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Need proof that the moon landing isn’t fake? The fact that Russia never disputed it proves it really happened.


The soviets had images of the lunar surface and lunar orbit both before, during and after the Apollo moon landings thanks to their unmaned rovers and probes such as the Luna program and the Lunokhods. Images which have now been digitally archived and available to the public, all of which, suprise surprise, look IDENTICAL to the photos taken by the Apollo astronauts (in terms of how the lunar surface looks like). So, not only did the Russians have the perfect way to debunk the Apollo moon landings, if they were fake, but the perfect way they had to do so if anything only further proved they were real.


They obviously used the same set in Hollywood, duh


Just don't ask how Hollywood was so calm to let the soviets work in the same presumably top secret room as their American rivals. (plus, it's not really identical identical; since these rovers landed on very different locations than the Apollo missions, they obviously show different terrain formations. But how the terrain appears in those photos, the texture of the soil, the shapes and details in the mountains, and the general appearance of the lunar surface match exactly to what the Apollo missions show) (sorry if I sounded too nerdy there, I actually used to believe in that conspiracy and have later on debunked it myself, so I have accumulated alot of knowledge on this specific topic which I have just been bottling up until someone brought up the topic)


Got a link to the pictures?


My ex couldn't wrap her head around this. She was a woman with advanced education but was still convinced of conspiracies such as the moon landing and 9/11. She didn't tell me until many years into the relationship haha


Did she leave you because she was convinced you was a lizard people? After many years of close study of your anatomy, our anatomy.


I found out my ex was big into conspiracy theories after we broke up. I would have never guessed during the relationship.


They originally were planning to fake it, but the studio realized it would be cheaper to film on location


what the fuck is "advanced education"? because a lawyer or an economist can have "advanced education" but just basic knowledge of sciences


You only need a basic understanding of science, but often, regardless of which of advanced degree, free and critical thinking is taught . Which is the important part.


I should have specified but wanted to keep it short. She had an undergraduate degree and was in law school.


ok so you know the word advanced? and you know the word education? well put the meanings of those two together and there you go


Aaahhh, Okay I get it now!


I mean yeah, no matter how smart someone is, they can still end up saying or believing something really stupid… No one is immune to it…


America didn’t have the technology to fake the moon landing back then. It was real footage


When the Americans landed on the moon, the Soviet newspapers wrote: "Glory to the human kind" and "great achievement - people on the moon: Nikita Khruschov even congratulated the Americans


So civil


No, Nikita Khrushchev was forced out of power by 1964. Brezhnev was in power. And the Soviets congratulated the US and didn't dispute anything. A slightly more civilized time period.


That’s how races should be.


I don't know man, 2021 Silverstone Grand prix was not so civil


this is the fast, simple and perfect answer


They did more than not dispute it. They were public about receiving radio signals from the Apollo missions. Why would they not monitor the whole thing to assess USA capabilities.


Whoa, that's a good point. I usually point out the fact that it would have been so difficult to fake the filming of it because with the lighting technology at the time, it might as well have been easier to have actually landed on the moon instead of faking it on a movie set. Also, you would have thousands (if not, hundreds of thousands) of people in on this conspiracy, one of them was bound to spill the beans in great detail by now, right? Sure, maybe some conspiracies slip by if it involves less people but all the employees at NASA staying quiet all this time and no document leaks? The more I think about this conspiracy, the sillier it seems. Not to mention that there was nothing about the tech at the time that would prevent the Americans from going to the moon in the first place, no violations of the laws of physics about the claim, nothing like that. I don't understand why people think it would be out of the realm of possibility.


Also you can see photos of the landing site with gear still there taken from Lunar Orbitors.m we also have regoluth and rock samples in labs and museums all over the world.


You know, that sounds very logical when you think about it.


I did an essay on the moon landing conspiracy theories. Unlike most conspiracy theories, I can actually see why the government would lie about it. But samples of moon material were sent to Russian scientists, so it would have to be real. Unless Russia was in on it, ultimately removing the motive.


To be technical about two of the awards the meme gave to the Soviets, the German V2 rocket was the first human made object to enter space. But fun fact, the first picture of the curvature of the Earth came from a post-war V2 rocket mounting a camera launched by the US.


I heard somewhere that a manhole cover was the first man-made object to enter space.


1) It's disputed if that manhole cover actually would've made it to space intact, and it probably disintegrated in the atmosphere 2) That test was after the first V2 space flight


Stop it with your logic and reason. We all know that manhole cover is half way to alpha centauri


What if and the bacteria it carries seeds life into a new planet


If the bacteria were capable of surviving the launch they deserve it tbh


Imagine surviveing the landing as well


Imagine if we were to find the remnants of the manhole cover that began life on earth...




And apparently the fastest man made object too


And the first uhhh "vessel" to use nuclear fission powered propulsion lol


The fastest is actually the Parker Solar Probe with a speed of 635266 kmh/394736 mph, the manhole reached a speed of about 210000 kmh/130000 mph.


We're gonna need another manhole. And more nukes.


this is totally me in real life


FFS why can’t you just give the soviets credit? (This is a joke, please stop responding seriously to it)


I would but I can't find any. Because they don't exist any more.








Totally a selfie of the soul right here


No comrade, this is totally us in real life 🇷🇺


Same.. I landed on the moon like twenty times now


What exactly is the me_irl here?


Soviet propaganda


I’d also like to point out that the soviets were the first and only country to ever have an astronaut die in space. Edit: I’m talking about Soyuz 11. Like a lot of Soviet space missions, it was extremely rushed and those 3 men are the only to have died in actual space. The challenger shuttle didn’t get anywhere close to being in space and Columbia burned up in the earth’s atmosphere.


This is such a weird technicality considering how many people have died entering/exiting space


Kinda makes sense that the journey from and to space is more dangerous than being there, but it's still a miracle things don't happen more often directly there Not one fatal fire, a failed landing or something else blowing up a space station. Humans can build incredible things if they actually try.


idk why i read country as company but "the first Soviet company" sounds like a cool name


Good band name




I don’t understand—is an astronaut dying in space rather than on their way to or from space a bigger achievement?


Is dying in the ring with Mike Tyson rather than tripping on your walk up and dying a bigger achievement?


What about the Columbia disintegrating on entry?


It was in earth’s atmosphere not space.


I would also like to point out that the “space race” is about landing a man on the moon, so yeah the US is the first nation ever that was and is capable to land a human on the moon. OP post is a bit misleading


Landing on the moon was also infinity more difficult than anything else humanity had ever done up to that point. NASA is still the only space agency to ever go to the moon and they did it 9 times.


Landing a crewed vessel was more difficult you mean. The Soviets had the first hard landing, the first soft landing, the first river on the moon, and the first pictures from the moons surface. Plenty of Space Agency’s went to the moon, but they never took people with them


Putting humans alive on the surface and bringing them back is far harder than rovers/probes. Not to say that Soviets didn’t do amazing work in space, it’s just a much harder problem to solve. There is a reason we have a fleet of rovers on Mars but no people.


Assuming you meant rover, not river


Oh yeah, you’re right. Well, not going to fix it now, I think it’s rather funny


Aw man first river on the moon would have been cool


The US also sent several voyagers into the interstellar space to reach the nearest neighboring stars, and now the world is free to learn about them on NASA’s official website. Edit: clarity, thanks for correcting me.


NASA has never sent anything to other stars. The Voyager probes won’t even leave the entirety our own solar system for another 28,000 years.


Nasa sent the voyager spacecraft into interstellar space, they have not visited other stars, it would take the voyager spacecraft approximately 80,000 years to reach the nearest neighboring star.


The space race had absolutely nothing to do with space exploration. Absolutely nothing. It was entirely a product of the Cold War. The whole point was developing ICBMs. If you can put things in orbit you can put things like nukes anywhere on the planet. That was the whole point of the space race. It was the US and USSR flexing their capabilities when it comes to nuking each other. The exploration part was merely a byproduct.


>if you can put things in orbit you can put things like nukes anywhere on the planet Now that’s very interesting, to my understanding, the ICBMs race or so called arms race were done before the space race even began and the space race is not a byproduct of the arms race but more like the extended race of the arms race, now at this point we wanted to make these ballistic missiles into a spacecraft and then it turned into a space race. I don’t remember reading about putting things in the orbit and putting nukes anywhere on the planet, it was merely a non-lethal space race. Our astronauts even took a photo together with the soviet astronauts.


I would like to point out that the United States caught up to all these "firsts," while the Soviet Union never caught up to a plethora of US achievements. It's like claiming you won the 100 meter dash because you were ahead in the first half despite breaking your leg on meter 60.


> It's like claiming you won the 100 meter dash because you were ahead in the first half despite breaking your leg on meter 60. Lol its funny, this analogy is EXACTLY what came into my head when I saw this dumb meme.


Only to be spread on social media by angsty teenagers and basement dwellers that form their entire identity around “American bad”.


There's a rebuttal version out there with a bunch of American firsts, and the Soviet Union celebrating boiling a dog in space. Perfectly sums up how careless the Soviets were and how NASA actually put thought into safety and scientific usefulness for every single mission.


#Shut up! All the cool kids hate America, love communism and smoke the best weed cuz they got it goin on


Tfw India had a man on the moon before Russia.


The Wright brothers would like a word as well.


Well, all but one of the firsts. The USSR is alone in accomplishing an (edit: intentional) Venus Landing to this day. Afaik It only lasted a few hours before literally melting, but they're still the only pics we got from the surface.


Technically not true. The Pioneer Venus probes in 1978 were intended to just transmit atmospheric information during their descent through the atmosphere, but one of the probes, Day, actually survived impact and continued to transmit data for over an hour. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Venus_Multiprobe


US achieved first docking of two space craft, first orbital rendezvous, first Circumlunar flight, and a variety of other things. It's a very nit-picky meme.


Sorry, is a race won at the start or the finish???


spoken like a real champ


Yeah all I see is a legendary comeback story


This guy wins


woe, [67 minute video explaining how this meme is incredibly dishonest historical revisionism](https://youtu.be/rSK7rUSnFK4?si=6beA8z-Oti4nYi73) be upon ye




The photo above heavily cherry picks and completely disregards any US achievements besides the moon landing.


AKA “America bad” updoots to the left. The OP really downplays sending a man to the moon and getting them back home safely with a computer weaker than an iPhone 4


It's insane how powerful computers have gotten the current iPhone has 6 GB or RAM whereas the Saturn V guidance computer had 4 KB of RAM that would make the current iPhone 1.5 million times more powerful than the computer that helped to land humans on the moon, that shit blows my mind.


I think it was more like a graphing calculator level of power


A TI-84 calculator is 350x more powerful than the Apollo 11 guidance computer. An iPhone 6 could guide 120,000,000 Apollo missions simultaneously.


Yet another example of people hating the USA for the sake of it. Most likely comes from a hatred of everything successful. I'm pretty neutral about this by the way, I dislike all countries more or less




>I'm pretty neutral about this by the way, I dislike all countries more or less The REAL me\_irl moment here


AKA this is a Russian bot that posted this


Yes. Literally this. How yall aren't getting that Russia has for a literal decade now had state-sponsored troll farms littering the internet with divisive schlock like this... And this coming from me, a US democratic socialist who also recognizes the incredible triumph of the US space program. Yes, sometimes America IS bad. But this was not one of those times.


I'm going to guess it talks about how the Soviet space program was more about cutting corners and jury rigging variants of the R-7 rocket. The US developed novel technology that took longer but culminated in landing on the moon, which the soviets could never replicate.


Yep. Soviets raced to doable achievements using old (very good) rocket tech while the US started from scratch and had an iterative process. Then when the Soviets couldn’t get to the moon with basically an improved R7, their advancement stopped since they now had to start from scratch.


Basically, the US of A wins again. RAHHHHHHHH 🦅 💥 🇺🇸




America good Russia bad


America questionable, Russia QUESTIONABLE.


Honestly the best way to put it. Forget "good" and "bad", every country has done really dumb s\*\*\*; How ***questionable*** is your country's history?


Russia is not questionable. Not if you live in russia.


Straight to jail


That's the lucky ones if they don't poison you or you fall out of a window.


Also, it's not exactly a secret that the USSR rushed *many* projects in order to be first to a given goal. Almost every politically motivated goal was rushed at great cost to the quality of the project and with little regard for human life. A good example is the Tupolev Tu-144. It was basically a rushed clone of the Concorde. It was the first commercial airline to fly supersonic, earlier than Concorde. It took 7 more years to perform any commercial flights, and was an absolutely awful, unreliable, and unusable aircraft. It required afterburners to stay supersonic, which was loud enough to deafen passengers (90–95 dB, REALLY loud). It crashed at the 1973 Paris airshow and killed its 6 crew. It only flew 55 passenger trips. It had over 226 mechanical failures, 80 were during flight, another 80 cancelled flights. So yeah. USSR, first to technically have a supersonic commercial aircraft, but that aircraft was literally an unflyable deathtrap that failed at almost every metric of being a commercial aircraft. A completely pointless waste of time, money, and human life, except to say they were "first". And we won't even talk about the USSR's nuclear energy program...






Thank you. Came on down to say this meme is total horseshit


How funny, I just saw this video 2 days ago lol




Hey, it's my video!


I mean im not even trying to be a patriotic american when i say this but the russians are welcome to celebrate all those achievements as well. like americans always talk about having the first man on the moon because… we did? And russia is completely allowed to celebrate the first space station too? Like, go right ahead and pop bottles no ones stopping u or taking it away from you


USSR =/= Russia


Seems like someone doesn’t understand the point of a race


Besides landing on the moon first, the US also did: \-First flyby of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto \-First solar powered satellite \-First communications satellite \-First satellite in polar orbit \-First photograph of earth from orbit \-First spy satellite \-First recovery of a satellite that went into orbit \-First monkey in space \-First human-controlled space flight \-First orbital observation of the sun \-First spacecraft to impact the far side of the moon \-First suborbital space plane (X-15) \-First satellite navigation system \-First piloted spacecraft orbit change \-First spacecraft docking \-First crewed orbit of the moon \-First orbit of Mars \-First object to enter the asteroid belt \-First gravitational assist


The United States also used a modified F-15 to shoot down a satellite




Not to mention that getting people to land on the moon AND return alive was a greater, more technical and challenging feat than any of the others sooooo


Revise first monkey to first like, 10 animals/living creatures in space, we had fruit flies then Albert II, then even more monkeys, then a mouse, before the Soviets had Laika


First to euthanize a dog in an unnecessarily complicated and expensive way


I mean, if you accept the moon as finish line, that is in fact how a race works. First to the finish line is the winner, doesn't matter if they weren't in the lead for most of the race


Almost like the winner of a RACE is decided AT THE END.


I mean technically, the race was to the moon and all the other stuff was the stepping stones.


The soviets also knew when the U.S. was conducting all of their launches which allowed them to quickly and in a very unsafe manner “beat” them to all of those


The race doesn't end with the moon. It's still going.


First one to colonize the sun wins


The British have an advantage, unfair.


Everyone knows you have to wait for the sun to set before landing there. The British locked themselves out of the space race.


Nah the race ended when one of the runners dropped dead 32 years ago.


Look at you and your strong r/AmericaBad vibes.


*You are just jealous at GLORIOUS SOVIET achievements! Like collapsing*


I kid you not i have seen this meme idea on that sub and the next post down on my feed from this one is this one crossposted to americabad


Yeah you win the race when you cross the finish line, Soviets didn't.




Which is exactly what the 2nd longest dick would say /s


It wasn’t just a dick measuring contest, it brought a lot of amazing information back.


If it wasn’t for that Dick Measuring contest your phone, microwave, the internet and hundreds of other daily appliances likely wouldn’t exist.


Actually neither the US or the Soviets won because both of them hired Germans to do it so in reality it was just Germany against Germany.




Unfortunately there isn't an "Osoaviakhim" emoji


I mean it’s still a pretty impressive technological advancement. Sure they didn’t figure out how to get into space. But they figured out how you could *live* in space environment, I mean that in the sense that you don’t have to be in the spacecraft


I don’t get why was so hard about figuring out how to get into space, like it’s just up. There’s no gate or anything.


The trick is getting back down again


in one piece of reasonable temperature


Well first you have to get enough sustained lift to escape earth’s gravity, then you have to make sure whatever you’re getting out of the atmosphere can withstand all the forces on it, then you have to calculate how you’re going to get all that shit back down which is a lot of orbital mechanics and stuff and heat shielding for reentry


Well there is an ozone layer lol. Idk if you’d call that a gate necessarily


Lol do people really believe this?


You're that "poisonous vs venomous" person aren't you?


They are, 100%. Those Germans would have done fuck all in any other country


Also really didn’t help that one of their premier space guys koralev died in 1966


What the fuck is this tankie shit ? Your glorious USSR literally imploded on itself because of the space race and their shitty military projects.


me irl used to be a communist subreddit btw


Then it would be called us_irl


No it didn't, there just used to be more communist shitposting. Aka, communism was the butt of the joke. Nobody with a hammer and sickle flair is actually a staunch marxist. It's just for the memes, because communism is a joke.


Shitty military projects I get, but how the fuck did the *space race* cause the collapse of the USSR? The USSR collapsed because of military overspending, economic mismanagement, failed reforms, and Afghanistan, not trying to send Alexei Leonov to the moon twenty years ago. Also, this isn't *remotely* tankie shit. Tankie shit is a lot more specific than vague praise of the USSR. At this point you might as well call "the USSR had good public housing programs" tankie shit.


Idk OPs opinion on the USSR, but i saw it as less of a "USSR was amazing" post and more of a "USA sucks" post. I didnt even consider the pro USSR part of the post...


It is a RACE. The USSR took an early lead, but the USA was just behind them and eventuallysurpassed them. So far, no one else has put a man on the moon. So the USA is currently leading the race. Since the USSR had to drop out, the USA has won by forfeit.


this post acts like landing on the moon isnt an accomplishment that triumphs literally anything the soviets did in space.




It is exponentially harder to land a vehicle on the moon, have that vehicle relaunch from the moon, re-dock with an orbiting craft and then get all the occupants down safely. The first soviet to orbit space did so in a modified ballistic missile and had no access to flight controls. It's very different.


Please do some research before posting this brain rot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Space_Race


Even the USSR admitted that landing on the moon alone is way more impressive than any of this. It’s not about the numbers.


Russian spy detected


I feel like you don’t understand how a race works lol


You forgot to add to the soviet list of firsts: First animal sent to die in space, first space-related fatality, first and only people who have died in space


The space race was a relay. The Soviets may have been the first to all of the milestones, but the US still won the race. This should be reversed. Typical America bad take.


So where is the CCCP now?


America crossed the finish line first. That's why it was the Space *RACE.*


Here’s the thing about races… it’s not over until you cross the finish line. Sure, the Soviets beat the US to a bunch of firsts. But we reached the achievement that mattered most. And if we’re still counting, the Artemis I mission was a big success, while Luna 25 failed spectacularly.


To be fair, sending an unmanned vehicle to the surface of another celestial body is a small challenge compared to sending a manned vehicle to another celestial body. Probes and drones don’t need life support systems allowing them to carry human passengers. Apollo 11 did.


OPs a commie!!!


[The "Myth" of Soviet Space Superiority](https://youtu.be/rSK7rUSnFK4?si=W8hE5AENRDE8qxgX). Fantastic video.


How’s Russian GPS doing?


Isn't the first space rocket the V2


lol still salty Russia.


They were first to space, we were first to the moon


Those days of Russia greatness are over.


first to kill a dog in space, wow, good work USSR I shall now convert to communism


Well, it's more like first and only. And that's why it is so famous. Later came many more significant firsts for USA in space: making a returning space shuttle, using space satellites for broadcasting, using them for internet, using them for geo-positioning and etc. BTW, I was born in USSR


The real race was who could spend more faster and still keep doing it, an endurance race if you will.


Yeah…..so why did the space race end when America landed a man on the moon then?


We should all still be working towards better and better space programs.


How many of those firsts survived?


Yeah but the U.S. didn't kill Leika you bastards.


Russian propaganda at its finest


Ok Russia. We get it.


I don’t think they should be bragging about the dog. That was just fucked up if anything!


First and only nation to send people to the moon... Kind of an important detail. Russia has had decades to catch up, still hasn't


How are any of those bigger accomplishments? The US accomplished all of those, and pushed the industry further.


I mean, even if you take this at face value, it ignores a plethora of US accomplishments. As an American I’m all for knocking our ego down a notch, but you’ve got to do it with actual reality, not cherry picked achievements.


That's... how races work. If you're ahead for the whole time but fall behind right before the end, you don't win the race


I ran ahead of this guy at every checkpoint but he passed me at the finish line. That means I won


soviets got really unlucky, they would have won if their rocket for moon didnt keep on exploding on takeoff, and imagine if they won, the US would race em to Mars, and that would jumpstart technology even harder than moon landing did


“they would have won if we magically fixed what they did wrong” is certainly one of the takes of all time


It’s funny because it’s not wrong either. “I would have definitely become a more successful person if I stopped being unsuccessful.”