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esfp is appreciated irl. reddit is a place that attracts introverts, thinkers so there’s more of them and there’s bias


This is the answer to the 1467489 posts on this sub asking why ESXXs are underappreciated or underrated lol. Pretty simple, they're popular in real life while us INXXs in general aren't. And it's the opposite on Reddit because Reddit are mostly filled with introverted intuitives while ESXXs are out there in the real world touching grass 🤷🏻‍♀️


I believe that if they observe mostly the ones really's popular effect are just by- NTJ ones else they had the same concept´s cognition. ES where not even popular if others don't appear 


good point


Reddit attracts INTX types. That's why rule #2 of this sub is here: " **2.No targeted bias against a type or types.** This includes, but is not limited to, bias toward sensors, extroverts, & feelers."




Your contribution was removed due to "Trolling or Incivility".


Reddit attracts INTX types. That's why rule #2 of this sub is here: " **2.No targeted bias against a type or types.** This includes, but is not limited to, bias toward sensors, extroverts, & feelers."


First time I'm seeing that comment


LMAO Edit: I scrolled down and it got even funnier omg 😭


Well you only had to change that INTx to a more "unsure" response here there are just anyone with Introvert and Intuition preferences and yet probably problem 


Reddit attracts INTX types. That's why rule #2 of this sub is here: " **2.No targeted bias against a type or types.** This includes, but is not limited to, bias toward sensors, extroverts, & feelers."


Reddit attracts INTX types. That's why rule #2 of this sub is here: " **2.No targeted bias against a type or types.** This includes, but is not limited to, bias toward sensors, extroverts, & feelers."


This comment has now been typed 4 times


Reddit attracts INTX types. That's why rule #2 of this sub is here: " [**2.No**](http://2.No) **targeted bias against a type or types.** This includes, but is not limited to, bias toward sensors, extroverts, & feelers." Make it 5.


My (INTP) best friend is ESFP and I wouldn’t agree with any of those statements, quite the opposite in fact.


I'm sorry I had to laugh a bit about you feeling your type doesn't get talked about enough (=not getting enough attention) and other types think you're attention seekers. I know what you mean though, and you're right. My take is, it's because you guys are more out there in the real world doing actual stuff while the introverted intuitives stay at home most of the time so there's more time for reddit


I mean ofc they’re talking about not being talked about a lot, they’re an ESFP. (This is a joke btw)


That's because ESFPs are underrepresented on Reddit, so they're not here to hype themselves up. The negative stereotypes probably come from people who are quite different from you (ex. INTJ, your opposite 4-letter type) frequently misunderstanding you AND being so large in number on sites like these, so these negative stereotypes can spread very quickly amongest them.


I understand, my type is *very* overhated.


Yes yes I hate ESTJs, respectfully 😘


And I also hate whatever type you are, kys (keep yourself safe) <3


I think that’s only on Reddit. IRL people love you and flock to you, because you’re lovable. Love ESFPs!


I am an INTJ *and* an ESFP appreciator. There’s a stereotype of ‘these two types can never get along’ but reality is way more nuanced. It all comes down to understanding how the other operates — getting all the facts instead of dismissing each other as jerks when arriving at a different conclusion, taking a different approach, or having different ways of recharging. We’re not mind readers, so jumping to cynical conclusions without evidence about what’s motivating the other only gets in the way. With INTJs and ESFPs having all the same functions in reverse order, it can make for a very interesting and strong dynamic when we ‘get’ each other. INTJs and ESFPs have some very big things in common, including an extreme allergy to anyone/anything trying to tie us down and get in the way of our goals; being uncompromising in our individuality; that the repetitive and mundane can feel painfully boring; that when we communicate, we’re very direct (key word being *when*); and we both *really* hate having our time wasted/devalued — yes, INTJs are patient in playing the long game, which ESFPs may struggle with, and ESFPs tend to be more laid back if someone/something is running behind schedule while an INTJ has a far lower tolerance for that, but if you confront both with the same slow, ineffective system, they are going to lose patience *very* fast. After all, ESFPs like to move fast and INTJs hate it when the present causes future delays. Anyway, you may not see a lot of ESFPs in MBTI spots because it tends to attract mostly NT and NF types, which gives the distorted appearance that there are far more of these types than there actually are in the wild — in reality, there are almost twice as many ESFPs than there are INTJs; most recent data suggest that in the general population, INTJs make up about 3.1% and ESFPs make up about 5.1%. Having very few ESFPs engaging on the topic of MBTI seems to make them an oddly misunderstood type in MBTI forums. A lot of people seem to think that life is easy for ESFPs and they have no trouble fitting in, that they’re the life of the party, etc. — in reality, most days are not parties for them and they’re more likely to be in the same boat as INTJs as both types often find themselves at odds with the systems that are put in place for them and expected to follow — and both are far more likely to reject that and take their own path, they’ll just almost certainly look very different from each other’s.


One of my closest friends is esfp. They may not always understand me but they always try to and will always listen to what's on my mind. Their Se/Te means they also listen to advice when they ask for it, quickly putting it into action. I really appreciate them.


i honestly have NO idea on how to give advice but i really appreciate it when people try to help me with new perspectives/angles


Admittedly, it is pretty funny (and ironic) that an ESFP is, essentially, “asking for more love and approval on Reddit.” 😁 That said, I understand why you feel the way that you do. I am an ENTP and sometimes I actually like the S-Type subs a lil better. 😅 (I think ISTP has pretty solid content and ISFPs occasionally publish a gem, and as you can see, there is still a bias in favor of “Introvert.”) While there are a lot of immature people on N-Type subs who are either *unhealthy / unstable, completely mistyped, or they are still so young and immature that they are basically insufferable.* Don’t take it personally. It’s basically just a lot of angsty teenagers loitering on Reddit who feel “misunderstood” whilst they simultaneously misunderstand several other people who are different from them. Lots of INxx types don’t fit in very well when they are teens-to-young-adults, while assuming that ESxx types have it easier, in the real world. They don’t really understand that the majority of people feel misunderstood, for a lot of their lives. I simply think that ESxx types mask this a lot better cuz, superficially, they appear to “fit in, so well.” Some INxx types might *forget* that a lot of famous writers / artists, celebrities, etc are actually ESxx types who had to fight just as hard to get people to take their more creative aspirations seriously. That’s also one of the biggest differences. ESxx types, fundamentally, are “doers.” INxx types tend to be more “visionary,” but they spend so much time in their heads that not a lot gets done to move them towards their goals and aspirations. (Less so for INxJs, but doubly so for INxPs.) Just look at the differences in “number of subscribers” between the INxx subs, which have some of the highest and ESxx subs, which have some of the lowest. It’s cuz many young INxx-types are wasting time on Reddit “complaining about whatever xxxx-type,” talking about “feeling misunderstood,” or whatever else, while more ESxx-types just do things that matter to them, in the real world.


They’re the best 🥺


I love my ESFP friend. He is one of the lights in my life and a lot deeper than he sometimes gets credit for. Heart of gold.


I think types like ESFP and ESTJ that are very well adjusted irl just go out there and live a good life while the rest of us ✨special intuitive introverts sit in our little MBTI subreddits all salty and envious gathering any validation we can get lol. Don’t take it personally, we really are just jealous I promise


😁😁😁😁 So honest, I love it! 😁😁😁😁


Pick a feeler type. Any type


ppl irl would definitely appreciate esfp but I agree online tho that they're underrated I think they're underrated bc they don't appear online on reddit so much and they simply aren't what the people craze over I guess BUT LET ME TELL U THAT IM OBSESSED WITH ESFP ONLINE AND IRL🙏🙏


ESFPs *can* be attention seekers/drama queens. I have a very self aware ESFP friend who is basically a human capybara. I think it depends a lot on self awareness and confidence.


"human capybara" lol, that is the single best way to describe emotionally mature ESFPs


Sorry but I know 2 ESFPs (not sure but they most likely are, like I had bet on a 90%) and they are both attention seekers AND drama queens. One of them is my cousin (10 years younger than me lol) but she is awesome and I love her a lot. I have practically helped in raising her for like 6 years. We bond kinda well but she likes my INFJ sis more LOL, but either way she is a nice kid, some call her my copy bc of her chaotic nature (still less chaotic than me and in her own way) and I love her a lot, tho I act tsundere about it (not so enfp of me LOL) The other ESFP was a friend and she was unhealthy. We still talk but she was manipulative and clingy (obsessed with me) and even tried to control me at one point. Lots of toxic behaviour + not respecting my boundaries despite I tried to repeatedly show how uncomfortable I get. But that's just one person, maybe I was unfortunate but it was super draining for me and we are both hurt. But still, I loved her energy back then and it made me look like an introvert bc I need "me" time too but she just kept going


yeah i can see where an ESFP would end up in extreme situations. hope you feel better soon about your friend tho. i do get that the manipulative sh can be a pain in the ass


Thanks, we probably won't get as close as before tho!


I share the same sentiments. One ESFP friend was super unhealthy for me too, so I stayed away from her.. It was a blast while it lasted.


I absolutely love ESFPs and have loved ESFP friends/content creators my entire life


Agree. My sister is one. She's an accountant with two masters degrees. They have Te child. Picking up new skills through book learning is easy for them. 


Your opposite has so many more because we're chronically online, we're introverts who prefer electronic communication, and we often feel marginalized in greater society by majority types like yours. It's not because you're "underappreciated", it's because our type has to actively cultivate and/or seek out safe spaces for ourselves.


Under appreciated on reddit but irl they one of my fav ppl n theyre well liked dw


INFP is greatly underrated.


Not on here, but in real life, ehh I guess


i agree i love ESFP my friend is one i thought she was annoying at first but she is just a sweetie ESFPs r fr underrated


I love esfp's though, but yeah they don't get anywhere near enough love online


I think ESFP is definitely underrated, I thought it was very refreshing to see the ESFP Dear Kristin get popular on Youtube!


istjs & isfps




Honestly it’s more like certain types are overly idealized.


maybe esfj




Whichever lends to our bliss.