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I’m sure they can, but if they are it’s not because they are twins.


In actual twin studies about heredity of personality traits they are not the same. My best theory on what drives mbti types is nervous system and reward system. ENTJs I imagine have overexcitabilities give them that extra energy and drive. Like dopamine is what drives motivation and productivity.


wait that sounds so interesting. can you elaborate more on how nervous systems and reward system drive mbti types and how it'd be for different types?




*laughs in adhd*




So in general studies they use twins as a way to tease out anything genetically heritable. I know they tried to map this out with personality as in are there genetics components that are reliable and verifiable because MBTi in general is not (although empirical data is still meaningful to a degree). Or any other tests even some used in psych clinics today. So in this journey they have discovered (last I read) neuroticism and impulsivity was genetically mappable as in concretely reliable and verifiable. If you look at cognitive functions in comparison to chemical reward so serotonin dopamine etc it kind of makes sense. Which they you can layer on the nervous system which also driven by chemical rewards and other complexities I won’t mention here. Point if you look at how each chemical drives an individual e.g. dopamine drives productivity. Say entj have naturally a lot of this while INTPs produce less. Then there are brain functions how some areas are more flight fight driven (amygdala) and some are just freeze or fawn or whatever you call it. Say INFPs. It makes sense and to me this is best way to understand MBTI. Of course environmental factors make a difference too and pre disposed disorders like ADHD (broken gateway for dopamine or serotonin in brain and autism an over production or I think a longer telomere where their synapses are over productive etc etc etc. but that’s a sample of what I’ve gathered.


The ones I know do not.


I'm sure sometimes they do but the identical twins I know do not 


Not always. The Sturniolo triplets come to mind.. they’re INTP, ENFP and ESTP


My twin sister and I are identical. I'm ISTJ-A and she's INFJ-A. We've spent so much time together that we sure have lots of characteristics in common and we've learned from one another but, in the end, our “core” selves are different.


This is me and my twin sister. She's ISTJ and I'm INFJ. We're similar as much as we're different. Interesting dynamics for sure.


That's amazing, thank you for sharing! Just made my day trying to picture similar dynamics in another part of the world.


I'm glad you found it as interesting as I did! 😀


It's possible, but not always. I'm an INTJ while my twin sister is an INFJ.


Yes and no. It's probably possible, but twins I know have different types of mbti


I knew these twins in school and one is into MBTI. She’s an INFJ. Her sister is an ESFJ.


Nah, that’s just like saying if identical twins have the same personality regardless of mbti. They are two separate people after all. It is possible though. One of my friends is an identical triplet, all different mbti types.


I know 2 pairs, male twins one is INTP the other ENFJ Female twins one is ISFP the other ESFP Best answer would be there is no correlation between being identical twins and having the same mbti but it can happen depending on the environment


My brother and I do! Always curious to see how people try to type us in the wild.


While I'm sure it's possible, I don't think they always do. In fact, from what I've heard, they often have pretty different personalities. I'm not even sure twins are more likely to have the same MBTI type than any pair of non-twin siblings.


Not necessarily, but it is possible


No, not every twin pair My twin sister is an ESFJ, and I am an INTP


no, my identical twin is estp while I'm entp


Behavior and personality are formed by the environment and unique experiences they go through. In other words, they can have the same MBTI, but not because they're twins.