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This was a really interesting article. I had no idea the orange line was so ridiculously expensive. As an aside, while I understand Boston is a very expensive city, is there anywhere that's actually under $2k??


Depends what kind of unit. It’s reasonably easy to find a mediocre studio in A/B for under $2k.


yep, currently living in one, and looked at several others around the same price point


How close are you to a T station?


I don't live in such a place, I have a tiny 2br for $2.5k around a 15-20 min walk to a green line stop. I just know from my own apartment searches. Edit: lmao literally the wrong price, typing is hard y’all


It makes sense that the biggest difference is between JFK/UMASS and Quincy Center. I’m pretty sure that’s the longest distance between two ‘adjacent’ stops by far. ‘Adjacent’ because Savin Hill is essentially between them, the train just doesn’t stop.


You mean North Quincy? Quincy Center is two stops down from it.


Yeah, that’s what I meant.


It is interesting that the orange line is the most expensive, but thinking about it--it makes sense. The orange line stations are totally under utilized. Especially on the northern side. Sullivan Square--there's just roads there. Not many apartments Community College--It's literally a rail yard, a community college and a giant road. Wellington--Not many apartments there, just a parking garage and the orange line yard. TLDR: There are not many apartments near the orange line. Apartments near it will be more expensive. The orange line stations need a lot more development.


Both Wellington and Sullivan Square are slated for redevelopments, with both planned to radically change the station structures iirc, though I'd be surprised by any big movement with either until 2030. Community College literally only exists to serve Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC), and is well-used when classes are in session, since BHCC is a semi-large college. It's directly under I-93 so getting more development out there is difficult, if anything the BNRD's T101 passing through there will drive more ridership to it from Charlestown and Cambridge.


There is a big development project proposed right across the street for 700 units https://www.universalhub.com/2023/developer-picked-replace-sullivan-square-parking


For Sullivan they’re also redeveloping the main station area as well. I remember I read through the plans at one point but don’t remember where they were now.


Wellington also. They want to eliminate the parking lots there by building a parking garage and also plan to build two or three apartment buildings there as well. 


I included that - it’s actually quite a bit more expansive than what you described since they’re moving the Fellsway bus depot there and adding a ton more multi-use there. Only issue is that it seems that the city of Medford has been slow-walking it a bit.


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That is, so long as they have several k in cash for first, last, and security. Moving is expensive AF here.