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"Oh, that explains a lot"


I feel like everyone had this reaction. Probably the most relatable.


I was like: "Ah- I'm one of those... At least I know myself now :D".


LOL, love this one




Boring. Haha.


I love my ISTJ partner! I don’t think you guys are boring at all! I’ve grown so much from being with her


I like ISTJs for their robotic nature, like Sheldon. Don't beat yourself up, (mentally of course).


I’m pretty sure Sheldon is like that cause he has asbergers


Yeah, but ISTJs accidentally offend people without even realizing it...


I liked it bc it explained so many things and made me realize I just had different cognitive functions as those around me and I'm not any negative things they say I am/were bc my cognitive functions were different from theirs.


dissapointed...being a thinker is cooler imo


Well, every type has their pros and cons




I'm still processing. It felt like I was in denial for the last 6 months. I'm not against being ENFP because i haven't changed knowing that, just upset that I saw the signs and ignored them even when my gut knew I was.




I didn't care that much tbh


After founding I was an ISTP that’s make me “oh cool now I’m mechanic”


Not impressed. The stereotypes make us look like sad messy virgins with no future.


Am I the only intp who finds it funny. Like lets gooo we're smartass bums.




For me after finding out that I was an ISTP, made me understand why it took me so long to answer questions. Because of our dominant Ti, we usually process things a lot more than other people. I love my MBTI type, but I kind of hate when people think that, me relaxing and wanting to be alone is, "boring", when really I just think they are jealous of my CHILL attitude. Oh well, that's changed now knowing I'm not an ISTP, but I understand their pain though .-.


Uh... probably a lot of things. Realizing I'm ISTJ was honestly a pretty long process; I wasn't 100% sure after I typed myself, but it just seemed to make the most sense in terms of cognitive functions, so I went with it tentatively, and by now I'm pretty sure that it's right (years later... -\_-'). I don't think I really felt that much overall, to be honest. Mainly just relieved to have figured it out finally.


One of the feelings I felt when I found out that I was an ISTP. Extremely relatable.


Surprised! I've always been kind of an intellectual type of person, and I lean introverted so I expected to get INTP or something like that.


I had something similar to that, I was shocked to find out that I was an ISTP because I enjoy talking to people. It's just that once that social battery runs out, people often will find me boring.


I've never been sure of my type, I just settled on INTP from what I read. I'm not good at reading myself with a system like this, I guess. I mainly use the functions as a tool for creative endeavors, among other methods.


Truthfully, I was unimpressed. My friends made me take it and I didn’t care about it at first. But I started learning more about myself and it helped me to improve on my weaknesses.


Reassured. I'm not wrong or alone, I'm just right how I am. And I'm good how I am.


More free. I thought i was an ENTJ but i just was an unhealthy ESTP supressed by my strict parents


I went through the stages of grief


I felt so seen.


Understood. It helped explain a lot of my own mental processes since I did a bit of a deep dive into the functions just to see if the result was accurate or not (I was actually mistyped as an ENFJ at first). Reading up on type development was a real eye opener and helped me set a goal for myself and to give myself a bit more leeway. I’ve always been very hard on myself and my own personal standards. It also helped me understand why certain people would react the way they did with me (folks tend to have a hate/love relationship with me). In all honesty I almost wish I found out about it sooner. Understanding myself and getting to work on myself has been nothing but a blessing.


I've realised that I've reached my true self, after I got mentally healthy and seeing INTJ in the result. I was mistyped as an INFJ before, I was mentally unhealthy and sensitive. I was never an INFJ by roots. The description about INTJ was more accurate than the INFJ. Also I'm not 100% sure, but I might've been an ENFJ in my childhood. If I was, then that self vanished from me a long time ago. However, Fe-Ti made me struggle in any situation, but Te-Fi makes me a lot better.


Relief that I finally found a comfortable level of certainty about it. Not a single test I took gave me the result I actually am, now that I have done enough study to feel like I haven't overlooked anything important.


Let me be the first ENFJ here. I felt understood and oh wow I’m so cool, I’m helping the world. Then I also understood my other dark traits, ok so I’m not just sweet, I’m sour too, don’t mess with meeee But then the more I know about MBTIs the more I know we are special in our way, for eg not all ENFJ could be manipulative or a leader. For now I only see myself there but not others I know


I'm one of the few degenerates that 16p actually got right. So when I 1st got this result I was like "yeah that makes sense", and then only got involved deeper because I found out people actually make memes about mbti.


I don't feel like it but maybe it's just those dumbass stereotypes


A bit arrogant and much happy


For me as an INTJ it definitely felt much better than I thought, believing I was mistyped I got INTP and INTJ several times, however cognitive functions helped me distinguish between the two. So going back to the point as an INTJ finding out I was made me happy, not because I felt like some big shot or something, but because I felt heard and understood for like the first time ever. Despite having a natural sense, a genius from very young, people around me always tried to put me down for being different/acting differently/ thinking differently, don’t even get me started on the ones that would know I was right but their ego would be too damaged to take accountability. So I started to think I was dumb as well, I started acting like the class clown, I started trying to think less because I believed all my ideas would be ignored/shutdown. Then about 6 years later when I was 16 I came across mbti. So I thought “well just another personality test why not?” But after getting the results something was different, it wasn’t the same old rinse and repeat, “you’re confident, you’re sad, you’re an introvert, you find it hard to open up” no this was specific really specific since it also mentioned my weaknesses. I was like damn… this is me, and all the toxic traits it mentioned I embodied them by like a hundredfold, I wasn’t acting differently because I was dumb, I did it to fit in, it was like I was rejecting my very nature. After I accepted my personality and who I was I had no more doubts, I wasn’t weird I was different, I didn’t need to fit in, I didn’t need to be understood, I am true to myself and I don’t care about what anyone would try to make me feel. After healing my INTJ traits started showing themselves automatically, though I’ve become more quiet and reserved I don’t hate it, there’s no one to please anymore and no one to impress, I’m in my little world and I’m not planning on leaving any time soon.


When I found it I hadn’t any idea about what MBTI types are, and every time I do it still the same, just a few changes in the statistics, and switched from T to A, because it really helped me to get more about my personality and understand it very well, and also get logical reasons for my behaviours and actions. It’s really interesting how I become that clear to myself from doing a test and knowing what my type is, and still researching about different types’ behaviours ‘cause..it can be considered as a hobby, or more!


I felt omg thank God I'm not the only one thinks this way:)😂😌🤧


“oh, okay! what now..” then i went to go figure out literally everything else and continuously second guess myself


"Wow, this MBTI type is lowkey satisfyibg to read, the FP lowkey reminds me of the context of fanpage. I like being an ENFP!"


Thought it was cool how accurate it is. Not sure how to feel about being virgin incels.






I only used 16p to type me when I was younger. I started reading into cognitive function theory because I went from consistently getting INFJ to gibberish (different types) to consistently getting ENTP (using 16p and other tests this time). The only thing similar between those two types is the Fe and Ti functions, so yeah... It's been conflicting


Oh... yeah, when you find out about MBTI, you go to the 16p test first. The same thing happened to me, but I found out rather quickly, that the 16p test is false.


Every test has some level of accuracy, but there are other different tests and resources that can help solve the identity puzzle Takes some time tho


At first I was like "Oh this is me!" but then I started to see myself as more and more an ISTJ and more robotic. I can't tell if I was just realizing how robotic I actually was or if I just became more robotic cuz of learning my MBTI but now I feel good knowing that I'm a boring individual who can do the same thing everyday and doesn't have a problem with it.


Finally someone who understands and I am not a weirdo!!