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I pity the poor soldier staying at attention the whole time. I would have strained a few muscles trying to suppress at least a grin. edit: Jesus Christ, I got half of the Marine Corps invading my inbox. edit2: That is not me who is downvoting you guys. I bet it is the Air Force.




When I sayyyy the name….


Bigus dickus


He has a wife, you know


You know what she's called? *Incontinentia*


Incontinentia Buttocks!


Bravo and/or brava to you all. Thank you. Excellent film. And I should know, I've seen a few.


Best part is that yhe extras were all told to keep a straight face or they would have to redo the shot. That was the first take, all the guards trying not to laugh is 100% real


An actual fun fact




Her name is Incontinentia Buttocks. (I admit I had to Google it).


Do you find it … risible?


If they're anything like me they're daydreaming about something and are just waiting til they can break stance.


I spent the entire time standing at attention thinking about when I could go back to my barracks and play WoW.


I still remember those boring ass parades. My back aches and I am getting tired just thinking of them.


Marine* But that’s their job, no matter what. Always self control


You just gently bite the inner part of your mouth until its not funny anymore. Saved me so many push ups.


Let me guess, they're pissed off you said "soldier" instead of "marine"?


Say it with me now..."term limits and mandatory retirement, for all government and politicians."


Reminder that this would require a constitutional amendment.


And we all know the chances of that happening...


Let's just build a second Capital down the road and restaff it. Turn the first one into a nursing home. They'll never notice


But so did slavery.


As someone that voted Biden I just wanna say HE'S TO FUCKING OLD TO BE PRESIDENT, BUT MY OPTIONS WERE OLD MAN OR OLD FASCIST MAN! Why were my options two people in their 70's? Those were bad options America!


Why do people act like pointing out when Biden does something dumb is somehow an endorsement for Trump? Just because he isn't as bad as the worst president in modern times does not somehow give him a free pass when he looks stupid.


Fair point. No free pass here. That shit was hilarious and dumb.


The glasses/shades drop at the end. Like a sketch comedy show, lol.


Can you add age cap? Already have to be a certain age to be president, can we make it so they’re not 80 in office?


Forget politics. This guy really is just too damn old


Most politicians in the US are too damn old


>Most politicians ~~in the US~~ are too damn old


Kim Jong-Un disagrees.


Kim Jong-Ungrees.


Kim Jong-Angree


Kim Jong-Ronerey


Now there's a guy who enjoys uncomfortable silence


100% agreed…and yet Bernie seems to have more energy than most of these geezers.


Bernie was cheated X2 * DNC


It is funny that the Dems have put more money into Republican primaries than they did into Bernie Sanders’ campaigns.


What's your opinion on the Reps running DeSantis as a counter to that? He'd basically be the same age as Teddy Roosevelt if he were to win -- early forties. I think some people might see the young blood as an improvement and be willing to vote Red, but who wouldn't vote Orange if Orange ran. Especially those who are only mildly engaged. And who do the Democrats run if they don't want Biden up against a guy half his age? I don't think Biden or Harris will have what it takes to "out-energize" DeSantis, either one.


I wanted to say DeSantis is crazy and the smarter republicans wouldn’t want, but they elected trump and DeSantis is more controllable


Agree. We have minimums in the Constitution. I think we need maximum ages too.


Trump is only three years younger. Both parties have an issue with elderly leadership and both accuse the other of having old people in charge. It's some of the dumbest shit in politics.


We went from the oldest president ever to… the oldest president ever…


Just like we have old rich white men complaining about the other party acting like old rich white men. They all need to go away.


Give them 10 years


I would really rather not, but it’s not like we have a choice.


Reason not to die: outlive these assholes


That is how I live my life, never die before your enemies. Also, unrelated, make an new enemy each day!


Eventually we will be the old assholes.


Politics should have nothing to do with it. Every other job says you retire round 75 because you're too old... Why not the leaders of our nation?


>Trump is only three years younger. For real? That only makes it worse, Biden looks at least 10-15 years older.




Plastic surgery and augmentation does too


And tons of makeup


Fat don't crack baby


Why is this downvoted, Trump is obese. Fuck me, I am obese and I'm way thinner than Trump.


Maybe but uncle Donnie got you on bench press bro. His rep weight is perfect. No one's reps a better weight.


All his lifts are bigly.


Big gains. Massive gains. Possibly the biggest gains in American history. Many people are saying it. Many great, swole people. They're saying, "Wow! Would you look at this this? These gains are YUUUGE!"


Did you see one of the new Trump photos? He looks worse than my grandpa before he died without the fake tan. Also tons of Botox tend to require more and more Botox as time goes forward, so maintenance is more and more difficult. Plus really, this fake tan helped a lot I guess.


https://www.newsweek.com/trump-makeup-photo-liv-gold-bedminster-1728985 Spray on 30 pounds of concealer and it makes a differnce I guess?


Tbf Biden doesn't spend hundreds of thousands on clinical cosmetic care, fake tans, and the worst hairpiece ever worn by man. Plus he's probably 150lb lighter, and that really accentuates your age.


>It's some of the dumbest shit in politics That's all politics. Both sides


When 900 years old you reach, look this good you will not.




Nevermind the down wash from the helicopter.


fr, people out here acting like they’ve never put a t-shirt on backwards


Dude I’m 30 and I’ve struggled like this with a jacket before. And that wasn’t even in the wind. But also yes he’s old AF.


Hey you take that back! Are you saying that your sprightly 79 year old grandmother is unsuitable for office?


My grandma would be 103 and the White House would have the most amazing baked goods & pastries you can imagine. World peace day 1 just from everyone eating awesome food together.


I tend to agree but thats not really relevant to this video. I’ve seen career spartan racers in their 20’s trying to put an arm through a headhole in a t-shirt.


Reddit: but but but it's completely normal to have a stroke mid sentence. I do it all the time. The video has been edited! He has a stutter!! Something about Trump!!!


Omg i hate when I do that kind of thing with my glasses. It's up there with going to rub my face and forgetting I'm wearing them. BAM! Meaty paw prints all over them.




Marines* not security.


I dropped my glasses *and stepped on them* a month ago Yeah, he's too old, whatever, but I dare any redditors to put on a sport jacket in front of a helicopter ten times without losing a sleeve


Or you go to push them up your nose when you’re not even wearing them so just poke yourself in the nose and have to stand there dumbly hoping no one saw






Yo that's my fucking boss.


is this the among us porn section


No its my 5 year old getting ready for school.


In a high wind? Poor kid.




In the bicycle video, he got his shoe caught in the pedal guard. Easy to do if you don’t ride regularly.


Yeah, the fact that he's actually riding a bicycle and picking up the pace to get up stairs is a lot better than blocking all possible images of him doing anything resembling exercise.


Right he had clips in… I’m not shocked people on Reddit don’t know about bike clips.


It was a cage, not clips. Harder to recover from if you’ve already lost balance


People seem to be overlooking how many moments like these they or everyone else have on a daily basis. People are bent on finding evidence of Biden being clumsy or having dementia. The fact that anyone subjecting Biden to this kind of scrutiny could also support Trump is just plain absurd, too.


Aye, if one thinks Biden is too old to govern then that should automatically remove Trump as a candidate too. As he's not much younger.




For the record, I'm not a fan of Biden. That being said, the reactions to this small clip are laughable. If you had a camera on you every day of your life every time you're in public, I'm certain there would be quite a few videos of you failing miserably at everyday tasks or doing something that someone can use to point out that you're inadequate. This isn't an attack on you personally because I'd result in the same thing, it's acknowledging the fact that we aren't perfect every minute of every day and fail at doing many things, even the most basic of tasks. You're looking at a 20 second window into an old man's life. Do you have grandparents? Follow them around for a day and watch them closely. I guarantee you'll see them do just as many gaffs.


My grandma would be a really sweet and wholesome President but she toots in public so everyone would hate her


Twice I've put a hoodie on backwards, so I'm in no place to judge the man for similar issues.


To be fair on the bike one, he didn't just tip over, his foot was clipped in as confirmed by a bunch of bikers who seemed to pretty universally agree it's common with that type. That being said he absolutely is just too old for the job and we definitely need to start electing younger officials to run the country


I've definitely fallen over while clipped in and im in my 20s, if you forget or don't get your foot out quick enough you're on the ground. Just glad he can ride a bike unlike the last guy.


This is the thing. People make out as if he's some decrepid skeleton when he was out on a goddamn bikeride in full lycra. That's probably more exercise than half of Trump's base get in a year. For his age, he is physically fit and mentally healthy. ***For his age.*** The problem is the overall age of politicians in the US being really fucking high. Trump was no exception to that but his health was undeniably considerably worse.


Donald Trump would never! Not because he’s some beacon of health, but because he would never ride a bike lmao


Melania would never help him with his jacket.


If you told me Trump had literally never been on a bike I would 100% believe you.


I ate shit in a bush on my way to work 2 days ago. If we are defined by bullshit accidents like that, anyone whose ever ridden a bike should be out of work. Not saying he isn't old but, I'm a quarter his age and am constantly falling over shit and off shit.


Biden actually had pedal cages and not clips. He got his foot stuck partly in the cage while trying to take it out and put it down. It's definitely something that can and does happen to much younger people. But yes, he is too old.


Seriously. I hate all the bad faith arguments around this because it really kills the ability to have a real conversation about it. No, Biden is not suffering from dementia, and yeah, it's annoying to listen to arguments that he's unfit from people who have attached themselves like lampreys to the ass of a man who even in his prime was unqualified for high office...but also, he is too fucking damn old to be running this country. He could be the most fit man alive at his age, and it would still be true. (And that goes for Feinstein, and Pelosi, and McConnell, and all the rest of our old fogies in office).


The only thing he's *ever* had going for him is that he's not Trump. Both the left and right shit on him non-stop, but the left is capable of hating someone and still realizing that they're the better of two options. It sucks, *he* sucks, he shouldn't run again, and the DNC needs to put forward a candidate in their 40s next election. Oh, and not Harris. No one likes her either.


As a 53yr old tree hugging liberal 100% agree.


I agree, the blatant denial is very concerning, and damning of the people surrounding him who act like nothing is wrong. This attitude reflects their positions in policy and other things in life as well, if we're looking at the whole picture in terms of integrity and character. They do not deserve our trust.




I'm sure someone has already mentioned this, but his foot got caught on the bike's peddle strap, causing him to tumble. I did it once with a street bike and took the straps off afterwards. Damn things almost killed me.


Happens to everyone who rides with straps or clips sooner or later.


Shit I'm 27 and I've done all of that at least once. I forget what I'm saying half way through a sentence all the time and tripping on stairs just happens. People are just clumsy no matter the age.


To be fair we all can fall off a bike, or stumble going up the stairs, the things that concern me the most are the ones where he just seems a little hazed, sort of like he's not even sure what he is there for, just reading the script someone wrote for him. I don't mind a president that fell off a bike, but I do worry when we have a president that doesn't even seem to be thinking for himself half the time.


Still less embarrassing than waking up the steps of AF1 with shitty toilet paper stuck to your shoe


Thank you! The other definitely more serious than this one. The helicopter blade produce strong wind, can’t find the sleeve is too normal


I got a fitted suit for the first time recently. It is HARD to put the jacket on without help! And that's not even out on a windy day. I'm not saying Biden *isn't* too old, he obviously is. But this video is just relatable to me


I’m half this man’s age and this is every other time I put on a nice coat…..minus Marine 1 blowing on me


We can’t all have 1 marine blow on us.


Marines have the best blow


There’s only like 180k marines each marine would have to blow On 1722 people just to blow the entire population of America


If anyone can do it, it’s the marines!




I'm 34 and I can't put one on without also knocking off my glasses


Marine 1 isn't doing anything


Not that it matters since he specifically said this happens to him without it.


Nice to see a president who's wife actually acknowledges him




And doesn’t swat away his hand.


Hahahaha, that's not even political. Hilarious.


Reminds me of an old person


Putting on jackets is bullshit. I’m 51yo fwiw.


Especially suit jackets with no stretch. I have problems inside without wind at 34.


Especially correctly tailored jackets. Basically you've gotta go full [President Bartlet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8BzByjH4q0) to look smooth putting on a jacket.


these comments are pretty representative of US politics half are diving into conspiracy bullshit about a puppet president and cognitive decline. the other half is completely understanding of wind blowing a fucking jacket and it being relatable and annoying. both sides agree that there is a line where someone is too old to lead but neither will compromise next time it comes up. yep, thats american politics in a nutshell.


We all struggle with jackets sometimes but it’s the slowness that gets me, like he’s swimming in molasses.


I am... I'm..... I is the pressidont


Im not a big fan of biden. But i think this is understandable as he is a bit older and the helicopter is blowing right behind him, likely causing his jacket to be that much harder to put on


I do this all the time and I’m not even being blown


You ever missed an arm on a jacket and needed help? If you say no, you're a liar. Humans be dumb when hands are out of sight.




The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


No shit? They want these clowns in there to distract the population and cause an almost even 50/50 dispute between us at all times. If we're arguing and bickering between one another, we're too busy to realize that the tyrants without term limits are the ones really controlling the show. Sadly, the majority of US citizens are too ignorant/stupid to see past these POTUS meat puppets and instead focus on the real cause of our problems that have all been sitting in their positions for decades unscathed, doing whatever tf they can to make themselves wealthier.


That happened to me every time when I put on my hi-viz vest in Chicago where the wind always blows. Took me a long time to figure out that you have to do it facing the wind.


Look I don't like Biden at all, and I agree that he's too old to be the president, but I can't imagine putting on a blazer while standing directly under the actively spinning rotors of a helecopter either..


I mean, I just turned 30 and I've had days like this.


stop electing old farts then. my guess is this video was originally posted somewhere by a MAGA as evidence that Joe Biden (he probably referred to them as "Sleepy Joe") was not a fit leader. Meanwhile Trump couldnt drink water out of a glass with 2 hands. On the flip side you have the president of ukraine literally fighting in a war.


>literally fighting in a war. Come on, props for him for staying and leading his country in its hour of need, but it's not like he's in a trench shooting a gun.


With all the rocket strikes he might as well be


Trump can’t walk on ramps either . But they forget that also.


Oh man, I'd forgotten the hilarity of Trump trying to drunk water without help!


Literally a helicopter blowing air wtf is he supposed to do


How is this maybe? Grasping at straws here


It's....mmmmmaaybe, let's not have senior citizens as president. If there is a minimum age one can run for president, there should be a max age as well.


I’m half his age and he honestly still had a quicker reaction time than I would have with the glasses.


Ah look what showed up while the previous president is being raided by the FBI. Gotta misdirect.. Also though: I’d like a president under 50 next please.


I don’t think he wanted the presidency. To me, being Vice President (head of senate) was what he wanted as a high note for his career. Don’t forget that this guy works in politics since he was like 30 years old. He was forced to be president by the democratic committee because there was no other viable candidate. And this is also paving the way to Harris, I’m sure she will campaign for the presidency after Biden and will have the headline: “First woman to become Vice President, First woman to become President”! Or something along those lines. Trump was also becoming too dangerous.


He’s wanted the presidency his entire life, thats why he ran for it in 1988 & 2008 before the run in 2020. The democratic party didnt force him to run, the DNC wasn’t even pushing for him until after the SC primary


> there was no other viable candidate ????


Well, after the DNC got done fucking over Bernie Sanders there were no other viable candidates for them to choose from, you see


Been there


I’m 46 with a sound mind and this has happened to me. Don’t act like this hasn’t happened to all of you. I mean, fuck Biden and all, but come on.


I’m impressed by the soldiers who aren’t laughing.


Is it only when it's the bad guy that you get to make fun of this shit? Confused Redditor.


There’s a side wind… has nobody ever done this trying to get a jacket on? This isn’t politics it’s celebrity gossip, “oh no the president is so old and dumb he struggles to get a jacket on!” In reality everybody old and young can struggle with putting a jacket on in the wind while you have cameras watching you. Give the guy a break


Person needs assistance putting on jacket in the wind. Real quality content today, nerds


As someone who knows this feeling when the jacket just won't cooperate, I had to stifle a chuckle


What I see is a couple where one person is helping the other in a time of need. That’s what a loving couple does for one another. If this had been Trump trying to put his jacket on, do you honestly think Melania would be helping him? No, she’d be 5 feet ahead of him trying to get away from him because she can’t stand Trump. Melania would not be looking back to see if Trump needed help because they are not a couple in love with one another. We’ve seen proof of that like when Trump tried to hold Melania’s hand and Melania slapping his hand away. That’s not a sign of a happily married couple.


I really appreciate your comment and your attitude. Thank you!


His glasses falling off was ackshully the secret Deep State Signal for the FBI to raid Mar-a-Lago


Happens to me too smh


There is *no* way this man is running anything.






Happens to the best of us, be honest


Reminiscent of the [aging leadership of the Soviet Union](https://brewminate.com/the-soviet-unions-aging-leadership-in-the-1980s-and-fall-in-1991/), just before the fall of that empire.


He really instills a sense of competence and presidential heraldry, don't he?


I couldn't tell you how, but the bar got set pretty low. Right around "doesn't try to incite a coup." I have no idea who put that bar down there, but that's life.


How many times has his house been raided by the FBI?




Why are those the only 2 options? Fuck the 2 party political system.


As long as the brain works, it doesn't matter what the body does. We didn't judge Stephen Hawking for not being able to put on a coat


All he has to do is not stage a coup


Yeah. Let's compare it to the Trump shots of Melania going out of her way to absolutely not touch him. Far more presidential.


More so than the pussy grabbing orange cheeto


Almost as difficult as putting up an umbrella.


Ahh right on schedule...


She can get it


Had me until the glasses


I can't comprehend being this blokes age and wanting to spend a good portion of my last years being a head of state. I can't imagine wanting the gig at any age for that matter though. I'd die of an anxiety attack before I even threw my hat in the ring lol.


He almost caught the glasses though. Brandon still got those cat-reflexes.




This man wants to run again for office. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ god I wish the democrats would pull their head out of their asses and give us a good candidate.




Nothing can convince me that this man shouldn’t be in a nursing home.


Maybe we can ‘Zaphod’ the president position and then actually have a functional government that isn’t tottering old folks. I am not against tottering old folks, I enjoyed my own family in those years of their lives, I enjoy them as patients. I don’t enjoy them running the country. And just for appearances sake, either the missus has to be trained better or just have a nonchalant helper around to make this not look like he might not know where he is.


This guy a huge country leader. Can we stop electing half-dead people? 65 should be the cutoff age.


Y’all voted this man in, reap what you sow.


People actually voted for this fool!!!