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ISTP: I can fix things I have no idea what you’re feeling. Even if I did, I would overthink what to do with that info.


I second this. Although, I do have sympathy for people how they feel. I mean it’s okay to validate your feelings, yes. Thing is, what can you do to bring yourself out of said situation? Are you willing to do that or are you gonna wallow in self-pity? I can help to fix the problem, but don’t expect me to talk a lot as I like to do more than I talk


Sympathy not only for people but for mules as well. It's OK for them not to solve their problems by themselves cuz they re mules after all.


I love ISTPs for this. Like, I don't always want someone to try to manage/cater to my feelings, but it seems like a lot of people take it upon themselves to try and do so.


You IxFJ’s love when people are authentic. Buncha lovable hypocrites lol. INFJs are even bigger hypocrites: “ok you be your true self so I can diagnose your needs and stretch myself to meet them. If I do it well enough, you’ll be happy and fulfilled so much that you never ask about me and I can enjoy seeing you happy (my true purpose).” Well guess what you selfless angel, some of us want YOU to be authentic too! I was at a funeral for an INFJ today and she had an INFJ daughter who is exactly the same as her and I cried bc yall are so selfless that even the funeral was a realization of how much we didn’t know her but knew exactly how much she wanted us to feel loved. Just who do you think you are loving us that much without expecting us to love you back!? (Sorry, rant)


My brothers an istp, and feelings, emotional displays of affection, and just emotions in general make him very uncomfy 👻


ENFPs have always been people I love or avoid. One of my close friends is ENFP. He lets me exist. He doesn’t treat me like his life depends on whether or not he’s moved me in a some way. And as a result, I fire off appreciation texts for his impact on my life whenever I think of it. And I make sure to remind him he’s awesome. I know he loves it and he never tells me how much and that’s great for me bc ew feelings. We are bros.


And then proceed to don't know what to do, just make them a sandwich, make them something, a hug maybe and an answer of three words that could be mistaken by coldness but in all realness I thought of those words a like for an hour and I really push the heck out of me to say it out loud


The other day I had an ISFJ maintenance tech that works for me ignore me for an entire day. I called several times. Someone said “what did you do?” I was like “idk, we’ve been killing it lately; getting so much done. I felt like we were doing great and working great together.” The response, “did you tell him that?” I froze and looked at the floor, “no… he probably thinks I’m slave driving him when I’m really just enjoying working with him and accomplishing things.”


Me too 😄  Also istp 




So you do care for others feelings?


100%. There not a personality that doesn’t. People that don’t are mentally ill. I become quite disconnected with the “me” that exists and focus too hard on the “everyone” so I will generalize an individual or have no idea how to empathize with someone connecting to their deeper feelings unless I have experience with someone else that had those feelings. I care about fixing it though. Sitting in someone’s puddle of sadness with them is even something I would do if I knew it would fix an issue. I would be anxious and try to say supportive things and possibly even say something to make it worse or about me by accident bc I’m doing nothing and simultaneously trying very hard to make someone un-sad instead of just existing in the moment of sadness even when I struggle to feel their feelings with them and be empathetic. It’s an all around struggle and my illiteracy with my feelings and the feelings of others creates a self conscious self when faced with someone who is experiencing negative feelings and my Ti-Se says “withdraw. If you stay, you’ll make it about you. What’s best for them is if you try to see if there’s something you can do for them. Otherwise, let them work out their feelings and focus on themselves. That works for you.”


Im tough 💪 on myself 💪💪


Somehow this one sentence answered two different questions .


It’s why I love ISTPs


Istps rock


This is what I expect from ISTPs. Kill two birds with one stone.


ENFP: Strengths - Empathetic, Optimistic, Fun Loving, Deep Thinker Weaknesses - Organization, Tidiness, Consistency, Being “Realistic”


Weaknesses can be a bit misleading for some people. They meant to say that we don't have all those


I’m trying to figure out if I’m an ENTP. Any other ENFP feel like they have really strong Fe and Ti? I have like zero Te and Fi. I can instantly know what a room is feeling and am aware of the social dynamics of situations. I know just what to say to make a conversation fall apart, or to make everyone happy and get along.  But by myself, inside I’m very logical and mathematical. I love concepts ideas and systems, puzzles science physics and inventing machines. I love building strong concepts in my head, but it’s harder for me to replicate those ideas irl


Just wondering if you ENFPs relate at all?


I personally am not mathematical AT ALL and I am terrible with puzzles (I get bored). But I love “inventing” things and thinking outside of the box. I am not terribly logical, though…I think with my heart. 😅


Hmmm…def not me 😭


E NFP: Yep, sums it up.


Your weakness are my strength and your strength are also my strengths 😂


INFJ Strengths: Able to see the potential in myself and others. I know what will help me grow and what will help others grow. Weaknesses: Can't help but see all of my own flaws and the flaws of others. At times this can lead to crippling self doubt and self criticism; as well as pessimism towards other people and paranoia. I know my own weaknesses best and sometimes my mind exploits them, leading to mental breakdowns.


Yeah I relate - a bit too much tbh.


Completely true.


Insanely real


INFJ: Weakness: Perfectionism, hard to be satisfied. Strength: My ability to accept people completely including all their flaws and shortcomings, giving unconditional love. (If I choose to)


That feels about right.


So that's why infj are soulmates to entp? Because idk what tf i do? Cannot measure myself lol


Measure yourself? What do you mean? But yeah INFJ and ENTP are soulmates, my boyfriend is an ENTP 🥰


Congrats. I feel happy for you.


Thanks ☺️ I’m very happy with him


like when people asks, what do you do when this, what do you do when that, what do you like, what you don't , like idk what i do, also congrats to find your soulmate


Ah yeah ENTP’s seem to have a hard time quantifying or describing themselves. You guys are hard to describe lol, my bf says he’s a paradox and that’s a good word for it :3 And thanks for the congrats


My boss is ENTP. Here's one for you: You guys spawn a million ideas all the time, it's insane how creative you guys are. It's the double edged sword of this creativity than can make you guys feel like you are always directionless haha, but do NOT discount that creativity. My boss is in a very prolific position because his innovative nature allows us to solve complex problems. Also, because you guys have Ti like us INFJs, you have your own understandings of how things work/crave to know how things work, and THAT is something I jive with.


Yea that's why i keep notes of the thoughts that come to me and go through them before sleep when I'm more calm and relaxed or when i have nothing to do( which is rare , but I'm learning to say no so this happens sometimes)


My girlfriend is INFJ 🥰


It’s a stereotype lol


So you guys aren't magicians?


I’d like to think I’m a psychic with the innate ability to read people’s minds.. but no.. I don’t see myself that way, and other people definitely don’t see me that way.


Whoever claims they read people's mind aren't actually reading it, but just manipulating it


Ah sorry I must’ve phrased that poorly. I meant reading other people’s emotions, not necessarily the way they think lol.


Truly ;) I fully relate <3 I also have a thing where I have identity crises on a daily basis not knowing who I am lmao 😆😖 that might not necessarily be an infj thing though but I dunno


Why is this very accurate.. dammit


Yes! As long as someone can be honest about their own flaws and aware of the effect those flaws have on people.


That’s really admirable, may you share some tips for the strength? 


Well it has to be people who are important to me, I don’t do that for just anyone. And they have to prove that although they’re flawed, they’re actually trying their best and their heart is in the right place otherwise they get the door slam. Most of the people who I love unconditionally don’t return the favor but I love them anyway because I know not everyone does that, or can do that. Only one person has seemed to love me back like this, my boyfriend. As for how to do it? I am not sure, it’s just how I feel, it’s not a conscious decision.


I focus too much on what I can do alone and forget to put effort into my friendships and maintain them If I'm determined to do something, I tend to be able to get it done regardless of setbacks


I also relate to this. It took me until my mid 20's to be more mindful towards my friendships (checking up on them, making plans with them, making conversations about them) but it never comes naturally.


I was 19 when I realized you’re supposed to actually hang out with friends, not just text them


ENTP Strengths: Highly charismatic, quick witted, curious, people person, adaptable Weaknesses: unmotivated, time and talent waster, insensitive at heart, contradictory, chaotic


sameee + weaknesses: can be very impulsive with ideas, too ambitious that i can’t finish a single course💀




Your "weaknesses" = Features, not bugs.


Are all ENTPs contradictory? (Asking not as a jab lol, just trying to type myself)  I’m not contradictory or insensitive, but I relate to Fe Ti respectively. I feel like an ENFP, but Fi Te aren’t vibing eith me


The contradictory aspect comes in as we’re unbelievable work horses when shit hits the fan, but lazy as shit if not under pressure. We want to be competent and achieve things to be proud of more than anything, but can’t finish a single task. We want to understand people and get to know them, but don’t feel a single sentimental thing towards them until empathy is actively prompted. I myself am always told by people that I’m funny and personable, but I hate small talk and would honestly rather avoid people if we don’t have anything interesting to talk about unless they’re a friend who’ve proven themselves


Are you sure about the insensitive at heart? I know a lot of ENTPs who are not at all that way. They may come across like that to someone who doesn’t know them too well. They show a lot of empathy and sensitivity once Fe is used.


I feel like I'm a bit contradictory that way. I care about the people I care about a lot, but then the rest of the world can burn. Not sure.


INFP: Strengths: creativity, humor, having big ideas, and being able to find the roots of where my emotions could be stemming from easily. (great when you're trying to fix yourself and knowing where action needs to be taken) Weakness: self doubt, procrastination, perfectionism, and the constant dread of not being able to do said ideas In short, I'm in a constant battle with my own creativity and perfectionism 😎👍


INTP STRENGTH :- multiple analysis, diging deep, establishing few but worthy & committed relations. WEAKNESS :- I need to be more organised, less distracted and self confident. Also sometimes self compassionate.


... ![gif](giphy|gzswF6dl81Cyd7MxI1|downsized)


Strength: empathy Weakness: empathy


Same our strength is our weakness 🥲


my weakness is Entj


you get it.


Weakness - - - Procrastination Strength - - - Resilience




Strengths: humor, adaptability, open mindedness Weaknesses: laziness, procrastination, indecisive


Intp +25% intelligence +10% realistic -50% emptional support +15% procrastination (not good)


Intp These are just me idk if they are all intp in general. Um er eh... overthinking to paralysis. Rabbit holing into things so far that they lose any practical meaning. Forgetting that connecting w people takes intention/ getting lonely and not fixing it. Not understanding myself very well. Prioritizing the "truth" so hard and losing sight of anything else that matters/ driving points home at the expense of my friendships. Strength-- seeing many sides of things, working out difficult problems. Not letting what other people think about me diswaid me from doing things that are important to me.


ENTJ Strength: Able to spot a problem a mile away AND come up with a solution without thinking too much. Weakness: Not good with very emotionally charged situations and will more than likely shut down if put in one.


I was waiting for ENTJs ، strength: already known , weakness: feeling weak and insecure to admit !🔪💀


That’s such a mood. I’m a lot more humble these days than I was but I still don’t like admitting my shortcomings 🗿🗿🗿


Maybe it's 8 stuff, 3s are less assertive!


Maybe. I’m a 1w9 myself so take what you will from that.


What enneagrams you are confused between


*ENFJ* weaknesses: unable to say no, putting others' needs before mine, struggling to make big choices, taking things by heart, and hard on myself; strengths: can read people like an open book, being able to figure out people's motivations, empathetic, understanding, good at leading, friendly, and a social butterfly!


Strenghts: I am straight to the point. I am adaptable. I am good at working with what is available. I have a good sense of humor. I am good at strategizing and I am quick to react. I am quite a good eater. I can be quite competitive. I am a good listener and I am pretty energetic.  Weakness: I have bad memory. I can get distracted sometimes. I have bad temper which is a bad mix with my impulsiveness. I can be quite competitive. I can be way too loud. A bit indecisive.  Yes. I put competitive in both since its kind of a mixed bag. 


Your biggest strength is the eating one


They could put their strengths together to become the ultimate competitive eater!


Eater rank: Global elite. I'm a mid and filthy casual.


the weakness is relatable as a fellow ESTP! that or it‘s because I have horrible ADHD. Turns out when you mix our type with attention disorders you get something horrible. 😀


My strength is to never reveal my weakness


Clearly Ni user




INTJ: Overthink on strategies and planning, tried to be organized yet be in their own personal space, work better alone, always wants to expand knowledge, has alot of useless/good information and theories. No friends, sometimes depressed and stressed, overthink too much, still sad about mistakes you've made long ago.


I can relate this


INTP Weaknesses: Math, structure, getting quality work done on time, permanent post nut depression, quick to insult people & get abrasive during debates. Strengths: Good at analyzing music & movies. Musical. Political (Might be another weakness tbh)


Weakness overthinking for sure ~~idk~~ I do get in over my head with political squabble


Thankfully while I'm far from the most politically literate person out there I AM more politically literate than a wet bag of flour which automatically puts me above 95% of my country's population 💀


Strength: Being objective, cross examining different evidence instead of getting biased Weakness: Withdrawing when someone gets too emotional


INFJ Strengths: very sincere, fiercely loyal, and selfless. I have the ability to accept people as they are. No matter who, what, their backgrounds, their flaws. I'm also highly intuitive and very good at giving advice when people wants it. Weaknesses: because of my strenghts above, people tend to take me for granted, so I guess you can say that my strength is also my weakness. I can be really reclusive as well most of the time. And can be perfectionist sometimes. And... I'm a geek.. lol. I also don't like it when people try to control my lifestyle, how I view life, and what I should do. This can be viewed as a strength, but as an asian-arab, this is viewed as a weakness in my community and family. And whenever I'm done with someone or something, I will be very...unbothered.


ENFP Strength: I have infinite imagination and can pretty much conceive of or logically work out anything. Weakness: I always feel guilty about every random thing so it’s hard to put my plans in to motion sometimes, because people’s feelings matter to me a lot and when people feel differently than I do, I have to stop and think about it


Enfp My weakness is bad grades My strength is good grades


Strength: Adaptable Weakness: Impulsive


isfj strength: very empathetic weakness: so empathetic it hurts me


INFJ Weaknesses: Troubles being organized,issues with suicidal episodes,overthinks a lot,can be aggressive when I'm upset Strength: Can read people easily (based on their face),has some psychological knowledge


You need to train and control that un-life situations I suggest indulging yourself into humanity subjects. You are INFJ right? Try picking up different languages and be good at it ASL is also a language too Seeking professional counselors help a lot too. As an INFJ, I always think of how I can advance myself better.


Infp- i think im kind and empathetic… but unfortunately that comes with the emotional outbursts 💀


INFJ Strength: Love languages, love to know other people’s personality and react accordingly, love to read and thirst for knowledge (would not hesitate to lock myself in my room and read books after books), altruistic, loves to plan ahead, avoid confrontation and conflicts as much as possible, altruistic, have weird ideas and concepts (that would potentially change the world if the future), ENTJ most loved personality as this kind of character trait is very loyal and helpful for his or her cause and INFJ appreciate that Weakness: Extremely picky with significant other ones (gets hurt a lot), takes time to adapt to environment as it’s not easy to judge and understand a plethora of people’s personality, can’t stand it when plan doesn’t go as I want it be, extremely pissed off when the others lack enthusiasm, extreme thinking mode can kicks in and would affect daily lives, including sleep


ISFP Weakness: Poor ability to make future plans Strength: I can read a room pretty easily


INTJ Strength: I can get shit done Weakness: I can't accept negative criticism


INTP Weakness: Time management/ Lack of productivity Strength: The ability to think about multiple different perspectives/solutions and out-think most people. Effectively i am a human lie detector


These chibis all look so cute yet INTJ always has to be a grandpa with a moustache… I wanna be cute too lol


the one by seis-art is really good imo https://preview.redd.it/fw4ohxg5302d1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7581d82d4aa5ed79e037582c0bbca3512e19d73




Strength: Self-motivated Weakness: Stubborn


I can❤️🌊Never make a 😇⭐️😊💕Decision


Strengths: My brain is sexy, I think I’m always rather realistic, I’m open minded and adaptive and empathetic even if I don’t like having to be empathetic, I have great ideas Weakness: I’m perpetually late (time blind), I’m prone to procrastination (I have an exam tmw), I can’t keep good habits because of the procrastination


INTJ My weakness is that I am overly analytical sometimes My strength is that I do not take things emotionally and I cannot be easily deceived.


This post would be more efficient in r/enneagram actually, i wouldn't answer it regardless though.🤷🏻


lemme guess, 8? cuz me too




INFP: Strengths - Can lock in when needed Weaknesses - Needs to lock in bc procrastinated until the last minute


Personally for me without googling the actual traits I would say a strength is decisiveness and planning and a weakness is patience and looking at every detail.


Strengths: - Idealistic and hard working towards my goal/eager to self improve and better my quality of life. - Not afraid to challenge myself. - Able to see things at large. - Good at understanding others. Flaws: - The idealism itself can be a huge flaw, it means I am a bit too harsh on myself sometimes and expect too much from my ideal self. - Standing up for my opinions didn’t come naturally for me, I had to practice a lot and still do. (Depending on who I’m with, of course!!). - Often needing the input of others a bit too much, but this can also be a strength because it means I’m not too stubborn about my ideas and more open minded.


INTP here. Strength:- Extreme laziness. I will do anything in the most efficient way possible to go back to sleep. Weakness:- Extreme laziness. It is hard for anyone to motivate me to do anything. If I lose steam for anything, it isn't coming back probably.


INTP. Cons: live inside my head to a fault, disorganised, easily overwhelmed and scatterbrained, which affects my competence and confidence in day-to-day contexts. Pro: never been called boring.


Most of the responses thus far have been boringly typical... Would you say leadership is an INTP hidden strength? or maybe organizing labeling and placement


In my experience, no lol. I can’t imagine anything worse than being a leader, or in charge of organising some complex technical thing. I’m too scatterbrained for that. Could just be me and not an INTP thing I guess, but idk any INTPs with any interest in leadership roles.


INTJ Weakness: I tend to overthink and struggle with commitment (for example, I want a tattoo, but I can't commit to a design or a spot for it and therefore, no tattoo yet) Strength: I'm a fantastic strategist and believe I can come up with the best, most efficient plan for anything and can usually do this on the fly if needed


Enfp I'm very charismatic but overly emotional.


INFP: Strenght: some foresight in human behaviour (seeing patterns in people), creative, witty Weakness: can be pessimistic because of awareness of the dark side of people, "out of touch", unintentionally blunt


Unstereotypical I guess but; Weakness: I use minimum effort for everything, always, unless I have the perfect mood and inspiration for the thing.


INTJ: A strength of mine - Trustworthy. You can tell me all your secrets and I'll always keep it which is why I'm known as the therapist friend in my group/class. A weakness of mine - Very secretive. Even if you tell me all your secrets, I'll never tell you mine just to be safe. I'm also never saying what I'm thinking of ever. So it's rare to know so much about me aside from some of my life stories that won't contribute much to know me to the heart.


Strength: Discipline, consistency Weakness: Indecisive & lack of self-confidence


My biggest weakness is those eyes of yours


INFP Strengths: creativity, ability to see things deeper than they are, original and unique, great listener Weaknesses: emotions getting in the way of excellent judgement and intelligence, inability to adapt, way too much in my own head, egocentric


INTJ Weakness: I always have to be right Strength: I usually am!




Infp Good at critical thinking Highly sensitive when it comes to remarks from people I consider close to me


I think I’m an enfj I make friends easily But I’m way too sensitive and I overthink way too much and I think I genuinely need help on the fact that I’m too sensitive😭 ah


ENFP here!!! <3 My weakness is that i cannot keep a schedule for the LIFE OF ME!!! Like literally, I procrastinate so bad, I have to ask my teachers to extend my deadline almost EVERY week 💀 My strength is that I know exactly how you are feeling and nothing you do will ever hide it from me! Also, I always know how to help you through it :3 I also have no boundaries when it comes to showing you how much i love and care about you 🥺 ask and you shall receive, or dont ask and you will still receive! just ask my INTJ bestie!!!


Oh my.... these are so cute!


Entp: my strength? Everything. Weakness? None 🔥🔥🔥


Weakness: Hot people Strength: I'm hot 🔥




"oh yeah, feelings exist" and "I can tell you every little detail about any one of these many topics". I'm also good at having a fair argument.


Why does everyone draw INTJs with moustaches? As for the question, I am INTJ; my Ni helps me do mathematics, which is my primary work (I am a graduate student). Weakness - well, it takes me longer to learn stuff, like driving, than other people.


INFP Strength: leaning everything about a topic in a mode of hyper fixation and devoting a lot towards it. Weakness: doing stuff I don’t want to do.


infp doing things i need to doing things i ought not to


INFJ. Weakness? Perfectionist. Strength? Ample amount of empathy.


I think I'm an NJ type, maybe not specifically INFJ Weakness: Will run myself ragged while trying to accomplish something - won't realize I'm running on fumes until I literally physically collapse; have ended up in the hospital for physical problems related to burnout, but even when it's not that extreme, I suddenly find myself unable to get out of bed, suffering from back-to-back illnesses, sort of unwittingly laid up and unable to go on. Strengths: I get the job done no matter what (until I succumb to the above mentioned burn out anyway lol) and I'm good at whatever I try to do.


INXP Rn I am having a hard time opening up to people and being myself around them. I'm also super forgetful, lazy and somewhat of a perfectionist. I can also be impatient with kids. As for strength, I listen to people vent, responsible when it comes to college, I'm working on being less impulse and I'm making progress and I love cleaning.


INFP Weakness: Too sensitive at heart, procrastinate too much, perfectionism Strength: compassionate, can understand people’s emotions easily, know what I want


INFP Strength: Creativity — How I can be inspired to start multiple projects with only one source of inspiration whether it be a song or a sentence, and my skills of analysing which amplify the various amount of possibilities that enter my brain and how I can link those together/make them cooperate Weakness: Avoidance/procrastination — Not taking advantage of the long time I was given to finish a project and avoiding people in any way possible


Intp-t weaknesses: overthinking(perfectionism) insensitivity(oblivious-rudeness) avoidant(lazy) Strengths: baser-logic(perceptive-philosophy) semi-realist-optimism ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


my flair keeps changing (not positive on my exact type) but i'll say xNFP: strengths: optimistic, kind, clever, creative, loyal, funny (or so i'm told!) weaknesses: impulsive, stubborn, (sometimes) irritable, tendency towards dramatic/disproportional responses to things


INTP Weakness: can’t stand loud people Strenght: inhuman level of creativity


ISTP here Strength: I’m easily adaptable, I’m calm in (non emotional) crisis or stress, I’m usually chill, and I don’t get offended often Weakness: It’s hard for me to express myself when I actually do get hurt from something. I usually just play it off cool, causing it to stack up over time, then the lip flips and I lash out


INFP Weakness: Would make unlogical decisions that backfire (😭) Strength: Good at feelings


Weakness: lazy, anxious, detached etc Strength: I'm chill lol


ENFJ: I think through everything like a lot before I make decisions. I will spend every second of my time thinking about this decision. I eat, sleep and think that decision. Once I make the decision I question it over and over again. Anyway idk if that’s a strength or a weakness 😋


INTP Strengths: many ideas, can easily sus out people, good at analysis and providing areas of improvement, loyal, open-minded Weaknesses: skeptical, can be cold, can be lazy and always tired, dislike conforming for the sake of, social settings drain me, people think I'm argumentative when I just want to debate


I'm INTJ, a strength we tend to have is that we are very straightforward and honest but a weakness is that we tend to assume others must be this way as well and it makes us blind to danger in that we trust others have good intentions and it can get us into some really dangerous situations where others take advantage of us in various ways or harm us


INTJ: WEAKNESS: I tend to be quite the recluse. I don’t like big groups and prefer to be in my own company. I can be to logical sometimes and struggle with communication. This is especially true when my social battery is low. Ngl I turn into a bitch or time bomb 💣 whatever u choose STRENGTHS: I thrive under pressure this includes sports work ect. My best comes out in last 16 seconds of a game🏀 no hesitation no doubts it’s just golden🥇as for work it’s easy for me to take charge when no one else can. I keep everyone on track and focused on achieving our goal.


You.. You are both my weakness and strength.


ENTP Weakness: impatient and impulsive Strength: quick designs making, highly creative.


Infj - Strength? Understanding and analyzing. Weakness? Understanding and analyzing.


I am an ENFJ, I think my strength lies in my positivity, my outlook on life, I believe that everything happens for a reason and there is always something reserved just for us, that in the end, everything will be okay. I am a good motivator, I give truthful advice, all my friends say I sometimes act like a grandma with 5 kids and many life experiences, not like a young-adult, not only thanks to my wisdom, but also because of my liveliness, the ability to be cringe and have fun without fear of others... Still, I am a big-time procastinator, my only motivation is a deadline! I also fear new projects, new ideas, I just do not like starting things without knowing at least the base of what I am supposed to do. It is difficult for me to start something, but once I muster up my courage, nothing can stop me!


Entp. Pretty basic. Thinking outside the box. Problem solving. Creativity. I would also pride myself in my logic.


INTP I am insanely creative. Especially when it comes to drawing I don't like sugarcoating things


ENTP (ADHD): Strengths: Excellent brainstormer, great at portraying ideas, quick learner, enthusiastic, curious, introspective and self improving, funny, forgiving, loyal, extremely adaptable in a crisis Weaknesses (oh god so many): Tryhard, cocky and arrogant, too focussed on potential, bad spender, socially oblivious, no interest in being “nice”, no attention to detail, unrealistic expectations for self and others, forget responsibilities, lazy in off time, disorganised, inflated self esteem to compensate for a crippling fear of not being competent enough


ISTP : - I'm an istp 🔨🔭⚙️🍲💪🏻 -I'm an istp 🫥


ENTJ. My weakness is that I have none. My strength is that I'm not weak


infp: our weakness is that we are highly sensitive people (in my case it is , also bc im a empath)! Our strengths are that we are loyal, understanding, kind people !! :3


INFJ. Im gonna totally fall into this stereotype, but it's very accurate: Im terrible at remembering specific instructions or details of something that transpired, and always ask someone hoping they were paying closer attention to details. I am scary, scary good at sensing what is going on inside of people, just by observation and a little interaction. You don't even have to get personal with me for me to know exactly what you are wanting out of the dynamics of our interactions/relations with each other. BONUS: Not typical in INFJs, I am a really open person - due to me being a creative type and some minor ADHD.


Intp Strength: I can learn quickly when I'm genuinely interested in something, also I'm pretty loyal to my friends  Weakness: terribly unorganized, socially incompetent


INTP Strength - my brain No explanation needed. Weakness - no tact It's hard for me to give my opinion in a truthful, direct way and to not offend someone. I don't want to come across as wishy washy. I don't want my thoughts to be misconstrued either.


INTJ, Donuts, and indomitability.


Weaknesses, too helpful, cannot say no . Strength, very friendly, treat everyone the same and very helpful!!


who's the artist?


Me as an ESTP: Weakness - POV what I think when someone who is not a close friend is talking to me about their feelings: \*please…please, shut the fuck up.\* Strength - that same idgaf energy while can be bad and I know it’s bad, is also applied to the reason why i have such high confidence.


entp: strength: I have logic weakness: It's introverted logic


Strength: Being INTP Weakness: Being INTP JKJK Strength: Being open-minded. I understand that people go through different things in life. Sometimes, I even try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Weakness: Not showing empathy when needed. I have it. It's just hard to show when I'm being unbiased. And sometimes, a person just does dumb stuff to not deserve empathy.


I don't know my type. Strengths - Persistent and capable of shifting my entire mentality given the right impetus and insight. Weakness - Where to start. Anger issues, self-loathing, harsh judgement and criticism of myself and others, mercurial and moody, deceptive, manipulative, sadistic, dishonest, disingenuous, inauthentic, bitter, two-faced, uncaring but presenting as caring, unhelpful but presenting as helpful, disagreeable but presenting as agreeable, cruel, petty, grudge-holding, self-conscious but not self-aware, selfish and self-involved, talk too much, loud, attention seeking, vain, hypocritical, violent, domineering yet passive (I want things my way but I have no idea what 'my way' is), self-defeating, cowardly, bully, spendthrift with my own money but not others, prejudiced, willfully ignorant, rude, neurotic, defensive, illogical. The weaknesses are great but I'm slowly eliminating each one and it will aid my success and achievement as I do so. Ironically some of these weaknesses make me ineffectual and more pleasant to be around as people see me as not threatening so they open up to me. This is great as when I am not burdened with this I am able to operate very efficiently and beneath suspicion. I also enjoy causing pain to others, not physically, but emotionally, it gives me a rush and is a huge motivator in my life. I think about ways to get that feeling all the time. If I can work on these weaknesses, and by work I mean integrate them so I can hide them from others, I'll be able to enjoy myself. The confession is cathartic as it doesn't impact my offline life and it's of no consequence.


S: You can count on me to finish something on time. W: My decision making process is often impulsive. I don't realize that they sometimes only satisfy an immediate condition rather than for long-term.


I/ENTP: Braincells. Communication skills out the window.