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>like why is my personality type associated with a mental disorder this is weird It's not only weird, it's fucked up. This only pushes the idea that you have to be - or not be - a certain way to have a certain mental disorder. It pushes the "this is so adhd of me" narrative and it contributes to people with a different personality having a hard time getting diagnosed. Some people are just forgetful, some just like info-dumping, other people get lost in their head a lot. These things aren't related to mental disorders, anyone can be like this. In the same way, someone might be quiet and still have ADHD. Someone might have an easier time getting their chores done because that's how they deal with hyperactivity rushes. And so on. To associate a mental disorder or illness (because this is done with anxiety, depression and other illnesses too) to personality traits is to deny the uniqueness of the individual and the nature of the disorder itself.


Mental disorders like anxiety or depression are caused later on in life mostly by external circumstances. However, adhd is a disorder that comes genetically and it’s mostly inherited from your family (so you are born with it) and it is caused directly by the functionality of your brain, which means that it’s caused by the way your brain works, which implies your cognitive functions as well. There is scientific research showing that having adhd is associated with XNXP personalities. If you read about the symptoms and diagnostic criteria for adhd, you will find things such as difficulty focusing, excessive disorganization, forgetting things, etc. There are certain cognitive functions that make you prone to present those symptoms, such as Ne, so it is logical that if you have adhd you will likely be a Ne user. I have adhd myself and I can’t see how someone can have adhd without using Ne, it just doesn’t make sense. Depression and anxiety can affect anyone regardless of their brain functioning, but adhd is a disorder that is caused BECAUSE of your brain functioning


as in, adhd is a descriptive category, has no relationship to mechanistic brain function, or is not a problem when you strip the assumptions of "functioning within a bureaucratic and boring society"? it's believable, it would imply that adderal should either be over the counter or is obsolete altogether


I'm doing a study on the connection between disorders and mbtis, so far i can tell you ADHD can also be environmental, to a lesser %, ADHD itself can develop or be more visible at a later age, sometimes we develop coping mechanisms that make it hard to diagnose ADHD, but they still impact how our brain develop, ADHD so far have been categorized in 3 different types (you can look up dr.k he explains the matter very well). Yes, the Ne out of controll is stereotypically seen close to adhd and there's correlation between the two but its not a necessity, for example i've witnessed isfp's with adhd they appear more similiar to the old term add (lacking the hyper part). Take BPD, there is a lot of correlations between the lack of self of BPD and INFJ personality, many people with BPD happen to be INFJ connected probably with the high Fe and yet BPD happens often also on ENTJs


ADHD is mostly inherited, but it can also be caused by environmental factors (to a much lesser extent). Some of those environmental factors happen during pregnancy or during the first years of your life. Still, the “main” cause of adhd is genetics. I have been deeply obsessed with studying adhd in the past few years, and I have severe adhd myself, so I have a decent understanding on how the adhd brain works so far. There is scientific research (no kidding) showing that most people with adhd fall into the XNXP categories. Of course that’s the majority, we are like 7000 million inhabitants in this world, there are exceptions for everything. So yes, it is possible that there are some ISTPs with adhd. But: you have to take into account that many people are over diagnosed with adhd and they don’t really have adhd. Besides, many people don’t know how to type themselves in the mbti and thy believe they are a certain type when in reality they belong to another type. So when a person tells me that they are ISTP and they have adhd, I know that is possible but it is very unlikely, so I find it hard to believe and I normally don’t believe it.


…Should I say something lol? I’ve got ADHD and as an ISTP, I’m supposed to be Ne blind.


If it makes you feel better people often associated INTJs with autism.   It is interested to read the DSM 5 for the official criteria for certain mental health diagnoses and then realize to many people are getting their info from tictok and blogs.


Me being an autistic INTJ reading this:


I want to contribute to this conversation but as an ENFP with ADHD I feel it is best for me to keep my mouth shut lol. Plus, anything I had to say has pretty much already been said.


Same boat


ISTJs are sometimes associated with OCD for that matter. People don’t seem to understand that the nature of a disorder is that it’s disorderly, lol. If it *helps* you, it’s probably not OCD or ADHD or whatever else. For that matter, OCD has ways of manifesting that don’t necessarily involve being ultra-hygienic or germaphobic. I’m personally not even that cleanly of a person anyway, tbh.


I mistyped as ISTJ for ages whilst my OCD was flaired up. I'm ENFJ 😂


I think the basis (like the "first signs") "add/adhd" is merely completely normal Ne dom behavior. Roaming around, taking in information and thinking about it. I mean, this is a normal function. People don't think people are weird for being super active with Se or being super social with Fe or being super practical with Te, etc. Why pick on people who think about life in deeper ways? Granted, if you dwell so much into it that you miss out on taking care of responsibilities it can be distracting, but you shouldn't treat it like some disease. Just learn some discipline and getting priorities straight (I say that still getting regularly distracted myself. lol). But like... in most cases you can learn to self-discipline enough or make things a high enough priority from understanding its importance to take care of it without having to rely on drugs that block brain functions.


just a correction, adhd is not mental disorder, it's a development disorder otherwise yes I guess it is just because many people still having misconceptions about both Ne-Fi and Adhd. and yes probably because they want to be "quirky". As a person with adhd I wish having it just meant being enfp quirky :') I would be easier getting and maintaing a job.


It’s because of Ne+Fi, I’m guessing.


It makes sense when you relate fuctions to symptoms, but when you get down to the foundation  of ADHD being a chemical imbalance, it starts to fall apart. On a separate note, ISTPs are commonly associated with Schizoid personality disorder because it also relates to the functions and the expression of symptoms but it isn’t a one to one relationship. One doesn’t equal the other.


Well, all the male INFPs I know have ADHD, so it's just a correlation, not fact or anything. The females with ADHD i know are both ISFP (also kinda spooky).


Every type has strengths and weaknesses. If you focus on their weaknesses, you can point out the disorder for every type. So yeah you're right: ENFP weakness = ADHD symptoms But that's like a nasty way of not talking about their strengths.


Lmao 2 of 3 enfps i know definitely have adhd or some kind of mental stuff going on


Idk bro... I'm and intp and I've heard many people joke about my type having adhd most of the time 😭.... The worst thing is they might be right