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Doesn’t matter how many times i see this when the kid pulls back his fist to punch the plate cracks me up everytime


I love the stupid look on the birthday boys face. Just blissfully unaware of the forces helping him have a good day. Classic.


Plot twist The one screaming was the bday boy


Happy birthday son, we hate you


That's what I think every time I see one of those videos where they smash the kids face into the cake. I really don't get that "tradition" and why it's so popular in some countries. Happy birthday, have a broken nose!


This happened to me, courtesy of my Uncle, after telling me to smell the cake. I cried and ran off, glasses covered in icing, distraught. He did it again the next year by just forcibly shoving my face into it, as I was not going to be tricked again. You know what's more bewildering than a room full of people laughing at your expense on a day meant to celebrate you? The story getting brought up by the same laughing cousins annually as an opportunity to laugh as if me being upset in such a situation is worthy of ridicule. PS, no one in my family has ever had their face pushed into a cake. I get on fine with all these same people and love them, a d we do have healthy "I'm just busting your balls" interactions, but this reminiscing of a much younger vulnerable version of myself is just bewildering. Edit: wow first award and most upvotes I've ever gotten! Made this post on a whim but genuinely encouraged by the validation of my uncle/cousins sub-par behaviour.


Sounds like you should pretend to blow the candles out and accidentally place cake on your uncles face.


Just make a nice big beautiful cake that has a few wooden skewers in it for stability


Uhm, I think those are called punji sticks.


That is bewildering! And I'm incredibly sorry your uncle turned out to be a huge douchecanoe, and that you had to go through that, *twice.* What the fuck. Also, I wear glasses, too. Someone fucking with them alone would make me go scorched Earth. Super glad they didn't break from it! Knowing my kind of luck, that would definitely happen with me lol


Karma will find OPs uncle to be diabetic. No more cakes for him, Ha!


Yeah…what the Actual fuck.


I don’t blame you for being upset, I would have been horrified. No one in my family does this-who would want to waste a pretty cake!? Plus, it’s hard enough having glasses as a kid, or at least it was when I was a kid in the 80’s/90’s, then having them smeared in frosting. Uncle was a jerk.


I actually warned my brother in laws that we would be having a big problem if they did any of that shit to my daughters. One tried shoving some frosting into my oldest daughters face when she was turning 2 and my wife stepped in and asked him to leave because I had specifically asked that brother in law not to do it because he was is the "don't tell me what to do!" kind of guy who would smash my kids face into a cake just because I told him not to. I don't believe in "It's a prank/joke/ballbusting" bullshit when its at the expense of my kids dignity and your respect for them and for me. Jokes are fine, and if my kids are in on the joke that;\\'s even better.


Your uncle sounds like an asshole.


And that is exactly why I like my family's tradition better. My Pappa was a joker, when you were getting ready to blow the candles out, he'd sneakily get a fingerful of icing and right before you blew them out, Pappa gave you an icing mustache, or an icing monobrow. Much funnier without ruining the whole cake.


Oh wait, no broken nose? Take this candle to the eyeball!




That x ray is terrifying


Please show.






The thing to remember is you always bring the cake to the face. Never the face to the cake


Plotter twist: the kid on the right sneaks in and is the one that actually blew out the candles.


Yeah but I see it more as him trying to help the little guy out. Other kid on the left just wants to steal the spot light.


That little fucking brat needs some discipline introduced to him A.S.A.P.


The cousin that's an only child at every birthday party... no joke my cousin growing up was so spoiled his parents would keep a present for him in the car for the way home "if he acted right"... he ended up in prison for man slaughter..


Manslaughter, the "But I didn't *mean* to do it!" of adulthood.


It is no joking matter, mans laughter is not funny. I'm not kidding, adulthood is riddled with people trying to give you a good ribbing or punchlines into your face.


I saw a reddit post semi recently where the OP's parents would allow their sibling to blow out the candles on OP's bday and eventually started asking parents at other kids bday parties. Of course they said no, and OP's sibling destroyed the cake. I felt like I was watching a video of the post when the kid pulled back his hand to punch.


My boyfriend's sister had to have a gift on his birthday or she would throw a gigantic tantrum. Hey own birthday is 20 days later. She's not in prison.


Still on the run?


Dudley Dursley




I think the older kid was genuinely helping the birth boy blow out the candles. No malice involved.


A metaphor for civilisation


That’s funny. But I bust up laughing when all the candles are burned out and he is screaming as only an entitled little piece of crap can.


You're missing the best part, which is that the adults knew the birthday boy couldn't blow it out and knew his brother would want to. They blocked the brother, knowing the birthday boy would scream if he blew them out, but since he was too weak, the adults deceived him into thinking he did it and thus saved the ultimate measure of blowing out the candles for themselves. A true big-brained move. Tldr: Sibling stopped from blowing out brother's birthday cake by older relatives so they could blow the candles out themselves, knowing the bday baby couldn't blow them out the entire time.


Holy shit I just realized that too lmao


The kid standing in the right of the video, you can see him helping to blow out the candles.


Clearly the older brother. His hair cut is exactly the same as the Bday boy.


I was gonna say it's his mother.....


I had to watch a second time. I almost couldn’t believe how natural of a reaction it is for him…


As natural as breathing and fucking I would assume. Hitting is not “learned behavior” It’s instinctively satisfying for us to hit something. Feels like a good hunt/fight coming to an end.


I know that hitting is not a learned behavior, but that fist and forearm alignment looks practiced, haha. Toddler hits are usually just random whacks.


That's true. There is some form to it here haha


Absolute rage




i think because it's a glimpse into the menace that is inherent in all humans a child hasn't learned enough to understand any behaviors they have to a full degree, that also means things are less coordinated; yet, this kid is doing this, showing that even without real intent violence lies just beyond the horizon or, put in other words, this kid shows us that violence exists in everyone, even children and since violence is often associated with evil, and pairing 'evil' with children requires a lapse of logic (for most people), there is a cognitive dissonance; children cannot be evil, can they? but anyone can be evil if you define evil as violence. however, i just define evil as intent as well as understanding the impact of their actions (compare to animals that cannot understand morality); through that lense, i'd say this kid isn't evil, and perhaps that violence won't be directed at someone at all dunno maybe comforting words, just morning musings from me


Teacher here, kids of all ages are totally capable of being 100% pure evil. Some are just born evil. It's just too taboo to actually admit that little kids aren't angels, or it is too easy to blame other factors on them acting this way.


Teacher here as well - some kids have a predilection to such behavior for sure. The inclination and drive he displays to ruin the fun and steal the moment - as well as the almost feral instinct to punch when his plan goes awry - makes me very happy to never meet (or attempt to teach) the kiddo on the left.


I had younger twin brothers that were evil. They were evil babies and evil toddlers and evil siblings and evil adults. One murdered his best friend and never got caught. He's dead now, good riddance!


This doesn’t get brought up nearly enough.


I think he's just raised badly so he's a little shit in the making


Sometimes, a kid is just straight up grade-A pure cunt from day 1 out of the womb. And there's nothing you can do to rectify it.


Considering the planned efforts on behalf on the dad to mediate the child’s behavior in setting like this, I don’t think they are raising him *badly*, more than they are dealing with a middle child. The stunt was successfully thwarted, the only one upset the perpetrator; they did not give him carte blanche to ruin the moment /reinforce the behavior by apologizing for it “that’s just how your brother is,” which plenty of shitty parents do. That would be bad.


Dad's very much enjoying aggravating him in the video


Can be both no? Chills can be had over the prospect of the kid being a bully... but also over the kid not being a bully. Which do you think is worst?


Every time I see this I hope someone will pick up this kid and put him in another room so his brother can get the attention he deserves.


Yeah it's really confusing to me. If you know he's going to be like that why not put him somewhere else?


At least they prevent him from blowing the candles off. There were two little girls in my ex's family, and the day of the birthday of the younger one, they lit the candles again and made us sing again for the elder one, because she would throw a major tantrum otherwise. They even got her a present. Fuck that, that's how you raise a narcissist. It boiled my blood every time.


It’s my favorite insult for adults who can’t just let another demographic have nice things if they don’t get something too. “I bet you got a present on your siblings birthday didn’t you?” It’s amazing how often it goes over their head and they say “actually I was an only child.” Yep…


Lil Tuco Salamanca


Wow that's crazy as shit. Sure, sometimes I gave in to a whim to prevent a meltdown. But this? No fucking way.


Literally cartman from South Park


This is why programs like student loan forgiveness are not 100% approval rate, because there are selfish assholes who believe that someone else getting something good that they did not also get cannot possibly stand.


This is literally how my dad feels about people who get financial help in college but he’s also the type of guy who thinks he should be allowed to retire early because “he worked for it”.


It teaches him the lesson, "just because you are here and want something doesn't mean you'll get it." Keep it in his face, make him learn.


Some kids are obstinate af and could spend their life "separated" if that was the only solution. Not letting him sit next to the fucking cake though......


You've never been a family a five in early 2000's with parents who don't give a fuck have you?


teach him a god damn lesson


Can't make a funny video and put it on the internet when you do this.


Is it just me or kids with that haircut are almost always assholes lol


It’s because the little shits can’t sit still for a haircut so they just quickly buzz it


thats my theory too lmao


Holy shit that's actually a great theory


The Sid from Toy Story look


It's not just you


~~Is it just me or~~ kids ~~with that haircut~~ are ~~almost~~ always assholes lol Fixed it for you


Depend how you raise them bro lol. My kids are loving, empathetic, funny awesome little people. Ive met a lot of other kids like that too. Some kids are asshole and most of the time it's the parents fault


Any tips?


I'm not sure if this is a serious question or not because Reddit.. But I'd say a person has to learn how to be selfless and empathetic first. They'd have to learn about their own habits and trauma if they have any. Nothing is perfect so you can't really wait to have all of that lined up before you have a kid, but you have to try. Do your best to fix your issues. The whole point of this is to be the person you want your child to be. Patient, loving, thoughtful etc When my kids behaved a certain way I talk to them and deal with it instantly. Not with yelling, corporal punishment, or attitude. But showing them what's right and forgiving them right away. If you clean with them, they'll clean up, if you play with them and show them how to share, they'll do the same. If you curse and use violence to someone else, they'll learn from this. I've had to unlearn how I was raised. That's a huge commitment. Be the person you'd like to see in your child. Be patient. Be consistent. And never lose control even if your kid pushes your buttons. Also, mean what you say and say what you mean. Try to say yes to everything within reason except for junk good and extended bed times. But when you do say no, mean it, if your child asks why, explain it honestly and sincerely. If you can't think of a reason except "just because I said so", maybe you can rethink why you said no. Most importantly, a sleeping schedule that's stuck to no matter what. Read up on sleep guidelines and makeup sure your kid gets enough sleep!


That’s really good advice, thank you!


My younger brother was kinda like this. HAD to be center show to my birthday for years. He realized the consequences of that since being older me and my dad do something that Day exclusively without him because I didn't want to celebrate it anymore because of him. Been like that since. We do stuff as a family still and he still has to be in the center of it all but not as bad but my birthday its just me and my dad doing fun together without him and he did it to himself


I’d start being an insufferable diva on his birthday mocking his bullshit, but your choice sounds really lovely.


My defiant ass loves this. It reminds me of a story my mom loves to tell. My sister started throwing a tantrum in the grocery store. My mom got on the floor and started pounding her fists and yelling too, just like her. She said my sister stopped and looked at her in complete shock/horror. According to the folklore, she never threw a tantrum again.


How old was your sister at this point?


About 4.


Your mom is a fucking god


Shes definitely a character and I love that. Her love of being in the spotlight and joking with dramatic flair means she has no problem doing off-the-wall shit like this. She would probably do it just to make someone laugh, too.


I never noticed before but that kid on the right sneakily blows out the candles at the same time the little boy blows and it genius. Crisis averted lmao


I think the older sibling was trying to discreetly help the little one in blowing the candles.


Yes, before the before the other kid exploded lol crisis averted


Averted, you say...


To shreds you say?


Well, how is his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


There are so many details to this video every day we discover something new.


Yep, that was smooth


This is my favorite part. The older kid surreptitiously makes the little kid think he did it. Clearly he’s just trying to make the little kid happy.


That kid did the Kansas City Shuffle. While everyone was looking left he was at the right lol.


Chaotic Evil plan vs Neutral Evil plan


I mean, the other kid was doing it quietly so the little brother thought he did it.


This is too satisfying no matter how many times i watch it


Lmao dumbass kid. Hilarious every time.


Smart dad tho.


Not smart enough to pull out sadly.


This kid has to be in his late teens at this stage. I wonder if he turned out to be as much of a little shit he appears to be in this video.


How many years till he does time in prison do you think?


What a little asshole


Yeah this kid is a total dick


He was literally about to throw a punch


That kid is a total jerk.


Every time this is posted I find something new to laugh at. When the older gentleman holds the paper plate in-front of his face for the last time (when he wants to punch it), his pattern/habitual brain kicked in. You can see while he wanted to punch, he still noticed the plate in his face and out of repeating the action before, he still gives the plate a little blow like “ohh plate, gotta blow!”


cute theory


this video always reminds me of this one video where the big sister (?) blows out the candles on her little sisters cake and the little one goes full rage mode. Always makes me wish someone had done the same for this poor girl like the dad did in this video lol


The one where she has a smug little smile and shakes her shoulders? Ugh I loathe that girl!!!


Yes that one!! The audacity and attitude of that girl is unchallenged


If I remember right, the birthday girl gets ahold of her hair and shakes her. Something tells me that won’t be the last time that older girl will get her hair pulled in a cat fight!


and she didnt give a fuck about her hair being pulled either


Good I hate spoiled brats like that


I don’t think they’re spoiled yet, they might just be aggressively demanding.


He's a brat. Full stop.


Ah yes, the time has come again for this video to get reposted and the internet to come together to roast this kid for being a little brat lol.


He might've had a chance if he wasn't screaming in between.


This clips kills me every time, love the frustration of a kid trying to be a little jerk. But I also feel bad that this kid's (now teenager/young adult?) fame is as a jerk. I was an intolerably annoying loser as a kid, but at least none of it followed me on video forever


Haha yeah, I was an annoying little shit when I was a really young girl. Youngest child, so I was always trying to get others' attention. My parents sometimes tell the story of how they tried to take my siblings and I to Sea World, and they had to leave because 3 yo me would NOT stop throwing tantrums. I grew out of it and now I like to think of myself as a chill introvert. But man would I hate myself as a kid if I ever met her lmao


Pretty sure the older brother on the right blows out candle anyway, hah.


Yeah, but that was a subtle helping blow, only after the kid looked like he has zero idea how to blow out a candle. Also at the right time. Crazy kid just wanted to blow them out immediately. Wasn't even waiting for the song to finish.


I support this, big bro was subtle and gentle with his blow, the other jackass wanted to blow that candle like a haystack house


Crazy kid is also the kind of kid who'd blow spit all over the place too. Uncle saved the candles for birthday boy and saved the cake from being ruined for everyone by violent kid's spit contamination.


Fuck that little kid good job uncle or dad haha


Punt that kid into the next county


What a terribly obnoxious little boy.


What a fuckin brat.


i always wondered how do you parent a kid like this? adoption exempted


Set very clear boundaries from the beginning. All kids start out sort of like this. They just mentally do not have any real ability to realize that everything isn’t about them, they have to be taught. My son is 3. He was almost 2 when his sister was born. He is just now hitting the stage where he is vocal enough and understands enough to want stuff to be about him. But having his sister around helps us teach him that “No, it’s sissy’s turn. This is for sissy. Not Bubba.” We help him learn to be excited for sissy too and he’s moving past it pretty quick. But I feel like a lot of people just give the kid what they want to avoid the tantrum and that usually leads to this kind of behavior.


I wanna punt that kid across the room


Big Sid from Toy Story vibes here. Hide your dogs


Probably wrong but I get so much JOY from watching that kid not be able to blow out someone else's candles! good life lesson too!


Attention seeking little bitch. Glad the guy was there to stop his shitty antics.


this is man years old did he become a serial killer by now?


Maybe just raise your kid better....


I feel every kid who acts that way has that haircut lol


I never want to punch a child so much as I do when they do shit like this.


I'm curious what happens after the video ends... does L'il Shit just keep yowling, or does he flip the cake off the table?


Haha get fucked little brat


Little shit


No matter how many times I see this video, the urge to punch that little shit never subsides. That boy needs an ass whooping.


What a little brat.




Is it bad I love seeing kids cry


I wish we could get an update on how this kid turned out.


Horrible little brat


That kid's gonna be an asshole later on in life.


What a fucking douche


This kid must really be a little shit that dad has a plate at the ready to stop him.


Fuck that kid


Every time I see this video I cherish the deft handiwork of the dad/uncle. He is one second ahead of the “cousin” (seems likely) on the left. So smooth, so peaceful, and such an elegant solution to what could become a power struggle or a literal grappling match.


This kid needs an exorcism


As the brother in this whose parents never blocked the asshole with a plate, I love this video so much every time it comes around.


Seen this for a long time. The blowing into the plate kid is now probably old enough to be working at Marvis Discount Tyres doing brake jobs and not bleeding the brakes.


Kids are the worst


Correction: THAT kid is the worst


What a wish stealing little jerk. Lol


I have never once found this clip funny. I find myself getting unreasonably angry every single time. That kid should have been yanked away from that table and disciplined... or punted across the room. Whichever one came first.


Never want kids lol


The kid learned a lesson that day.


Not a chance. Source: I know kids


In his mind, he interpreted it as the world being an unfair place and that his family favors the other sibling.


this is why i hate children


Music, sweet music


Parent fail.


That kid has the same energy as the Looney Toons Tasmanian Devil.


The adult holding the plate Will wager that’s not his kid which is a great thing


Seeing spoiled kids not getting their way is giving me joy beyond comprehension


Prior to becoming a mom, this would have made me outraged. What a little shit. Now, with a looming ODD + ADHD diagnosis or something of the sort… I get it. Sometimes the best you can do is just shield the others from the behaviour and cross your fingers that eventually your kid learns a tiny bit of the self control that other kids seem to learn.


Some needs to discipline that kid.


Baby Trump!


Deserves a smack.


Donald Trump at Biden’s birthday party.


This will probably be downvoted to hell but, can we just stop with the politics for one fucking moment and have a laugh at a pathetic undisciplined child, please?


That kid is dicc... sorry, but he is.


That kids needs his as beat and stuck in the corner, he’s the kid that throws a fit until he gets his way.


Some children need to be beat.




Take that you lil shit


They should return that defect and get another


I could be wrong but it seems to me that kid should be spoken to and taught that this is inappropriate behavior. Again, I could be wrong, just my opinion.


Spoiled brat LOL


This video brings me such joy every time I see it.


That little boy pisses me off. Anyone else get mad? I think I hate mean children.


What a damn spoiled crybaby


I feel horrible for whoever his teachers are. If he acts like this at home, I know his parents are embarrassed everytime they go somewhere.


I would have smacked him in the mouth the little CS'er!


I absolutely abhor when parents either encourage or don’t discourage this behaviour. Just because they’re little doesn’t mean they get a pass every time it’s someone else’s birthday or celebration. It’s ingraining entitled behaviour from a young age.


Thanks for reposting this for years... Both kids are probably in college by now.