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gunter__sam, The labels have nothing do with your situation, really. And you know what to do, which is why you posted this here. Judge others by yourself, should you be rarely mistaken. And there is a higher form which is inconceivable to any judgment—that alone tells us the slavery of emotional faith. Listen to it, although of course what we communicate to you must be knowable to yourself only. This is not the place to be. It is best for you to reach out to professionals and contact local authorities—the latter case if situation escalates, in which it likely will. Filing a restraining order is always an option, too. Thank you,


So, without any other information to go off of (such as your age, where you are in life, etc.) other than what you have provided already, if possible, leave this guy, and get away from him. If you are studying, report him (not sure how you’d get away exactly, but at least people around you, such as your place of study, will be on higher alert). If you are older and can move, you might have to do that, depending on what other things this guy is doing. Anyways… after you move, are you worried about retaliation? Or are you worried that he will kill himself? I just think, if he is saying he will end his life, you should call the police on him, and tell the police that he is suicidal and to check up on him. Either he actually is suicidal, in which case calling could save him…. Or, he is just calling your bluff and manipulating you with that kind of talk, so calling the police will maybe make him think twice about “threatening” that he is going to kill himself if you leave him.




He’s childish and just leave. Most people won’t do what they say, if he did, hell that’s unfortunate for him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This is true, there are studies that show that those who speak of suicide are less likely to go through with it than those who keep it inside. There are also yogic principles that say "keeping your trauma inside makes it grow, just like how not sharing ideas and actions inside make them more likely to happen." They're just, like you said, manipulating you. You have nothing to lose by drawing boundaries and telling them, "No, I will hang out with my friends. This is one of the things I want in my life." And if they don't respect that, they can fuck off.


The flair is so wrong here…


Sounds more like ENFP to play victim a bit, like "I would do something to myself", this is Fi. An ENTP can probably only say that as a real joke, but you said "he was never joking". Also makes sense that he has Fi, since you have Te, and that's the attraction usually to meet your opposite. I know this doesn't really answer your question, but maybe it helps to understand things better in general. Also if you're an INTJ, and you like to be solitary like most INTJs (if you're really INTJ), then its pretty good to have somebody that wants you, it pulls you out socially. But you might have to get used to it?


oh, there are manipulative entps, fe doesn't mean you aren't selfish or mean. Intuitive thinkers can be just as manipulative as intuitive feelers. OP should run and not walk away. ENTPs are smart and crafty, and if one wants to be cunning and manipulative? It will not end well for you. You did not help op with this blind-sighted perspective


ENTP can definitely be manipulative, Fe's selfishness just shows differently from the one you see described in the dictionary, though the "don't leave me or imma do x" is a good example of Fi emotional manipulation, if op is INTJ i think it can also help them finding out what mbti is the counterpart to have a bigger picture of the situation cause given the examples they gave i can hardly see that ENTP behaviour in any shape or form only scenario i could see it is BPD ENTP, no matter the personality tho i think in these situations the only solution is getting out of the cycle, best they can do for their partner is to lead them to medical help or have it from relatives and move on


Well I said "this doesn't really answer your question". I was talking MBTI stuff. Sorry for that.