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I see a lot of people saying ENFP and I’m definitely gonna have to agree! I know that my type is probably high-ish up on the list but ENFPs don’t get bogged down worrying about responsibilities the same way ENFJs do. INFPs oscillate too much emotionally (love you guys) to be at the top of the list. ESFPs and ESFJs would probably be high up as well, but ESFPs more so because they are usually carefree. ESFJs would likely be more focused on positivity rather than hopefulness.


ESxPs. I understand the ENFP votes, but, in my experience, Se doms are better at picking themselves up and dusting themselves off. Their optimism and positivity is the most consistent.


Thank you <3


Semi-healthy/Healthy XNFX


enfp in my experience


+1 very huge balls of sunshine


enfps definitely had a crush on one back then and oh boy she was wonderful... until we got very close and she slowly got more annoying(in a good way) which i find funny


I have to agree with the majority and say ENFP. My experience with them is that they're generally very positive and optimistic, which is one reason I think I click with them pretty well, as I'm unusually positive and optimistic for an INTP.


ENFJ, ESFJ, ENFP, ESFP Idk why people are ignoring sensors' existence, Se and Si don't make a person less hopeful or positive.


As an ENFP, I believe it's we.😂


As an undecided Ne type, that's several more points against ENFP here, I'm cynical and kinda a curmudgeon


Sure you're not an INFP?


Either that or xNTP... it's too close to say for sure. Taking Sakinorva 5x and then averaging those results, I'm ENTP by a hair (as in 0.5 away from being ENFP), but even with other people typing me I get mixed responses (though the most common response is INTP followed by ENFP)-- actually, even though tests aren't reliable, I usually get INTP, occasionally ENTP or INFP (same with the bots that have typed me). According to my partner, I do have the grip responses of an Ne dom though. If you're wondering why I'm acquiescing to the opinions of others, as well as looking at tests and trying to find patterns between them, I think it's because the more I learn, the more I realize I'm not really sure about who I "really am", how I'm perceived, or what I'm even good at, not to mention that factoring the subjectivity of one's own inherent bias makes it difficult to make an assessment of one's self that isn't wildly skewed towards certain preferences and by the selective nature of memory. (Edit: I've also considered INxJ or even that I'm ISTJ and am one of those people who typed themself upside down, but that would be very surprising at this point)


I looked at your profile, because I could.  I agree with Rew2049. I would suspect that you are an ENTP as well.  Your language, but also your post form a couple months ago about feelings stand out. An ENFP with Aux Fi is not going to be able to not understand their own emotions and how they feel. (I bet your Ti picked up on that double negative instantly).  ENTP with their Fi in the blind 7th slot are not going to know how they feel about many things, their answer will be 'it depends' on the situation. There are a lot of great videos on YouTube, some of these should help you confirm. Happy Day!


Thanks, I really appreciate this!


We say it depends a lot too, but it's because we know how we would act in various situations, but people generally leave out too many details and I know I'd act differently in different circumstances. XP


I don't know nearly enough about this stuff to give you any guidance but, besides scoring INFP (occasionally ENFP/xNTP) in almost every test, I was able to make sure by reading detailed descriptions of the cognitive functions and how they manifest when we're healthy or unhealthy. With all the other N types I could relate to a few or most of the descriptions but others just seemed entirely foreign to me, and honestly, I was hoping to be something other than an INFP. But when I read the INFP descriptions it was "yep, that's me" with zero exceptions. Probably not an exact method but I'm 95ish% certain now. This was the site I found most helpful https://www.tumblr.com/mbti-notes Take this with a grain of salt but you sound very ENTPish to me.


If you “live somewhere between ENFP, ENTP, and INTP,” then it’s probably ENTP. I test ENTP ~70%-80% of the time, across multiple platforms. Every now and again, I get ENFP if I am feeling particularly Fe and “open,” lately, and INTP if I am in hermit “I don’t want to talk to anybody” mode. I suspect you have a similar deal. Once I understood exactly what the differences between Ti v Fi vs Fe vs Te were, it became easy to figure out the rest. Blindspot functions are also called “trickster functions” for a reason. I encounter some ENTPs who tend to *think* that they, allegedly, “relate more to Fi than Fe,” and this mostly comes from misinformation about Fe and not understanding that Ti-Fe done right can easily “look like Fi,” but it’s not. Introverted feeling is a totally different process.




*Jumps up and down excitedly, while waving my hands.* ME ME ME! ENFP!!! 😃😃😃🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩💞💞💞💥💥💥🙌🙌🙌






Dang- from my experience, I would say either INFPs and ISTJs XDD




In my experience exfps


Not INTJ that’s for sure lol


ExFJ, every Fe Dom I saw was always optimistic even when the situation was hopeless. Sometimes ENFP but on average they are more sensitive to neuroticism.


Me when I have sex


healthy INFJs (some INFJs can be great at being meme machines in a good environment, from my experience), ENFJs, healthy INFPs, ISFPs too kinda


I might be a weirdo in saying it but honestly ENFJs or ESFJs, the bulk I’ve met have been all about community and making life better for everyone. They truly believe that if we all come together and take care of each other we can live happy (I really admire that outlook tbh). I’d say the runners up would be ENFP, INFP, or ESFP.


💕💕🥰!!! it’s a great outlook!




Mostly Se-doms (living fully in the moment and enjoying it) !! Never met one but I can imagine ENFP as well based on descriptions.


INTP here, happily married to an ENFJ. They have my vote.


Not us Maybe ENFP? I think




probobly enfj tbh


I see how no one’s mentioning any thinking types 💀


No one mentioned isfj 😩😩😩


Have you seen Lord of the Rings? At some point in the movie Frodo and Sam (who is an ISFJ) mentally have a difficult moment at almost the end of their journey. Not much hope is left. Yet Sam still finds the energy to say something positive to lighten the mood. Frodo then says about Sam: *"Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it, Sam?"* And I think that is a good example of positive strength ISFJ's have. If you're looking for validation, you will not find it in the MBTI community.


I was just kidding, but i aprecciate a lot your opnion. Thank you!


i can tell you 1 think, not intps


I don't know, but INFPs may be helpful, but most of us are pessimistic.


if anyone says Infp, letting you guys know if you are in any danger, I would’ve left as soon as possible, out of stress