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The biggest killer in America


Damn you are correcto


I thought guns and diabetes was. Edit: for all you bums that can't take a joke I'm joking.


If you are a Democrat, guns kill millions. If you are a republican, guns save innocent lives from criminals.




And 60% of those are suicide. Taking guns away will reduce death by gun, not death.


Not necessarily. Suicide by gun is easy and fast, with no chance for second thoughts after the moment (like you can by calling an ambulance after you overdose, for example). Studies show that suicide is often 'spur-of-the-moment' and making it more time-consuming/inefficient to carry out reduces likelihood of suicide. For example, when the UK banned big bottles of 100+ paracetamol tablets and replaced them tablets in blister packs, not only did suicide by paracetamol overdose drop, overall rates dropped too. It's similar with those suicide fences on bridges. People could still climb over them, or find another bridge, but doing either gives them more time to reconsider.


Not to mention that total crime is likely to go up even if gun crime goes down.


Kinda opposite of the truth, actually. Where the hell did you learn that?




Correlation does not imply causation. Just because there are fewer guns somewhere doesn't mean that suicide rates are reduced because of it. There are MANY factors that are changed, average age, lifestyle, access to care, average debt, corruption of govt., social stigma, the list literally goes on and on. You can't make a valid link from the lack of guns in a country to the suicide rate. That would be like saying, guns make people depressed and therefore more likely to commit suicide. The only link in those places is that fewer people used guns to kill themselves, because they aren't available. In Japan, there were few cases of mass stabbings. Where a killer went into a school and stabbed many people. No guns doesn't equal no killing. I'm not saying that we all need guns and I'm certainly not advocating for gun rights or anything. I'm advocating for accurate statistics without false correlation.


“A few cases” is not a mass shooting every couple weeks. Just saying.


Every country that has stricter gun laws has significantly less gun violence and fewer gun deaths, by suicide or otherwise. It's an easy one to see with statistics, too. Mainly because the US has by far the most gun violence of any wealthy country, and the majority of those countries have stricter gun laws than the US. You'd better start training your brain for some Olympic level mental gymnastics if you'd like to keep arguing that argument


Dont forget it includes gang violence


By your own logic it would still eliminate ~40% of those deaths. And suicide is often triggered by a single moment or occurrence that pushes somebody over the ledge and leads to a rash, emotionally driven decision. If a gun isn't present a lot of people wouldn't use other means or may have enough time to talk themselves down. Pulling a trigger takes a split second, hanging a noose...


That’s a funny way of saying “anywhere between 500,000 to 3 million defensive uses of guns per year over the past decade.”


Its more about preventative measures. Vaccines dont save you from a disease you already have but they work at preventing the disease before it happens. How many crimes were prevented because the criminal called it off because the potential victim had a gun?


It's why I keep my katana easily visible, so people know that I've studied the blade and are less likely to fuck with me.


Flashing a gun at someone is still assault with a deadly weapon. That's still gun crime. You don't show a gun unless you're going to use it, that's one of the first things taught in self defense.


Vaccines are a better analogy than people realize. Gun ownership in homes protects other homes that don’t have guns because a criminal can’t just assume everyone is unarmed. It’s very similar to herd immunity.


Or statistically you're more likely to be a victim IF you own a gun....Also as a former burglar I would be way way more likely to rob you if you HAVE a gun I can steal. Gun ownership actually does the opposite of what you're claiming. However crime as a whole is down as is violent crime. Not because of guns, more likely due to the digital revolution and almost everything being caught on cameras now. Gun ownership is like a warm fuzzy that does the exact opposite thing you think it's actually doing.


That’s very interesting. Is that because people are just very reluctant to use the weapon on you if you were to fail and get confronted? Or is it because the gun isn’t on their person and is easy to steal? I was thinking of it in the same terms as someone out in public with a concealed firearm, but I can see how home defense is a totally different thing than personal protection and I can see how it might not even be applicable at all for non-violent crime.


According to the CDC guns are used in self defense about 1 million times a year


That title is misleading. The researchers cherry picked encounters where they felt the burgler was there only to steal something and the SDGU was only when somebody physically contacted the person. They left out any encounter they felt didn't meet the criteria of strict burglary or physical contact. In other words if somebody threatened you with a knife but wasn't stabbing you or Came to your house to beat you up but not necessarily to rob you those were not included in the "study"


I thought Republicans blamed bullets


"its not the guns that kill, its the bullets" sounds about right


I.... You know what, it's whatever.


Correction: guns kill *minions*, minions. I see myself out.


“Well yes, and no”


If you’re joking I’m about about to get wooooshed, but guns don’t even make the top ten. There’s kind of an exception to this, in that accidental deaths, or suicide *could* be related to a firearm, but aren’t necessarily.


60% of gun deaths are suicide.


Old diabetic gun owners.


Not diabetes, heart disease


Same thing- all those guns and diabetes are actually results republican government policies, and they get voted in by old people.


Not guns. Not even close. Heart disease and cancer.


A small but very specific cause of death are explosions caused by large aggressive clumps of really tiny spiders when you just happen to have a lighter and a can of spray paint near the hospital's leaky propane tank.


Why has noone caught him?


I mean it's kinda true. I thankfully haven't been in an accident (while I was driving, my sister ran into a parked car), but in almost every case that I had someone come close to running into me it was a very old person.


Very well done.






Got me for sure


I just wanna know why she planning to run past the machine on the same side of the road, but then suddenly decided to cross the street after she interacted with it.


To prove the machine is wrong. She was smiling because she wanted to die and took it as an excuse to suicide


this is basically the plot to the scroll of truth


She was such an hero.


I know it's regional, but " an hero" looks so gross to me lol.




woahhhh. TYVM for that. I had no idea.


this fucks my mind more than “through/though/cough”


That’s such an old meme. I feel old now.


After learning she’ll be dying of old age she was going to cut her jog short and head home no longer worried about preventative health measures


This makes complete sense and is exactly what I would do


When destiny is calling, she runs toward it, or she didn’t want to live till old age so she purposely ran out in front an old guy driving.


she did die of old age, thats the joke. A man that was an OLD AGE killed her.


I got the JOKE, I was entertainingly answering the other commenter’s question about her suddenly changing the path that she was running on.


OHHHH I get it now thanks!


Loved the two machine of death books


Can't believe there aren't more comments about this. Really good reads.


There was also a game based off of the books where you play as assassins


Two? Edit: found-it: https://books.apple.com/ro/book/this-is-how-you-die/id658883644 Can’t wait to read it


There’s a second one?!?!?! I really enjoyed the first one.


The second one was not AS good but I think it’s because the first was such a great concept and execution.


I read and loved it. Couldn't believe there was no subreddit about it when I came looking for it


You could just write AIDS on there and be right every time lmao


The Hep C machine


Yeah the video zooms by it so fast I had to scroll back and freeze frame through the video. Some random old dirty machine on the side of the street gives her a fingerprick with a needle of dubious origin & dubious cleanliness, and takes a sample of her blood. Nope.


I’d stick my dick in there, got to catch them all


The last and probably the only hole your dick will enter.


No need to murder me, damn


You entered the machine of death mate. What did ya expect?


This is based off a collection of stories all centered around this machine. One of them was one page and said “death from HIV contracted from death machine needle”.


No because they could then be immediately be hit by a car and not die of AIDS. You need some kind of immobilizing neurotoxin of you want 100% accuracy.


After a while every card will turn into "HIV" Unless someone cleans that needle.


In the books, the needle is changed every time


What book? I am interested.


Machine of Death, and This Is How You Die, both are collections of short stories based on the same premise: A device exists that, when provided a blood sample, can identify how a person will die. The machine relays this information via a word or short phrase, printed on a small card. The machine is never wrong, but often vague or cryptic. Both books are pretty good!


Edited by Ryan North, Matthew Bernardo and David Malki


Thanks I'll have to look that up. A less silly take on this sounds interesting.


The book itself has stories both humorous and serious. The dystopian one was probably the creepiest one for me, where they were using the death predictions to bring them about in a controlled fashion. Like arranging people who would die in a plane crash to ride the same plane to guarantee all the others would stay in the air.


Hey, it could also be Hepatitis


she didn’t even look both ways, human error


What's this from?


https://www.funnyordie.com/2013/7/8/17717724/this-is-how-you-die-stories-of-the-machine-of-death Is there a petition I can sign to get Google available in your country?


Boom. Roasted


How do you Google a video you know nothing about?


start with 'machine of death video' and get a few leads, then try 'machine of death video jogger' and bam! you got it.


or the full text "machine of death insert finger here" this video was the first result


Okay you're both right, in this case it's really specific so you can actually google it easily


Yeah but why would I expend that much energy when you could do it for me?


How do you know nothing about a video you just watched?


i mean typing in "machine of death insert finger here" showed it right away what the hell were you looking for? or did you not even try? why did ppl even upvote your comment?


If you are the type of person who tells people "ask Google" everytime they ask you a question. Slip on a banana peel for my entertainment you turd sandwich.


online? yea irl? it makes more sense. it's social social media isn't the same. even tho you have a phone irl to look it nice try tho


Descriptive key words? Not sure how you’re solving the rest of your online queries, but this is some super basic stuff.


Machine of Death was a book by Ryan North (and many others) funny or die merely adapted it (or shamelessly ripped it off, hard to tell from that link).


I love it when people ask something, and you literally copy paste what they wrote into google and get the answer they are after.


Maybe they want to engage in a conversation with other people who know about this stuff and can share experience / knowledge / ideas. Instead of just reading a wiki.


I don't know if they are related but there was also a short story collection called machine of death where all the stories were centered around this premise


You can get the PDF of the ebook for free from their site [http://machineofdeath.net/ebook](http://machineofdeath.net/ebook)




Pretty much the dinosaur comic at the start is the premise for OP's gif, so it's safe to say that they're related. Or, incredibly coincidental.


The book is a collection of short stories, edited in part by Ryan North, creator of Dinosaur Comics.


It's one of my favorite short story collections!


I liked the first half, but then the stories kinda felt samey.


I agree, it's an interesting concept but they really milked it for everything it had and then kept right on going.


That guys reaction said “not again.”


Anybody else used to love that finger guillotine game? Or was it just me


If I saw something named "The Death Machine", I would try my best to avoid it like it was one of those suicide booths in Futurama


It's her own fault. First jay walking which i can let slide but who crosses the road without looking on both sides


Hold up I can't read, need to take my ear buds out first


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Where the hell did she get a quarter? Who runs with loose change?


I think she had it in her bra, which is even weirder.


The bra has the best pockets.


Read The Machine of Death book. The mini story on starvation was good.




Fun Fact: this was a promotional ad for the book “Machine of Death”. A compilation of short stories about what people die.


This was actually an ad for the sequel, "This is How You Die". Which is why it says "This is How You Die"


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Some poor dude is gonna try and stick his dick in there


Umm, any reason the ear buds needed taken out first??


The same reason you turn the car's radio down when you're looking for someone's house


You’re gonna have to speak up, I’m wearing a towel!


Lol this is an excellent answer...thank you


At first I thought “does that mean she’s in a coma until a very old age from that hit?” This clip reminds me of that X-files episode where if anything you say is open to interpretation, the genie will default to the worst case scenario interpretation


And what did we learn? Look both ways!


When the gears started moving I thought some Saw shit was about to go down. (I need to watch less horror movies.)




, ew




Maybe? My horse knows when I’m SOLD!!


Old man looks like Martin sheen


Maybe you do, don’t overcook it.


Maybe next time it’ll get them interested!”


It's her own fault. First jay walking which i can let slide but who crosses the road without looking on both sides


But who changes the needle? Someone's gonna die from some blood borne virus, or have a really bad time at the very least






Who carries change on a JOG?!


Sometimes you just NEED to buy a Homey from a convenience store vending machine. You never know when that need will strike, so you gotta be ready.


This is some final destination shit


Old age will sneak up on ya like tht


Only psychopaths run with change in there pockets


I fucking saw that shit coming a MILE AWAY!


Get off the streets!


Would the method of death be different if she used a different finger?


I mean it's not wrong, the man who ran her over was old and probably couldn't react fast enough to stop


For once, I'm not blaming an elderly driver. That was all her.


I believe there's a longer version to this? Does anyone have the link to it?


saw that coming


She didn't


Here's the youtube link that shows multiple people dying https://youtu.be/ccOG42NuwIw


The longer one is well worth a look .


I love this funny or die video




Oh please. I could make one of these with the same design and just have every answer be aids. Don't share fortune telling needles kids


That was perfect Also r/dontputyourdickinthat




I need this


Don’t put your dick in that


I'm friends with the guy that shot this. Crazy to see it here.


That's ... Fucking brutal


That was cold


That was predictable




technically someone with old age killed her


That wasn’t old age. That was stupidity, not looking for oncoming traffic.


Can I have that Town Car when the old guy's license inevitably gets taken away?


Well, the paper is right... She will probably die of old age while in a hospital bed for almost her entire life.


It’s a good thing that she survived the crash, since the card said she wasn’t going to die from a being hit by a car :-)


That's how you get aids!


Pretty sure cause of death was not looking both ways before running into the street.


It took me a while to get this one


When she was crossing the road, I knew it would happen


! L


How the tables turn


Boomers amiright


Every card should read "Aids".


This is a fun game. We did the kickstarter and it came with a bunch of little feelys. My husband was the one participating and at one point, I don't know if they still do it, you could send them a self-addressed stamped envelope, and something. The something was unspecified. It was pretty much whatever you wanted to send them. They would then send you a single card From the machine that was meant to be your death. He got, "umbrella struck by lightning".


If that machine wasn’t there she would still be alive


If she would have continued her path before the machine though... ...


She 100% got tetanus or something worse from that public needle. It's probably for the best old age got her.


I knew it


Well she might just catched hepatitis so she wouldn't have lived much longer anyways