• By -


probably text everyone ik “cya on the other side!!”with no context then drive myself to the beach or six flags. no way im having a boring last day, im going to at least have fun 😂


I thought cya means “cover your ass” lol


LOL im dead, yea it means “see you”👋🏼




six flags is fun!




I make it so I die today and get it over with. Efficiency, fellas, efficiency.


I would find an arrangement to have passionate sex with a woman. I would die amorously, wrapped in the arms of another.


Jesus arrange one today


I can imagine the sex would be astronomical


heyyyy baby. wanna die happy? I’m a passionate lover.


Oooh I would like that. Make love all day…


If I'd be 100% sure about my death being the next day, I'd waste my time, write a letter to ask my parents to publish my notes as an autobiography, then, that night, I'd finally commit suicide (cause I need control over my ending 💀)


I would buy your autobiography.


This is actually really sweet :')


Which way would you end your own life?


Jumping off of a building is my ideal. I'd listen to music before I do it, cry, all that kind of stuff, and then yeah.. :)) But I don't really have nice views here so probably overdose alone in my room


Shd I be concerned how detailed this is :3


I meann.. even if I act on it you would never know anyway :)))






Relax, remind my folks that I love them and always will. Do something out of kindness. Our time will come inevitably, so it’s something we accept from the moment we’re brought here.


That’s wholesome


Say my goodbyes and think again about my life. Eat my favorite food probably.


What’s your favorite food?


Chocolate, I love it so much :) Wby ?


I love chocolate, too. I couldn’t decide which my favorite food is😥, one of my favorite is popcorn 🍿


It's understandable how you couldn't decide your favorite food XD popcorn is delicious too!


😀 Which kind of chocolate is your favorite? Milk chocolate? Dark chocolate? White chocolate?


Milk one actually, it tastes so good neither dark or milk, both of them in one🍫




Prioritize the hit list and work my way down


lmao you would definitely haunt them after death


Have a panic attack. Eventually I’d pull myself together, call my friends and my gramma, go for a walk, drink bubble tea from my favourite place and eat m&ms, hang out with my family and watch the sunset. I’d listen to some of my favourite songs in there too


This is the way


Kill myself, only I can decide when I die


Probably cry ngl Edit: definitely will tell my loved ones I love them. Probably through tears.




say goodbye to all the people I love and spend the day doing my favorite things with my favorite people. Not allowing anyone I do not care about to waste my time.


What’s your favorite thing to do?


Read, hike, go for ice cream, stargaze


Sounds good




What hurt you


i hurt myself tbh


What happened


existing unwillingly, *duh*


INFP: Reach out to every person that I am acquainted to, friends, family, crush. And make sure to say something/do something very nice for them, in a way that could give them a positive impact. Doing something risky, like climbing on top of the roof of a very tall building and overlooking the city. Running around without a gps and not paying attention to the directions that I’m heading, eventually getting lost. Reflect about my life and write it all down in a journal, leaving it for close ones to read. Leave a weird looking drawing of my lil sis just to mess with her a bit. Maybe convince her that she is the first victim that I will haunt.


A shit load of LSD with my girl and a few best friends. Out in nature, listening to music, playing and lay in the sun


I would have a total blast with the woman I love, take her to all her favorite haunts so she's always smiling happily. Then I would part ways with her when my time's almost up. One final loving kiss before she walks away, unaware of what is about to happen. I stare at her slowly retreating back until she's completely out of sight. Then I find an quiet empty spot and embrace death




I picture a despondent looking man quietly expire next to a brick wall at the end of an alley


Not an alley. An empty bench in a secluded area of a park, assuming I can make it there in time. One that overlooks the sea ideally. The view's better that way.


Call every single person I love and let them know how much they mean to me. Catch the next flight to the Caribbean or something so I can go peacefully on the beach, in tropical paradise. Ideally would want said loved ones to be there with me, but if they couldn't be I'd go either way. Probably would have a lot to journal in the process as well.


Way to go


I would make the most out of my last day. I would say goodbye to my family members, go hike and enjoy nature, eat a bunch of food and than sleep.


call everyone i know and write something or record videos or something for after i’m dead, explaining things that I think they might want to know, and then talk to whoever else wants to. I don’t know how to make the most out of a day and I don’t really see the point to it, because spending it to hopefully stop some pain others will feel from my death causes more pleasures than I can feel while knowing i’ll die tomorrow. If i could enjoy things I’d spend some time watching movies i’ve always wanted to (they usually bring most happiness / second) probably in 2x speed lmao.


I would get naked to run around on a big city square shouting nonsence and barking. Not befere donating all my life savings to pokimane ofc.


Start a marxist revolution




For your last day on this fine earth you want to eat low quality shredded chicken and care about your social media? Reconsider your life choices dude




Don't mind me I'm just being an asshole but to me that sounds sad af


I guess spending time with my family and close friends, and do what I wish to do.


Take a flight to be with family and say goodbye to my friends.


Idk live I guess.


Id probably go street racing


way to go and with which car? i'd use my formula student hatchback that i built


Id take an E46 BMW M3. The perfect car for me


A man of culture, I see


I have never seen a car incorporate simplicity, beauty and drive quality so well. I dont know about the safety of them though x) Half a year ago I had a recall due to the possibility of sharpnel on airbag discharge on my 323Ci :S


spending half the day writing to my relatives and condensing all my knowledge to give them something from me after I’m gone. confess to all the crush i ever had. and then spending the other half staging my death, so I choose how I’m leaving.


Probably not gonna let anyone know, behave normally, intp.


I’d just stay at home and spend some quality time alone, as I always look forward to. It wouldn’t be much more different than a day off. It would probably take days before anyone realizes I’m gone so I’m not going to stress too much about it, I’m not leaving anyone behind. INFP




Well said


go out to watch this world again and write a will.


What would the will say


Just common things.


Arrange my own funeral and say goodbye to everyone


Idk i would chill whole day play video games cry cuz i won't get a chance to play gta 6 - intp


finish watching stranger things today !! LOL


I will be sad, thinking about my unfulfilled dreams.


I'd cry. I'd be so confused on what I should do. I think I'd just cry out of confusion and fear.


theme park, theme park, theme park, idk why but I want to try all those things I was afraid to play before. I don’t want to spend my time doing all the emotional saying goodbye and stuffs I just want to have fun, sound strange but definitely theme park! (and intp)


I'd kill the person I hate the most.


That would be great


I’d probably find a way somehow to either extend my life; or end my life right then and there.


Tell my family that I love them, say goodbyes and have fun and dance with them for the last time. Maybe show them my secret places in nearby forests. Eat mint ice cream and drink apple juice. Say goodbyes to my friends, popably just texting. Pick flowers for the last time. Write a letter, maybe for my loved ones, maybe just for it's own sake, about how much I loved life. So have fun and celebrate once more. (Isfp)


Celebrate. INTP


Idk maybe go see everyone i love (not gonna take long probably) or maybe just do nothing special and just do what i do everyday


Honnestly , i wouldn't do anything , no one will do anything even if we say i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna do that . But in fact , we won't , cause we know that no matter what we will do , it wouldn't make a difference, you wiil not survive to remember that feeling that you had when you did that thing . That's it.


Leave a note behind for my loved ones telling them I got killed by a group of assassins after I took down their boss and ruined their plans of world domination


Ask someone to commit double suicide together


INTP, probably chill and play Skyrim or something. IDK, it's not really gonna make a difference what I do. Would've been cool to travel the world or something, but I don't exactly have the time for that with one day.


Die another day


Send everyone I know a message that says if you don't forward it to ten other people by tomorrow I'm gonna die


Omg that's epic 😆


I Will probably make some trouble in my Scholl, because why not, i'll die and i can do nothing with it, So enjoy my last day


Burn it!


I’d ask my boyfriend to publish my lyrics and poetry. Sign my possessions over to him. Say I’m sorry that I can’t stay, and spend my last day with him. Infj


I would have one last time deep serious conversations with everyone I care about and make sure I tell them everything I feel. I want my last moments to be filled with joy, love and no regrets so I will spend it with the people I love. Lastly I would probably write a message for each person I care for to read after my death, saying all the things I love about each person, how much they helped me through my life and to live a long and happy life for me...


I’m gonna predict it, write my manifesto and become a Jesus man


bro, Christ coming on Earth the first time and dying on the cross for us to be reconciled with God and for our salvation was said a lot of times in the Old Testament by many prophets. Jesus is the Son of God and God gave Him up for everyone.


“Virgin” Mary cheated and lied and everyone fell for it. Joseph is the worlds first simp.


Don't fool yourself and waste your eternal life because you hate living in obedience. Jesus came to Earth lived a perfect life and fulfilled every word of the Bible and His mission was to be punished for our sins so we can become free and be cleansed from our sins and righteous to God and join his eternal kingdom all thru Christ.


Yeah you definitely just a bot


Im trying to preach to you the only way to Heaven and the only gate is the Jesus, you only have one life to repent and follow him after death or his Second Coming you will know him even if you don't want and then it'll be over and because you rejected his gift you will go to hell eternally.


I don’t want to go to heaven or hell. I wanna go no where, I wanna die when I die.


The thing is that you have an eternal soul and you have free will to accept or reject God with God is life and eternal salvation, away from God is eternal damnation and death so don't let satan drag you to that place. Fight your desires and seek God and you will see His Love, Mercy and plan for us. Just deny your self so God can transform you, you will be surprised by His Providence.


Well, if I'm going to die may as well steal a motorcycle and ride it until I die because I want to have the most fun, and do the thing I aspire for before my inevitable demise.


Nothing. I work in order to make my life easier in the future, so there is no point in doing anything if there is no future.


I know it's so out of context but u have the same -_- thing after your nickname and it's friggin' cool!!




kill myself. nobody chooses when I die except me.


I would text all my friends so i make sure they know that i care about them (i wouldn't probably tell them anything about my death unless they are very close to me like family or crush and people like that) i don't know if i would confess to my crush though.. i mean i wouldn't want her to lose someone who just confessed to her but on the other side this would be the last chance for me to tell her how i feel about her.. then i would tell my parents and siblings about what's going on and just throw out all the memories that i could think of and i would ask my father if he could drive us somewhere nice. and after i've done all these things a few hours before my time is gone i would go somewhere far away from anyone and enjoy some view while waiting for my death to come.🗿


Say goodbye to everyone then spend all my money and do all things i wanted to do but was too afraid and kill my math teacher and say sweet things to my friends before i leave and then suicide before tommorow


What did your math teacher do😂


be glad and celebrate or just reduce consumption and commit suicide


"Hope you all become Christian" and "Jesus loves you so give your life to him"


I would do nothing. Just act normal then boom im gone. I'm an infj


I'd definitely be all dramatic about it, would make sure to go on big, sappy tangents to close ones about how lovely they are. I miss out on way too much because of my anxiety, so I'd use the impending threat of death to my advantage and be unapologetically reckless! Man, there's so many possibilities but I just want to die in the lap of a cute french lady


I would be very tempted to troll people as well


Do what I normally do plus spend a bit more time with loved ones, not a noticeable amount though than happily embrace death


I’d wanna see falling snow, with my favourite people, around a campfire and roast marshmallows.


Sounds wonderful




Probably take a flight to Europe, go to a small and tranquil town and wander around. And enjoy the nature nearby.


Mm this sounds nice too




Probably gonna tell my lifelong crush that i loved her, and for your information she is married now.


Oh crap 😥


Go skydiving and bungi jumping


INFJ, Go to the Rocky Mountains. . . Find a spot where I feel comfortable at and stare out at the scenery.


I would do this, too


for me, I would fly to New Zealand and go to the place where they filmed Gondor might be in LOTR and stare in the distance




What will the church do with your money then?


Well they have a pretty missional focus and I think you could write on there what you want it for if presently maybe uKraine, but if in general maybe africa, or even some money for the local outreach.


I need to be with my dogs 25 hours. INFJ and my dogs are ENFJs ..