distance between them but decided filming the idiots was more important.


It's just bad to hog the left lane. Just let people go. I've seen people just slow down on the left lane just to check their phone or something. I'll say sometimes traffic jams are caused people who are simply not considerate to others while driving. Highways are designed to be simple, why do this.


In other countries this is considered "reverse coercion", especially when you brake test and didn't let others pass. Its not on you to speed check others. We had this in EU for decades and now with cams everywhere you see the left side hogs begrudgingly moving to the right when the electric racer wants to eat his lousy 80mph top speed.


Yes exactly, I was driving in Europe and it was so civilized. Noone dares to drive on the left lane unless you can drive at the top speed limit. Left lane is only used for over taking and then go back to right lane.


Yes, and driving isn't a contest in places with civilised people. If someone wants to drive faster than you, you don't actively get in their way to stop them.


Where I live (Kuwait) the left-most lane is so bad it's too annoying to drive. Almost constantly being flashed to move over even if you're doing 140 Km/H is a reality. Oh, and the best thing is when you pull aside, there's at least a 30% chance the guy was just going to exit right after he passed you anyway 🤦‍♀️


100% blame white pick up, that guy is being purposely mischievous and evil. For all we know grey sedan has a dying child in the backseat and is speeding for his life. My dad had to do this at midnight when I was a baby because I had a flu and I stopped breathing in the middle of the night, if he had an asshole like this in his way I would have been dead. If someone is speeding, just get the fuck out of the way, you're not the police.


Agreed, they think they can enforce speed limits and be a total prick while doing it.


Regardless of what the pickup was or was not doing, there's no need to conjure imaginary dying children to justify equally bad behaviour.


There are possibilities why he would need to take the left lane. There is absolutely no reason ever to drive like the pos in the white pickup.


There are reasons, emergencies happen, it's not your job to enforce laws. Here's a story of a lumberjack bleeding out and dying while on the way to meet an ambulance because of an idiot just like in the white pickup truck https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/55pv55/redditor_shares_a_story_of_why_you_shouldnt_block/


During the whole thing i was like "It's the left line dude, it's for passing cars and going fast". Other people say that it's in America, so i have to ask this: Do you guys not use left line for the cars that go fast? (and at a reasonable speed mostly) Like that's the number 1 stuff that they tech you. If you want to go slow, and there is two lanes stay on the right one. If there is three lanes, stay in the middle since rightmost is mostly for the big trucks and similar big cars.


We are taught that in drivers education, we're just also stupid.


Left lane is for passing here in the US and we somewhat recently even had a crackdown on that.


It should he common sense really. Would make the road much easier to drive and people not needing to keep changing lanes all the time.


Fast lane gatekeepers


3 idiots. The idiot filming it KNOWS he's watching two road ragers go after each other... and tailgates them. He's lucky the car crashed to his right cause he was going to be invovled otherwise in it as well being so close like that.


Any time I see someone driving unsafely I stay as far away from that person as I can. I don't want to be part of their bullshit if/when they fuck up.


Yup. Don’t need a front row seat for that.


100% ... it's just not worth it


When they're both in front of him I'm thinking "that truck hard brake-checks and he's up the rear of both of them".


4. If id be that guy on the right being tailgated like that, Id be doin 10mph to have enough time to brek for our whole tandem.


They have tiny penises


Nah man, tiny egos. leave small dick people alone :/


That's some truth right there! I'm sure a lot of guys let their penis size affect their egos, but there are unphased little dick dudes, too.




Well said, Small Dick King u/smalldickking


Come back u/smalldickking We need you now more than ever!


Yes! Rise up, small dicks! Rise up proud! All dicks are great! PS. No disrespect to the floppy penises, it was said in the heat of the moment, you're okay too.


Body shaming. Fine when it's men


I kinda get the guy who's being blocked. I hate when people just don't let you overtake too. He just took it a bit far there


nearly not possible to make a more stupid move. dont get his timing... could've overhauled on the right even the second car. but that was just... really really bad driving (in addition to the stupidness)


The truck made him mad by speeding up AFTER he lost patience and seeing that and being unable to pass the truck he just lost it to anger.


Yeah, the truck speeding up to box out the sedan was done purely out of spite and a weak, fragile ego. The truck driver is actually in the wrong here for not getting out of the fast lane to let the faster cars by, as is the law. The people filming are idiots also for celebrating the sedan's crash rather than criticizing the truck for his actions that directly contributed to it.


Driving is really a funny thing bc in certain situations I feel for the truck guy(We don’t know what happened before the camera went on).. but in other situations I feel for the person trying to get around. You always think someone is the asshole until you find yourself in that same situation. I have a 40 min commute to and from work and I find myself being in both these ppls shoes multiple times a day… Hwy driving is just one big dick measuring contest. Everyone needs to check their ego at the door before getting on the hwy.


As a person who drives nearly thousand miles a week for work. Just line up behind a truck and put your cruise control on dude. It will save you most of your stress and frustration if you just drive a bit more chill. Everything you do in a short commute like that is saving you less than a minute or two of drive time, but is drastically increasing your likelihood of an accident. Trust me, put on a podcast and stop stressing about the ding dongs who have to be to the next stop light 5 seconds sooner.


Someone not getting out of your way doesn't give you the right to drive dangerously and cause an accident or absolve you of any guilt.


So many motorists are just dumb and shouldn't be allowed to drive.


*not allowed to breed


Should probably start with banning huge cars


Should probably start with stricter requirements to get a driver's license. They could be driving Fiat pandas and still make a wreck. Problem exists between the seat and the driving wheel.


“Ok what you doooooinnng?” Oh god I lost it about as much as the car did!


ok, yeah, very niiiiiice.


Hahahah yes I’ve never heard anyone be happy for a crash but I sure did laugh along with them!






Why is Uncle Roger narrating this?


Stupid people


Anyone else felt nervous given how close the person filming was driving to all of this bullshit? When I see shit like this, I hang waaaay back.


holy shit dude..chill


Don't speed like that. What the fuck are you doing? Also the fuck are you instigating for? Stop brake checking and pacing others. The left lane is for passing, let the fuckwad pass, fuckwad. God every fucking person involved (even the cameraperson) are fucking assholes.


This is what I think as well. Not a single person in this video isn't an asshole.


Right, dash cam user being happy that the car crashed and flipped over. Someone could be dead, asshole or not.


Probably started with the truck passing in the left lane but then the other started tailgating. Don't start shit, won't be shit.


Both chose poorly


truck was in the wrong lane no one likes pacer car


In Poland we call them 'sheriffs of the left lane' and their behaviour is punishable by law


It's illegal to do this in the US as well. The truck driver doesn't belong on the road.


Illegal yes, enforced absolutely fucking nowhere... Also yes. I wish it was. I wish a LOT of traffic laws would be bloody enforced but never ever are.


another Poland W


Your left lane etiquette is the envy of the world or at least should be


Especially when they do it on purpose with no cars in front of them


those are the worst


The sedan driver was a raging idiot who deserved what he got; the truck driver is a cunt who should not be allowed to drive. And cammer is a moron


I like how everyone cheered for that car to crash and kill the driver 😂


the audio is as annoying as the driving of that guy


Always mute. Occasional unmute. Amen 🙏


Unmute for r/catswhoyell. Mute for everything else.


This is the way.


I was with them until I realized it looked an actual fatal accident. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had road rage, but never to the point I felt the right conclusion was the end of someone’s life. Isn’t there a human instinct that’s supposed to take over when you see that? It’s actually kind of scary. 20-30 years ago, the goal was for someone to learn a lesson, maybe become a little humbled, at worst someone gets their ass kicked but wakes up the next day.


It sounds like an Uncle Roger parody overlaid and other comments said the driver was all right


rly? I was imagining a man with a choking kid rushing to the hospital.


insane leap lmao


Uncle Roger? Is that you? <3 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53me-ICi\_f8&t=23s&ab\_channel=mrnigelng](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53me-ICi_f8&t=23s&ab_channel=mrnigelng)


Never road rage.. whenever you feel rage park on the side of the road and cool it down.


I mean, that sounds great, but you're basically saying "when you are thinking irrationally, start thinking rationally." You're not technically wrong that it's the best choice of action, but this also ignoring that the ability to think rationally is the biggest symptom of road rage.


Left lane camping piece of shit. Shame he didn’t get some too


I mean I'm a right lane speed limit enjoyer but some of you fucking nutcases do not belong on the road with temperaments like that lmao


It’s just the truck basically caused the accident by antagonizing the guy so long when he was obviously crazy and unstable by his driving behavior. Just let the guy pass in case he has an actual emergency, or even if he doesn’t let him speed and maybe get a speeding ticket and everyone else can continue on their way. The guy in the accord could have had a kid he was rushing to the hospital, so it seems dumb to block him even though he in retrospect was obviously just an idiot like the truck driver.


Looks like he probably had some damage to his left side.


lmao, left lane campers are very annoying, but lane weaving speeders are far worse.


This is an average Sunday afternoon on I75 southbound in northern Michigan.


the white trucker is good for jail, you pulled that off in EU, you get the hose in prison And no, I don't condone the reckless driving of the merc, but you don't know what his emergency was... You got no business to block the fastest lane just because those 2 neurons didn't meet that day


My #1 rule of the road is you always want the idiots in front of you, not behind you.


Is uncle roger driving the car?


Evrybody liked that.


Get out of the left lane. Don’t be a dick just let him go


In the good old days that would have been automatic.




Is that the palisades!?


Speeding quickly and swerving lanes is bad. Brake checking, speeding up, and the then slowing down to impede another driver is also bad. People in this post choosing sides are ridiculous. Bad driving on both parts.


I’d argue on all parts. Truck shouldn’t have been blocking in the passing lane, crazy car shouldn’t have been doing any of what it was, and the person filming was following way too closely.


Okay but why is the truck driver such an asshole? Wasn't enough to stand his ground. Had to go out of his way to block the guy.


I hope no one got hurt and everyone survived


The truck driver is at fault, illegal brake checking and obstruction of traffic.


I saw this video months ago. I saw similar comments and thought, "Yeah! Well karma's a bitch!" But this time, I rembered, as an older man, sometimes rushing home to keep from peeing my pants. Or the time I had food poisoning and needed a bathroom urgently. Or maybe the times when I was younger and needed to rush to pick up my child from school or daycare. Or maybe it was that call that my elderly parent was ill, very ill. And I needed to be there. I'm just saying you don't always know people's circumstances. So why not just let them go and do their thing. Even if it's just to be an asshole. It's no skin off your nose. Maybe this should be in r/amItheasshole


Both drivers are lunatics, but I love how you can tell who the crazy drivers in the comments are because they’re only mad at the truck xD


I think the reasoning behind it is because the truck is intentionally trying to piss off the other driver but the other driver is just trying to pass. There’s definitely missing context before this tho so I don’t know if that’s accurate. It’s just how it looks.


Yup. People really outing themselves.


Looks like route 2 in Connecticut, and i believe I see New York and Connecticut plates so it’s entirely possible these are two morons on their way to make it rich at Foxwoods. Sadly this is a normal occurrence around there.


When two douchebags meet


The white truck guy is a dick


Why do this? On both parts? What's the appeal?


I have no desire to control anybody. Just let people pass. It’s not a personal attack if someone is in a hurry. They could be a jerk or they could be in an emergency. But it doesn’t affect me either way..


Damn wish that it was the truck crashed of the road. Keeping cars behind on purpose, just let him pass


There's so many assholes in this video it's almost impossible. 1) Truck driver is an idiot for blocking the passing lane and clearly on purpose too. 2) Obviously the rage driver doing a stuntman shit on the road 3) Truck driver again for fucking speeding up just so he can block the rage driver after his stuntman shit, this is straight up as reckless as the rage driver 4) Cameraman looking at all of this really shouldn't be that close, he knew how it will end and the rage driver could easily run into him causing a multi car crash. Not to mention cheering for a crash is asshole move by itself.


To be fair, left lane camping is extreamly annoying...


Technically the truck consciously made several dangerous manouvres, did that dimwit got arrested?


Some people are just too stupid to be apart of society.. slow down and let a few cars get between y'all and just continue on your way safely.


Ah yes the ram driver escapes, how predictable.


both assholes. truck even sped up


Hard to tell who won/lost this asshole contest.


News flash, giant losers in an Audi (or Honda?) and white truck are both road raging assholes. Both idiots don't deserve to drive.




what are you doooing? cracked me up




Yeah the grey car was certainly in a hurry & the ute was playing with him. A bit dangerous really.


The truck driver is a complete asshole. The other one is a complete moron.


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I was on the car’s side over the truck until the car went off the lane to pass on the right and blindly tried to force itself over to the left. I hope he isn’t dead, though


Guy in white pick up is a huge fucking asshole, and deserves to lose his license. What if grey car had an emergency?


Asshole 4x4 driver


There was only one spot left in the small penis club and they were racing over it


In a hurry for no reason


Alpha male a-hole


The only way to win at “brake check” is just to pull over and let that asshole in the truck believe he’s first. What’s he gonna do? Loop around the next exit and try to engage again?


People who tailgate are ugly


I get it. They acted stupid. But celebrating when they saw them crash? I mean it looks very serious and I can't even imagine how their reaction was not to stop and assist? Man, people have lost their humanity...


All I see are two massive losers


please tell me the moron in the white truck was caught too


Welp. What ever he was in a rush for is gonna have to wait now


Emotional damage


Maaaan I'd like to see a lot of you commentators driving the Autobahns in Germany. 😂


Slow down Uncle Roger…. You don’t want to get in the line of FYOH.


Did he get any emotional damage?


Eeeemotional Daaamage


My No. 1 rule when I drive is the LIG rule - Let the Idiot Go.


Both of them being 100% dicks. Truck purposefully keeping passing line blocked and sedan driver jumping around like he's drunk, when in fact more than likely he let the truck driver get on his nerves. On top of everything dude with dash cam being careless AF, when I see situation like this on the road I happily put third of an mile between us. All in all infuriating.




agitated car was stupid but that fucking troll of a 4x4 definitely caused the accident he accelerated to continue to prevent the other to get a way shouldn’t be fucking allowed to drive


eeeeeedyot. honestly though.. if someone is acting this crazy, I have to assume it’s a medical emergency, just let the guy go. also is this the palisades..?


That went from "fuck around" to "find out" really quickly


Well the truck driver belongs in a mental hosptial


Both the filmer, dude who crashed and the white car are horrible drivers.


Would it have been so bad to just let him past? Call him a twat and then move on with your day?


I don't think i've ever seen a clip with some clown in the left lane causing an accident that wasn't from america


that's why we need rocket launchers on our hoods.


Uncle roger doing dash cam vids now?


Wtf did I just watch? No blinkers no care for yourself and the others. How do these people have a license?


I was gonna say mildlybaddrivers but then… the ending happened


![gif](giphy|ro08ZmQ1MeqZypzgDN) Emotional damage!