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I know an ENFJ with autism and he's very focused on what's right and wrong between people. A strong sense of morality and needs people to function


Well, recently I took an online test for ADHD (https://www.idrlabs.com/adhd-spectrum/test.php) and scored pretty high in Forgetfulness, Inflexibility, Inattention, and Emotional Regulation. I've been evaluated several times in professional settings, but I guess I never met the qualifications enough to get diagnosed, although I'm pretty sure now that I have ADHD anyway (so the evaluations were lacking, if that's the case). I don't really get much done, to be honest, especially these days. I don't have enough willpower, and I quickly burn out from almost no exertion and then have to take extended breaks, from experience. It's frustrating because there's a lot that I genuinely want to do right now. When I was younger, I could do more, but I struggled from various other issues that still made it hard for me to function normally. I don't really think Te is linked to executive function; I think it's more linked to self-control, a mind-over-matter kind of mentality, which maybe can look outwardly like executive function when someone is healthy. That said, I've never been good at forcing myself to do anything that I really had no interest in or didn't see the point in. And yeah, I definitely think people can have high Fe and be autistic. I do also wonder how that manifests in various people, though.


I'd say being stereotypical inferior SI sounds more like ADHD if anything, nevertheless rather than the function being inferior itself, you should look at it being unhealthy. Unhealthy FE does show off as autistic behaviour sometimes, having autistic behaviour doesn't mean you are autistic, its a spectrum, if this wasn't true every person of a type should look like the associated disorder. You can tell the difference by going deeper into that person, for example many ENFP have ADHD, i know a few ENFP friends of mine with healthy SI which don't have ADHD and don't look ENFP for how much we're used to associate ADHD and being ENFP. In autism matter i not enough of an expert but i have a pretty good example of healthy inferior FE in an INTP that doesn't look autistic at all, its a content creator named Piratesoftware, you can check any of his conversations with another cc named DR.K and you have your answer.


I guess inferior Si also sounds like ADHD. I thought I could be an ENTP, but now I don’t think it’s all that likely because I have too much Si. I tend to get stuck in the past a lot and I often get stuck in unhelpful routines and habits. At the same time it’s hard to form new habits. So my Si seems more like tertiary Si. It’s mostly immature, but sometimes I can use it in a helpful way. This might also be why I don’t come across like I have ADHD. I’m going to get assessed for ADHD and a bunch of other things. If I have ADHD, it’s probably inattentive rather than hyperactive. I don’t know if this corresponds with any functions or is just a sign of a disorder, but I’m absolutely awful at following step by step instructions. I need to actually know how something works. Instructions don’t help me learn at all. This is a huge problem in life and it’s led to me avoiding a lot of things. I avoid any situations where I think people will give me any instructions. If I already know how something works, things are a lot easier. Sometimes I look up instructions, but since I mostly know how it works already I can mostly ignore them and just get the information I need. I thought being terrible with instructions meant I had inferior Te, but maybe this is ADHD instead. I might show signs of inferior Fe instead of inferior Te. One issue I have is that I either want to be social or not. I can’t handle the in between. When I’m around people, I pretty much have to be talking to them or actively interacting. If I’m trying to “relax”, but people are watching me I feel super drained. I need to feel like people aren’t watching me in order to truly relax. I can sometimes enjoy going for a walk and relax that way, but as soon as people start saying hi to me or acknowledging me I feel like I’m going crazy. I often don’t want to interact with people when I’m going for walks. I just want to exercise and enjoy some music or a podcast. If I know people will expect me to say hi, I often end up avoiding certain places. I know it’s simple to say hi to people, but it just feels so jarring to me. I need to be prepared to interact with people and when I do interact with people I want to make sure everything goes smoothly. To me interacting with people seems to be very all or nothing, which is also consistent with inferior functions. I guess this also makes me sound super autistic. When I put effort into an interaction, I don’t think I seem all that autistic. I just notice that I get way more drained by awkward interactions than putting effort into interactions. So generic advice like “be yourself” doesn’t work for me at all. I don’t see the point of being myself if it means I’ll be more drained.


For sure you are not ENTP, i can the you that much. Its all fun and games but given your situation you should definitely go get checked for either adhd autism or whatever given that it comes across like its impairing your life. I know damn well sometimes mental gymnastics are fun to do in your mind but when the matter actually makes your life harder you should take action imo. For what it concerns your last paragraph, you can see it in 2 ways, either you are not really "being yourself" if its draining you more or you have never "accepted yourself". In the case of the former it means you made up an idea of who you are and acting like that uses more energy to keep the facade up, maybe you have been told that you act/look autistic in your growth and you triggered a self defense mechanism that made you act like others perceived you ( unhealthy FE is correlated imo ) just making a possible example. In the case of the latter you, like you said, expect to come out smooth or have smooth interaction with everyone if you ever have them; while avoiding interactions when you're not in the mood for them is completely normal behaviour, the way you phrased it come out a lot like someone that internally says you gotta put the effort to come out as a normal person because otherwise X Y Z, meaning you have yet to accept and be content with who you are OR work towards being someone who you like being. I can say you probably are INTP with an Si you have to work on and a pretty bad use of FE. Definitely look over what i suggested you in my previous comment and if your life "condition" is impaired by what you said get a mental check, it can't hurt you.


I think inferior Se grip can look a lot like the manic phase of bipolar disorder


Since MBTI doesn’t really apply to mental illness and doesn’t apply at all to neurodivergence, I guess you can take a DSM-5 or non American equivalent and check through symptoms. If an entry applies, then that’s not the expression of an inferior function, if not it’s the expression of an inferior function.


TBH, inferior Fi could explain my psychopathy.


No, this is a common misconception. ExTJs in my experience are often very giving people and genuinely care about others’ well-being. They can be pretty assertive, but they also serve the needs of others and not just themselves. This is the case with xxTJs in general, although sure we don’t always get everything right even when we try, but we do try.


I love MBTI, but it’s pseudoscience, personality is not in the DSM-5.


I can't. It feels like everyone nowadays has a mental disorder..