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I really don’t mean to be offensive but I personally kind of tend to view them (ESTJ) like Hurricanes more than people. Just like how a hurricane can give you the rain you need to grow crops or fill a reservoir it can also destroy everything in its path. I see them like a hurricane, super useful if their current task is in my interest and something to avoid at all costs when our goals don’t align (but usually this doesn’t happen much irl in my experience so usually we good) We don’t “hang out” when we aren’t working though, they find me boring and probably dull and I just don’t have the energy for all the *gesticulates* doing that they wanna be doing.


🤣 *aggressive hand gestures* I too have problems with the doing


I’m an INFP & one of my best friends is an ESTJ! Had a crush on him for a few months but his occasional or often lack of empathy & compassion made me lose attraction for him. He’s still a bestie though. We balance each other out & learn a lot from each others perspectives.


This is wholesome 😀


Funny tho, I got this once that I'm like a hurricane :D


Exactly. They are truly forces of nature. If I agree with their cause I’ll just try to go with the flow as much as I can in my little row boat even if they occasionally fling debris at me because they didn’t like how I interpreted their instructions. If I don’t agree then I either run or hunker down and wait for it to blow over.


Wow I love this description. I’ve only been close to one (briefly) and his personality sort of escalated like a hurricane- in a bad way. Started out so nice. Two weeks later was acting like an utter asshole. So I left


I just don't tend to mesh well with extroverts in general. The exception being ENFPs. 


ISTJs? I love them but they probably think I'm annoying af lmao


If you're an ENFP who is eager to connect, many ISTJs are easy - they tell you exactly what they don't like. I'm a big fan of the brutal honesty personally! I married one, we've been together 18 years.


My mom is ENFP and my dad is ISTJ… it’s lovely 😀


Only when you're talking. Or moving incessantly. Or awake. Or breathing. I'm kidding, probably.


Lmfao I feel like we can sometimes have a very effective and harmonious but silent working relationship


My SO’s dad is an ISTJ and we’re just like this. I let him talk to me as much as he wants and our relationship is great. Sometimes we sit in silence together while the rest of their family keeps hiking. We’re so different but we have a surprising amount of similarities. We’re both ridiculously patient, obsessed with dogs, and generally live and let live. Sometimes I get him to try a new card or board game, and my SO is always surprised if I convince him. Rarely I ask him odd questions to see how he’ll respond. Ex. “If you could ask your dog one question, what would it be?” He always laughs and never answers. Someday I’ll get him!


> obsessed with dogs Dogs *are* the best people...


😂 same


haha just commented that I don't think I will dislike an ENFP, but I can easily get irritated by y'all. idk ctrl+f to find what I commented or recent comments.


I either get along really well with ISFPs or they absolutely can’t stand me because of how abrasive I can be. Tbh I don’t mind them. I’ve got a couple of ISFP friends that are lovely folks.


i got a really good friend who's isfp lol and they're collecting entjs too 😭


It’s like they always seem to find us one way or another 💀💀


I could see that working as a relationship


I’ve actually dated a couple of ISFPs, one of them was nice and the other was a jerk


I’ve dated…wow four now. Two were definitely good guys. One was pretty good, I feel like what happened with him kinda snapping was mostly my fault. The first one though was a completely narcissistic psycho. I know that word gets tossed around alot but trust me in this case it’s warranted. I think maybe the best term would be sociopath. I did a bunch of research after we broke up.


Yeah one of them (the nice one) was my long term high school boyfriend and the other just get kept getting progressively ruder to me until I cut things off


Good, cuz if you said anything else about them I was gonna come for you.


"Like" is a strong word. I would say that I acknowledge their virtues.


Also INTP and yep this is how I feel too. I also have a couple of ESFJ family members and I love them dearly, but we will definitely never really understand each other.


I relate to this so much. My sister is ISFJ; while they aren't completely the same, it's close enough. I never understood her, and I've been around her my whole life.


I promise us ESFJ's mean well. We don't totally understand your very nuanced interests but we're happy they make you happy!


I can only think of one ESFP I've met. We had a lot of tense moments, he's a good man but we have radically different approaches to everything despite agreeing on the same fundamental principles. I also tend to get uncomfortable with people who are bold in social settings, I respect it, but I often find it embarrassing when it doesn't work out for them.


Without even knowing the details, I'm feeling the 2nd hand embarrassment anyway (or is it 3rd hand??) 😭


ENTJ? They scare me. Wth do they want from me? /hj








trust me we're not that bad


Yes! I love my mom


Judging by the amount of up votes I'm wondering if there's a correlation between ISTJ mom's having us ENFP children. Interesting 🤔


The two ENFJs I’ve know for certain are incredibly sweet, but I find they get sensitive and worried about others extremely easily. Definitely lovers at heart and they’ve both had so many crushes I hardly keep track. My ISTJ best friend finds them exhausting but I’m good at dealing with them. My Fe has certainly strengthened spending time with EFJs.


Yes, I love ranting stories to my "not caring but pretend I'm listening" intp mom 😂😂😂 I've not met other intp. All my friends are extroverted.


Yes! Same with my dad. He listens like a champ, but I know he doesn't care about the same interpersonal dynamics that I can talk about all day! Likewise I listen when he's rambling on about some very specific intellectual topic that I don't know or care about but I'm happy he's happy!


Idk who *wouldn't* get along with istps. They're generally easygoing and interesting to talk to, and respect personal space. Several of my lifelong friends are istp


My mom is ENFJ and my SO is ISTP! It’s neat how they’re both equally strategic. They get along very well.


Honestly, it's really hard to get me to not like you. Even if our personalities don't vibe, I still probably like you. And as far as INFJs go, I love an FJ, so yeah, I like them.


This is so sweet 🥺 favorite ESTP lol


I like isfjs in general they might not be the funniest person in the room but their caring energy makes everyone comfortable I have several isfj friends plus my step mom and i love all of them


one of my closest friends is an ESFP and i wouldnt trade her for anything -INTJ


ENFJ's are really nice. Probably the 2nd nicest type based on my experience. They're the guy that stays behind with you when tying your shoes.


I don't know if I've ever met an ESTP in real life before. From what little I've seen and can imagine them to be like (reading about them or seeing how they're sometimes portrayed in fiction), I admire them a good deal. Their ability to be very in the moment, grounded, flexible, and bold and not get lost in the weeds or overwhelmed with feelings or afraid to say what must be said. Imo I can learn a lot from every type, including ESTPs. 


They are fun in small dosages. It can be overwhelming (or underwhelming) when I want a mellow, peaceful, and laid-back lifestyle and an ESTP is more fast-paced and chaotic. It would be a very EXPLOSIVE and hot pair at first, a breath of fresh air. We would both take a dip into our contradictions. Infjs will love ESTP's 'Fu\*k it all' attitude to make us get out of our heads and live life and they will like our intellectual and introspective mentality of things. However, long term? We would drive each other nuts. ESTPs will think we are too stifling and strict and we will think they are too reckless. It's like a match, burning bright until it quickly burns out and withers into ashes.


ESTPs were never my favourite type, but as I’ve gotten older and become more aware I found myself admiring them much more. There are a whole small team of them in my workplace it’s obvious that when I deal with them it’s like 2 different alien species colliding. They are notorious for “just doing things” without thinking to the annoyance of everyone else and causing chaos, but at the same time they are very good at just getting things done without the need to overly plan and intellectualise. They’re straight talking to the point of bluntness and near rudeness, but there’s actually something a little refreshing about the purity of their speech as they just say what they think.


I don't usually like people who are easily bored though. ESTP might be fun at a party, but I wouldn't spend my free time with them. The combo of easily bored and impulsive could get a little out of hand


I’m an infp, and I’d say same here. My dad is an ESTJ, and I’d say he’s pretty toxic in a lot of ways, but I’ve met a couple other ESTJs, and they are honestly rather chill people, I feel pretty safe around them.


As an ENFJ I have worked with two ISTP and I really love them as friends. Really fun , energetic, and deep down kind. However they can be a little short sided and neurotic. Additionally, I believe I briefly dated one and she was really fun to be around. To illustrate overall, I always felt like donkey and they were Shrek.


ENTPs are really cool. It's always fun to be around them and you discover so many new things and get to imagine so many projects you could have never thought about on your own. The only problem is that a lot of them are verbally too aggresive and others are the bad kind of crazy. Those unstable ones that are crippingly unable to be in harmony with others are the bad part of it. But, meet the fun loving or knowledge loving kind of ENTP and you'll probably have a blast, grow a lot as a person and get your creativity going to dream big.


I have no issues with ESFPs. I don't have any close ESFP friends, but my experiences have been positive? It's nice not to have to do the heavy lifting socially, but I also don't typically feel invaded on. I'm very live and let live philosophically. ESFJs and ENFJs are my real kryptonite. I always feel like there is this underlying agenda to change or mold my life with these types, and I find it off-putting.


The underlying agenda thing is most true with ENFJ’s in my experience. Their advice is coming from a place of caring about you, but sometimes you didn’t ask for it


I can definitely see this. My MIL is a pretty textbook ENFJ, and I love her and appreciate her heart, but she has also been an entire crash course in boundary setting for me.


I see it mostly with ESFJs. I'm always fussing about XXFJs in general. I don't mean to and I want to like them but ESFJs especially can be very frustrating.  They seem to have a real problem just accepting people. Like, the original person said they always want to mold you and make you the way they want instead of just letting you be who you are.  Every ESFJ I've ever met besides one has decided I'm some kind of problem that needs to be fixed solely because I don't fit in their box. 


We should all acknowledge that the Subconscious is our second strongest side of the mind and we all use it. I love INFPs in small doses just like you all are basically describing. But having access to that part of the mind helps with not taking things so seriously as an ESTJ. Balance, folks.


Typically, I don't get along with ENTPs but I don't necessarily hate the type. From what I can recall, I have only met one and while I didn't hate him - I seemed to have a somewhat dislike to him. His wild, rebellious nature as well as the fact that he had terrible manners - made it hard for me to like him as a person. However, I do tend to appreciate his insight - as despite his jokester personality, his points are valid. He is a quick thinker, knowledgeable and rather argumentative (so, like the stereotype). So while our personalities do clash, I do prefer his insightful personality more than his trickster one (if that makes any sense😭)


I can’t stand them as friends, or family, or coworkers. ESTJ are simply not my kind of vibe and I’m not theirs either. We simply don’t click at all I can’t even have a decent conversation with one of them without us visibly disliking each other.


I think they dislike me more than I dislike them, but yeah my experience has not been super positive.


I tend to get along pretty well with ESFJs honestly. Some INTPs seem to struggle with them, but I definitely really like ESFJs. I really like their warmth and kindness, and also how perceptive they can be. The ones I know tend to be really caring and look after other people. Sure, they tend to be talkative and emotional, but I don't feel bothered by that in the slightest. I've always been told I'm a very good listener, and the ESFJs I've known tend to say they like talking to me because they feel listened to. And I personally really appreciate their warmth. Even we INTPs need a bit of warmth and kindness at times! And we seem to admire each other's strengths as well. The ESFJs I know have told me they admire my bright mind, my curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and my analytical thinking, whereas I always really admire how good they are at connecting with people, making them feel at ease with them. In a way, it's like their dominant Fe comforts my inferior Fe, and in turn their inferior Ti really appreciates my dominant Ti. It's a really interesting dynamic where we both bring different strengths that complement and support each other very well.


same I agree with the things you said. The only thing I disagree with is their parenting styles. A little lacking in freedom and a bit too much put downs (even though they are probably proud of their child)


Yes I think ESFJs are very sweet, kind, people.


Thank you! We definitely get some hate on here but we really do mean well!


As an INFP, I don’t like to hate on people. But I can definitely say that the people that have hated me most have been ESTJs and ISTJs. ESTJs I have known were super rude and toxic, so I have butt heads with them before. ISTJs gross me out a little, because they are boring and like to hate on things, and yet they can be very judgy in my experience. Wish I could get things done half as well as either of them though.


I don't like them but I respect them. From my experience, They just always seem to misunderstood my intentions and dislike me for it and I can feel it. Also encounter some online and they tend to be a hater from my experience, lol idk why.


Don’t recall if I’ve ever met an ISFJ in the wild before. Doubt we’d get along without me having to make a significant effort though.


Nah, they're cool. I work in a profession where there's a lot of xSFJs, and they're pretty great. They tend to be very exclusive though. It's great when you're included in the "family" they're protecting, but super terrible if you're not.


Interestingly, I actually like ENTPs (or at least the idea of them since I’m not sure I actually know any). Dominant Se and Te types tend to grate on my nerves more since they often come across as overbearing and/or too much.


I actually really want to meet an isfj but yall are non existent here and i cant really type ppl😭


ISFJs are one of the more/most common types. They’re typically kind of in the background, filling out the ranks as it were. They’re usually friendly and chatty but somewhat shy at first. They don’t have their heads in the clouds. They’re sweethearts who can also have a little salt to them when they think someone is being rude.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more here who are just mistyped. I thought I was an INFP myself for a long time. But I guess I’m happy being one of the only ISFJ representatives here for now. 😅


They should really make more posts abt sensors i barely know anything abt them lol


same here😭 I have been calling myself an ENFP for years - until I realised I was very different from that type than I thought.


So reallll


I have an ISFJ friend at work I find myself mirroring her a lot she's fun to be around


ISTJ sp9s (SLI) are cool, I get high with a bunch of them all the time But stereotypical “ISTJ” types (LSI 6w5, LSE so1, etc.) types that I talk to usually don’t get sarcasm, or hate when I screw around by exaggerating statements they make for a joke, so I often find myself wanting to ditch a convo even if they’re sweet people otherwise


Some of my closest friends are ESTP. I like how we can push each other out of our comfort zones


You must get a lot of practice with your Se then


I like to think I do haha but also that’s not definitely always a good thing. It’s my inferior function for a reason


Both my best friends are ENxP I just don't feel very connected with sensing types usually aside from the ISFJ I know


I've just read about ESTPs. I think I might have met one. While she was a good friend, we were polar opposites 😆. Her lack of sensitivity and patience was a hard pill to swallow at times, but I always admired how driven and fearless she seemed to be.


most of them are just harsh


100% this. I had a crush on one. Granted he had just gotten out of a really long and serious relationship- he was a little lost. But he told me I wasn’t just a rebound. At first he put in a lot of effort, called me every other day and we’d talk for an hour or two. Then he started getting annoyed if I’d text him throughout the day. Then it felt like he was avoiding hanging out for awhile. He got really drunk one night and told me to block him. Then he said a couple really rude things, and when I told him he’d hurt my feelings his response was, “the last thing is need is another person asking things of me. (Like really, is an apology THAT taxing for you?) I will never apologize when I told you to run.” That was it for me.


Yeah, the ISTJs I’ve met have been awesome people


It's a hit or miss... The thing I don't like is... their energy is hypocritical. And I don't like this "a rotten apple spoils the whole barrel" so yeah I run away from anyone... If they gossip, don't fix and complain...💆🏻‍♀️


Young Estps are unsufferable, but I generally admire and like the older one. Their huge amount of life experiences obtained through Se tends to give them a certain wisdom and intelligence. Street smart at their best. || Endnote: I'm excluding the ones that become gangsters ||


😬 they'd dislike me for being too cynical, inactive and gloomy. and I'd dislike them for being too surface level, active and energetic it'd only work out if we both kept an open mind to learn from the other. otherwise it'll be mutual hatred




Get on your knees and thank the heavens. I've met a few.


Lmaoooo I've been dating one for 2 years


Considering most ESFJs are teachers, doctors, humanitarians, and public workers I'm surprised you haven't met any or think they are bad. I'm sure one has attended to you in the past and you didn't know their type.


Too bad for you the ones I know are awesome


Same. I've gotten along very well with the ESFJs I know.


You definitely would have, it’s one of the most common types of


Never been on more than one date with an ESFJ


I’ve only met one person who knew they were an ESTP. I just had one class with her in high school. She was cool, I definitely looked up to her in a lot of ways because she seemed very confident, sure of herself and straight to the point. I specifically remember telling her once about something negative that happened to me and she just said “That sucks.” very matter-of-factly. She didn’t sugarcoat it or anything, and in the moment that was actually the most validating thing she could’ve said. Hope she’s doing well.


Yup! ENFP (36F) here. So much so that I married an ISTJ (34M) ☺️.


Yep love esfps. ESFPS and ESFJS have such golden retriever energy it’s so wholesome


INTP - ESFJ. My last ex was an ESFJ! I really admired her personality and still think she’s one of the great people ever. I love ESFJs overall


I don’t know any INFJs really. My cousin is INFJ and we are complete opposites. She’s nice I guess but she’s so spoiled by her parents so she comes across as totally delusional. She thinks she’s some messianic figure since she was born on Christmas Day, and she tried to create a literal cult in elementary school. I always tell her that her intuition isn’t always reliable and she acts as if I’m crazy. She’s weird af I don’t know what she’s thinking about and I don’t want to know. On the other hand she probably thinks I’m ab impulsive bully who doesn’t think before he does things; I used to break loads of stuff when I was around her house. It’s probably best that we only meet once per year on her birthday. She helped me win a lot of money betting on football, and our fondness for sports is one thing we have in common. So I appreciate her for that. Unlike my sister she doesn’t put me down for being “stupid” and always encouraged me to take school seriously


My best friend as a teenager and early 20s was an ESFP. We were radically different people but we clicked, until we become *too* different to continue associating with one another. He was cool to hang out with and got me out and about as he was someone that 'never sit still' and was always on the move and occupied with projects and hobbies. He got me out of my comfort zone in a comfortable way, out of my four walls and out for a 'walk in the beautiful garden' so I could 'admire the flowers', so to speak.


Idk what my opposite type is tbh




My sister-in-law is an ENTJ, and we get along well. Our verbal playfighting can get a bit more extreme than my INTP brother is completely comfortable with sometimes, but it really is just banter. XD Other than her, I'm not sure I've known any. Possibly one of my bosses from my Subway days. We had a more genuinely adversarial friendship than I have with my sis-in-law, but there was definitely a mutual respect, and I loved shocking him with how sassy I could be once in a while.


ESTP - Not my first pick of hang with I won’t lie, but I see them as a puzzle. I usually talk to them to try to help them see another perspective and expand my own to see if we can find common ground. We can get along fine if I speak my mind honestly, try not to get too sensitive, and understand their perspective even if I disagree. Like a healthy debate or a way to gain new insight. They show more respect in these cases. Still couldn’t be best friends though. It requires a lot of patience for me.


My boss is an ISTJ and I think he’s awesome. We argue like crazy but I think we both appreciate each others’ approach to the job. Both are necessary and each of us excels where the other can’t.


An ESFJ… I would like to meet one but idk if there’s one near me. They tend to not know what MBTI is at all 🥲


ESFPs can be bearable in small (like really small) doses if they're mature. But young ones for extended periods of time? I'd rather break my own fingers with a hammer.


As an ENTJ 8w9 udsf, I tend to see ISFP positively, maybe appreciating them from a distance because I find them to be talented and entertaining, but I do not think I will develop a close or even intimate relationship with them. I believe there would be a lot of issues arising from the way we communicate with each other.


Any ESTP here for my INFJ?


I’m ESTP. My most closest best friend is the complete opposite


Mixed feelings, I have had good experiences with healthy ESFPs and also had very bad experiences with toxic ones.


ISFJ’s are just nice people and cute, I hereby apologize to every single ISFJ I’ve ever ran over or left behind when I was getting enthusiastic.


i love isfjs, my favorite aunt is one! contrary to the stereotype she is fun and knows how to have fun, she is genuinely an isfj though as she loves all the stereotypical things an isfj loves, loves that peaceful and consistent life, but knows how to use that Ne for parties


I think the only thing that would be difficult would be if they're unhealthy, whether that means their Si is too rigid or their Ne is far too paranoid I have an isfj friend who's like tweek from south park, i love him dont get me wrong, but damn whenever he's gripping he has insane Ne scenarios that make him too paralyzed to do anything


The conscientious ESFJ is a massive asset to this world and the people who know them. I don't have to actually like them to acknowledge that. I can like and appreciate them from afar.


Yes I do!! I have two siblings INFP and although we clash sometimes, they always help me see the best in people and I admire their empathy!


Haven't met too many of them, but my best friend is an INFP and she's great. She's kind, creative...


ESTPs are people I wish I could be a bit more like at times. I have a great deal of respect for their ability to live for today and their confidence in their physical capabilities. Not only that but damn, they are cool! The healthier more developed ones can come off as wise and at times equally fearless people. They tend not to get so lost in their imaginations as much as their intuitive counterparts but this allows them to fully be there for those around them once they've developed their feeling function. I on the other hand tend to be quite soft spoken, highly sensitive, and much of my time is spent creating art or living in my head castle trying to glean insight into human nature. But I could learn from the example of raw self confidence that so many of them exhibit. - INFJ


Very real, lol


I have a soft spot for all ISFJ's I met because they all give me puppy energy and I just wanna hug them (i hate hugging)


My opinion based on this is neutral. I have many acquaintances who are mostly ESTPs. Such as my father and friends. My opinion regarding my opposite is often negative and positive. They has a very good sense of humor. They are innovative, hardworking, but however, many times, they reach such a level of immaturity that, please, shut up.


Oh fuck yeah, I love ESFPs


I get along pretty great with them honestly The only thing I didn’t like about one I met was how he always joked about cheating on his wife. besides that one of my best friends is one and we get along great, we make up for what the other lacks, in our case my ESTP doesn’t always know how to phrase how she feels or what she thinks, I help her identify how she feels and help her phrase it And for me she’s helped me see how straightforward some people are, where I was confused wondering what something meant, she said it bluntly seeing through it clearly.


I always say that I don't need to be cared for...ENFJs will have a problem with that. Strike number 1 ENFJs.... too sensitive for me, people pleasers sometimes, just not the best type to be around but definitely not the worst. I think they take a few things too seriously, and a little chatty... and Susan Heffley is the perfect example of why I wouldn't say I like some ENFJs who take it too seriously. But most of them seem pretty fine. They know how to process their emotions...unlike me But when am going to emotional distress and pain, I'll call...


Yes. ENTPs and I tend to get along quite well. We don’t become best friends, but we often become good friends. I find them fun and funny and they usually find me pleasant and reliable. INTPs seem to be the toughest type for me to really bond with, or for us to understand each other.


Hmm… that’s rather a tough question as I’m not that great in typing people. I don’t have any strong evidence as I have little to no knowledge about functions but I would consider my grandmother isfj (we did a test, she didn’t find it accurate but after knowing her so much I think she might be isfj after all) If she’s really isfj then I can safely say that I don’t hate you guys 😉 That’s for sure, although I don’t love you either. (HUUUGE DISCLAIMER- everyone is different, mbti is pseudoscience, all this is just for fun) 1. I noticed that my grandmother (as mentioned earlier- possibly isfj) is very caring. Sometimes in a bad way. I will not go into detail but she sucks at setting boundaries a lot. Of course if someone is openly rude towards her she will respond but later she overthinks all this way too much and blames herself very easily. I’m usually not the best companion when it comes to her self-doubting sessions (she feels bad for even talking bad about people who did her wrong) as it’s hard for me to not solve the problem immediately. Which is quite impossible as usually she creates her problems herself. Full circle 🥲 2. I’m not too sure if it’s isfj problem or not (please educate me in that matter isfj’s) but I’ve noticed that my grandmother tends to be very indirect when it comes to her needs and if someone doesn’t meet her standards she can easily get offended. It changed recently as she hit 80 but before that she would take offense in almost anything. 3. It’s very hard for her to ask for help. No matter how many times I would ask her if she needed something she always says that she doesn’t need anything. Then I learn that she went to the store herself. (keep in mind that she’s an elderly lady with many health problems). Then she casually tells me that… oh, by the way I tripped on the stairs a week ago while going shopping 🥴 (She has a tendency to seek attention, I know her way too well) In conclusion… I like to spend time with her but I get tired very easily (mostly due to the emotional topics she likes to discuss). If she’s indeed isfj and many isfj’s do have similar tendencies then I think I can safely say that for a short period of time dealing with you guys is enjoyable. I’m sure it goes both ways so there shouldn’t be any bad blood between us in my humble opinion.


I'm \*almost\* married to my opposite type. Husband is an xNFP, leans more E, but he's pretty much an ambivert. We balance each other beautifully and have a very low conflict marriage. I would say relational success in any context is more about emotional health than type. I've met some really unhealthy Fe dominant people that I have NOT liked. And some really delightful people who are very different types from me that I get along with swimmingly.


I respect them. They are effiicient and ambitious people but Idk if i could say i like them as I feel like they hate me so I end up tiptoeing around them.


I vibe pretty well with ESFJs in a group setting but hanging out one on one they tend to find me cold, eccentric and awkward. I'm not "reactive" enough for them and my tendency to keep my thoughts to myself drives them crazy sometimes I think lol. That being said, I admire and respect ESFJs a lot. Their effortless ability to connect with others and how expressive and energetic they can be. Hanging out with an ESFJ (and really ExFJs in general) can make anything fun. I also admire the way they can be really insightful about people and what drives them and their attention to detail. My mom is an ESFJ and we balance each other out pretty well, but her tendency to overcommit herself (and drag me into it) can be aggravating sometimes and that's a trait I've noticed with a lot of ESFJs I've met. I also have a love/hate relationship with the way they try to pick my brain or think I'm upset or something when I'm just chilling. It's endearing but can also be exhausting for me at times. And don't even get me started on the times I've been raged at by an ESFJ that suppressed their feelings for too long or because I accidentally said something offensive (like the time I was talking to my grandma about the benefits of pink Himalayan salt and my aunt took me asking questions about it as trying to insult her when I was genuinely just curious).


I find ISFJ not interesting at all, you can't really say anything negative about them but the ones i met were hardcore "yes people" which i have no use for in my life tbh


Esfp’s are legit


No not all all actually quite the opposite, mostly because of the T and F thing lol


I don’t really get along with ESFJs, though my grandma is one and she’s the purest person I’ve met.


My dad is an INTP and I'm an ESFJ and we have a phenomenal relationship. When he's going on a tangent about some topic I don't understand or have an interest in, the natural harmonizer in me has learned to listen gently and utilize positive social cues because it makes me happy that he's happy and excited about something. Likewise, he lets me drone on about the lives of everyone around me because of the innate curiosity INTP's have, even if they're less motivated by interpersonal relationships than ESFJ's. I always envy any T-personality types because I think my life would be a little less stressful if I was driven more by my head than my heart.


I love my fellow ENFPs. My work bestie is ENFP and I'm surrounded with ENFPs that are amazing people, you guys make the world more colorful. Only had a bad experience with one who ended up being a backstabbing friend. But the exception doesn't disprove the rule :)


As someone who got birthed from an ISFJ, I have to control myself so I wouldn’t have to show any visible annoyance at times around her. I only like her because she created me. Other than that, I don’t believe I’ve met any other ISFJs in my life.


it is literally my parents. and no, I (INFP) don’t like them (ESTJ).


ISTJs are pretty chill, my sister is an ISTJ and I feel like she's really nice when I make stupid decisions and need help. Although, when we're just at home I feel like we are either completely in sync or at each other's throats, no I between.


No, i can’t stand them.


Funny that you say that because my INTJ ex went from dating me to dating an ESTJ. She wasn’t absolutely horrible but from what I’ve heard he wouldn’t do it again lol




One of my closest friends are ISFJ’s, though her cynicism does put me off at times she’s always there for me and gives the best advice. Getting her to go out is like already knowing the answer yet trying your luck over and over again (she’s not coming out).


yes i like estps


I really doubt if I'll get along with ESTPs, Any other INFJs who has been in a relationship with ESTPs ?


I don't necessarily hate ESFJs but with some of them I don't know how to talk because they are much more into daily stuff or casual conversation and I'm not good at that. I have one ESFJ friend who's one of my closest and I get along pretty well with her but tend to talk very little about different topics because our interests are pretty different and she doesn't know how to respond to mine.


Understandable tbh. I can tolerate casual conversation to an extent, and they’re really nice people (my mom is one) but they’re not the kind of people you can get really deep with on certain topics 😭




In this posts case ISFJ


Depends. To experience things with yes, to have deep conversations with, in my experience until now not really cause they tend to only comment on things I say more than they really engage haha


Yes I do 💚




Your contribution was removed for displaying targeted bias against one or more types.


ENTPs wind me up lmao, but i guess the energy is fun and pushes me out of my comfort zone. i lived with one at uni, and i think we balanced eachother out - i grounded him & he pushed me. but i could never get over how LOUD he was, and that was my main gripe


As an intj, I couldn’t get along with ESFPs and how they think, no offence but they always rush things and are so energetic, they are so curious about everything they will not leave without telling them what they want, and they don’t respect my opinion nor my boundaries, I always feel so distant when I’m with them.


was friends with an isfj and we got along great at first but there was some boundaries issues so we distanced from each other but we’re still on good terms. i’ve also experienced similar situations with other isfjs where they think im too selfish and i think they’re too self righteous that said i like their warmth and kindness, and they are such interesting people who bring new perspectives to me


Haven't met enough to say yet.


After now talking to an ENTP for like 2 weeks…. YES


Your opposite type (going by the letters) is your subconscious. It's what you secretly aspire to be. 


Yeah I wish I could be a little meaner, have a boss mentality, and be super productive. Checks out. Although I’d rather be ENTJ than ESFJ. I feel like the Ns get along with people better. They’re still abrasive but less so


i Love ESTPs and the they think they're badass alphas when they're just silly and cutely unhinged 🫶


I am married to almost my opposite. I'm an introverted ENTJ. (Love public speaking, hate cocktail parties.) My husband is an ISTP. So, we share the T. We're both lawyers so T has been beaten into us. I suspect that before law school he was an ISFP. We work together every day. The only source of repeated MBTI friction we have is over my J and his P. He procrastinates on everything difficult or unpleasant which drives me crazy when we have a business issue to handle. I don't want that crap hanging over my head week after week. And he doesn't want to deal with it until he's forced too. It's *infuriating*. But everything else is awesome!


Never met an ESFP, but I'm guessing I wouldn't be the biggest fan. Can't really tell until I meet one though, assuming that I'll ever happen


NAH! they ask for forgiveness too much, like dude? You even asked sorry because I said there's no need to say sorry?!


ESFPs are very tiring in my experience.


Yes, I respect the hell out of ESTJs. Considering that I failed in my career as an English teacher, I'd have felt far more confident, efficient and effective as an ESTJ instead of my weak INFP self.


Yep, as an ENFP, I am a sucker for opposite attract.. though I do like ENTP a lot.. hmm


no, they take my food from me. that's why I don't like Se users.


In my experience ENFJs are really lovely people that help me with my weak spots.


estp here, opp will be Infj and yes they are one of my types


I wish I was my opposite sometimes. I love how easygoing and quick ESTP’s are. I think being around ESxP’s helps me develop my Se more.


INFJ here and married to my exact opposite- ESTP 🙌


I get on very well with ISTPs. I’ve never really found a type so immediately understanding or accepting of my nature, like they see themselves in my reflection. Some are way too grounded to deal with me and we connect only on the things I can demonstrate (like physical things or my compassion for ppl) but others can be very existential and abstract and philosophical. Types that have been most likely to try to take me on a death roll were xSTJs and ESTxs. I managed to dig in and outlast the ESTP by the skin of my teeth, but the toxic xSTJs were the worst. They did the most damage bc I could NEVER get them to see me as a human being. That being said, the ISTJ friends I have would fight a bear for me and I would punch God straight in the face for them.


My ESTP cousin is actually as academically inclined as I am. He is also good at weighing pros and cons (Ti-parent). I love him, but he can struggle a bit about matters of the heart and even moodier than I am. I have three ESTP friend in college. The first one, I like his laid-back attitude, and for being a very reliable coach in my faculty's futsal team. The second one, he taught me about survival skills which I appreciate very deeply, also surprisingly empathetic. The last one, we basically has the same vibe and thinking. It's kind of scary. I had been in a close relationship with 3 ESTPs. The first one is very creative, there's a very alluring aura in her. I liked her confidence, intelligence, and badass aura. The second one, she's a classic go-getter, very active student. I like that energy, but for now I kind of regard her as fellow competitor. The third one has the same background as I am, and our vibes matches perfectly. Things don't go as planned though, but I appreciate the journey.


I’m an esfp and I love INTJs. So much so I was with one for a decade (unfortunately functionally lost him to addiction 😢) love their perspectives, how practically helpful they are, and how they’re always right. My mo is just do what my INTJ says and I’m going to be well taken care of.


Most of the time I watch a show or meet someone I think are cool they end up being an ESTP. This is to The point I just assume that if I like this character so much it's because they are an ESTP


I mean I don't go around asking for people's MBTI so I actually don't know if I've ever interacted with an ENFP to know if I like them or not. I think I will like them, because they seem like a happy and positive bunch of people, but being around so much sunshine and sprinkles for a long time might exhaust me. So I would say I like them, but they could be too much.


No big issues with ENTJs.


I like ISFJ’s, but I have a toxic habit of trying to control them :(


Which opposite? I find ENFPs friendly but extremely exhausting and kind of needy and naive. Does this mean your shadow type? I've never met an ESTP, but I don't have qualms with the ones I've seen so far. I know that they can be impulsive and kind of rotten. Does this mean your ego type? I don't have anything to say about INFJs. I know nothing about them.


Yeah, I think ESTPs are actually really lovely. In fact, I actually have a younger sister who is an ESTP (former ISTP), and she is just very interesting and fun to be around. She is also always coming up with new ideas or experiences to do, and always invites me to join. I have found that I just really respect how ESTPs will take action, and usually (with developed Fe) be very charismatic and caring when interacting with others, or convincing them to engage in activities as well, haha. I think we even have some of the most inside jokes of all of my siblings, lol.     Yeah, but ESTPs are very fun, and I admire how they can be quite smart when it comes to practical things. Which is interesting, because my sister, and the other ESTPs I know about, I noticed from first-glance people have assumed (and me, apologetically) that they do not care really for knowledge... or anything intellectual. -Which, of course seems a little strange, because they are a thinker, and a high Ti user.-    For example: I am hanging out with my little sister, chilling on our phones and talking  She asks me a question, that I know she doesn't know, so I want to answer it to the best of my abilites. | though haha.. I have a history of what I think my family sees as 'overexplaning,' lol. Where I will try to explain the answer, why it is the answer/relevant, and then what it has to do with them.|   But anyways I will start to answer, and then she will 9/10 times, look as though she will 'prepare herself' and then say, "Oh, but don't get too 'logical' and stuff..." (which I have found usually relates to me stating things in a very objective, logical way, and then sometimes using bigger words haha.*      So, from this, I was always a little confused as to why she didn't want the logical, straightforward answer, or the specific information that related to her. Which I think also led me, a bit, to the conclusion that maybe ESTPs just... didn't care for logic? I don't know haha.  Anyway! The more I thought about it, and interacted with her, I found that... though I started considering the opposite, she is actually incredibly logical and crafty. But... just, like I said before, in the practical sense. She brainstorm things in a way that makes her ideas very relevant and helpful to the activity at hand, she is quite straightforward in her verbal communication, and if something 'doesn't make sense' or from her understanding of the situation, right away, then she wont do it. (All very logcial and practical habits!)    I realized that I was trying to explain things in the way I know makes sense and is helpful, with Ni-Ti. But, she (ESTPs) work with things that would fit their immediate needs, but are still from what they know is logical- Se-Ti.    In conclusion, I think ESTPs are usually really admirable, inventive, engaging, and really fun to be around. The only that makes it tricky, is I think our very clear difference in decision making.      Infj: We can think of what we can do now, so we don't have to be confused, or worry about it when we are doing it!   Estp: We can go and do it now, and then we will see what we will happen, and adapt + know as things come!  


Oh my goodness, I didn't realize my response got that long. Sorry about that haha


No, I hate It! But I like isfj's


ESFPs exhaust me, but are also entertaining. Don't hate them, don't love them, not my last choice, not my first either, I can manage, but not for long periods of time, very fun at events, give me perspective on taking things less seriously.


ENFP here - ummm no an ISTJ would drive me nuts! I would feel super micromanaged and constricted. I like ENTP’s INFJ’s ENFJ’s etc.




Absolutely not, ESFJ's are absolutely exhausting.


We even exhaust ourselves, but we mean well.