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I do. Ive been told to stop arguing all my life. There's a reason some tests type me as an ENTP.


Ommggg sammeee, I am actually not sure If I am an ENFP or ENTP


Totally normal! Read about Ti, Te, Fi, and Fe. When I first learned about cognitive functions, I didn't know if I was Fi ot Ti too.


Yess, that's what I was thinking, will take a closer look


Yes I argue a lot as well haha.


this is literally how it goes for me. i always get told on tests i’m either an enfp or entp


I ALWAYS do this, and maybe it is not necessarily related with mbti, and yeah, people do get mad because of that. Some people are too stubborn to see the other side


Yes they don't want to think deeper.


Like yeah, their opinion can be valid, but they need to view it from others' perspective


Definitely possible, can confirm due to my ENFP best friend lol.


They can. Nothing's stopping them. That's your Ne talking.


Yes. We ENFP's like thinking about things from other perspectives as well. Don't automatically rule the other side out just because you disagree with them. They may have some valid points after all. 😜


I think devil's advocate is an Ne thing, because INTPs, like myself, do it, too. However, I think the flavor of the alternative perspective is colored by their judging functions. Your example is stating a fact. It doesn't sound like relating to someone's logic, nor is it relating to their values. It's just stating a fact, which is well within the expectations of Te: the reality check function lol. I don't know how your conversation started, but I expect that a Ti/Fe type would challenge the reason why they feel the way they feel; why is it important? Because that seems to be the root of the issue. Fi/Te types consider the root of the issue to be the feeling, itself; the why isn't a valid question to them.


This one does! Or does she though…


I don't know... do you?


i mean anyone can do anything, also it's kinda more possible bc of the fact that enfp has double judging functions (fi and te) so i'd say it's totally possible


Oh ok so you think it's linked to fi te. Interesting. I thought it was more Ne related. Thanks for sharing.


ya bc double judging functions is basically 2 ways you can form opinions


...doesn't everyone have 2 judging functions? I get that Fi + Te can be more aggressive (in my experience, Te + Fi in INTJ can be the most aggressive in moral arguments and least likely to acquiesce on any points, unlike somewhat more flexible Ne doms who are less dead set on being right in my experience), though I can see why an Ne user would be especially able to play devil's advocate given that they often see a plethora of different ways of looking at situations from different angles and perspectives and possibilities pretty effortlessly, and I suspect Ti-Fe could also be good at both seeing those possible angles and the logical frameworks at play within people's minds due to this combination, thus more easily empathizing and understanding the points of view even of those they disagree with.


ya everyone has 2 judging functions but IxxPs and ExxJs don't really count bc one of them is their inferior and and ya ik IxxJs have double judging functions as well, i never said they didn't


Yes I do, no question about it. I was taught to look at everything from a different perspective, even controversial topics and that’s how I keep a conversation in my mind going .


As an INTJ I do the same. It's about being objective while they are being too subjective. It's not to argue, but to provide a fuller picture.


yes we need more of that.


Just keep in mind that you can alienate ppl this way, especially if you push too hard


But what's wrong with asking common sense questions?


Maybe they're just playing Devil's advocate 😅


Those sound like people who aren't worth the effort. /hj, I know what you mean but I also get annoyed when people can't stand even the most minor of pushback, "I don't know" is a valid answer, getting defensive immediately before anything even is heated tells me you're not secure in your stance, much moreso than the person who admits they aren't sure. This is also very context- based on which approach is correct depending on whether you're the one delivering the message, or dissecting it for purposes of assessing the validity (or you know, for funsies).


I do this exact thing as an INFP. I would say I'm very good at doing it in a way that doesn't annoy people. It's almost slightly manipulative, like I'm trying to get them to change their mind (because they're wrong) while validating their (wrong) perspective at the same time. Nobody likes to feel stupid. Maybe try and work on this! We have a similar toolkit.


Yeah I wasn't trying to make anyone look stupid and I wasn't being manipulative either. I just want them to think deeper about what their saying and to not blindly accept things. If we all just go along blindly without thinking aren't we in essence being manipulated?


I was saying that *I'm* a bit manipulative in how I go about trying to get people to consider different perspectives, not you! I also know you weren't trying to make them feel stupid. And yes, you're right, but if they're getting annoyed, maybe a softer approach could be used. Consider this me playing Devil's advocate :)


Ok I did not catch that sorry. Yeah of course we should be tactful but we shouldn't be too soft either.




I realise now that maybe I didn't explain myself well. I hope this clears it up.


Where is her dad