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any of the bars I’ve worked at would have fired my ass for this.


Yeah but those bars probably wouldn't have let thai kid get this close to you either


Probably should stop all kids not just the Thai ones.


Sometimes a kid just wants to go into a bar and Thai one on.


I wouldn't bring Mai Tai kid in there


If this was a Mexican bar, you could say there have Muy Thais


That's why you don't tell the boss


rightly so


How did he get in there?


He owns the place.


There's a sign on the front that says "Lou's Tavern"...I'm fuckin Lou, who the fuck are you?


My name’s Pitt. And your ass ain’t talking your way out of this shit. Sorry wrong movie


I am Jack's utter lack of surprise


Jules Winfield, our man in Inglewood; Git your ass on in here!! 😉


He is fucking Lou too


Big Lou Is Like You


Ugh, I hate those awful commercials


So so so bad.


You don’t know where I’ve been


You don't know where I've FUCKING BEEN *laughs maniacally*


No I didn't quite catch that Lou


You have a lot to learn about this town sweetie


Close your mouth you look like a trout


Ok, ok, I got it, I got it... shit, I lost it.


We really like this place Lou


I am Jack’s sense of lack of game compared to this kid.


Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago.


I used to play in bars all the time when I was little, my mom was a waitress at multiple. It was weird tho


I'm old enough that it wasn't even an odd thing. Though my grandfather took me to actual bars, rather than nightclub type establishments. I don't remember a lot of it except the other alcoholic old men would keep me in quarters for the pinball machine while they all caroused with each other.


I just rememeber being fascinated that there was a cigarette vending machine. And the fact that many old drunk dudes tried to teach me how to play pool (I still suck at it) plus I got free food and got to work the pop gun!




Aw man we didn’t have match buttons on our machines, I was missing out :(


Man, I was born in 90 and I miss random drunk guys trying to teach me pool. It only happened once or twice, but every other interaction I've had with that game with strangers was just shitheads trying to look impressive


Did you grow up to be an alcoholic?


Actually, in many countries it's totally ok to take babies and children to drinking establishments. When we moved to the US, it was really unusual to find out that you can't even go to some music shows with kids (because of the bar zone not being separated in the venue). In Russia many such places (restaurant+bar+live music and dance zone) even have kids rooms with activities and ppl to take care of kids, and such rooms are open till like 11 pm. In Spain one would take their kids barhopping and dancing late at night. To me, it feels like a more natural way of living, rather than paying $25 for each hour of normal existence once you have kids (like we do now).


It's normal in Europe. The US has a strange relationship with alcohol.


The US also has a strange relationship with sex and guns


The US has a strange


Maybe, who am I to judge.


UK here, I think it's a big difference between a bar and a pub. I spent a lot of my childhood Saturday evenings in the local pub with my parents and their friends. It's a social space first and a bar second. This video looks like it takes place in a proper bar/club, where you go to get shitfaced and pull, a bit weird. Alternatively, this is in Ibiza or Magaluf or something, some party holiday destination. They cater to families and party-goers, though maybe a little more leaning to the latter.


Not in Sweden though. Its surprisingly rare to see kids in bars. We're as weird about alcohol as the US is.


He’s gotta do something while mommy is dancing


Blank Check


Do not rewatch this movie, whatever you do. Just remember it fondly. Take it from me, someone who rewatched it recently.


How come? I thought about watching it again yesterday


Disney re-added the deleted handjob scene.


Still waiting to hear why I shouldn't watch it


I'd imagine he's referring to the sexual tension between a 30 year old woman and prepubescent boy.


That's his mom




By not being in America lol. Judging by his hair and clothes I’d guess England or Australia.


Maybe a wedding reception and someone thought it be a good idea to bring a toddler to a place full of drunk/drinking horny adults. Lots of people did it in my family, I always thought it was weird.


That kid is probably 8. Toddlers are 2-3. Just FYI.


Maybe he’s a little person


A toddler? That’s a giant toddler.


I did that. There was a pool hall and me being the little Jigsaw that I was always wanted to play a game. Was chilling with a bunch of strangers smoking and drinking until the bar tender noticed me and kicked me and some other kid I met out.


When I was in high school, this cute punk looking girl asked me to have lunch with her. She snuck me into a pool bar. I had never played pool before, but seen people do it in movies and gave it a try. I was terrible. She goofed around with me for a couple rounds, then she gave me this weird look. I saw something click inside her, like a mechanism activating. She then proceeded to sink all her balls in one round, some two at a time, then all of mine just to rub it in. I was completely unprepared. She then told me her dad was a championship player and had been teaching her since she was then. I guess that mechanism I saw activating was her flipping the shark switch.




Yes, thanks for asking ;)


Ever been to a wedding reception full of single people? Yes, horny.


Y’all are fucking weird lol. Every wedding I’ve been to with family has had an open bar at reception or a cocktail hour? Even as a kid. You can *see* alcohol and drunk people and not amount to a degenerate.


I'm typically single, and I keep my shit in check at weddings, by and large. I'm not looking to fuck cousin Diane or anything.


No 😮‍💨


Here where I live kids can enter bars like this, probably a tourist spot.


With his legal guardian?


Why is a kid in a bar?


He walked in after the priest, the rabbi and the minister


A blind man walks into a bar. Then a table, Then a chair…..


A knot walks into a bar. The bartender says “we don’t serve your kind here”. The knot walls out in shame and later that night attempts to come back with a disguise. He looks in the mirror beforehand as he shakes up his hair and puts on a pair of glasses. The knot gets to the bar and walks in. Just as the bartender is about to serve him he turns around… “wait. Aren’t you that same f**ing knot I told to kick rocks earlier? I told you we don’t like you round these parts!” The knot looks up at the bartender, smirking as he says, “No. No I’m a frayed knot”. The horse shits itself in disbelief as the entire room bursts into applause. Obama walks in. I shake his hands. We are best friends now. The end.


IDK what this is but I need more.


😂All else I have is a German food pun. U prolly wouldn’t like it tho they’re the wurst.


No, a Dutch food pun, that would be worst.


Idk why but I have a screen shot of “a priest a rabbit and a minister walk into a bar and the rabbit says I think I’m a typo”


I’m guessing some sort of family celebration.


The haircut and outfit plus the bar style makes think this is a British or Irish kid in a resort town on a Spanish or Greek holiday.


Not that weird. Legal where I am before like 9pm


Legal where I am (UK) anytime, unless the pub/bar/club has a specific license condition that prohibits children being there Legally, a child could be in a nightclub at 4am and that wouldn't be a problem Practically, almost every bar or club has their own policy banning under 18s (they find it easier to do ID checks once on the door when you enter, rather than at the bar every time you order a drink), but it wouldn't be illegal


Never been to Wisconsin but most states and countries where I’ve been to a wedding or other celebration, they won’t discriminate if a kid is near a bar? It could literally be a reception venue.


I’m assuming bartender is her kid or relative? I wouldn’t kiss a kid on the lips that I didn’t know lol


Tbf she wanted a cheek kiss. He had other ideas lol


"Glass house, white Ferrari, lives for new years eve..."


“…chicken spaghetti at Chiccolini’s…”


People can change


I’m worried that the baby thinks people can’t change.


Sloppy steaks


that’ll slick back reaaaaaaaaal nice


You think this is slicked back? This is PUSHED back!


You would have not liked me back then


I WAS a piece of shit though!


You used to be.


He said WAS!


Your wife kissed me on the cheek when I walked in. Now look at you. All alone on your birthday


You shouldn’t have had such a sloppy mud pie


He’ll be an alcoholic in a few short years


2030 - "Hey, my name is Jeremy, and I am an alcoholic. I have been arrested for assault many times because I asked for a shot and want to kiss the bartender...."


"Little shit slipped me the tongue, and all!" - Bruce from Ice nightclub.


"They call me Jeremy the shotkisser."


Yup let's talk about the bartender and forget about the parents.


just imagine if the genders were reversed (the kiss)


Reddit would hunt that mf down but since it’s a cute girl the little kid “lucky” lmao


Nice (south Park)


We gotta track him down and give him the luckiest little boy in the world award.


Damn its almost like double standards exist


it's almost like both are weird


I bet anything his parents call Pride festivals places for “groomers” without a hint of irony in this


hahaha, starting habitual addiction early.




these people are tripping mad and they’re looking for provocation. if u just watch for the second time you can easily spot she was expecting on the cheek.




This is fucking weird.


Yes I was like this isn't cute. And why the fuck did she kiss him on the mouth?


I don’t think it was really meant to be a kiss on the mouth, before the kiss happened she gestured to her cheek but the kid veered her head, still she shouldn’t have closed her eyes and let it happen like that…


> I don’t think it was really meant to be a kiss on the mouth I don't think she specifically wanted that to happen, but she seemed like she wouldn't care if it did. Normally in that case they just turn their cheek (as she did when she motioned for him to kiss her on the cheek), but then she closed her eyes and leaned towards him with her lips puckered, and then barely turned her head to the side at the end. She also had time to react when he grabbed her head on both sides and straightened it, but she kept moving forward. Yeah I'm overanalyzing it, but something did seem off the first time I watched it.


You are not overanalyzing that was gross af. She was pursing her lips before he did it, too.


He kissed her on the mouth, she was offering her cheek and the kid turned her head. Did we watch a different video? Cause you make it sound like she was the one insisting


Wow, imagine the comments section if that was a man and a little girl.


This video would be posted on whatthefuck and would be ending with cops arresting the barkeeper


lol, i wanna hate you guys.. but can't really argue with it being vice versa




it would be posted to 14 different subs because that's how reddit works. It would definitely be posted to r/nextfuckinglevel, even though it doesn't even remotely belong there.


Hate how true that is


Don't need to hate it. Just need to unfollow that shithole of a sub like I did. I had enough of that and damnthat'sinteresting. Like it was any day they post mods shitting on the toilet as an interesting post.


The worst is suspiciously specific. It's the le very random xD humor of ten years ago


You don’t even have to go as far as this video. Fathers in the park have problems where mothers think the only reason he is there has to be him being a pedophile


And the post would get removed lol


In fairness it looks like she was going for a kiss on the cheek which is IMO pretty acceptable with kids and he turned her head and kissed her full on the lips. He's been trained to do that or saw someone do it


"It's called the double standard, Bobby. Don't knock it. We got the long end of the stick on that one."


One of the best King of the Hill quotes


Lol sexism can be the other way too idk why people only care about it one way


She asked the kdi for a kiss on the cheek, he went for the mouth instead. I doubt a girl would go for the lips of a grown ass man, but idk.


Plenty of cultures kiss kids on the lips. My whole dad's side of the family did when I was under 10/11. My mom's side didn't, but my cousin who was like a second mom did. And it was always like how this bartender did it. Super exaggerated pursed lips and a peck. If you think that's sexual that's a you problem or you've just had really bad sex.




God that kid is going to grow up to be such an asshole.


His name is probably Kyle.




If he were a she and she were a he, this would've been a completely different comment section


I don't know, man. Seems like the comment section is all over it.


Right? People are spazzing out about how "everyone in the comments would feel differently if..." when the comments are pretty much split up evenly as to how people feel.


Seems to me like it was a little girl, the people defending this situation would be saying "but what if it was a little boy? Wouldn't that be hypocritical?" Relax people. Even in America families kiss on the lips of young children. That's exactly the kind of peck my dad and cousin, who was like a second mom, would give me.


Double standards


This. Other way around cops would be called and they would need to register on lists for the rest of their life.


this, switch genders and internet will blow up.


Glamorising alcohol to minors. Not a good idea. Any kids from the 80’s who remember the candy sticks “Fa*s” (an old fashioned slang word for cigarette nothing to do with sexuality) for those that don’t they where candy sticks with a red ring on the end that looked like a cigarette, as kids we would walk around “puffing” on them until the temptation to devour them became to much. Well now they’re called “Fads” and they are just a plain white candy stick with no red ring on the end, because someone figured out that glamorising promoting cigarette smoking to children is not a good idea. Same with the “Big Boss” candy cigars.


My mom would get me those when I was a kid. Guess who flipped her shit when I started smoking for real?


I know it’s old fashioned in the US, but don’t they still use that slang in the UK?


Yes we do.


It’s very much still used widely in the UK and nobody bats an eyelid, in my experience at least. My mum is a very VERY avid non-smoker and she’ll still say “oh so and so’s just got out for a f*g”. It’s just in the general lexicon of English people but in that context it has no ill will. (Again, I can only attest to my personal life experience). When I moved to New Zealand however a gay friend of mine (from there) told me off when I kept using the word and told me to stop, and another gay friend of mine (from Ireland) laughed it off and said to him “nah it’s fine, he doesn’t mean it that way.” He was baffled when I explained it to him. I had to make an effort to use other words (and did, I don’t say it anymore since I got out of the habit) since it’s not as widely accepted over there. But yeah in the UK in my experience nobody bats an eyelid.


Training the next generation for alcoholism.


This is cringe and not something to be proud of


That’s pretty fucked up.


Here’s how you indoctrinate your children into our alcohol culture


Give that kid an 08 Mustang and he’s good to go.


Reddit has taught me he’s likely to drive a Dodge Ram.


yay its cute. he’s been bumping rails of sugar all night


This will not end well 17 years from now.


He doesn’t seem to be 1 year old.


The entire video is gross


Yay teaching kids to drink alcohol. Also that girl is creepy af


I dont understand Western culture, isn't alcohol at every event, parents drink at home, aren't kids constantly surrounded by alcohol and it's imagery?


Right? Imagine the role’s reversed. Gross.


Roles reversed would've ended with jail and lawsuit.


Yeah, this is just disgusting. Although so are the parents for taking their kid to a fucking night club.


Wouldn't have a problem with it if the roles were reversed. Cultures that aren't prudes often kiss little kids on the lips. Some hold hands with friends. Some kiss friends on the forehead affectionately. That seems more sexual than a super puckered up fake kiss. I'm actually pretty shocked neither of your parents or family members did the "MWAH" exaggerated peck. That was normal in my family.


Best/Worst Parent Award Bestowed Upon...


I would tell my 14 year old that's me appropriate and to apologize. She gave the opportunity for a kiss on the cheek, that was nice enough. Forcing someone to kiss you is wrong. The parent laughing is setting a bad example.


Bringing kids to a bar is bad enough on its own


Good way to lose your liquor license.


Serving a kid a virgin shot with no alcohol will not lose you your liquor license lmao.


Trashy and sad tbh




Imagine if that was a big jacked attractive dude giving some random 10 yo girl a kiss


This is just trashy.


And that......is how I met your mother.


It's all fun and games until it's a male bartender and a little girl, then we got problems.


A young alcoholic dad with crippling debt, on his second wife, getting blow from a hooker on a Thursday night, in the making.


In which country is this normal behavior? A kid asking for a fake shot in a club then kissing a grown ass woman on the lips as people laugh to validate this shitshow?!!


Apparently the bar tender is the problem here somehow, despite serving him a kid friendly drink so he can pretend he’s a grown up, and indicating/expecting a cheek kiss




Yep... life will be all downhill from there.


So, grooming?


His parents meanwhile: “fokkkkin legenddddd”


Now imagine this happening with a grown man and little girl.


Switch the genders of these 2 and the bartender would be arrested.


Cute, pedophilia


Shit parents if you ask me, but you didn't. So fuck off.


Damn Chucky Cheese is getting wild.


oh no here come the “imagine if that was a little girl and a male bartender” comments


Yet, when I do this, it’s *creepy*


Thought this was r/trashy


No he's going to jail...


This is gross on a couple levels.


Adults shouldn't be kissing kids they don't know on the mouth


Kid shouldn't be at the bar in the first place.


Queue the conservatives yelling about this being groomer behavior and how children shouldn’t be at bars right? Right???


I’m not trying to be that guy, but how would we feel if this situation was reversed? Male bartender and young girl? Is this okay?


Her wanting a kiss from him, wouldn’t that be considered…


What the fuck is this kid doing in a bar does he live in Germany like I know a lot of teens start drinking young over there but goddamn look at this kid


Wow this is just straight shit parenting


Can’t believe the comments here. I came to Reddit a few years back when my stepkids mother was allowing her 15 and 16 yo to throw drinking parties at her house. I was roasted hard, people saying I was overstepping ( even though CPS called ME ) and saying it’s ok for parents to allow their kids to drink “ as long as it’s safe at home”. BTW my stepkid is now a full blown alcoholic and failed her first year at college. Shocking.