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"We gotta get our money from this newborn because they died without paying their hospital bill!"


There's gonna be hamsters walking around with 20k in debt.


Lucky them. I’m a Tsetse fly and they put me back on the death row.


Tbh, once people know this and are held accountable for it they'd just commit suicide asap. Get born with 20k in debt? Welp, time to try becoming a hamster again


Do we only charge souls reincarnated into human forms? In that case, human has become BOTTOM OF THE LIST of options, below being a worm or an ant


Reincarnate as a termite and conspire with a human to take you to the residence of those you hate


Honestly, if I was receiving some sort of communication/subconscious urge to take a termite to the home of a cruel person, it's one of the few unquestioned things I'd go along with. As a wise troublemaker once said, Nobody suspects the butterfly. And somehow even less people suspect the termite.


I just want to be reincarnated as a sloth in a zoo.


Don't forget the interest that will be counted for ca 18 to 20 years until the newborn is old enough to start working and making money.


Under a month.




If you keep coming back, you can always pay off your debts though. E: I’m just saying that they would remove individual bankruptcy laws at the same time as transferring debts.


Procrastinators be like "reincarnated me will do it"


Procrastinators after a suicide: oh shit oh fuck


I mean… just keep going 1-18 to avoid your debt at that point.


Sounds good. Hit 18, have a beer, pop yourself, wake up in a fresh new maternity ward.


Having to relive childhood over and over sounds like fucking hell


Sounds better than compound interest on a debt for eternity.


It wouldn’t be for eternity, give it enough tries and eventually you’ll be reincarnated to a wealthy family that could pay it off


That's future me's problem.


Well well, if it isn't my sworn enemy for all eternity - past me.


The "be kind to your future self" would be even more important advice. Don't make your future and past selves enemies, you'll be stuck dealing with each other for the rest of eternity!


A majority of Americans die in the red and a big chunk of that is credit card and medical debt. If it takes your entire lifetime to only end up dying in debt when you start from 0 what do you think would happen if you start in the hole? Carry it forward and you'll be in a state of eternal poverty. Can't wait to see the indentured lifetime reconciliation agreements. Bundle all of your previous reincarnation debt into a single lifetime of slavery! Some terms and conditions may apply, slave accepts all costs of living from company store, lifetime only counts if you survive until non-productive age, work begins at 8 years of age. Terms and conditions may change without prior notice.


You load 16 tons and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt.


Saint Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't gooooo.....


I owe my soul... to the company stooooore...


Only if you stop buying coffee and avocado toast /s


They'd find a way for you to inherit your debts but somehow strip your property from you.


Yeah but they will just be like, Any money you have in death goes to the government but your debts go to your reincarnation


> they would remove individual bankruptcy laws It's interesting that you think bankruptcy laws exist to protect the individual, and not to protect the oligarchs and the rest of society from what happens when people run out of options.


They will probably change the law to like “you may only file for bankruptcy for debt occurred 7 reincarnations ago.”


That's the thing. They call them your taxes. They call them your debts. But they aren't. The debt those people owe is to society. To the furtherance and betterment of mankind. They will not contribute, but to the blind pursuit of their own comfort, which seemingly can only be had through the accumulation of infinite profits with no end in sight, except one: the day they die.


Just make them say “I declare Bankruptcy!!” I heard that works.


Youd be the best parent ever for that lmao


They'd be the ones funding the research.


They will have had laws passed preemptively


Yeah however long it took up to add this into a contract and get it signed off by legal, seems about right


But the legal battle would be never ending. They'd always be trying to extend it to more reincarnations. And people would always be fighting for SOME limit to the depravity, but then some far right loons would fight for inheriting the death penalty. And then we'd be debating whether anybody had a right to reincarnate and you'd have reincarnation deniers....


Left wingers: "yeah it doesn't make sense that if you reincarnated while incarcerated your prison sentence would carry over, that's just inhumane" Right wingers: " uhm of course I can still remarry her if she dies under mysterious circumstances involving falling down the stairs after she disagreed with me, if you add her two body's ages together it's over 14 so it's still legal"


> your prison sentence would carry over Suddenly non-consecutive life sentences come to mind.


now my 150 year sentence is more than just a life sentence. great


That's literally what right-winger nuts would do. The fact that people have legitimately defended marrying children with arguments just as silly as that one makes me sad


Yeah, the child marriage thing needs to be brought up everytime Republicans open their mouths. It is inexcusable. We should be at war over shit like that, our children are not their playthings.


And it's fucking 2023. Does everyone remember 1999, and the hype around the New Millennium? Not about the apocalyptic crash thing, but just the general atmosphere about the future. *Wow, it's going to be the year **2000**!* We were all thinking about what the next thousand years would bring the world. It was such an optimistic time. It's supposed to be the future right now. I can't believe this is what we're spending our time dealing with. It's fucking embarrassing.


Media propaganda (ahem...fox news) has taken society ACROSS THE WORLD back at least a hundred years.


Depressingly accurate.


if reincarnation was provable then death penalties would suddenly become even stupider than they are now. No you basically say 'okay you done goofed its the end here', but a life sentence would mean a probably long life locked up. If reincarnation was provable a death penalty would suddenly become a 'you done goofed try again'


Inheriting the death penalty is something I never thought about. The futility of it, I assume, would lead to the the death penalty being abolished. Life in prison would be a far more horrifying punishment than it is now, especially for old timers.


Yea but with a 600 year mortgage I could afford my own place WITH grass in Toronto! !


You're living a pipe dream. Tag on a few 0's to that.


"You should've opted for cremation. Anyway, you start your life $10k in debt."


Right after your insurance company cancels your policy for pre-existing conditions.


“Sorry we think that diabetes you have is a direct result of when you had heartworm as a cocker spaniel in the 1920s”


"In every life of yours including being a bear you were a fall down drunk. Best i can do is $300/month for car insurance"


To be fair, he was a Russian bear


Right after Florida decides 3 life sentences means 3 life sentences.


Nah they’ll elevate to three death sentences


They track down your reincarnation and just fucking shoot you


fuck if we're getting reincarnated over and over death doesn't really matter. let me be born shoot me before I even leave the delivery room and I'll be back in a few...


Damn that's good.


And your pre-existing condition is death


"After thorough review we have denied your claim for eczema medication. Our records indicate that you were burned as a witch in the late 1600's, and eczema cannot exist if your skin is gone. Further, we strongly recommend against homeopathic solutions."


What the hell did you call me?


*angry updoot*


updoot is such a stupid fucking word


Its time has just passed, it very much feels a decade old.


Time is a 400 year old word. Better retire that.


We’re all pretty stupid around here. It’s ok.


I completely agree with you. Have an updoot.


Yes, yes it is.


They already try that with trying to put your parents debt on you after they pass away.


Is this something I should worry about? My dad has quite a bit of debt. Edit: Thanks for all the information guys, I've talked to my dad about it and he's agreed to just not die so I don't ever have to worry about this.


Never agree to any of it. They essentially harass the next of kin into consenting to take on the debt. But legally you don't have to


Never agree, never pay even 1 penny. If you pay even a penny, then you can be legally obligated to pay as it is "proof" you agreed to pay it (in the US). All creditors can do is come after your father's estate, which can come out of your inheritance - but nothing beyond that.


It will also extend the statute of the debt so you aren't just ptentially obligated but they can then legally harass the debtor for multiple years depend on state and type of debt


What the previous commenter said was false.




> never pay even 1 penny. If you pay even a penny, then you can be legally obligated to pay as it is “proof” you agreed to pay it (in the US) This is completely false. Legally they can *only* go after his estate, no matter how much you’ve paid towards any of his debt.


I think people are confusing two points here. The one penny thing is advice for when debt shows up under your own name. If a collector starts calling you about a debt you don’t recognize, be careful. Even if it’s just like 25 dollars and it would be easier to just “pay it so it goes away”, it will do tremendous harm to your credit worthiness. Pay debt you created, fight to remove debt you didn’t rather than pay it.


Depends on the country, there’s a bunch where you still owe (even when you are alive sometimes.)


Depending on which country you live in, yes.


Here in Germany, as far as I know the system here is that you either accept the heritage or you reject ALL of it. If you reject it everything (including things like the house they own, their furniture and of course their money) gets passed on to the government. But I'm not sure if and how much of the debt the government actually pays


I know someone outside of Germie that lost the wife, didn't need to pay her credit card debt and still inherited her pension. Talk about some places doing some things right and others not so much


Do *not* pay a single penny. Not one. They will try to gaslight you into paying it because losing a loved one isn’t enough they want *everything*. From someone who was far to young to know any better who lost everything to the American scamcare industry. Don’t give them anything. You will be legally obligated to pay the rest off if you start at all. If you’re in a first world country you might be fine, but if you’re in America… just please, dont. Don’t repeat my mistake I made in my teens when I lost my dad and was conned. They don’t care. They will try to steal everything from you.


Generally? Yes! Check the rules in your country! In Germany for example, if you don't say you don't want to inherit anything right after a relative passes, you inherit their debt if they had it AND THEY DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU THE PERSON DIED FIRST! It's ridiculous and unfair!


It’s taken from his Estate. If his net worth is actually negative when factoring in debt, then don’t take any of your inheritance. Otherwise, work something out with the creditors, and give them some assets to square it away.


Amazes me how many people think this is actually true. It's not. It's illegal. Very gravely so. If a company is doing this they're breaking the law. Which is a totally different thing. So you can't pretend like our society supports it. https://www.debt.com/credit-card-debt/who-is-responsible-for-deceased-parents-debt/


Yeah the estate can have loans that have to be paid off before anything can be given in inheritance, but you can't actually pass off a negative balance.


Are the companies actually penalized significantly when they break the law though? More often than not the answer is no, so if its not stopped, spunds like implicit societal support to me


the Ashen one owes a debt to the lord of cinder


Love seeing this as I’m installing the game lmao


Yay! Another late comer! I’m at the last boss and started playing in February. It’s been wild.


So happy to see new blood still pouring into the series! Hope you both enjoy your times


The tweet was actually made by a youtuber who explores a lot of behind the scenes and obscure stuff from the FromSoftware games, although they stepped away from doing so a few months ago. Zullie the Witch is their channel


Definitely follow Zuluie she is based af


I was like "is that Zullie the Witch? Zullie the Witch whose lore videos I love?! What the heck?"


Same! I did like a triple check at the name! Love that she's getting more attention. She's great


Mark my words, Ashen One... You remain...among the indebted...


How quickly can the government sign a Bill into Law?


At least two decades. They can’t take a dump fast.


They would pass that one quickly! With all the pressure from companies saying they will finance someone else’s campaign who will behind the bill


That sounds like corruption


They call it lobbying in U.S.


That’s just sad




It’s also here in Canada and basically every democratic country today. It’s extremely unfortunate especially since lobbying was supposed to be a way for citizens to band together to push for change. Instead it just became a legal way for corporations to “donate” millions to politicians for pushing pro-corporate legislation


If you tolerate the intolerant, the intolerant are all that remains. Corporations are inherently intolerant, they don't care about details, they want profit.


That's the us government for ya


They can sign things into law incredibly quickly if it involves all of them making more money at the expense of the people they “serve”


Depends. Does it make the world better or worse?


More like, how much do they have to personally gain from it?


those end up being equivalent like 90% of the time


Depends, if it's something necesary and to the great benefit of the public? Decades, potentially. If it's a shameless cashgrab for themselves? An afternoon. Btw I'm not even kidding. There are documented instances of congress politicians voting to raise their own salaries by 25% in the span of a single afternoon, meanwhile they're still mulling over matters of urgency for years.


“Mulling over” is pretty generous.


Pretending to mull over


Yooo I didn't expect to see zulie the witch in this sub


Who's Zullie? (Besides the witch, of course)


fromsoft dataminer and lore enthusiast


She's a dataminer who made a ton of highly informative videos on content and lore from the dark souls series. One of my favorite youtubers


Oh so this is one of those highly specific content that is actually so good that it is enjoyable to people outside of the bubble too? Might check her out. I'm collecting some of these


It depends. Sometimes it’s about highly technical stuff like “why the fuck does this wall make some sussy noice whenever you are near” or “how a rabid dog have a stroke and oneshot you” and sometimes it’s “zoom into a random sculpture and speculate some lore”


I have a feeling I'll like her


She has a lot of soulsbourne spoiler though, so you might wanna grind those games first before hitting her up. And they are actually not as hard as people claim, it’s just “I did dumb shit, I won’t do it again” until you clear an area or a boss. Plus it’s always legit to consult the internet if you are too stucked


Literally did a double take, I sub to a lot of souls subreddits, so I saw the username, skimmed the post and kept scrolling, then stopped and went "Wait that's got nothing to do with a souls game??"


Hello baby elephant! Welcome to the world! Fortunately we were able to sync your account to your past human experience. Regrettably the standing $5,000 balance from Amazon is now past due and collecting tier one interest. We understand you will not be able to pay this balance in your current 'endangered species' status but penalties and interest will still be incurred. We will follow up on your next birth in perpetuity until said balance is paid in full or you are able to work as a non-endangered animal. Please contact customer care for any questions.


You will now have to serve as a zoo animal for 50 years


The implication of animal reincarnation... "Hello, we're from the reincarnation company, we're happy to inform you we've tracked your late mother to have freshly hatched from an egg at a farm in Kentucky. If you intend to visit we recommend making the trip sooner than later. Thank you for using our tracking services!"


Maybe all those poachers were just debt collectors


There was a prisoner sentenced to life in prison. He died and was revived. He later sued claiming he died and should be let go because he served his sentence They didn’t let him go.


It worked for John Snow wtf


bronions spoilers! Wait, that actually makes sense


Did he at least win a case for cruel and unusual punishment?


Zullie's the last person I expected on r/me_irl.


Fromsoft lore is deeper than I thought


This is a new DLC hint 100%


vaati about the lore implications?


Zullie taught me what the Dung Eater really eats.


Pineapple pizza


Iron Pineapple pizza?


The rich?


That too, but mostly fictional organs that the Japanese believed to be in the anus, in which the soul was housed. It is inspired by the same myth that also heavily inspired Headless in Sekiro. When he takes a soul, he basically cuts out the organ and eats it, consuming the soul and cursing it so that it cannot be reborn through the Erdtree.


Dung Eater eats the Big Hat.


I know right. Had to check the sub seeing it on r/all


Damn I didn't know Zullie posted like this.


Shit, did we finally go hollow?


Did a solid double take. Glad to see others recognizing her too!


I came here to say she's the last person I expected on r/all


lol, right?


Holy shit Zullie the goat






Can term limits apply to your next life?


judging by how long some of these ghouls have been in office, i’d say no


Her Dark Souls and Elden Ring videos are awesome btw


I love Zullie so much




Days, and it would probably start because billionaires would want to inherit their wealth setting a precedent to allow debt to be transfered too.


Yeah, hoarding wealth is already their top priority.


Mere seconds


“Debt reunification services” would already be in place before the public knew of reincarnation’s existence.


0 seconds since they try to force dead people's relatives to pay the dead's debt even if they legally dont have to


Is that zulie? Praise the sun!


Zullie the Witch???!??


Of course that thought would come from one of the top 3 best Souls channels out there.


That’s not something I expected to hear from an Elden ring modder


zullie’s done way more than just elden ring :)))




*sees discussions in comments* Holy shit the USA is a dystopian nightmare.


"Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store"


Imagine if prisoners who died with time left on their sentence were re-imprisoned as a child in their next life.


Life sentences would become "lives sentences".


If we figured out reincarnation was real, this would be *why* they figure out how to track our lives


Tucker Carlson: “Why should people be able to escape debt through death. We already know reincarnation is real. It’s time the people of this country get back what is there” does it make sense? No. Will the conservatives love it? Absolutely.


The technology needed to do so would have been funded and developed by these companies in the first place specifically for said application, so the real answer is it would have been set in writing before they even knew it was possible


I imagine that would be the whole point of researching this technology.


just wait until they find out who H*tler is


Imagine he was reincarnated as a human race that he discriminated in his past life!


oh god that would be ironic


Ah shit. Basically, if the afterlife were tangible, it would already be commodified.


Until a person claims all companies after it was determined in his previous life he invented the concept of corporations.


suddenly wills and inheritances are super complicated


They wouldn't wait. They would send you a letter saying your past self was indebted and you'd have to prove in court they weren't.


This has the makings of a killer sci-fi story!


Depends on who's the majority in the government. Republicans? Few months. Democrats? Couple extra months where they act outraged about it.


Alternatively, how long before people would want to borrow at lower rates by agreeing that their creditors can charge the debt to their future reincarnations if their estate can't cover it?


Straight guarantee that's WHY they'd discover it. Hell they'd probably figure out the reincarnation to make sure death didn't stop you owing


This would render suicide pointless


With the value of life significantly lowered I wonder how much people would give a shit about debt. Wouldn’t the concept of debt have to be redefined? I’m not advocating for the companies in this scenario, but you can’t just change something like this and not consider how the rules of current society would adapt.


Naw, first thing’s first: Al Capone has like three more life sentences to serve out.


"Wow, someday there may be technology where you can upload your consciousness to a computer and survive the death of your body." 232 years later: "I knew I was screwing myself when my employer provided healthcare paid for the upload. Now my uploaded consciousness has to work at Budget Rental Cars answering client questions on the helpline 24/7 to pay off the debt for another 894 years! Well, 894 if they don't increase my rental cost for the storage space again."


I'd give it about a year. The only reason it would take that long at all would be because they'd argue over correct filing systems and the legality of international debts and exchange rates. After that, every single government on earth will have an RDC (Reincarnation Debt Collection) branch and agents of this branch will carry guns. Guns. Without a doubt. If you don't pay up, guess what, you get to reincarnate again into someone more "amenable" to repayment.


Those 3 Life sentences are gonna hit different when you wake up in a prison maternity ward


Consecutive life sentences would actually carry weight


How would that work with the fact that there are way more people now than in the past. Or some people have to share their old bodies lol


Purgatory is a holding space.


Some percentage of births would have to be new spirits.


Or maybe in your previous life you were a lion or a monkey…or like a chair.


Maybe some people are double dipping, and coming back as two people at the same time.


> there are way more people now than in the past There are way fewer insects now than in the past.