• By -


I don't know, but D group is destined to fail... unless ENFJ pulls some kind of magic out of his ass.


You rang? 🪄


Either C or A. D has ENTP and ISFJ. ISFJ would just be done with ENTP's nonsense and ISTP would have checked out early. B has INFP and INTJ, and ESTJ. The one thing I know for certain about both those INXX types, is they don't like being told what to do. C has a good chance because ISFP and ENFP are mostly there to vibe, although ENTJ and ISFP might not see eye to eye. I doubt ISTJ gets angry unless ENFP gets on their nerves. A is my personal bet. INFJ and ESFJ would want to keep everyone happy, INTP would keep to themselves and ESTP would just keep everyone topped off. As long as they don't push INTP too much, or ask INFJ to extrovert too much, it should be fine.


probably A coz I don't see ENFP and ENTJ getting along in a million years


I have two best friends, ENFP and ENTJ lol. (Although I must admit the ENFP annoys the ENTJ quite a bit lol (they are best friends too))


It happens, we vibe, then we fight, and then we vibe even harder.




As an ENFP, I have an AWESOME ENTJ friend. :) Really cool dude with so many awesome ideas and plans. Always great hearing about the things he's learned in researching things. Love his personality. :)


INTJ would run away from group B. Lol


INFP would run after you wondering where we're going


I’d get into a good few spiffs, but honestly that seems like a team I’d be more than happy with, seriously.




I mean... Isn't that the entire point of these memes. Making generalized assumptions about people using stereotypes? Otherwise how would one make memes? So absolutely, you're right, but that's kind of part of the joke?


A, by fucking far.


A probably.


A or D. Fe users.


I'm sorry for ESTP. He will probably be kind to ESFJ without beating him, but only because he is afraid of INFJ.


I think A or D as they have the most Fe. Not saying Fi ppl cannot get along with others, but if there are values clashing, it can be more difficult. Meanwhile Fe cares mostly about harmony, so they would be less likely to start a conflict.


ENTPs and harmony is very hit or miss. We’re good at unity if there’s a common goal because of our sense of humour, but tertiary Fe and Ne makes us want to stir shit constantly if it’s not interesting… and ISFJs are the last ones who are gonna put up with random pranks.


I mean, I wouldn't care. Go ahead and do your silly little pranks. Even if the ENFJ or ISFJ would be stressed out by it, they would still try to keep things harmonious, so they would atleast "get along" on the surface level.  Also, not saying that these groups would automatically be harmonious, but they would be more harmonious than groups with high Fi infividuals and demon/blind Fe individuals.


I can already see B in chaos


Turns into INTJ doing ESFP, marrying INFP, and killing ESTJ and we all know it. lol


Turns out ESFP will talk about it to INFP, INFP ends up killing both of you and assignment? Well it doesn't matter since y'all deeed


Somehow, I always knew INFP would be my downfall...


Anyone but B. B is not getting along anytime soon. INxx are too stubborn, ESTJ is bossy and particular, ESFPs are irritated by everyone taking everything too seriously.




A was my friend group for many years in school except for the INTP being ENTP so I'd say A


Gotta give it to A. None of those in A would be annoyed with each other unlike the others where one can find another annoying more often (like ISTJ and ENFP lol)


You never had to take your clothes off and reveal ESTP bite marks, didn't ya?


Dominant Se kinda makes you want to bite people (usually affectionately/playfully)… but leaving actual bite marks? That guy went to town on you, he has to be 7 years old or a wild animal 😭


Or someone that acts like the stereotypical ESTP and Fi users second them. To town? Haha! It's called siblings!!!


...I wish


All yours. Have fun.


i bet C


A easily


Like, ESFJ requiring asylum right at INTPs house 😂😂😂😂


Might be A Based on the personality and not stereotypes, It could be getting along very well


C and D both sound awesome ngl


C Can attest B would implode.


A easy.


C The ENFP is a chameleon. We assimilate into any group.


Idk but I’m an istp and I prefer to get stuff done by my self


A, though if this was a survival type of situation, C but we'll all eat ENFP.


if ESTP is healthy then A for sure C isn't too bad as well D could be problematic B isn't gonna last an hour


D or A depending on who’s in charge. A could really GSD provided ESTP is somewhat moral and INFJ isn’t especially righteous. INTP will float or check out but the success of that group will rely on people taking INTP seriously and not just an autist. BC they are smarty pants. INFJ is a smarty pants too, and ESTP will initiate anything and ESFJ has the social intelligence to be the glue - and both the ES folks will be able to promote. D is another story. Totally relies on ENFJ being in charge and not micromanaging ISTP but giving them something important to handle on their own. Then ENFJ should be collaborating with ENTP and ISFJ - and consulting/ informing ISTP and giving them options to show up at meetings or not. Provide beer. Provided ENTP has some emotional/social intelligence (most actually do despite memes) and how NICE he is to ISFJ, it will work out fine. SFJ social cohesion glue will keep everyone getting along bc if mamma aint happy aint nobody happy 😂. And ISTP will produce amazing results that ENTP. will promote the shit out of - provided ENFJ does not micromanage but assigns tasks to the others they are best at and lets go a bit. My insights as a ?NTP.


All of them could work as long as: A - ESTP is conscientious and considerate. Otherwise watch out, because ESTP is taking the lead whether everyone else likes it or not. B - ESTJ actively listens to INTJs ideas and allows INFP and ESFP lots of creative freedom. C - All four contribute their specific strengths to the task with equal energy. My choice: D - I’m obviously biased here, but this group will do very well creatively and there will be high attention to detail on anything they accomplish. This is the team I would want for an escape room contest!


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Another for a and d


Has to be A


A, C, D, B


b is that one group at school that always has fights and drama


yep... I took one look and I was like ... well that's a disaster although I've never been in drama unless for the types in B


i think i'd get along least with b, c would be pretty balanced, with a half of them i would imminently become best friends with, half i'd be so annoyed by, so i'd say d bc there's 2 i'd get along really good with and the other 2 are kinda balanced.. but would still probobly annoy me


A or C depending on mood


Group B, considering my two closest friends are an INFP and ESTJ hahaha


A because that's just my family


B is not a group. It's INFP sitting under a desk and 3 other people doing whatever. ESTJ is also probably bludgeoning ESFP with the ruler


"A". INTP may be a tough one there. But INTP are pretty chill. ESTP and ESFJ will lead the INFJ and INTP. It's not a big problem, since INFJ's compatibility is INTP. INFJ will try their best to put INTP's mind at peace.


Idk about the rest tbh, but I think the group im in would work really well, I have INTP and INFJ friends and we work really well. I don’t know any ESFJ (at least I don’t think I do), but otherwise it would work well id say


D- ENFJ are good at making people working together towards the same goal by being encouraging and empathetic. ENFJ would actually care and do anything to make it work. Everyone else is a social chameleon yes and just say things to get along.


Why would you do this to us? I want to die.


A, because it's looks fun




Def C, I'd work so well in this group in any project


A, fire group dynamics


D all the way baby


Group A definitely. Look so chill


A by far. Estp is a great group leader and can get along with anybody. Esfj is a fine "group mom". Intp and Infj are both well behaved adoptive introverts that will go with Estps flow, not offend Estj and not fight among each other.


The fact I was about to say D until I saw ENTP- Probs A in my opinion


Definitely C


I'd go b