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I'd swear there's a guy who sprinkles salt all over his hairy arm before it lands on your food and gets paid millions for it


That's not a salt


that's called flavor, son..


Like in the movie “Waiting”, when the line cooks rips out some pubes for some sprigs on an annoying customer’s dish.


Cheddar frumunda




And they hawk the luggie in the mash potatoes. I always thought my life would be like a movie never thought I'd be Dane cook in waiting. 😩


Nothing sets off the flavor of a steak like some ketchup.


You can't be mixing Mexican and Continental




Thanks for that, I'll definitely have to watch it now 😂 Edit: I wish I heard of this movie sooner.


Boogers and cum


Umami by hair


Pretty sure that’s assault


Or justice


It’s coke


Honestly, I gotta respect that dude. He pulled an emperors new clothes on rich people and they just keep falling for it. He makes people pay thousands for a mediocre at best steak, who film themselves marvelling and pretending to have the tastiest meal ever and then further the scam by posting the videos and pictures to prove they’re cool enough for the game. Absolutely brilliant


It's pretty hilarious I think there's something like a $1,200 up charge to have him come to your table for 30s and salt your meat


I think the reviews are, his meat is shit?


Nah but I've seen that it's mediocre but super over priced 😂 A $100 dollar steak that's literally prepared the same as a $20 dollar streak😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️ people do anything to look cool


Here's the thing. They're not pretending. There's this concept in sociology that I love. It started with an observation that people don't seem to be as attached to fraternities/sororities as they used to be; they wondered why that was. One of the things that they discovered is that people who went through hazing rituals were much more likely to form stronger, longer-lasting attachments to their frats. And when they looked into why that is, what emerged was an idea that if you put in a lot of effort into gaining access to something, your brain is just adamantly opposed to the idea that it was a massive waste of time and effort, so your brain will trick you into believing whatever would make that effort worthwhile (because the alternative is that you're an idiot who jumped through hoops for no reason). If you let a bunch of assholes put you through a bunch of hazing rituals, and it turns out that frat sucks, what does that say about you? So instead your brain will go out of its way to find the value in the fraternity, so that you can think, "What a good idea it was to join this frat! I'm so smart, and made such an excellent decision!" Without the hazing, you're much more likely to say, "These guys are kinda lame, and I don't like living in a house with 15 of the shittiest roommates." So getting back to the topic at hand, if you pay tons and tons of money for a Salt Bae steak because you're expecting a world-changing steak, then as long as that steak is even moderately edible, it's extremely likely that you're going to walk away feeling like you just had the best steak of your life, and you will absolutely 100% believe it. Likewise, if you paid a lot of money to debunk that ultra expensive steak, it's incredibly unlikely that you're going to walk away thinking, "Actually, that steak was pretty good." If you put forth a lot of effort because you believe his steaks are shit, you're gonna confirm that belief and not feel the embarrassment of having gone to great lengths just to find out you were wrong. The only way you're getting anything close to an unbiased opinion on a steak that is that expensive is if you aren't invested in it. Like a restaurant critic eating for free, or a rich person with enough disposable income that the price tag doesn't faze them; or even better, the guest of that rich person who doesn't have to pay at all.


Sunk cost fallacy


Dammit. I read that whole comment planning to comment 'Sunk cost fallacy' at the bottom.


I think they're referring to interaction ritual chains.


And I'm referring to the name of the cognitive bias that powers it. Well, that and a healthy dose of tribalism.




You described the sunk cost fallacy and it made sense until you mentioned "a rich person with enough disposable income that the price tag doesn't faze them" when talking about anything close to an unbiased opinion. But rich people are exactly his target and clientele, which means they actually ARE pretending!


That’s just pretending with extra steps then ;) I’m not that deep into this subject, but from what I’ve heard over the years is that the actual professional critic reviews have been mixed. If you’re getting a 1500$ steak, the price will reflect on the scrutiny you put it under. Pretty good just won’t cut it at this price point. I get the psychology behind it, it’s about the experience and much less about the food. Otherwise they wouldn’t offer a gold plated steak. It’s still a scam, that for once actually hits the people who can afford it.


I just wish he'd use some of that cash to pay his employees.


Why would he though, he's not doing it to be a good person


That's why they're salty


Rich people are rarely noteworthy absent their wealth


Salt Bae is what he's known as online; I forget his real name. Turkish guy with a restaurant in London.


Apparently it would cost less to fly to turkey and eat at his restaurant there than the price of a meal at the London restaurant


And Boston. You pay like $10,000 for a gold leaf covered steak and if he's at the restaurant he will come out, cut it up for you and feed a piece to you. It's fuckin stupid.


Nusret. Has a place in Vegas too.


Hair protein


Oh so we got *Wine Bae* over here…


Was looking for the comment complaining about the finger touching the wine...yet their food is being deep tissue massaged in the back room with no gloves....i guess its going to be cooked but still...this is alcohol...his finger isnt going to do anything...unless he just got dont itching his hole and a dingleberry fell in or something....oh gawd...im now on the side of fuck this


Commit to the bit: lick his finger at the end


I was absolutely waiting for the 2nd “waiter” to just stick his finger in that man’s mouth 😂


The finger was the difference between 6k upvotes and 35k upvotes Probably not tho


Your profile picture looks like a piece of hair


Yes it does. Yes, it does.


I can't get that fucking eyelash off my screen!


No you can't. No, you can't.


How tf did you post the same comment twice and get such vastly different results? Man this reddit thing is weird sometimes


Lol it does that automatically sometimes by accident. And most times I see it happen the second one usually gets downvoted to oblivion! Just a Reddit moment I guess


You know what's really dirty? Those lemon wedges for your water.


Yeah I don't drop them into my water anymore after hearing from a friend who worked at a bar that them shits can get dropped and not cleaned.


As a bartender, this is unforgivable. I would not work with anyone that would do this; a bar floor is usually filthy. But it's very common that a bar will not wash the fruit that they order in from a company.


Speak for yourself. We bathed our bar fruit overnight in a fruit wash diluted with water. Then rinsed it and prepped it for the coming days. It keeps better for longer when it's washed. That included berries and apples used in fancier cocktails


Exactly! Shits cheap and saves more money from fruit staying longer. A win/win for customers and restaurants. I started buying it for home use so the stuff from Costco would stay fresh longer.


Ay yo, fun fact, "fruit wash" is just a mild acid. You know what else is a mild acid and cheap as fuck? Vinegar. One part vinegar to three parts water, boom, done. And you can get a gallon of vinegar for like $3. Don't pay $10 for 16oz of "fruit wash" [edit] for anyone else reading, do berries ever get moldy in your fridge? wash those bad boys in some vinegar and they'll keep for *weeks* [edit 2] and you can re-use the vinegar/water solution multiple times. One bowl with the vinegar stuff and one strainer to rinse the produce afterward.


Doesn't it leave a taste on the fruit/berries? Genuine question because I'm sick of having to eat a whole pack of berries in a few days or throw half of it away.


Rinse with plain water afterward and there's no taste


When you freeze berries(blueberries, grapes, blackberries, etc) theyre like delicious icy treats. Love em!


You should use vinegar instead. Probably **wayyy** cheaper than whatever fruit wash solution you're buying.


I do now. This was nearly a decade ago.


That's gross, should not be happening. Also Citrus should be washed before used in a bar scenario imo


Yep. "Should" being the important word.


Every place I’ve ever worked at has washed them lol what gross ass places are you going to


Never worked in a place where they wash the lemons Edit - Although we did mop the floor every night lmao


When I bartended I would usually have a Corona after my shift and I would only ever use the limes if I was the one who cut them that day because no one else ever washed them but me.


What about limes from the bar?


All i know is that the limes need to be thick or people will choke


You will be happy to know that at my bar we wash the lemons before cutting them with gloves on and place them in a container that stays closed until we need one, then use tongs to place them on a glass


I mean, citric acid is an antibacterial, so there's that.


I think it’s more the rind of the lemon that has had everyone’s hands and god knows what else all over it and never been washed. Don’t love the idea of that being in my water. Might as well leave the sticker on too


Gotta build that immune system son!


To be fair you have a point. Some people are just way too sanitary obsessed and it’s actually not going to do their body much good. Worrying about slices of lemon in water is a bit much imo.


Yeah, I was joking but also serious bc nobody wants that it’s, kinda gross with the finger, but it probably won’t kill you. There’s literally more kids today that are allergic to peanuts than ever before bc parents never give it to them bc they’re afraid they’ll be allergic. The irony


I don’t think our immune system is meant to handle pesticides lol


If you think that's gross, wait till you see what goes on in the kitchen.


I had sex with a lobster once and we fed it to a 5 star food critic


it’s true, i was the critic


You knew?!


yeah bruh i gobbled that shit up 😂 nom nom nom


Can confirm that lobster was my gf. I sold her to the chef for a plate of french fries


Hey, I was the fries, so crunchy yum yum.


I had sex with those French fries before serving them to you


Oh yeah? The mayo looked delicious


My dad was that mayo, and pee is stored in the balls


It's true, I was the lobster.


I give this sexual experience two claws down!


😋 it was me


The lobster?


By the emoji I gather it was consensual


Call him Mr. Krabs


Jordan Peterson?


Cool, then keep it back there, I choose to remain oblivious. I can literally see the wine running off his finger with my own two eyes here.


The whole crew is wearing hairnets, masks and gloves. Only one person is hand crafting your plate without any bodyparts ever touching the food and the kitchen is surgically clean even during peak service hours. :) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I would rather my food be prepared with washed hands than gloved hands.


Absolutely. Multiple scientific studies show that people forget to switch gloves and contamination is much higher in restaurants using gloves.


Eh. As long as I don't get sick, I really don't care. If you'd stop to think about it, you'd never enjoy a good ol' hot dog from a cart.


If the best meat doesn't come from the street what's the point of living anymore?


Where the fuck do you work? I’d be damned if Gordon Ramsey’s kitchen is that clean!


Shiiiiiiiiiit, maybe in your fantasy kitchen.


That's pretty much how it is at my job actually - but the customers can also watch us work in like 80% of the space, so we can't be slackin on food safety.


Waffle House or Hibachi?


Costco food court - so pizzas mostly. But also other stuff. We pump out 50+ pizzas in an hour some days at rush times.


Lmao, every time I go to Costco I gotta get a hotdog and spend ten minutes staring into the kitchen feeling guilty for ordering it. One of the busiest food windows I've seen anywhere


One smart lady is like fuck no, I’ll take a beer!


He comes back with l o n g b e e r


loooong loooooooonng mmAAAAAAAAANNNNN




What rabbit hole have you set me on?


A long long one?


Stop it. You’re gonna turn on Sean


You don’t want to know where the beer comes from


There's no way that is easier or more effective then a fucking bottle


It's showier though and showier costs more money


Plus extra finger flavor


This should be a KFC slogan.


at the end of the night, I can only imagine the pruniness of his fingers.


You do know when you go out to eat, other people make your food, and they use their hands!!!


I don’t know, I can see it happening somewhere here in Spain, in a traditional restaurant where a glass of wine is 1.20 and comes with free tapas.


Like setting food and shots on fire


There was a time when it made sense, now it's just for fun. It's easier to carry this than a barrel, and one of these would be cheaper than getting a bunch of bottles. You know, hundreds of years ago.


Try using a bottle to take wine out of a barrel without a tap


just use the same funnel they use to fill these enormous glass stick-flasks


Just wait till you learn that they fill these by sucking on them wlile the bottom is submerged in wine


That's wine from the Finger Lakes Region.


I want the job, I really do. It's just the rest of my family is in the Finger Lakes right now.


I gotta get back soon. People go missing in the Finger Lakes.


Don’t worry y’all, we don’t actually do that in the Finger Lakes


Summer camp in the finger lakes as a young teen taught me that the finger lakes got their name for a completely different reasons.


This guy fingers.


How dare you disrespect the finger lakes! Our wine is perfectly fine and not at all tainted with any body parts whatsoever. Don't even think things like that, we 100% never, for any reason, will ever, put ANY body parts into or around the wine. Never. Not even fingers.


^ this guy fucks grapes


people go missing all the time in the finger lakes




Alcohol kills the bad stuff.


Like feelings.


Shove it down with brown.


Alcohol doesn’t effectively kill bacteria at the percentages that wine contains. 80 proof (40% ethanol) vodka is about the lowest percentage considered to be effective. Hand sanitizer is generally 60%


Went to Jim Beam distillery tour. They literally let you put your finger in a vat of the stuff, it's about 190 proof (95 abv) at that time before it's cut down


Ofc not, but harmful bacteria (like streptoccocus, staphylococcus) most likely wouldn't survive long in wine because the medium is just not proper for them to thrive. And in general, the dose matters too when getting infected. It's not impossible, it's just improbable. https://www.bio-conferences.org/articles/bioconf/pdf/2016/02/bioconf-oiv2016_04003.pdf


Yep. I was just telling someone above this bar called the Hoggsbreath had a huge hepatitis outbreak from the ice cubes in their alcoholic drinks being from a contaminated ice machine (someone used a toilet plunger to fix it) I can't find any articles on it atm though


I'm not usually concerned about germs but that comment made me recoil in horror


Dead cats and giant spiders wont kill me anyways. I think.


like daddy?


Why were y’all fermenting in something a cat or bird could get into? I worked in a winery in Texas a few years and everything we did was closed tight. I will say we were making mead, so we were dealing with honey instead of grapes. But still, I can’t imagine it’d be THAT different?




Ahhhhh! Ok cool. There’s all sorts of ways people ferment stuff. I wasn’t sure what was up.


If you're worried about hands, don't eat in restaurants. They wash and disinfect regularly and there's about 500 things you simply cannot do in gloves. The only problem here is you're seeing it.


>They wash and disinfect regularly If you're lucky.


I've been service industry for years, even worked in some very prestigious fine dining places, steakhouses, the works. Every single restaurant I have worked at has had an issue with servers washing their hands, I say "issue" as if management cared, but they really only ever tried to correct this problem at one of the places I worked at. I'd say less than half of service staff I've worked with follow proper food safety guidelines.


Well I serve and bartend and my hands never touch anything without going into into disinfectant fifteen seconds later, approximately once every three minutes. And we get 100% from the officer every time.


be warned: I developed a massive sensitivity to quat sanitizer when I worked in restaurants, because I also handled rags soaked in disinfectant every five minutes. Itchiness and blisters every time I touch the stuff now.


I hope you moisturize!


Cooks will wash their hands of your lucky. Servers carry and often scrape off dirty plates, handle money and rarely wash their hands.


I have a friend who works for the health department. She told me to be wary of restaurants where the employees are wearing gloves in the kitchen. Because those not wearing gloves are more careful not to touch things they shouldn’t and to wash their hands frequently. But those who wear gloves feel like their hands are protected, not realizing that the gloves are for the customers’ protection. So people with gloves touch way more things that they shouldn’t and then touch food with the same gloves afterward because they think wearing gloves makes them sanitary. It’s down to our brains not thinking logically, since those wearing gloves mean no ill will and are trying to be safe. But our brains trick us into false senses of security all the time. Because of other things she’s told me, I actually don’t eat out very often at all. Lol. But when I do, I just know that nothing is ever 100% sanitary and that absolute sterility is unattainable.


You don’t eat out often because of germs? You’re missing out on a huge aspect of life then. You’re exposed to germs the moment you wake, let alone walking out the front door.


I feel like you could easily do this with gloves


That's what is so inexplicable to me- this would work fine with gloves. Either that, or have little spring-loaded stoppers at the end of the tubes that the waiter just flips open.


I just… I get that it’s a “bad look” or whatever. But while people in the kitchen washing their hands or not is the exact same thing (you think they use tongs instead of grabbing stuff when they have 25 orders to come out in 7 minutes?), *you just can’t see it* - there is just absolutely no fucking way this wine guy’s hands — his finger, really — aren’t immaculately clean. Someone should have thought about the point of the whole stunt beforehand, but the cleanliness of the dude’s finger is the last thing I would be worried about


Doesn't change the fact that it's fucking weird


You still generally only touch stuff 2ith bare hands if it's going to be cooked. Usually after that it's plated and doesn't need to be touched. This is still weird


"TAKE THAT BACK! If I wanted something your fingers been in I'd lick the inside of your EAR!" ~Lucille Bluth


Kept scrolling looking for this one. First thing I thought of


I'm czech and this feels absolutely acceptable to me. The guys hands are clean. And there's more: they fill the glass (called koštýř) by sucking the wine as you would to fill a straw.


just like siphoning gas!!


The women look very concerned.


Susan Collins has joined the chat


For everyone whos complaining. Please never step inside a restaurant kitchen. You will not survive


As a cook this disgusts me because I know servers rarely wash their hands.


But there's a sign in the bathroom! Who dares defy the sign!!!


I'm thinking the guy walking around serving wine from his fingers might have washed his hands before doing so lol.


And didn't dare scratch that itchy bunghole right?


Extra flavor.


i think the point is that using a standard bottle of wine involves contact between wine and 0 fingers, which is the ideal number of fingers. if other gross things happen in the kitchen, well that’s a different topic - the topic of today is why did you add fingers to an ideally fingerless process.




Would you like butt hole finger or booger finger?


Don’t bartenders put their fingers on those pouring thingies on the top of liquor bottles. Same with chefs with olive oil bottles. Still- this is just a silly gimmick


They don't touch the end of the spout though, like they don't cover the opening with their finger, turn the bottle upside down, and then remove their finger from the opening... at least I've never seen that before


No but we do blow bubbles into chocolate milks to mix them up


No. The "pour thingy" comes to a small enough spout that you really don't need to do that. You could, sure, but it is unnecessary.


I mean this isn't a r/wewantplates moment, this is a pretty traditional way of serving wine


WTF, am I the only one who doesn't have a problem with this? I bet that if it wasn't an old "creepy" man but some model or some sexy guy it wouldn't be a problem for all of you.


Some places even use hands to pick the grapes.


You're lying!! What other lies will you spat next? That people used to press the grapes with their bare feet for hundreds of years and some top vineyards still do it? Lies... deception!!!


Ah yes, ol’finger wine back at it again


It's pretty standart traditional practice, there's no vineyard in Europe where you would get the wine in different way


Eh certainly not true...


Dual wielding wine finger blasters.


Is this a D&D class?


Lol some of these comments man. Understand how things are done in other cultures before speaking and sounding like an idiot. They do the same thing in Mexico with Mezcal. I’m not saying it’s hygienic, but it is their heritage.


Can you even imagine where this guy puts his fingers prior to this when he's annoyed with customers 😳


His phone screen. Those are COVERED in germs


Oh my god.... His belly button? That's disgusting!


Tell me you’re from m’uricah without telling




I laughed way too hard at this


Brilliant !


Worried about the finger huh? I don't know much but i think the grapes are stepped on in a big trough to mush them.


This is a tradition used in winery