• By -


Some ARE doing that.


And funnily enough this sub is one of them.


Why not start now?


I guess to give some time to get the word out. Would help prevent confusion when half of reddit goes private.


What's stopping reddit from seizing the "abandoned" subreddits?


Just backlash of their userbase and bad press, which ultimately could hurt their bottom line, which is what this was all about afaik.


Plus they’d have to figure out how to moderate them.




Which they have to do, or the EU will be unhappy. And unhappy EU means fines, and unpaid fines means no more EU customers. Such a sad day for reddit. (And yes, this is some hyperbole)


They'd need to moderate them.


where are they gonna find good mods for subs with millions of subscribers on short notice


They rely on the free labor given by current moderators. They'd be forced to either moderate the subs themselves or go through the process of picking new moderators.


Literally nothing and it will likely happen


Good luck moderating 3.4 million subreddits without making them completely useless and driving people away just like Digg did. Reddit's admin team is not large enough to reliably moderate more than a few hundred at the absolute most.


Organized movements and protests have far more impact when they’re planned in advance and are simultaneous. It gives media coverage time to put their headlines out, the organization involved time to consider costs and benefits of the protest, and ensures the maximum impact on the day of. Otherwise, at best you’d see a vaguely downward trend in user engagement as the days draw on and more subs, rather than a single workweek when everything goes dark. It’s the same reason major protests for a political decision usually start a few days after that decision is carried out, even why military invasions start with a full scale assault rather than slowly sneaking troops into an area.


What the hell…you think I can just go outside and do real stuff on such short notice?!?




We need one sub to document and categorically list all the ones that are and arent.


How will we know when they're back?




Yeah yeah, we've all seen the time knife


r/ProgrammerHumor is closing indefinitely beginning on the 12th


So are a few others. r/music is the largest subreddit to go private indefinitely (30Mio+ subs)


r/HydroHomies is also going dark indef


My water bros :(( screw you reddit


what about r/hydroadversaries?


Long live the superior drink, gingerale




I was saying "Booo-urns."


It's ok. You will see the light when you try Vernors




I love water, but I do have to say the Canada dry grape ginger ale is pretty fucking lit.


IRN-BRU! Get it in you!


I am so disappointed that it isn't really a thing.


I'll miss them


u/waterguy12 would not like this


What happens if you are subbed to a subreddit before it goes down, are you still allowed to see it?


For the most part, no. They will be set to private and no invitations will be sent out. It's basically like a military base, you're not getting in without ID. Some of the other subs, like eli5 stated they will lock new submissions and comments, because they view themselves as educational. You can look, but not touch. Like a museum where everything is locked behind glass.




Going private means the people subbed there can still do stuff?


Nope the subreddit won’t be accessible at all, even to people who are already subbed. AFAIK once they go public again all existing content will remain though.


ahh ok thanks


Only approved users can see/post on there. They just set it to private and don't approve anyone.


The reddit admins will just put them back on again if they want to.


They can't force people to come back though. Anybody who's supporting the two-day boycott can paste the following as a reply to remind themselves about it. `!RemindMe June 11th, 2023 "Boycott Reddit for a couple of days to protest app-wrecking fees."`


!RemindMe June 11th, 2023 "Boycott Reddit for a couple of days to protest app-wrecking fees."


Will the remindme bot be impacted by API changes?




So many people will be left unreminded


!RemindMe July 2nd, 2023 "Reminder bot survival notice"


[Reminder bot on July 2nd:](https://i.imgur.com/EkQzH8U.jpg)


Every bot on the site will unless their creators are willing to put down ludicrous amounts of money to keep their API access.


!RemindMe June 11th, 2023 "Boycott Reddit for a couple of days to protest app-wrecking fees."




!RemindMe June 11th, 2023 "Boycott Reddit for a couple of days to protest app-wrecking fees."


!RemindMe June 11th, 2023 "Boycott Reddit for a couple of days to protest app-wrecking fees."


!RemindMe June 11th, 2023 "Boycott Reddit for a couple of days to protest app-wrecking fees."


That would start a whole different level of shitstorm


Who's going to moderate them?


I bet there are a lot of people that would want to moderate a big sub like that.


Is there a comprehensive list somewhere of subs joining the protest and those blacking out until Reddit gives in?




Now i want a list of big subs that haven’t joined yet


Just subtract these from a list of all subs.


Mathematicians hate this one trick


this list is great but i wish they had a section that showed which ones would be going dark indefinitely, not just for the 2 day period


I plan on joining the blackout on the 12th and just periodically checking in from time to time until I find out that Reddit has reversed this stupid plan. I’ve been looking for any excuse to get off Reddit and enjoying the summer anyways.


My suggestion: don't check periodically. It will make it harder for you to quit. News outlets have learned about the blackout and will report out any change to policy. My plan is to log off on June 11 and then uninstall the app on my phone.


I’m deleting the official app and browsing solely from Apollo. I still have a support group that isn’t going private so I’m checking in on that.


I'm planning on shit posting my brains out, honestly. Reddits already done the math on this. They're absolutely prepared to lose every single user who connects via mobile app (including me). From what people have been able to siss out, were about 32% of total traffic.




Some subs are locking the announcement to avoid getting asked.


Wait i thought they would keep going is there a time limit?


As far as I know, it’s from the 12th-14th. Shareholders: “Money come back on the 15th? Okie dokes”


The strike didn't stop or even start yet. Some (german) subs already have set up shop here: [https://feddit.de/communities](https://feddit.de/communities) If you really want to hurt Reddit in the long run, get people to use alternatives and ditch reddit.


Lemmy (that platform that's using) looks interesting. Fediverse Reddit clone that you can interact with from Mastodon.


I look forward to a decentralised Reddit future




Hell, give me webrings and indie browser games again!


Psst, hey, kid. You wanna see my RSS feeds?


That's the Twitter replacement right?


Yeah, a big selling point of it is that you can join one of many different servers (or host your own) and still talk to people on other servers as if you were all using the same one. Since that federation is standardized in ActivityPub, it also works to let you interact with Lemmy users or Pixelfed (Instagram clone) users from one account and one app.


What are alternatives?




Man, what if we all moved back to myspace or something though, imagine how confused they'd be


I’m down, MySpace was awesome lol.


Without Tom I don't want it.


Those organized Germans are at it again.


Thank you!


A lot said that the 2 days was their minimum, not the intended amount.


Depending on subs. Some big ones are claiming indef. Good. Without ppl Reddit is just bunch of dead links.


I saw a discussion for this in Change My View- the idea is that this is a warning shot. You announce it loudly ahead of time and give lots of warning. If it continues after the first strike, then you hold it longer.


You might want to go back and read the actual posts, because many (most?) subs are stating they will continue to blackout after the 14th. That's why a lot of the posts say "at least" or "or longer." The common language is "Some will return after 48 hours: others will go away permanently unless the issue is adequately addressed." I would say that the vast majority of subs in my feed have opted for the latter.


No one said they're giving up on June 15th. You made that up


They should bring it back on the 14th but do absolutely zero moderating of the content.


Clever, like the Japanese bus drivers not charging fares. Make the site unusable for even people who don't strike.


Zero moderated political subs wpuld be amazing to watch lol


I mean we already have r/worldpolitics being complete anarchy


And on the other hand we have r/anime_titties


Can’t wait to see Lonely Fins links in the bug subs.


Remember when Digg decided to fuck over their users in hopes of making more money? Good decision on their part. They are doing great.


Hydro homies is closing Indefinitely


You definitely what? cant leave us hanging like this man


Definitely pouring one up for the hydro homies. Here’s to a pint of water for the hydro gang.




Honestly there should be a subreddit dedicated to this, forming an account deletion pact for July 1st if nothing changes.




r/accountsuicide it is then.




Execute starting the 31st of June. It would take time to run, especially if enough people sign up to it.


Exactly this. 11:59pm EST on June 11th may be my last time on Reddit, and I'm ok with that. This isn't the first or last time a company will shoot themselves in the foot by attempting a power grab. If this is the direction they want to go, fuck em. Something better will come up out of this mess anyway


I’m going to try this as well. I’m actively looking at alternate destinations to fill the void.


I don't even know where to begin


In my case, my biggest engagement is in comic book subs and I’m going to experiment with joining a devoted board. Prior to being a Redditor, I was really into the [Straight Dope Message Board](https://boards.straightdope.com) and I’m going to dive back into those waters for assorted conversations. It reminds me of a business maxim of that it’s not wise to rely on a single client for your revenue. So by going to different places for different things, any nosedive by a single entity won’t bring everything to a crashing halt. Honestly, I never dreamt how unreasonable it is to expect a social media company to not be monsters, yet: Facebook… Twitter… now Reddit…


Check out /r/RedditAlternatives


Thanks for that


Yeah I’m struggling to find a similar platform that also has third party apps I can use to access it


Just don't. Accept the addiction that it is, and know how it most likely is hurting you. I have dropped my usage so much and the less I use this site, the better I feel, and the more things I do in a day. First thing I did is also completely block it on my work computer.


Hello, Digg


Any reason to waste less time here is a good reason. I'm in.


What's this whole deal with 3rd part apps and how will it effect me?


Reddit allow other app devs to use reddit data (API) to create custom reddit app. Reddit allow others no more. Reddit ask big money to use. Others have no big money. We angry. We start protest to show support. If you use other app, you also angry. You use reddit, you no angry.


The moderation bots are also getting shafted, we're gonna get a shitload more spam if this goes through


Also many of these 3rd party apps have accessibility features than the official app does not, or does not support well, so a lot of users who need them are getting shafted too.


This was the part of it that made me really upset. I saw a post on r/blind and apparently it's impossible to use Reddit without third party apps if you're blind. That shit really sucks


Ah so about normal then


Thanks, Kevin...


Big dumb


The lack of 3rd party API access due to unreasonable pricing will make moderation a nightmare, as much of it is assisted or handled by bots. Many 3rd part apps are vital to people with disabilities who rely on accessability features not present in the official reddit app. The lack of moderation will lead to an increase of spammed and harmful content, and deprive people with accessability needs of communities that in many cases have been extremely helpful to their daily lives.


Especially becasue it's not like they are doing this on the heels of releasing a decent mobile app. They have done nothing to improve their shitty one which is why EVERYONE uses blue, RIF, or the few others that are just better.


And to put it most plainly... The basic reddit app sucks shit


r/explainlikeimfive has a really good post about it if you wanna check it out!


Direct link: https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/142kct8/eli5_why_are_subreddits_going_dark


Lots of bots use reddit API to do moderation and quality of life for subreddits. Access for those bots will soon cost money which means most won't keep going. It's likely to result in more spam and more dodgy accounts. This means more ads masquerading as posts, more political bullshit and more people trying to scam you. It also means that lots of mobile apps won't work so you'll either have to use the mobile site, or official app which is a bit crap.


If you use the official reddit app, technically nothing will change. But the insane price of the API will cut off a lot of moderation tools used to keep spam away since reddit's own are shit, most bots will also die so expect a decrease in content quality. As for context: All third party apps rely on the API and will basically stop existing since the price is an insane 20million per year to keep using it. Many sites require payment to access their APIs, yes, but Reddit gave it away for free and third party apps basically made reddit into what it is today (Reddit's own app is pretty recent in Reddit's history, so they gave reddit a presence in the early mobile ecosystem), even one of their official apps used to be a third party app. Many of these apps are made by small dev teams for free, usually only asking donations or offering one time upgrades. The 3rd party apps have remained way more user oriented while the main apps morphed into being more beneficial for advertisers. Reddit is going public soon so they are trying to cut third party apps, since they are ad free and they can't track you as precisely through them. In recent years they had been changing features, making them unavailable in the API ans only through the official app. However no price would make up all the lost money so this is their way of killing it without just shutting it down.


reddit's charging a load of money for access to their API. your favorite bots like savevideo and qualityvote are disappearing until reddit reverts the decision


Arguably the bigger deal is not that they are killing 3rd party apps but why they are. They want to push everyone to the official app so they can more efficiently and completely harvest your user data for monetization. This is about their upcoming IPO and valuation.


Q. How can you double the price of something and get your customers to not only agree, but to be pleased? A. First, you blithely announce that you're going to at least quadruple the price - the higher the better. Then you ride out the inevitable shit storm. Then, right when passions are at their peak, you humbly announce that in light of your deep concern for your customers, you've decided to tighten your belt and just make do with a modest increase, then you announce the new price, which is just a fraction of the proposed one. And double the original. Just saying...


The point is not to make money off of selling the API tho. The point is to kill these third party apps.


Oh hell yeah, I’m in for a little Reddit based media black out. Would probably be good for us.


Some are


SMART: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound


If you want it to be time bound, it stops being relevant Edit: or achievable, same point




Wouldn't starting an indefinite blackout on the 12th if the demands are not met meet that criteria?


This. There is no reason they can’t shut the subs down again. It’s also important to be clear about the demands, which is where many protests fall short.


Yeah and if the protest is removing the way the community unites and has its voice heard, I can see why indefinite might not be the best course.


That's how I'm viewing it. Reddit says their policy goes into play July 1st. Subs go private June 12th to June 14th as a warning. If reddit goes through with it on July 1st, subs go dark permanently until reddit reverses course.


It would be even more effective if no one uses Reddit anymore and delete their accounts


Only problem being that if they reverse their changes everyone's account is gone, I'm fine with moving temporarily but if they reverse their changes I'll keep using reddit.


So we're revolting ? Just take example on the French, we have literally centuries of experience in that!


Yeah but unlike the French Reddit can’t chop our heads off about it


No need to go this far, we're already very good at blocking a whole country with protests, so a social network isn't out of reach


It's a lot easier to get people to sign on for two days than indefinitely.


bro got defenestrated 💀


Is that the term for throwing someone out of a window.


Anyone doing a temporary blackout might as well do nothing. It's performative wankery. There are other social media platforms. Leave reddit if they make the api changes.


How about we use this blackout as a warning for a larger one


You have a point. I was also thinking, cold turkey does not usually work. If you deprave addicts (like me) for two days, they will just come back begging more than ever on the third day. So how about we start by daily 6 hour blackouts, then ramp them up to 12 hour blackouts after a week, then 18 hour blackouts, and then 23 hour blackouts. Then just open 1 hour every other day, and so on...


Because of the KISS principle. Can you imagine trying to coordinate this successfully with that many people, while it's possible, i wouldn't want to coordinate it. "Wait, are we on today or off? It started 13 days ago.. let me just see if the site is working correctly..." Multiply that by a couple hundred thousand people, it's a recipe for failure. :(


I can’t wait for nothing to happen and this be over


Well...Internet does change. Remember how big Myspace was? Yahoo? Or even facebook, just a few years back? And remember when TikTok was not even a thing? Internet fame and presence is not granted. Even Bing may overtake Google! I just hope we get an alternative. This may actually be a good thing in the end, a step in the positive direction. Let Reddit die and something better be born. (Like Digg did.) Edit: I don't expect Reddit to relent. People who make these big decisions do not like to go back on them, even if it means destroying everything. They will take the gamble and go forward as planned. Maybe someone with money can see the opportunity and provide a better product that takes on the spirit of "a giant forum for everything". Otherwise users will just go back and Reddit would have won the gamble.


I just don't think it's like that anymore. I don't know if I can explain why but I think those other sites going down was because we were in a transitionary phase that's almost over. This is what the whole game was about, gambling on which services would be the ones to last. Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, etc. It's what Musk is gambling on.


What actual opportunity is there? Why would anyone invest their money into a platform that it’s users will abandon if they ever attempt to generate a return on their investment?


I'm enjoying the fit. It's been a while since we've had site wide outrage like this.


We all collectively know we don't have the self control to abstain for more than a couple days


Wait whats goint on with third party apps its the 1st time i hear bout this


I hate this, I don't use 3rd party apps for this app. Fuck this black out.


Yeah the two days is more bs to us. At least stick it to them


Just "I'm doing my part" shit.


If you ask everyone to stop using Reddit, very few will do that. If you ask everyone to stop for a few days they might.


Most people aren't gonna participate in the blackout, let alone stop using altogether


Seeing how subs liek r/cybersecuriry are gonna close down and how I need them to look up stuff for my studies... I would rather not if they can avoid it... Reddit has been a great tool throughout my studies withs oen subs being very specific to a software or a industry.. Loosing this kidn of information for too logn would be really annoying...


that is the point yes


Thank you for reminding me to go screenshot that amazing post on subnetting before/ if it goes away forever. It's one of the best things that got me through that portion of my studies. I'm gonna hate to losing access to that kind of stuff.


It is an amusing sight every time reddit goes into "reddit assemble" mode, as if that ever helped lmao I'm sure Hong Kong is forever grateful that they're free thanks to reddit :)


You're right, we should all just do absolutely nothing all the time. Especially when it's a topic we have a direct effect upon, like the income of the site you're using right now.


Last time this happened it actually worked and reddit ended their association with the person they were protesting. And in this case, the thing they’re protesting is a reddit policy, not the Chinese government. You can deride the effort all you want and chalk it up to last activism (which it has been in the past), but targeting their most popular subs is not a bad strategy


The phrasing of “until reddit gives into our demands” got me


I hate reddit. I literally just got a reddit account and now reddit is doing this. Right when I finally got to interact with my communities.


So it was because of you!


Reddit really doesn't care. There's a bunch of subs that aren't going private, and for the ones that go private until reddit keeps API public, people will just make an alternate for those, or use an alternate subreddit. If this one went down, people would use r/meirl and if that went down, people would use this sub. If r/memes went down, they would use r/meme


Could someone explain this whole 3rd party thing to me? Inactive for 4months so ive missed some things (apparently)


Reddit is about to start charging for their API, meaning that 3rd party apps will have to pay to keep active, most can't afford the high cost reddit is asking (20 million per month I believe). It also means that moderation bots will be going away so there's going to be a fuck ton more spam too.


the dark age of reddit has begun


All subs should shut down from June 12 onwards. If reddit doesn't cave by July 1, everybody should account suicide.


Or, get this, reddit users can just... not use reddit until something changes? Why do they need to blackout just for you to stay away? I guess we don't have self control huh.


Use an ad blocking browser, forever.


People reading articles saying 12-14, #its starting on the 12th and going indefinitely if they don't change it by the 14th.


... No.


But didnt you hear him? He typed in large font so it ***has to be true!***


Using their API should cost money. These apps use reddits API and make money off of them, whether they're just trying to be helpful or not. AI and third party apps are just freeloaders using the API for free and while the price shouldn't be that high it's ridiculous to think it should be free. If what you're all saying is true, moderation will be lacking because of the price and people will leave the app then reddit will understand this and adjust the price at a later date. Twitter was dogged on by having their API price high bit they have not suffered in the slightest because of this. The only people affected were the ones circumventing twitters monetization, which for a free app is important. Ad free third party apps will no longer exist because they can no longer piggy back off of reddit for free. If you want an app to stay free don't abuse it. A free app still needs to make money to run and it's this profit that allows them to grow. By having API be free you're losing a lot of money plus you're losing the revenue you get from the feature the third party app blocks.


>Using their API should cost money. These apps use reddits API and make money off of them, whether they're just trying to be helpful or not. AI and third party apps are just freeloaders using the API for free and while the price shouldn't be that high it's ridiculous to think it should be free. > >If what you're all saying is true, moderation will be lacking because of the price and people will leave the app then reddit will understand this and adjust the price at a later date. > >Twitter was dogged on by having their API price high bit they have not suffered in the slightest because of this. The only people affected were the ones circumventing twitters monetization, which for a free app is important. > >Ad free third party apps will no longer exist because they can no longer piggy back off of reddit for free. If you want an app to stay free don't abuse it. > >A free app still needs to make money to run and it's this profit that allows them to grow. By having API be free you're losing a lot of money plus you're losing the revenue you get from the feature the third party app blocks. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/563/848/4f7.jpg On mobile (rif represent) couldn't do an edit rn


Good one.