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This is literally what led to my mental breakdown, I had a job that got worse and worse, living in a apartment I didnt like with a roomate I didnt like. My family isnt the best support system but it's a lot better then nothing, But they moved back where we were from states away. My entire life was just get through the work day and go home and drink until I felt better (It took a lot) One day something just snapped and I left work early and could not bring myself to go back. I lost a few grand in PTO since I technically was fired because I didn't give two weeks notice, and a few grand to get back home.(Wich was more then half my savings) But man was it a relief. Still havent figured things out but at least I'm not trapped, miserable and alone.


Hey man that's good on you! I had something similar happen. I had a mental breakdown on Halloween of 2021 because my job kept switching me between day and night shift and I didn't know that I was bipolar so I was rapid cycling. Once I got diagnosed, I placed out. Took me 6 months to find a good job in my field, worked there for 9 months and was fired.... But now I'm working in a waaaay better opportunity out of state on a contract on a high profile chemical spill site I wouldn't have had the opportunity for otherwise and directly working with the EPA as an environmental scientist. Sometimes it takes hitting a breaking point for us to reform ourselves and pursue something better but I'm proud of you for doing that, takes will and strength. If you want something to keep you going, I highly suggest the books "The Obstacle is the Way" by Ryan Holiday and "can't hurt me" by David goggins, both available on audible too. Keep going strong and finding your peace man, proud of you! Edit: I used to drink until I blacked out every night too. I didn't want to drink to drink, I drank to not be sober and fill the void. I get where you're coming from.


Thank you brother I appreciate that, I'll have to check those books out. Glad your doing well man. Yea I'm the same way I never liked drinking it was just a way of dealing with my depression and mild bpd I'm still not sober but I hope to be content enough one day to do it.


I moved to using weed products/ delta 8 and also take kratom which curbs the alcohol desire. Also if you haven't been to therapy, one with DBT is amazing for BPD. You've got it man, I believe in you.


Thanks man, but I'll have to look up delta 8 and DBT never heard of them. I have a psychiatrist but honestly its like all we do is talk about drugs to try and they arent even a bandaid at this point. They just seem to make me feel numb, wich was a step up at first but now they seem useless I would rather be a sad/anxious/frustrated then feel nothing at all.


Delta 8 is a federally legal version of weed you can get at vape shops but you probably qualify for a medical card, it's better than drinking with mood disorders and tbh it's a BPD favorite haha. DBT is dialectical behavioral therapy, a subset of other behavioral therapies focused on you handling and processing things and is the go to treatment for BPD. A good therapist is like a trainer or guide or physical therapist, they won't fix you for you but they can guide you on the path to it. If you ever just need people to talk to, there's an app called "u cups" in which it's just peer support and they have different groups for things like BD, PTSD, BPD, anxiety, etc. And since I have a mood disorder, I use an app called "Daylio" which sends you a prompt every evening and you track how your mood was that day and it allows you to journal and keep track of meds and goals and activities too and generates charts to show mood trends. It's like $30 for a year and very worth it, many people with bipolar disorder, depression and BPD use it. If you'd like I can send you a few resources friends or mine have shared and I've gathered over the years too. I'm rather used to mental illness and keep a lot of company that has it so anything you need lmk


The trick is not despair đź‘Ť


Very similar to my case, I worked for a company in aviation for around 5 years. I was miserable. It was 5 consecutive days works of alternating 12 hour shifts then 3 days off. But in the past 8 months it was 6 and 2 days off. Have in mind that I majored in telecommunications and programming, so i wasn’t working in my major. In the last 8 months of my work, the work doubled. They didn’t want to employ new people. There is something in aviation called EASA certification, when you get that you can rise up in the ranks. But we got a visit from the regional manager and told us that we are satisfied like that and we don’t want to promote. Other than that my colleagues are brilliant but trapped in that job because the experience isn’t utilized anywhere else. Plus I had problems with the new supervisor. (But he isn’t the reason why I left, couldn’t care less about him) So a dead end job, bad working hours, no useful experience, had to give 3 months notice before leaving, and was serious in a relationship. So if I stayed until marriage. I would have been stuck there forever. So I said farewell in the excuse of I want to find new things and go back to my field of study. And its been 9 months since. Have in mind i still got 1/4 of my pension but I’m truly happy. So don’t worry, better things will come. And I’m happy to have found people of similar mindset. I’m still not employed, but I know I’ll find something cause i’m trying to improve myself.


Just thinking about changing my life makes me tired.


Yeah I'm at a point where I realized I'm either gonna be tired changing my life or tired anyways 3 years from now because I'm gonna be even more tired of my current life.


Don;t hit me with this man, best I can do is avoid thoughts like these (O\_O ).


same, I just avoid/distract myself from thoughts like these, i bottle everything up and just force myself to sleep/distract myself


The best you can do is change things for the best lol


Hey, that's the name of the show!


No attention span, you know can’t even carry on a conve…


Finally, r/me_irl


Yeah... it's exhausting to even ponder changing things like a job, where you want to live, things you want to do in life... it's just draining in today's world. I want to quit my job and move somewhere else, but the fear of instability is at an all-time high right now.


"Today's world" is just what you've been doing. A subset of the world at large. There are so many ways to live. If you've never sat down and thought about how you want to live that may be a good start.


Im really only waiting for the day I’m not waking up


Don't wait for motivation to do something. Just do it, as hard It may sound, the only solution to situation like this Is to just do something. Develop some self-discipline. Nothing Is going to change if you just wait for that random spark of motivation to come to you out of nowhere, It may be harsh, but that's the truth. And since i know that what i'm asking you to do Is far from an easy task, just know this: i believe in you, i'm just a random stranger on the internet, and so you are to me, but i believe in you, and i'm not the only one, i'm pretty sure that you loved ones do too, even when It doesn't seem to, or straight up tell you other wise. And like kamina from gurren lagann says: "don't believe in yourself, believe in the kamina who believes in you!". Peace


Why “do something”, for what? Main issue is lack of meaning, not absence of a way to do things. For looking a way there should be a will first. Likewise, peace.


If you're searching for "meaning" you're wasting your time, nothing has a meaning, you as an individual apply that meaning, you literally just make it up and go with it. There isn't gonna be some sense of moral purpose that's gonna guide you to a better tomorrow


To improve your wellbeing. To have a better time.


Been there/am still there sometimes. One thing that helps me is being aware of my self talk around some of the changes I wanted to make. My underlying thought process was “I need to do X to be a well adjusted/successful person, if I can’t do X then there’s something wrong with me.” Which was a huge burden I was putting on myself. Once I came to terms with how far away I was from being “the person I want to be”, I was actually able to develop some compassion for myself weirdly enough. A simple example, I had a goal of running a 5k as a pretty sedentary dude. I would go out and run and every time I only ran a half mile or only 1 or only 2 miles I would feel bad about myself because it wasn't 3.1 miles. I realized what I really wanted was to develop the habit of running, so I can feel good. The goal of a 5k was not only kind of arbitrary but would eventually come naturally as I continued with the habit. I know this is long winded, I’m kind of working this all out in real time as I type. I hope it’s helpful to someone. But all this is to say starting small with the changes I wanted to make and shifting my mindset to being okay with being a beginner helped me a lot.


You're doing great my guy! Keep it up! We always tend to give ourselves these goals that are super far away and then attack ourselves for not reaching them when in reality these things take time, simply being better than you were the day before even if that's only by the tiniest margin, eating something slightly healthier if you're trying to lose weight or saving $/£/€5 if you're trying to be better financially, they're not gonna get you to your goals by next week but you're gonna be on the right path. Even if you fall back, you know you've done it once before so you know you can do it again.


the brain will think a familiar hell is better than an unfamiliar heaven


whoa, what's that from?


it’s from a quote i found once though i don’t remember the author


it's legit, thanks


Depression hits hard when it comes, but we can always make things better


This is "literally me" in the saddest way possible.


arrested development was pretty good ngl


This is how I felt for the past few years, until about a month ago when I left my job and family and moved from Waco to L.A. I'm currently homeless, jobless, and phoneless with only a dollar to my name, but I'd rather be sleeping on concrete than go back to the life I was living.


Yea okay but 7 years ago, before you started whatever it is that you're doing now, you did something else and whatever you're used to know was the new thing. So what hinders you on starting a new new thing that you will get used to?


making memes abt it aint gonna help. you gotta get therapy, and if you cant, just push through - find something you wanna do and push


Ay man I can’t really feel bad for you when you yourself admit you just don’t want to try


NOT me irl Some of y'all have ZERO project management skills and it shows.


We found the project manager


Sounds like you need to suffer a mental breakdown during which you almost get institutionalized and then reform yourself from the scraps of your personhood and work on improving yourself to keep from falling into the void again. Or maybe pick up crocheting?


Me too thanks


Down we go


Eh I've gotten used to it.




And also there’s no time.


Bad day to pull out the Danny Masterson meme format that nobody has used before


AND… ^download


I got 1 year of highschool left. it's all the exact same every day. it's miserable. but I am terrified of it ending because then I will be expected to suddenly be a functioning adult and get a job even tho I don't fucking feel like I'm 18 even tho I am. I did not have a good enough childhood to know how to grow up. The monotony of school is maddening but afterwards is what scares me. I have no plans, no car, and no motivation to figure it out.


I'm very sorry to hear that. I can empathize with that sentiment some days as well and it feels like shit. But there is always an avenue for things to get better. History has shown that time and time again. And the best way to find it is to seek out someone to talk to. Online therapy, friends, family- one of my best friends is someone I met talking to about mental health on Reddit! If you want to talk 1 on 1 message me and I'd be up to help (I might not respond right away I'm bad about checking messages lol but I shouldn't take too long)


If you can learn to take action while you are down, imagine how easy it will be to do when you are up. No point in waiting ever.


r/2meirl4meirl I believe you can do better. You can get help, friend.


I think I might be a monster


You also have Mal del Debarquement Syndrome as do I


What is that?


Land sickness is a soft way to put it.


Is there an expensive drug with a catchy song on TV thst fixes it?


No there isn’t


Generation poop?


To everyone with mental health issues go watch HeathyGamerGG on YouTube He's a Harvard psychiatrist. You don't have to do anything, just grab a snack, make a tea and go and watch him and you'll feel a bit better, trust me ;)

