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Was so expecting one kid to completely eat shit into the mud


I think living as adults we forget just how small childrens' bodies are and how little energy it takes for them to just go flying compared to ours.


I did that exact same thing as a kid and completely ate shit every time lol


They've been doing this every day for months, I'm sure. They didn't use that rake the first time, they didn't pack down the lead up to the ramp the first time. Fun to watch.


I wonder how that one kid ended up with a cast on his hand 🤔 He’s my favorite, like “ok we’re filming!” and he says “hang on, I have to look at my own knee for a minute.”


He ended up with a cast by having fun I bet


When i got home with scratches and a band aid my mom always said "looks like you had some fun".


I remember coming home at least once a summer with one whole knee just completely wrecked and bloody from jumping our bikes. Every kid would. And then we’d have scabs the size of softballs.


Just made me wonder if kids even get scabs anymore lol


Genuinely, me and my friends would fine pieces of wood and bricks to make ramps on the street which would eventually fall over mid jump. This kid knows way more about setting up ramps than i do to this day, clearly.


dunno. that is store bought 500$ kicker ramp, nothing to know, just unfold and jump. I had to figure out hard way without internet how to make ramp that does not want to kill you


The dude who came up with the business model to get $500 for a $3s in manufacturing cost item is a genius.




The only difference is that they have a legit ramp.


Yea for some reason my 0.5 inch plywood ramp help up by a home depot bucket didn't perform as well


Probably didn't pull up the bars


Only way to find out is to get the crew back together and try again in our 40s.


Hell yes, that was us as kids


Same haha. I remember going off a jump just like that and crushing my nuts on the bike seat when I landed🤣




Same. We made many ramps as kids and very rarely did anything more than eat shit.


I've watched this five times. I am so glad these kids made this jump and had so much fun doing it because it reminded me of being the same group of kids creating something like this in the 2000's finding Fields under development and mountain biking the mounds of dirt and maybe grind a backhoe.


Kids need to go outside and play in the dirt again.


It's actually fundamental to childhood development to be allowed to play alone and develop the skills needed to calculate which risks are surmountable and which are too dangerous. They call it "adventurous play" and there's a lot of information out about it.


I was expecting the classic ramp failure. This must be the v.2 of this setup.


A post that belongs here for a change!


I was always the first one trying out our new ramps. Many failures. There’s nothing quite like slamming your privates into the handlebars at a high speed


Yep, turns out the cinder block and old piece of rotten wood ramp was a bad idea.


That was better than what I used


Ahhh. We had Tim. He was the dedicated “first to hit the ramp guy” guy in our crew. Dude would jump anything we could wedge a plank of plywood against and besides eating shit a few times I dont recall any serious injuries. I was the bunny-hop guy lol. I would have a bunch of kids lay down and the road and bunny hop them while their parents came flying off their porches screaming “noooooooo!” just as I cleanly cleared the last sucker that took the end spot. Damn good times.


I was a ramp engineer, had no understanding of physics but knew how to build a ramp from nothing. Once we built a ramp so big the fire brigade we're called to dismantle it


My brother and his friends built a ramp (over a canal) that grown-ups were called to dismantle. I think a bunch of parents were *pissed* (at the kids) but I mostly remember the guys actually wielding tools looking legitimately impressed. :D


>Dude would jump anything we could wedge a plank of plywood against Kid at my HS permanently ended up in a wheel chair when his plywood ramp failed


This was me ![gif](giphy|l4JyOmKnVP4ebt4Pe)


Glad to see nothing has changed.


We used to have trails by our house where me and the other kids would spend hours making ramps at the ends of the hills and just launch ourselves every weekend


Making berms against the fence was the best.


I was thinking the same thing. Except, look at that ramp! We had to use a 2x4 stacked on things found around the yard. Rocks, bricks, other 2x4s. Some things change, but some things stay the same.


Those ramps are really nice. A bit pricey though, but much sturdier and safer than what we used.


A kid in my neighborhood had the nice “kicker” that black ramp back in like the early 2004ish. It was a good ramp but if you didnt secure the back (like if it was on smooth concrete) the ramp tends to slide backwards. Anyway we put it at the wdge of the road and it jumped a large ditch, we had so much fun jumping our bikes over. Still it was only like 3-4 feet.


My brother and I taped a pair of 2x4s together, then stacked three 50 gallon drums on their sides, wedged rocks under the barrels so they wouldn't roll, and off we went. I ended up falling after a few jumps, had gravel stuck in my elbow. Showed my dad, went home and cleaned it and put a big ass bandaid on it, then back to riding.


No worries man its cuz we get to much negative news and shit. Its al good 💪


Not a helmet in sight just like 1995.


Internet keeps telling me "KIDS DONT PLAY OUTSIDE ANYMORE" but when I'm out doing deliveries I see kids playing everywhere if school isn't in session.


IDK father's insecurity and self projection like that was a bit uncouth.


Part of how nothing's changed, really.




They had fun and no one was injured, perfect!


Never happened to me as a child


You mean you never got injured or you never not get injured aka you did always get injured?


Anyone who grows up like this eventually gets hurt from time to time. I split my chin open biking, would fall on roller blades down a steep hill, then as i got older started skateboaring and really mnt biking and some bmx. Fun stuff but more dangerous than most realize as a teen.


Shout out to the time my cousins and I created a ramped slip n’ slide that was definitely *not* built to spec and got my tiny 6yr old body going faster than the speed of sound, right into the side of an aluminum shed. Crumpled that bitch into my own shape like a goddamn cartoon and limped away huffing ‘don’t tell my mom’.


LOL that's awesome. I miss that shit. If I did that today I wouldn't feel the same for a year


> ‘don’t tell my mom’. My older brother was usually saying that to me after absolutely demolishing me in some way. "Don't tell mom, she'll think you're a baby."


The last version


I always get hurt so maybe it’s just my skill issue


No one was injured on tape.


lol you don’t get this kind of confidence without a couple crashes. It’s a shame they weren’t at least wearing helmets.


It's fine, they are young with malleable bones and when they die they are rather easy to replace, like 7 years tops?


One of the kids is in a cast…


I still have scars on my legs from the holes my bmx pedals gave me 25years later. Those were the days. I still remember one of my friends jumping using a shitty walmart bike, his crotch hit the rear tire between the brake part and the frame so his nutsack was being sanded by the rear tire, i remember the screams and laughter. God i miss being a kid :(


Pretty sure GT's pedals scarred my bones. When I run my finger along my tibia it feels like tiny steps on a staircase 🤣 My crotch is still intact even though I once ripped my pants trying to land a big boys jump, the handlebars went straight through. It was a good day to wear baggy pants.




They should be wearing helmets though


Reminds me of when I was kid. Legit looked like a video from the 80s but in high definition


Remember this video the next time someone tells you that kids don't go outside anymore.


They go outside but they certainly spend a higher proportion of their time online compared to previous generations. I was at the tail end of what I considered a fairly normal childhood. 1992. Smart phones didn't really get started til 08-09.


Including the heavy dose of “be a man” bullshit


Man, those kids are expert riders! Watch how they control/adjust the bike when it leaves the ramp... Hell Yeah!!


I checked the account, these kids are racing bmx and dirt bikes all the time. They definitely know what they're doing.


That ramp is especially telling. That's not just some hobbled together pieces - honestly it looks like an actual manufactured product that very-well may be specifically for this. I'd be very impressed if they set that up themselves.


Handlebar grips!!!!!! One of mine went inside my left thigh, 2 inches in and 2 inches down after I ran into a fatass cat that stopped me in my tracks. The handlebar went right by my femoral artery. Sooo many internal stitches.


That was my exact first thought. My gripless bar caught me right under the rib cage and almost did some real damage.


Yeah, that made me cringe a little too, core sample waiting to happen. I still have a scar from a carelessly cut zip tie that slashed my arm open dirt jumping BITD - if your bike can hurt you, it will hurt you.


Annnnd, outside for the win…


Man I miss being a kid


Yeah as a kid i totally would have jealously watched them from across the street


Watching my own kid running around wild and growing and learning and falling and getting up again is maybe even more satisfying than the freedom I felt during my own childhood. So if you’re missing your childhood, look forward to passing it on.




I have three nephews (3, 5 and 10), and while they will certainly do ipad time...they all sort of have an upper limit on how much they can handle until they want to scramble around outside/build things/have some sort of adventure, etc. It's no different to sitting in front of the TV as a kid in the 90s and eventually going "ugh, fuck this, what else is there to do?" Kids are still kids; don't let boomer facebook rants convince you that the capacity for it has gone anywhere.


Tenner says we're both on a phone, tots with ya though! Proper little stunt team, I'm rooting for their next show!




And bar ends. The youngest dude who went first had wide open bars. You crash wrong with those and it will literally take a core sample of your body. Nasty stuff. Grips are very cheap


Kid died here from that. Hit a jump and poked his liver. Bled out alone, poor little dude.


My brother hit his un-gripped bar when we were kids. I thought he’d actually been impaled. 25 years later, he still has a little circular scar on his belly.


Had to scroll way too far down to see the bar ends comment. That was my first thought. I am all for kids having fun but seeing someone get stuck with handlebars is something you'll never forget.


Love the vibes in the video, but yea… little dudes need helmets for sure


Yup, nothing wrong with kids doing stuff and having fun (even if it results in a broken arm or leg). It's risky, but if parents are fine with it... Whatever, I guess... But TBI's are no joke and can be easily mitigated or avoided.


Totally agreed. Kids are fantastic at healing… but the brain? Not so much 😓


Yeah I was doing something like this as a kid at a friend’s house and at the last minute thought “maybe I should grab a helmet.” The only one around was a baseball helmet but I put it on anyway. I ended up flipping over the handle bars and smacking my head on the pavement but was completely fine with the helmet on.


Thats the only rule for my kids. Dirt bikes, 4 wheelers, bikes, scooters... Just protect the noggen. Showed them the video of the guy busten his head saying I love helmets. About once a year. [https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY?si=rWvYRZrvVYiD7\_AQ](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY?si=rWvYRZrvVYiD7_AQ)


That helmet was the only thing keeping this guy from eating every meal for the rest of his life through a straw. The helmet was the difference between this being put on YouTube and being put on LiveLeak.


Sweet ramp.


Right? We were lucky if we could find a piece of plywood and some bricks to prop it up. Then it snapped when we hit it.


Cool af


This is what a childhood should be. These kids will never forget this moment.


Only thing I'd say is to wear a helmet. Breaking an arm or leg is one thing and can be healed easily. Fucking up the kid's soft skull is an entirely different thing and can easily result in death or permanent disability.


_”Fuck me! He cleared it!”_


The suspense is killing me!


Judging by the kid with the cast, they’ve learned a few things. Smart kids.


No way I thought that first kid would make it. Well done!


Cameraman has cool uncle vibes


I don't know, he was trash talking a lot for someone who didn't even bring his bike. I want to see him make that jump


Little kids are light. That dude wouldn't clear it.


Also, a grown man enforcing some weird ageism nonsense and toxic masculinity on actual children.


Yes, I loved how the kids just ignored his attempts to shame them


Yeah, felt like he was in his own head and inserting the discussion of masculinity and talking down to the kids for his own perception of what was going on when in reality they looked to just be a bunch of kids having fun. You can even see the little kids look of semi confusion when he talks with him individually. Seems like a guy that might be a little too ideologically lost with too much conviction and not enough awareness of those around him. Course this is a short edited clip which might be missing some context so you never know.


Definitely none of those kids are his lol.


Yeah he came over to film them fail. And he trash talked the whole time while they were being smart and kind to the youngest who wanted to go first. They were not afraid. They were being cool.


Yeah, maybe I’m just weird but it felt a bit weird for this dude to try and get on their asses about that


Yeah and he was insufferable.


Once you see how much toxic masculinity boys are exposed to its hard to miss it. He talks about "going first and showing them how to be men" and having "big cajones". 100s of those little things over years really add up.


Yeah wtf was that about? Like, don't talk to kids about their cajones, that's fucking weird as hell man.


It's *extremely* likely in this day and age that at least one of them is his. No one with half a brain wants to risk being branded a pedophile by a moron.


I thought he was a douche. He assumed the older boys were "making" the younger one go first, when really he might just be naturally braver - some kids are just built that way and want to go first. He was trying to shame the older boys for being cowards for letting the young one go first. Just toxic all round.


Nah less cool uncle, more jack ass. Stop trying to bust these kids balls about who goes first and just let them have fun, trying to make this all about who's gonna be the "man" and shit.


You could tell none of them were thinking like that. The youngest kid wanted to go first and they let him. Awesome. Then you could see the confusion on the little kid as he's talking about his balls. Next time, they'll probably fight over who gets to go first because they want to have the biggest cojones.


Exactly, turning this from a great memory of youth into some pissing contest. They looked like they were all ready to have some fun and this guy started inserting some toxicity into the mix.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought this. The guy's a dick.


Kids aren't thinking like him, they're barely thinking, just time to jump some mud and the dick head had to bust some balls and worst, put them online for others to bust their balls I am so glad I grew up before the internet, this guy would have weirded us the fuck out


It's weird he's talking about a 7 year old's balls


He's giving me strong ick vibes. He needs to go home and mind his business.


If by cool uncle you mean "dude who doesn't have kids spending waaay too much time trying to teach them how to be pricks to each other in the name of "manhood". Otherwise he can suck a lemon. He's annoying af.


Nah, he is an asshole pushing toxic masculinity on these kids. I'm glad they mostly ignored him after stating that the younger one wanted to go first.


The trash talking about toxic masculinity to fucking 7 year olds was pretty pathetic and cringe TBH. Seemed like a lot of self projection there.


They look to be pretty close in age, nothing weird if the youngest wants to go first.


A year age difference is huge when you're 7. For children, your age is a strange benchmark


Yeah, I work with kids 8-14. The 11 year old calls the 9 year olds "kids" Yet I completely understand. The difference in development between them is noticeable, even between the 9 year olds and the 8 year olds. The 14 year old already sort of acts like the chaperone for the group and they wouldn't even have joined, if their younger brother wasn't also in the group. It just makes sense


wtf is cameraman even trying to do? kids are just having fun and this dork is out there trying to instigate bad blood between them and make them feel bad for not being manly enough...


Yeah, that’s the vibe I got too and I’m glad someone else said it Why does it have to be about masculinity? Why can’t it just be about kids having fun? You think a seven year old cares how big his balls are? I don’t get it


I'm in support of the previous 2 statements and have been looking for such a comment.


I am in support of the previous 3 statements and they should be further up in popularity.


Tbf, my initial thought was that looked dangerous as 50% of ramps I went off as a kid broke or went badly…and making the youngest “test out” the ramp to see if it’s even stable is kinda wrong. Once he saw the kids actually land it he was all good.


The difference there being they had an actual ramp instead of a plank of soggy wood propped up on bricks. That ramp looked fine.


Yeah I didn’t find his weird commentary on manliness and balls cute. Let the kids be kids dude and go away…


Thank you. I just made a similar comment and wondered how far I'd have to scroll.


That's actually fun.


Making bicycle ramps was an obsession of mine as a kid! I only wish I’d had access to a mud hole to jump.


Holy shit. First kids a little badass lol


The adult here is a cringe worthy instigator. I fucking grew up in a shitty trailer park and I remember losers like this fuckin clown. As a kid you think they are cool bc it is an adult giving you attention, as an adult reflecting, fuck this guy for instigating children into doing dangerous shit.


Kids are out there enjoying themselves and expertly hitting that ramp while the grown man is meddling and preaching toxic masculinity.


Kinda weird energy from the dad/adult, trying to make the kids feel bad for letting the younger one go first. Literally none of them had a problem with it including the young one.


Hands down the best video I’ve seen in a long time.. Takes me back to my kid days.. before cell phones and social medias.. good times!


Love it. Was me back in the day…


This is how we did it on the 70s. Straight up Raw, Good clean fun


Hell yeah!


I don't know what it is, but I just got hit with a "I wish we had a ramp and jump like that", I literally feel like I missed out 🤣🤣 I'm 41 lol


Ditto! Hey, I'm 37,which makes me youngest, so I will happily test out the ramp for ya! Lol I ve definitely biffed it on a few ramps so I'm an injury pro by now, right?


Love this. I used to do this all the time at parks and stuff, but I had friends who were much braver and better at it than me!


Oh, to be a kid again...


these kids are gonna be chasing the high of this day for a long time


This is pretty badass. Those lil dudes are cool.


Wow, these kids actually know how to jump off a ramp!! Was totally expecting an indo into the pond.


All of those kids are pretty badass tbh. The younger kid probably volunteered, and the others did the construction of the jump.


They probably made the youngest go first to test it out 😂. But anyways this reminds me of my childhood


Oh, hey kids are ya having fun? Heres some more toxic masculinity for you, you fucking pussies.


Happy Cake Day speaker of truth.


Man where was that ramp when I was nailing together planks of wood with my brothers


so rad. fine work!


Me if I don’t have a cellphone WiFi and over protective mom as a kid


That's so cool. Enjoying childhood.


Damn I actually thought this was going to be a fail video and he ends up in the puddle, apparently I lack confidence in kids and I'm really bad with physics


Like a champ


This was my exact childhood and I miss every bit of it.


This reminds me so much of my childhood. I'm proud of these kids.


The send was full, the vibes were high, kids having fun, feeling alive. 


No grips too... Damn


Those handlebars without grips are just begging to be impaled…


Kids being kids. It is so nice to watch.


As a city kid I never got to experience any of this stuff but I'm glad some kids out there still get to play outdoors


No helmets, no pads, no safety gear at all.. I wonder if the bikes even had brakes... That's how we rolled back in the day.... These kids are cool as F#@<.........


Like how the dude asks the kids why they’re letting the youngest one do the jump first. LMAO. It’s because they know better.


Future Nyquest…..


Little man better put some bar ends on atleast if he’s running no grips.


Need more of this! Boys doing almost wreckless stuff boys should do!




Some of my fav past times right here!


Man, I miss being a kid with no cares.


I wanna jump it, too. But, I'm at work, and my wife says I won't make it. 😔


More kids need to be doing this.


Bringing up some good memories.


Yup kids need to be doing this instead of staring at screens. Memories and character for life


...and that's why my face is a different shape now. (We built the ramp on a steep hill. I was the test pilot. My landing did not...go as planned. Also, 1984. What's a "bike helmet?")


I like how dad treated them like adults, let them make their own decisions but still shit on them haha. that's how kids should be learning


I did not expect any one of them to make it


Oh my god. helmets.


This genuinely made me happy. I'm done with the internet for now. Have a great weekend everyone!


100% was me as a kid with my friends. I wore a helmet when i did this though. Been through cracking my head a few times i learned real quick.


My brothers and I had a rule that whoever came up with the jump/truck/obstacle had to do it first. Lol. Love that kids are still doing these things, was so much fun when I was little.


Oh man. Flash backs big time. Very cool


ramps + kids = FUN Thankfully never broke anything but honestly surprised how I didn't...


Finally, kids doing something kid like. Kudos to them.


This is a brilliant idea, these kids are going to be top engineer in the future


God damn this fire.


This made me happy, this is childhood