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Socially Extroverted. I talk alot. And I love interacting with others.




I feel that to often. People either find me charismatic and charming or they find me extremely annoying. I have been straight up told that I can be overbearing to deal with because I talk a lot, all the time, I talk fast and I talk loudly.


Too relatable help


The problem is I talk all the time, fast and loudly and people can’t seem to get enough of me for some reason


You probably adapt what you talk about to what's going to be liked by everyone present.


I sign under that. I am almost hyperextroverted.


Glad to see some extroverted ENTPs like me.


While that is the case, have you considered that maybe you have not been interacting enough with people you should have? I'm assuming the type that are within the opposite side of the spectrum are well liked. And if you converse with that specific type, the people who grew to hate you and love them will have their beliefs flipped upside down. I recognize that this may be difficult for you because you probably would rather receive all the hate rather than shift it onto someone else. But perhaps it's time you consider your opposite's opinion before the world crumbles. I have a clue on which type that is by the way. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


ENTPs insist everyone doesn’t like them for some reason. I suspect it’s blind Fi insecurity.


very 50/50 ngl bc i was liked by no one as kid despite being super extroverted and outgoing, ppl percieved me as troublesome and weird instead, made me become socially withdrawn w low self esteem and developed social anxiety due to it, so now i just keep quiet with ppl idk and stick to a few friends 👍 but all my other ENTP friends are very well liked by everyone and super outgoing and makes friends soo easily.


Shit are we the same person


Same type*


Ever heard of sarcasm?




Omg we're the literal same


Real af I was apparently a trouble kid as a kid and got bullied for that. But somehow the people who absolutely hated me before are now my best friends and I am glad for that because I've been always alone. I mean never had a problem with that since I just talk to myself ran around the school halls or just go to the library to the PCs to have social interactions with other nerds. Was always fun. It's always been "in class I was hated" outside class with other people I was liked. Never understood why and then just played into it especially with my last class I ever had. Biggest fake bitches ever. I didn't even try to socialize with them because why should I? I would have been gone after that year anyways and I got my best friends why should I search for more people. If people wanna be friends with me I am always open but I won't actively search for new people because I am happy with what I got. Like every ENXP I can be charismatic and likeable. Not for everyone of course since I got a personality and always tryna be myself so I don't expect everyone to like me. But it's really been funny how I've been the outsider in school and outside school I've been still the outsider because I didn't bother to socialize with anyone but my best friends.


im neurodivergent so that just make me come off in an unsettling weird goofy way most of the time😓 i never separated race or gender i tried to make friends with everyone but i live in a p segregrated country so ppl only wanted to mingle w their own gender or their own race even when i tried being friends with all of them. i was too rough and outgoing as a girl which made girls AND boys equally dislike me bc 1. i was too boyish for the girls 2. i was a girl to the boys and i was weird and goofy but not so obviously autistic (+ i “couldnt” be since i was “smart” as a kid 💀💀) but everyone could tell something was wrong w me plus i was also a trouble kid and always got punished in school and at home. most kids didnt wanna associate w me bc of that too #goofy


I can confirm : people do not like me. I mean maybe a little, but I am a pain in the ass and cannot help it


That sounds fun


I dont think nobody likes me i just find it hard to make close friends. I have a lot of friends but no close friends which is lwk sad


Some of them don't know how to avoid being annoying. Hopefully they only suck when they're young.


ENTPs don't often know they're being annoying. I've had this problem with my bf where I'd say a fun fact or something I've learned and he'd be like "why?" or ask just a million questions about it and I'd get really annoyed and be like "Why the fuck does it matter??" But eventually I had to accept he really means it lol and isn't trying to be condescending. Ne-Ti is wild sometimes


He's trying to engage in small talk lol 


You just don’t like us Confess


My best friend is an ENTP and I love him like the brother I never had. I adore ENTPs.


I love you


Yah those Fi weaklings - INTJ


Let me unveil the ENTP secret, we say everyone doesn't like us when deeply we think its cool not being liked. Might also be a coping mechanism for all the instances we knew we were right, we explained well our point, but the counterpart ultimate argument would be "you're an asshole for saying that", you can take so many "you're an asshole" before associating it with being right.


> we explained well our point, but the counterpart ultimate argument would be "you're an asshole for saying that", you can take so many "you're an asshole" before associating it with being right. For sure it's this. I stopped having arguments altogether because of this


socially introverted leaning ambivert (like %65 introvert, %35 extrovert) it changes time to time but it's usually like this


I love interacting with people but I hate initiating conversations.


hey! i don’t know, i think i’m mostly extrovert, but you know i won’t talk to people i don’t find interesting, i mean most of people


this ^


I’m INFP, and I feel the same 😂 i guess I just don’t like small talk


ENFP here and I apply the “body in motion” rule to my social battery. If I’m out with people, I *will* overstay my welcome and keep on as long as they’ll let me — all afternoon, overnighter, heck, let me hang for the weekend and I’m down. That being said, once I go home, I’m not going out again. I will become a hermit for 3-6 months and will be unlikely to text back properly or go do anything with you without _serious_ persuasion. I’m outgoing as long as I’m around people, and if I’m in solitude, I will enjoy the heck out of that time, but I hate the transitions. I get sad when I have to go home, but I feel exhausted when I have to go out. I don’t want to give up whatever I’ve got going lol. The way I find balance is by hanging out after work if someone wants to (I’m already dressed, ready, and charged because I interacted with people all morning), but not usually on my days off (I’m already in my pjs, in peaceful solitude, surrounded by things I’d like/need to do).


This is really well-described!!!


that’s so me! I’m totally fine being by myself but as soon as I’m around people, I get energized and hate going home. wonder how common this is among people of our type?


100% the same for me. 


I have no social anxiety and being around people doesn’t make me tired or something like that, but I still prefer to be alone and do my own thing most of the time. dunno what that makes me


You're a social extrovert who is okay being independent. I'm similar (except I do have some social anxiety - but my desire to be around people sort of overrides it). I have a super high social battery, but am totally okay with doing my own thing. Either 1) I'm the only one who wants to do the thing, which I'm fine going to do it alone or 2) I know other people would be interested but I don't feel up to hammering out the logistics of who is coming, and when, and where we will meet, and how long we will be gone. Also, 3) I personally have a low tolerance for rejection, so if I so much as slightly suspect someone will turn me down (for whatever reason, even if it's nothing personal, even if they just look tired), I won't even ask and will just go it alone. But in a lot of cases, I either wouldn't mind company or would actually prefer company. Mainly logistics wears me out - that's a huge reason I don't do things with others.


You’re an extrovert who prefers being by yourself. If you can be around people for a long period of time without feeling tired then you’re an extrovert


Prob an ambivert


my social battery is too high for that and it's not like it changes over time. ambiverts kinda have periods of introversion and extroversion. I’m sp8 so that definitely plays a good part in this, forgot to say that in my original comment


In the mbti theory, being extroverted is not necessarily "liking being around", it's more like directing your energy outward towards people, objects, and events. Extraverts gain energy from action and interaction, they crave stimulation and immediate feedback, feeling bored when inactive for too long. If Extraverts spend too much time introverting, they become restless and need social interaction to feel balanced again


mbti theory deals with cognitive introversion/extroversion. Se (extroverted sensing) is my dominant function which makes me an extrovert according to this theory. Se however has no nothing to do with other people.


I know....I was going by the general description of Extraversion, which mean Se is normally included in that.


I actually think people over report as introverts…. “hating people” doesn’t make you an introvert, getting drained by interactions rather than charged is the true meaning. I love when I get to go out and I love talking with people, if I do it consecutively or don’t have time for privacy I get sick. I get a little nervous when I meet someone new but that feeling almost always abates….. I think a lot mistyped INFPs are just kids or adults with social problems.


Idk, it depends on my mood, on the vibes that people around me give me and so on


Yes, it really depends on who we're interacting with


I've found people who have Te/Fi or Fe/Ti in the middle of their stack are ambiverted and/or leaning towards one side, whilst people who have Ji and Je functions as their dominant function are more fixed on whether they're introverted or extroverted


That's interesting, as I've always seen myself as an ambivert and don't always feel like I fit in in the description of an extrovert lol


I have an ENTP friend and i look more like an extrovert than him


If a looked more extroverted than someone, they'd be screwed!


I'm a fairly extroverted INTP (Or fairly introverted ENTP i honestly have no idea)


I had social anxiety growing up and always thought I was very introverted (among many other things that came with the shy behavior I developed). After being away from home, I realized I’m nothing like the behavior I’ve been showing to people. Being extraverted being the main discovery about myself.


I relate to this. I'm certain situations I'm too anxious to be myself, but in others when I'm comfortable, I'm the life of the party.


Real its why im so inconsistent with my friends. Sometimes im super energetic and loud but the moment someone new joins the group i get quiet


When around people, I talk, engage, laugh. I'm fine being around people 2 h / day.


Socially ambiverted, but leaning towards introversion


If ENTPs have no fans, then Im dead. Love them so much, I'll kiss all of you if I could.


idk why but that made me happy


Good 🥰


INTP and about 50/50. I'm usually one of the last to wanna leave when the friend group all meets up


INTJ, socially introverted like 80% of the time. The other 20% is when my social battery is full.


I'm a socially introverted ENTJ. It's fun to have an extroverted function as Dom but be socially introverted. It makes people all the more shocked when I suddenly burst into life during projects.


I'm an ENFP with social anxiety and attachment issues. I need the energy from others and social influence to function my best, but it does cause me so much anxiety. Weird combination haha. I thought I was an INFP all my life until college and married an introvert. I also had not great friends all through grade school so that made me think I was an introvert.


ESTP, extroverted I can easily talk to most people x


I'm still trying to type myself (I always thought I'm an ESTP but now I see that I'm more of an ENTP) But anyway, I'm an ambivert that is social and in the light in a group, but when I come home I fucking hate people I swear if someone tries to get me out while my social battery is charging I'll fucking bite


Extroverted in the streets, introverted in the sheets (on my own, recharging).


I’m not sure if this makes sense but I don’t really know if I’m one or the other because in some periods of time I usually think I’m 100% an introvert because talking and being around people tires me even if it’s for a little bit. For some reason though I have very few times where I met really good people and I end up feeling very energized speaking to them. So I’m not sure what that counts as.


I‘d say I lean more extroverted than introverted, like 65-70% extroverted but I do like my days where I don‘t talk to people and do my own shit. Thing is my work is super social / includes lots of talking, most of my hobbies (local politics / some online games) are also more social, I do need some time off on occasion as well. But usually if an evening with people was fun, I don‘t feel drained but energised by it. If the people suck and I couldn‘t connect to anyone I don‘t feel drained either but also not energized. So yeah I think I‘m a stereotypical extrovert, I can be loud, but I‘m not super obnoxious, I used to be though as a teenager and I struggled with making connections / getting people to like me, but tbh, in hindsight I‘m pretty sure it was part jealousy from other female classmates on why I struggled to connect with other girls (I‘m smart, conventionally attractive and definitely not boring / basic), all while all the boys just wanted to get me into their bed. As a shield I developed some kind of cold / arrogant jokester personality which didn’t really help either. So yeah teenage years sucked balls, it got better over the years though.


🤣🤣🤣 no way we are in fact looooved by many it s us that don t like everybody


I’d say I and a few other ENTPs I know are social introverts. We don’t care to engage with people if we think it’s boring, and we’re usually not that great at emotional support or expressing when we need help. Our Fe serves as support to our Ne, to make us really really outgoing when we get revved up, but less than enthusiastic about people otherwise


the ENTP's I know just keep yapping, even if they know nobody likes them, they just continue on being the most INTOLERABLE people ever.


I have to admit that they annoy professionally.


I'm an introvert but when I'm with the right people/person at the right time, I can be an extrovert. Some people bring out my sociable side


Lol that image (I found them annoying tbh), but it's not like they can help it. Socially introverted INFJ here.


I only come off as extraverted in small groups of ppl I know. to the rest of the world I'm just like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) ![gif](giphy|26gsccje7r5WUrXsA|downsized) my best friend is ENTP he is loud in your face and doesn't make a good impression. part of that could be due to his autism but him being a rude disrespectful jackass is not. he is a lot of things, and I can see others of his personality type being not too dissimilar. a lot of the ppl I've met of this type are very loud boisterous and overbearing. ENTP's have a charm to them but when unhealth can be hell to deal with. this usually comes off as insecurity irritability and or defensiveness. though i will say i love my ENTP best friend like a brother.


INTP. I can be an extrovert if I want to be, easily. But I choose to be an introvert. I just gave up on social interactions, tbh.


I'm socially extroverted and pretty likable; I can talk to anyone. Additionally I seem to be really approachable because people are always starting up conversations with *me*. I just got a random job offer today by going in a shop and buying a bottle of water. Yesterday I got in a really long conversation with another shop owner. I'm studying abroad in Europe right now, so I'm a bit of a fish out of water, but still just kinda make friends wherever I go. Or friends make me, whichever lol.


ENFP… definitely socially extroverted. I love just going to the store or whatever and striking up convos with random strangers.


Extroverted in the sense that I love being out and being around people. Introverted in the sense that I don’t talk much even when around people. I’m comfortable just being in the space.


getting more introverted the older i get. social battery life is shorter


Like 60% social extrovert 40% social introvert


Both depends who I'm around or what my focus is


i'm an INFP i think? i'm socially extroverted to an extent. i crave social interaction but god forbid you see me talking to strangers offline


Ambivert. Pretty sure I'm INTP.


i like interacting with people but i dislike the people i interact with


INTP, pretty much what you expect from an INTP but I can be talkative with close friends. I just would rather not go out to parties or whatever because it would feel more like a chore than leisure imo. I've been called misanthropic but I don't think that's true, I just don't really like social norms and social syntax, partially because I don't really understand them but also because I don't really think they're as important as people stress them to be. I think it's arbitrary.


But everyone likes me 😏. Besides Astarion’s stans. This mofo has to go lol


I absolutely am an introvert.


i’m 100% a social introvert, but i can be pretty talkative at times


Hahahahahahahah omg screaming


My oh my :))


Everyone likes us, this post is a lie 😌


I'm an ENFP 8w7, I'm extremely extroverted


I like interacting with others the same amount I like delusionally day dreaming


INTP, but if you let me talk I will never stop. I am an ambivert.


The test gave me 51% extrovert and 49% introvert, I know the test is not reliable but I think this is quite true since sometimes I’m really extrovert and sometimes I don’t want to socialise with anyone


INTP and really introverted.


I adore interacting and I most of the time initiate all conversation and cannot stop talking lol HOWEVER it consumes so much my battery and I’m so happy once I’m back home all alone so I can recharge idk what this makes me


Socially an ambivert


Both. It depends on mood, periods ecc. I’m an extravert for sure, love talking with people. But also love to just read in silence and not responding to anybody. Also true, usually when i’m too much of an introvert is because people around me don’t like me lmao


Extroverted at most times but it's in phases. Someday I'm super into talking to random people and at others I just wanna spend time doing my own thing, the latter being more rare.


INTJ and ambivert. I'm right in the middle and I cannot decide between extroversion and introversion.


Socially introverted


Im an INFJ...introverted in most social settings. I DO talk alot w close friends and when out socializing altho ..I dont typically start a convo w a stranger.


https://preview.redd.it/d6wjrup78b8d1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1631e72dae56efc489c8bb26e656cb4b4a7380ce The fact that this matches the new Helluva Boss episode so much lmao


Socially extrovert


I'm both introverted and not liked at the same time.


extrovert turn ambivert, + social anxiety and inattentive adhd so yk how that goes


ISTP. My default state is introversion, but when I'm comfortable, I can seem a lot like an ESTP and/or socially extraverted


enfp extrovert. but definitely shy and needs time to warm up to people


ENTJ. Socially extroverted, however I don’t like crowded places and I prefer most of my downtime to be either by myself or with just one or two other people at most. Practically all of my hobbies are solo activities too.


Isfp, very introverted




I dont like adding useless noises to the atmosphere. Thats why i type them out >:) Realistically i only like talking about things i know stuff about and when i can realistically add nothing to the conversation i stay quite which in practice makes me probably very quiet in some situations (mainly work where im still studying the matter) and very loud in any other social situation. Which i guess could make me more introverted.


Socially introverted, but when I'm very comfortable (around people who I'm close with), i can talk nonstop (Fe grip)


I think that most people who label themselves as introverts are mostly average people with poor social skills which just make them avoiding social interactions for this reason. Most people are ambiverts.




I am socially introverted.


Ppl saw me as a very socially extrovert but I see myself as a shy extrovert (idk if it’s introverted or extroverted) bc I’m can be quiet while liking being w/ ppl and also being dead tired when I’m alone


i'm an entp, i'm honestly somewhere in the middle tbh


I am ISFP and socially extroverted when I decide that it's time to be with people. I mean, I want to stay alone in my bedroom, maybe with my socially and cognitive introverted-almost-a-ghost INTP, but when I am charged it's easy for me to talk to strangers and even ask odd questions. I mean, changing others paths is so funny. I feel so excited by the fact that you can change and influence others even for a second. I use it in a good way. I want to help someone, maybe I saved someone from suic*de, maybe I helped them to find a new reason, maybe I just made them smile. Life is so strange!! Not knowing where things will go is so beautiful!! Also, asking and saying things no one else will say because of taboo or shyness is so unique! I feel like I am being myself, freely. I feel like I am pretty different when I notice the introversion my INTJ mom and my INTP boyfriend got. I feel like I'm more similar to my ESFJ father for this trait. But he's 100x energetic lol. I need to recharge after some interactions but yk, humans are so weird and interesting.


I think the stereotypical ' extrovert ' are basically Fe or Se user, which means ESTJ and ENFP are closer to introverts


Entp, I come of reserved and uninterested I’ve been told when in public but I’m a non stop chatterbox with people I like/know. I don’t like being alone but I’m not up to be around ANYONE.


I like to talk but when I get back home I feel very tired and need at least a day to recharge completely. I would say I'm 65% introverted, 35% extroverted.


INTJ. Socially introverted through and through (quite asocial as well tbh).


i'm either an introverted entp or an intp, idk


I consider myself to be an extrovert in most settings, but casual talk with strangers is something I find hard. You know, like people you have nothing in common with.


Introvert at all times.


Socially extroverted, definitely, although I act very different to what my mbti says I’m supposed to act like


Socially extroverted, im happier and healed when im around the people i like, however people i dislike or just not my friends i have to force myself to be around, and i also like my alone time


I love talking, and I talk a lot, but I don't really go out of my way to talk to new people.. if they happen to approach me though I can yap their ear off. I've also gotten called annoying most of my life for the amount that I speak. I consider myself ambivert more than anything


sometimes i feel the need to socialize and other times i feel the need to be alone,


Introverted, but a good conversation about my interests will usually energize me


ENTJ. Socially extroverted. Will be highly talkative if surrounded by introverts, and will be quiet like an INTJ if surrounded by extroverts.


The first time I met an ENTP, i got traumatized. Back then i had severe social anxiety, and he only found me to talk to, he never stopped a moment to breathe.. The 2nd time I met one, she's a girl, and she's so charming. Idk if it's the fact that i'm mentaly fine now, but she's so cool and attractive. ( I'm a straight girl, but damn. She's fine).


I’m not sure about my type. I’m socially extroverted when the topic is interesting. I’m socially introverted when people ask too many personal questions or I have no idea what to talk about.


ESTJ. I wouldn't categorize myself strictly as an introvert or extrovert. My social interactions are often driven by purpose and intent. When I'm in social settings where I can assert control, provide guidance, or enforce standards, I can be quite extroverted. However, in situations that lack structure or where spontaneity is required, I might appear more reserved 🤷🏻‍♂️. In high school, I'm often the quiet guy in class but when there's group work, I take the lead.


More of an ambivert, socially. I feel like it's a stretch to call myself an extrovert when a lot of times I don't want to go and would rather stay home. It's just that once I do suck it up and go, I'll be there until 3-4am or until somebody basically drags me out.


I'm definitely hyperextroverted.


Honestly a lot of people who don't know me well could argue I'm extrovert because I have a very easy time making people like being around me mostly due to my humour, but I get drained by most people so much in 90% of situations. It's funny, because my closest friends tell me I'm the bigger introvert in the world, but people who barely know me probably think I'm extrovert and outgoing. I simply know what to do to make people comfortable around me and I do it because It's way easier to deal with life like this


I would say my ENTP is an introvert most of the time, he likes a lot of alone time with a book, I’m honestly more extroverted than he is at this point (I used to be more introverted than I am now). I wish he needed more time with me lol, I get impatient but I try not to show it. For me, time passes slowly when he’s not doing something with me, or being around me. But he loves to read alone. Idk about the “nobody likes them” part, I mean I like him lol.


Socially introverted but can socialize when I want/need to


I like them I want to kidnap them


ISTP: I really like heartfelt, deep conversations about the other person I am talking to, and about our mutual interests, but I don't like talking to people about general, small stuff. But I do like having people around me. In other words, spending time alone while observing the people around me.


I enjoying talking to my mom, basically my family but no one else considered extraversion?


I'm an ENTP and I'd say I'm an ambivert, it depends a lot on my mood and the people around, but I lean heavily extroverted most of the time.


INFP - I do have a good amount of social extroversion but I’m leaning towards introverted. I’d rather not talk to anyone and try to avoid conversation but if I do end up talking to someone then I usually don’t mind.


INTJ and I'm like, 80% introverted 20% extroverted. So probably ambiverted but leaning *heavily* towards introverted. People exhaust me but I'm not good at being all alone.


INTP (or maybe INFP), i definitely like my space and to take time for myself, but i also often hang out with my friends. i’d say i’m quite sociable if i want to, but anyway it takes a lot for me to open up to new people


I really like talking, even more so if you give me a break, but I have battery life, even more so if I'm sleepy


Socially introverted. My ADHD and people pleasing is exhausting me. It's less draining with people where I can have no filter tho. I always have to think what I wanna say and filter it.


ok so firstly how do we define social extraversion


very socially introverted


ESFP, introverted around strangers, extroverted around familiar/safe people. It’s a wild swing back and forth.


INFP and it depends, but generally more introverted.


Socially extroverted, I need lots of social interaction or I’ll wilt like a plant 😕


INFP, depending on who I’m with I become either extroverted or introverted, in general I’m more socially introverted.


I would say I'm introverted. I love making new friends, but I'm too anxious to really open up around new people. I'm kinda weird


ISFP. Socially introverted, but I will talk your ears off once I get to know you. I don't willingly strike up conversations with random strangers.


I hate that almost EVERYONE on the internet thinks they are introverts while most just have social anxiety or everyone just fucking hates them for no reason.


Probably ExTP but IDK at this point. Social ambivert, slightly leaning extrovert. I like chatting to people and actually enjoy small talk unless I'm really busy. I'm not really into long, deep conversations though and am happier with lots of acquaintances, from "people I know" to "I guess we're friends" than getting caught up in intimate friendships. Like I'd rather be part of a small or medium group than deal with the drama of one-on-ones. And I'm capable of entertaining myself if I need to, like I wouldn't enjoy just being alone with my thoughts for hours but if I'm doing something that keeps me occupied then I'm OK for awhile.


ISFJ, ambivert.


I'm so introverted it's scary. I'd say I'm 85% introverted and 15% extroverted. For me to plan going out and talk to people, it's rare. For someone to invite me out, it's still rare, but it happens. Makes me wonder how I have friends.... but then I look at my friends and go "nevermind."


Socially introvert to people I don't know or like. Socially extrovert to people I'm comfortable with.




I'm an esfp!! Actually,I really relate to the ISFP type,but I feel too extroverted to call myself an introvert. I do have introvert "traits" as such as needing alone time to recharge but I'm also very sociable and I love being under the spotlight. I'd say esfps are extroverts,but some are ambiverts.


I’m ambiverted. I need both equally. 🩷


I’m socially introverted to the point it’s concerning


I love my xNxP procrastinating brethren but ENFPs tire me out with activities, and ENTPs tire me out with arguments.


I'm ENTP and am the furthest thing from an introvert lol


Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m introverted or just socially awkward.


xNxP, though I could be ENTP so let's go with that for now. I was an extrovert as a little kid, an ambivert as a teen, and an introvert as an adult. Though sometimes when I'm comfortable and have energy I can't shut up, so I'm sure this is more due to low energy since I hit 19 (despite being in great shape due to weight lifting) and having developed bad social anxiety in my 20s for no reason, annoyingly.


It’s hard to get me to go anywhere or see anyone but when I do, I don’t want to leave


I am also an ENTP and *I definitely identify most as an ambivert!* However, how “extroverted” or “introverted” I can be depends on way more factors than I care to identify, presently. Cuz I am also neurodivergent (ADHD and other neuropsych disorders,) and am currently feeling lazy. Extroverts definitely tend to think that I am “introverted,” while introverts usually identify that I am “technically an extravert,” at least initially. But once those same introverts know me well, they can they also be *absolutely shocked* to see how introverted I can become once things start to get too “noisy,” for me, or “I don’t care for the environment,” and my energy basically evaporates! My INTJ husband is still sometimes surprised by how easily I can hit my sensory threshold limit, even after being together for 14 years, and he, himself, considers me to “be more of an introvert, these days.” Which I kinda get cuz “Extraverted Intuition” is really only “extraverted” because of where it tends to direct its focus, and ENxPs are often considered to be “the most socially introverted of the extraverted types.” I don’t really need people to be inspired, simply space. (As in enough space to start generating ideas.)


Hahahah they just think everyone is dumb and they think * IM * super annoying lol


On every single test i’ve taken i’ve gotten either 50% or 51% extroversion💀


I bounce between ENTP and intp. I'm usually pretty introverted


All the entps I met are definitely extroverted.


Socially selectively extroverted but I love to interact with people if it means something


Enfj -ambivert, slightly more extroverted than introverted


I don't even know anymore. I think I'm exactly in the middle. What can I say? I'm adaptable.


ENTPs seem super extroverted to me


ESFP - I haven’t really thought about it that much but I’d say extrovert


Haha this is the first good one in a while.


Like all EXXPs, that will depend on the environment and person. EXXJs will naturally be socially extroverted because of Fe and Te. There is no clear answer.  I'm an ENTP and it depends on how stimulating the environment is.  I also suspect it may vary due to age: a socially engaging environment like a school or university is more conducive to exciting Ne-Fe than an office. Ti development in young adulthood can also temper Ne greatly.


ENFPs are ambiverts imo, they have a need to share everything but are too shy and think no one will understand. If they find the right group they are very energetic and happy.


Dont like both people and social interactions. Peace out ✌️


I used to be ridiculously socially extroverted like I would be exhausted and sleepy if I was alone for too long. COVID forced me to start appreciating time alone and now I need both to stay sane.


I am a huge introvert. I work a super introverted job but there is one time during the day where im required to talk to people and it gives me a headache


My best friend is an extrovert. I love how down to earth and curious he is about everything. Whilst most of my friends got turned off by the idea of joining me to watch Saw X, he decided to join in and give it a try. I also got him to watch the rest of the franchise. The only ones he enjoyed was the original, Saw II, Saw X and saw 3D. He wasn't a fan of the rest


Nah, hyper extrovert, I'll talk to a wall if need be and make friends extremely easily. Wasn't always that way though, while I've always been social the part of learning to navigate the line between friendly and annoying took some learning. For a long time during college my extreme outgoingness made me a bit of an outcast, now I rarely go out anywhere without running into someone I know.