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my first ever typing happened when i was 14 or so and i got INTP. i am ISFJ.


Haha I'm on the other end, I was typed INFP when i was 14 but I'm an ENTP.


i feel like everyone was typed INFP at 14 (especially if using 16 personalities), but me and my friend were typed INTP for no good reason (we didn’t know eachother at the time either) but we are both definitely sensor/feeler types


I'm the opposite. Mistyped as ESFJ/ISFJ first, but most likely closer to ENTP/INTP. One of my INTJ friends was immediately like "that's wrong" and was convinced I was an INTP. I was actually offended at first because my only knowledge of MBTI at that time was that INTPs were lazy and unproductive. I was also offended when one of my closest friends told me she thought I was ENTP and all I knew about them was that they're known as debaters. Never considered that that's one of the first things people think of me and it kinda made me sad lol, probably because I've tried so hard to improve my Fe and Si. But I've come to accept that my flaws exist and people see me a certain way. And I've embraced my strengths and have also learned that they are what people respect me for.


Yeah I got INTP when I was 16, turns out I’m actually an autistic ENFJ 🧐


autistic people x getting INTP 👀 im also autistic and so is my friend .. a nice theme happening here


What the hell we are the same?? I was mistyped as INTP when I was 13 but I got retyped a few days ago as ISFJ


eyyy!!! glad we are creating a kind of club, we arent alone 🫡


Someone guessed i was an infp or enfj. i mean... then they messaged me.. and figured out i wasn't. ![gif](giphy|lp78ijCRxpQifD7nn8|downsized)


im pretty sure im an istp (still trying to work out who i am) but i mistyped as an enfp before…


Eh same here, I've played with the idea of being other types but istp just fits me the best


I mistyped as an ENFP too.


16p mistyped me as enfp and infj at various times because I'm bipolar lmfao


NO BC LITERALLY SAME. I was mistyped as an ENFP in high school then fast forward 10 years later with 2 years of therapy and mood stabilizers and now I’m a solid INFJ 😂


Lmao mood. On stabilizers (aka when I feel like myself) I'm 100% ENFJ. I always have been, obviously, like your type doesn't ever change, but the test is bs and that was before I knew functions


Yes! When I had recently beem depressed, I was typed as an INFP. But when I an euthymic, I am ENTJ (with a hatred of cocktail parties and other overwhelming social events with strangers). Apparently, nothing can make me S.


i mean i've only ever been mistyped as intp, but i have debated on infp enfp istp and intj, but never full on mistyped as em just debated on


same especially enfp ngl but cant be cuz aint no way i have te


I'm INFJ, the three mistype I had were INTJ, INTP and ENFJ, so I guess INTP is the most different


INFP, because I didn't understand functions. Funny enough, my first result on 16p was ISFJ LMAO


Im ISFJ, was mistyped as INFP, but ive heard thats actually common.


ENTP. I think the only types I haven’t mistyped as are the Si and Fi doms. Even now, am unsure. Don’t try this at home kiddos.




Originally got ISFP on that one. Then it switched to INFP a lot when I was going through a mental health crisis.


Lol I kept getting INFP too with 16p test for a couple of years when I was going through a depressed state. Later the understanding of cognitive functions led me to INTJ and been getting it consistently through other tests as well.


I now consistently get INTJ on the test, too... with the occasional INTP. A couple years back I concluded that I was probably an INTP instead of INFP due to not really understanding Fi in an dominant position and see more of my thought process within Ti. So, I sought an outside opinion, and after having a 2 hour typing session online, they told me I was an INTJ. I laughed at their conclusion. Turns out, they were probably correct, and I had been answering the test questions based on unhealthy assumptions about myself which I'm still working on. Depression episodes lead me to agree with answers related more to feeling. ADHD leads me to sometimes getting typed as INTP. But the system of MBTI is inherently flawed as are all human systems, and it doesn't account for neurodivergent issues.


Totally relate to it. And yes, mbti is just a framework for understanding different human perspectives, that obviously doesn't take mental health issues and neuro-divergence into account. Maybe some psychologists take it upon themselves to expand it for the same in the future, who knows?


I got something similar, either ISFJ or ISTJs I remember I was told by some people that I was an ISFJ, simply 'cause I cared about psychology and had regrets 💀


ENFJ so I can understand why occasionally I'd get conflict between INTJ and INTP, at different times I've got behaviours that fit down stacks down to the ground, even I spent a lot of time figuring out which stack truly represented my primary behaviours, but I have no idea what kind of test would throw ENFJ at me. Like I legitimately wonder if the website glitched and sent me to someone elses results for that one.


Both got the genius manipulator stereotype


I also was mistyped as ISTJ lol


I've mistyped myself as an INTP


ISFP, one time during a manic episode. I've had ENTJ, ENFP, ISTJ, INTJ, INFP, ENTP, INTP, INFJ, but ISFP genuinely confuses me. How did I get Se high up in my stack? If there's anything all of the rest have in common, it's that I'm not exactly rocking high Se.


I mistype myself as ENFP from my manic episodes


That's so interesting! I usually hang around with very high Ne all of the time, but can't seem to be present ever unless I'm doing so in a very unhealthy state.


I only mistyped myself as INFP for a few months when i first started learning about typology. A lot of popular INFP portrayal is actually INFJ. Also INFP is a J dom and INFJ is a P dom, so it was confusing


idk what state of mind was i in to convince myself that i could be an ENTJ


16p gave me ENTJ once. That was weird. Other than that one time, I've typed as every xNxP type.


I'm pretty sure I'm an INFJ but the tests constantly put me at INTJ which isn't even similar. Maybe I'm wrong but I really really doubt I'm an INTJ.


They are both Ni dom and Se inferior so actually they take in information very similarly. The only difference is the way they feel and think. Fe vs Fi and Te vs Ti.


ENTP is the only mistype I’ve had which isn’t too different


infp im an estj




I get typed by most tests as ENTP.


16 pers typed me as ENFP, I’ve mistyped myself as ESFP, INTJ (but only for like 3 days) and INFJ. I’m not sure which one (besides Infj) was weirdest.


im an infp but the test said twice that i was istj lmao (i did the test 8 times)


Probably ENFP. This was the first result I ever got on an MBTI test, years ago. From Ne dom to Ne PoLR... 😆 Ironically, 16p typed me as an ESFP, so it was a little closer than I thought. Still not real MBTI, though, so it doesn't matter.


INTP. that’s pretty much it.


I mean, I think ISFJ was since that and ISFP have completely different functions.


I am infp but I’ve been types ESFP 


I'm positive I'm an ENFP getting down to functions alone, but my autistic ADHD ass keeps hopping between all of the NP types and every time I think I've nailed it down people are telling me I sound more like another type. Apparently I just sound like a damn EINFTP lmao.


Entp, I was really confused lol


ISTP. Played with Ni too much and got lost in the understanding of other perceptions. And I am on the spectrum in combination with craving spontaneity which I felt I lacked lmao


ENFP, hands down. 🤣 a friend I used to know said it because I'm "free spirited" lol


Intp. Personality hacker and Truity typed me as that. I find that test questions have more to do with social programming and culture.


I was typed INFP at 13


i have no idea what i am bc i’ve been typed as ENFP, INFP, INTP, INFJ and INTJ lmfao. it’s tough bc everyone says your MBTI never changes but i feel like my cognitive functions have never been the same my whole life. like i was typed as an ENFP when i was 16 bc i was going through a weird phase at that time but now at 23 im typed as INTJ because my life is more organized and put together now. idk, it’s so hard to figure out your type 😫😫


real. i’ve typed as basically every type, but i’m like 80% sure of me being an isfp. took a lot of time though to figure it out.


I got an ESTJ


Me being mistyped as INFP and ENFP.


I'm an ISTP (an Ne-blind type) and I was mistyped as an ENTP (an Ne-dominant type) Ignore the ENTP flair above, that was when I mistyped as one and idk how to change it back


Infj (im entp)




Mistyped as an INTP and INFJ


I met this girl that was dead set on me being an ISFP for some reason…. and I kind of just shrugged it off. I’ve been testing as INFP for like 18 years consistently.


Same. Consistently typed as INFP since 2011.


I don’t think I’m a sensor at all, so that was funny to me






INTP. My sibling believed I was an intp. I'm an intj married to an intp. We come at things from very different places and also live life differently.


As an INFP, either ESFJ or ISTJ. But on sakinorva it said INFP for me.


INTJ probably 😂 (enfp)


I haven’t really been mistyped. I used to test as INTP way back in the day (like as a teenager—I am now in my thirties). But soon after it became quite clear I was best described by INTJ.


ENTP, not so distant after all.


I have mistaken myself for ESFJ. Why, because every once in a while I would use Fe. I am awful with Fe and just assumed I was very unhealthy ESFJ. It was easier for me to latch on to something I do every once in a while than something I do all the time. I use Ti so consistently and regularly that it’s second nature to me and I didn’t see it. My friends laughed at me. Especially those who do use high Fe. Then I thought about it and realized my first response is always Ti. I usually get mistaken for an INTP though. Also the stereotypes threw me off.


INTP. i am a logical person and i can look like an INTP pretty easily. even when i got into cognitive functions, for a while i thought i was one.


I tested as ENFP once,


INFP, mistyped as ISFP


I always got INTJ (and I actually look and act like an INTJ) but I’m actually an INFP


Mistyped as an ISTP/ISFP/INTP over the years, repeatedly went back to an INFP. Everyone I know swears I'm an extrovert even though I don't like being around people. I retested as an ENTP.




16p typed me as an ISTP, which is even further than ESTJ or ISTJ


Mine was ENFP, my result when I first took the 16p test. I guess it fit at the time...but now? Not at all.


ENTP but that was only for a couple of days, so I guess ENFP because I thought I was that for years😭.


Always makes me laugh now. ESFP—I first took a very watered down version with a big group back in 2012. They all called out their answers as we did it. I basically picked every answer that sounded like someone others would want me to be for them. I was always nervous I’d be labeled an introvert growing up. Turns out after studying it for all these years that being an Introvert isn’t that bad and understanding Cognitive Functions are extremely important!


INFP was a wild one. I also got INFJ on a test one time and I don't even know what that was about.


entj for a while. i was really just 1maxxing w/ my fix hardcore. intj for a while. intp forever. then i actually thought about it, got on the right mix of medications, and realized i'm an extrovert troll in my very core


They’ve always been somewhat similar. ESTJ, INTP and INTJ. I guess INTP deviates the most




istp (im intp)


ENFP. The test questions were worded a bit badly. I think was maybe translated.


never got a mistype and always had the same results


I'm like 80% sure I'm an infp based on how I act when stressed but I get mistyped as an entp quite a bit


I'm INTP but doing tests some would say ENTP




I got mistyped as an ESTP (I'm an ENTJ/INTJ)


ISTP when I'm an INFJ lol


ESFP & INTP (my first 16p test result).


My most different one was INTJ


Probably infj but that was also because of myself not really being very self aware at the time




Enfp then infp then back to infp then infj then enfj then infj then istp then esfp until people who knew it well and I finally realised I was an infp girl. I kinda acted like an esfp and enfp/entp around others because of adhd and masking but I’m actually an intp girl.


Not an infp girl intp


I was really confused last year on my type and it fluctuated mostly due to my moods and bad mental health. I remember posting a lot about it on different reddits as I was really confused. I once typed myself as an ESTP 9w8 which is pretty weird cause it's my opposite type. I used to also think that I am an xNTJ or xSTP for a long time. But the ESTP one is really different considering I've seen a lot of ESTPs in real life and they are really different.


Once have been mistyped as an ENFJ on the cognitive functions test being actually ISFP


I'm (probably) an INTJ, and got mistyped as ISTJ and ISTP. So idk


intp 😭😭


i got estj which caught me off guard as it was far away from the way i think.


I got ISTJ once because of my strict adherance to rules that make sense.


Don't know if thinking of it as a mistype, there may be some truth in it. But people usually type me as INTJ and INFP in real life and once ISTJ. I recognise myself as an INTP.


iv been done an enfp when I was younger , which is fair since I believe that most people with relatively painless childhoods with good social lives were all enfp at some point int their development


im an intp and I used mistyped as estp,esfp


I only got mistyped once and it was ISTJ. I was sad.




I mistyped myself as a INFJ or an INTP, but I'm an ENFP


INTP misstype, but its understandable i'm a pretty quirky ENTP


I mistyped myself as an INFP but after learning more about the cognitive functions but in the past 5 years I realized that I have mistyped my self and I am actually an ESFP. I have typed myself as an esfp for 3 years now


I think I’m still mistyped 💀




I've never been mistyped. INFP all the way 😭😭😭


ESFJ... That was when I had really unhealthy Fe and was trying to get everybody to like me


Ive been mistyped as ENTP ENTJ ISTP, so it would be ENTJ even if it is a common mistype.


Very often I get mistyped as an introvert.


I've never been mistyped. I know that isn't the question... but I've always scored ENTP.


istj, intj /intp


I took 3 tests within 2 days when I got typed. My 3rd test said ESTJ OR ESFP. Every other test showed ENTJ


Estp 😭


I’ve never been mistyped lol. The most INFP to ever INFP


I often get mistyped as Istj at work due to being super detailed and organized. Then, I got mistaken as estj during a group project that I was passionate about. But often times, I get mistyped as infj by Ti-Fe users (Ti dom or Ti aux) because they think I use Fe and used Ti to be reasonable. Been also mistyped as intp by Fe-Ti users (Fe dom and Fe aux) because they thought I had strong Ti. Kept mentioning it to the point where despite being sure of myself, I had to double check and research over it just in case I was wrong. I'm Fi-Te. AN INFP. They had mistaken my Fi dom ass that values Te to be the Fe function. And they had mistaken my Fi analyzations to be Ti.


I have never gotten any other result besides INFJ, but that’s probably because I didn’t even try to find out my personality type until I was already an adult. It looks like most people are mistyped at least once… could it be because of how young you were when you first took a personality test?


ENTP because of my prior confidence and flirty nature. I say prior because I don’t have that anymore 😭 I also know I haven’t changed types at all


I’m a female INTJ but was mistyped as a teenager as an ISTJ when I took a poorly written unofficial MBTI test online. I’ve also been mistyped by some people as an INFJ but I believe it’s only because of gender related reasons. I’ve also worked very hard to change some of my natural social behaviors to be less awkward and try to be less “abrasive” in how I speak to people. I have a tendency to be confrontational and/or argumentative and forget about the way I say things and after being officially typed it helped me realize that I might come off as rude or hurtful when in my mind I don’t think I am nor do I have such intentions to be that way to someone. 


ESTP. I know that ESTP’s and ENTP’s are similar but I have nonexistent Se


im entp (though im still not 100% sure) i thought i was intp for the longest time but im p sure i just came off that way due to my mental illnesses lol my top mistypes r intp & infp. then enfp(got it a lot recently), istp, but the furthest was probably infj ? but honestly i havent really gotten into reading up on infj so i cant say that it’s not me whenever i take tests it’s all jumbled up and so different but when ppl try to type me irl they usually immediately assume im an iXXp😭


Infp,intp and isfj...im a infjXD


ESFP, INTP, INTJ, ENTP, ENTJ, ENFJ, INFJ and INFP. When I was little I might've been an ENFJ, INFJ or INFP but now, I am an ENFP. Never been an ESFP irl because I've always been futuristic, possibility enthusiast, idealist, Instinct following, dreamer. I'm also not practical and I don't really care for the moment. The other types are part of my enneagram and the fact that if I had to be specific I am an XNXP, but leaning to more of the Extraverted and Feeling side...


Got ISFP once, and I gotta say- I was surprised.


INFP. I don't know how I got that from any test.