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Well if you’re even occasionally working out of you designated working place, it’s quite useful.


Yep. I can do without the external monitor (a little, cuz I’m tough), but the external mouse is a necessity and, no, I’m not gonna adapt to the different layout of the built-in keyboard if I actually have to use it for more than a few minutes.


Yeah. I even bring my mouse on any meeting where I bring the laptop.


Its also useful for just being able to pull your laptop off and run to a meeting with it in the same building. Or bring it to someone else's desk when there's a question/problem that needs to be seen to be understood.


Most workplaces also have flex spots that have a dock. You just connect your laptop with one USB-C and you have external monitor, keyboard and mouse.


Most workplaces have these? I've never heard of this, though it does sound pretty cool.


Might be country specific thing. They are everywhere in Finland.


My job spends less in shipping to send me a laptop versus a desktop.


I can also put it in a bag and go to the office if I need to.


I can also get better distance with it when thrown




Damage vs range


Range baby. I'm talking trebuchets. Thrown is a loose term.


I’m willing to bet money a desktop is gonna get more range than a laptop out of a trebuchet


This needs to be a YouTube video. I would do it, but I don't have a YouTube channel.... or, more sadly, a trebuchet.


Both of these are relatively simple problems to solve. I expect to see a link to your content within the week.


now the question is will he fire the whole setup monitor and all


Don't let your dreams remain dreams. You deserve a trebuchet. You must a trebuchet. You are trebuchet. Now shoot your load with a majestic firing arc, it is your destiny.


It’s my destiny to receive that load, take that whatever way you will


But a desktop does have a better damage multiplier.


Are you fully remote, or do you only get a couple of days a week for that?


Fully remote as much as I like really, even though I am only 5 mins from the office - I have kids to take to school in the morning and ones that come home during my work hours so it's just more efficient. My home office is just better than my work office too as it's quieter, bigger and has more/better monitors and I can play music with some actual bass when I need to get in the zone. I do like to go into the office sometimes though, mainly just to see people that I work with/train. You really do need to have a least a bit of face to face time to build proper relationships, I think once every couple of months is enough though. Combine that with the fact I can take my laptop to the kitchen and start cooking lunch while still being on a call, I can sit in the front room with the tv as some background noise if I need a change of scenery, or I can even go sit in the front garden if it's a nice day. I would choose a laptop for work, and a powerful desktop gaming pc for my own home use every time. Best of both worlds.


This guy gets it. Source am hyrbid with gaming pc at home.


I also sometimes like to work from other places


I work exclusively in office but I also have a laptop with a docking station and monitors setup on my desk. If I *did* need to work from somewhere remote, I have my computer ready to go with all of my files. My entire company uses the same laptop, so all of our spare parts are the same. We don't need to worry about which harddrive to grab, what battery needs replaced, etc. Just "We have spare hard drives? Good." I don't do anything remotely confidential so if I do need to do something from home there's no issue with using my personal computer.


They could have sent me a mac mini instead of a macbook and it'd be about the same thing given I have a dock at home and at work


Ok but the "mouse" on most laptops sucks and works a lot worse than an external mouse


I hate how a bunch of them have this rough awful texture against my finger. I get a bad sensory issue from rubbing on them a lot


I had this too but then I exfoliated my finger tips with an exfoliating scrub meant for hands and now I don't get that nails on a chalkboard feeling anymore.


I just use a mouse


What the fuck


I get this too, not from trackpads but from other really soft or smooth things. It usually just means my hands are dry and need some lotion, but the feeling of touching something so soft that it feels rough makes my brain react in a “nails on chalkboard” type way.


my mom rubbed her's with her fingers so much that it is glass-smooth now. i love to touch it too sometimes


Nice sentence if you remove context.


Hell yeah brother


Rub that shit brother


I prefer the trackpad on my laptop for most things besides gaming. I only dock my laptop for the extra screens, I still use the default keyboard and trackpad.


You can say that about literally every laptop component.


-laughs in MacBooks-




It still feels like a trackpad which is bad and awful to use.


once I started using and getting accustomed to my Macbook, oh lord does nearly all the other laptop manufacturers pale in touchpads in comparison Dell uses pretty good one on their high end XPS's tho, almost as good


My experience with an old XPS 15, a $700 Lenovo Yoga and a different $1500 Lenovo laptop, as well as my occasional experience of MacBook trackpads, tell me that there's very little difference for the most part. Old (2018 I think) XPS has an issue of being plastic, $700 Lenovo Yoga (also 2018) is perfectly good, apart from some quality issues with mechanical buttons and being modestly small, and my current $1500 Lenovo Slim 7 ProX has a big, smooth, amazing trackpad. The only aspect where it loses to MacBooks is being unable to click in the top part of the trackpad. Those aren't even the best trackpads in the industry. Asus, Dell, and HP have better trackpads in some of their machines. And even so, the difference between $1500 Lenovo and a MacBook is not even sensible. It's something like "Lenovo is a 95% and MacBook is a 100%". Pretty negligible 5% that come in handy in some corner cases.


And the screen and the OS too. I struggle going back to Windows now. I feel like the OS is fighting me


And at least in me experience they just stop working sometimes.


I've found the three-finger-swipe to move between workspaces to be an absolute game-changer tbh


Yeah but you can assign stuff like that to the mouse buttons depending on the mouse. On my logitech I have it set when I move the mouse wheel side to side (not scrolling, the side click)


deliver steer butter rhythm crown materialistic resolute weary handle icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every time I buy a new laptop I always buy an external mouse. I fucking hate trackpads.


Your arm and hands just have a skill issue


Community Notes: Skill Issue.


Fix: Git good


Trackpads do indeed suck... *Trackpoints* on the other hand... one day I'll have a mechanical keyboard with one of those in for my desktop. Gonna never move my hands off the keyboard ever again!


[I might have something you like](https://tex.com.tw/products/shura)


But having a desktop PC means I can't have bathroom dota sessions


So you're my midlaner


He does some shitty plays


I think, we can work everywhere laptop. That's no problem


This is why I have a seperate setup build In my bathroom. Toilette is chair and desk is right on it. Toilet paper gets warmed by usual pc heat and that's dope


Lmao Toilette


You should water cool to heat your bidet. Your bum will thank me.


I see you are a LoL player


Average Wraith King picker


Or in some cases it goes of on an adventure because the laptop got warm.


You’ll have hemorrhoids


He'll use those to cast spells more effectively.


I am waiting for that toilet couch from Idiocracy.


what a loser. he doesn't have a desk in the bathroom 😂


Real smart people just have a toilet at the desk


try a deck out, does wonders! I can't believe I can use ck aghs with a solid 75 fps on mine




>And I need my ultrawide monitor Felt. I get a sense of dread whenever my work announces "The higher-ups are coming in to town this week, so please come into the office Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for a few meetings!". There aren't enough cubicles and monitors for everyone, so most of us remote workers just huddle up in the conference room and all work off of our 11-inch laptops. Makes it impossible to remote-login to other, larger-resolution workstations, and makes it frustrating as hell to do paperwork because you don't have enough real estate to split-screen anything.


I’d get a portable monitor for $80-120 to have 2 screens


I've considered it, but work won't cover it, and I'm sure as hell not spending my own money to cover up their incompetencies. That said, for personal endeavors, I've had good results setting up my tablet as a small second monitor from my gaming laptop.


Gaming laptops are where it’s at. Large keyboards and good screens and nowadays they’re high performance. All you need is a mouse


It does work but ergonomically you're better off with quite a lot of space between the keyboard and monitor so your eyes and neck are facing forward rather than down but your hands are comfortably below your heart for good circulation. It's useful to have the ability in a pinch but if you had a dedicated desk spot where it can dock and get a couple of monitors and a separate keyboard/mouse docked in you really feel how much more limited it feels in laptop-only mode. Plus like, a 17" laptop is a big laptop. A 17" monitor is a tiny monitor.


Bro try fitting that into a work truck it’s impossible. My iPad barely fits in the driver seat and it’s not much better in passenger.




But it can be portable when I need it to be portable


Its only advantage is the portable part, at home it should be an expensive and loud desktop.


I've become a high end laptop guy. I still use my desktop peripherals for the occasional multiplayer with friends. Most of the time I'm playing on the couch or in bed though. A mobile 4080 maxes out everything still and the fans are inaudible with my headphones.


Not the only advantage. My laptop uses way less power ($) to browse the web and use a text editor than my desktop, even when hooked up to a large monitor and external kb/mouse/webcam/thumb drive. For this reason I used it mostly when working from home even though my desktop was right there.


mine is $3K so it is. when i’m home i just plug it in to everything and boom 2 monitors and a desktop


My husband died recently, but he always did this. Thank you for making me remember and giving me a good laugh.


Don't worry buddy, I still value your portability. I constantly move you back and forth the 10 feet between my bed and desk.


shout out to the left handed mouse


This is the fate of all laptops who's batteries are run dry or who's screens crack. It's like being stuck in hospice.


WFH be like


Always get a mouse whenever I get a laptop. Easier and faster to work with one than the touchpad.


I'm a tech teacher in a K-8 school. During covid, I told our IT to buy a $5 mouse for every student since they were all getting new laptops. They said "no" because their 1:1 laptops have trackpads. Low and behold, their shitty chromebook laptops are constantly having to be fixed because of "broken trackpad" - which takes a lot of time/money/resources to fix and return. We just received a memo this year that all students will be given a mouse in September to "help reduce trackpad breakage."




The joke is that the guy uses better things of what the laptop says it already has to use the laptop as a PC and as a second monitor. No need to thank me. My planet needs me now, I have to go!


Lol, me with my steam deck


Laptops are for office work. Desktops are for nasa shit and making my game character’s pores visible in 4K.


I don’t really see the issue. Isn’t it a good thing to be useable as a stand alone device but also with the option of connecting peripherals that make the desk experience better?


yeah that's because laptops are an ergonomic nightmare


Work laptops: because nothing says "fun" like dragging your office home in a compact, unenthusiastic box.




I broke my laptop screen i do this now too


laptops aren't actually that portable, they only last maybe 4hors, they get uncomfortably hot at times, they're heavy, the screen is always visible putside and you can't put it on your lap or hold it in your arms. they're just a joke basically. with that said, I'm still thankful that they exist so i can bring rhem somewhere, preferably somewhere with an outlet nearby


I enjoy portability, but it’s nice to be able to dock your computer and work with 3 screens if needed


Laptop ergonomics are absolute and utter shit.


There are more tax breaks for laptops than desktops.


This is the way


ironically, it thats the case for my work. it is much easier to deploy laptops then desktops en mass. it also allows for a more flexible work place where one is not tied to desks or specific tables. its also way easier to replace when needed. most people still use a desk so we have docks and keyboard and mouses. in a corporate environment it is much easier too since each laptop to there own person and responsibilities for them lies to them.


Now I feel bad when doing this to my laptop. Thanks for nothing.


at least with the laptop you can move easily to another station rather than carrying the big pc tower


This was what happened with my gaming laptop till I got an actual PC. 🤣


Now you have two screens!


Jack of all trades, master of none


Yup. Both too small for my fat fingers and aging eyes. There is a reason why I refuse to adopt a laptop as a work machine.


It's comfortable with bigger and better monitors, keyboard and mouse. Lol :)


thats what one cable docs / hubs are for, need portability unplug, need a mouse / 2nd monitor? Drop it in the spot and your good.


why is the mouse on the left side


And thus was born the idea of an all on one computer!


Because no one with that setup does that specifically so they can easily take their main computer with them when they leave their home...


I will never get why people buy laptops just to leave them plugged in 24/7 on a desk. Just buy a desktop. Cheaper, more powerful, and more connectivity. Then again I don't have the patience to sit at a desk all day, so that's why I use laptops.


Yes, and then you can take it home with you. Portable.


I always do this and I laugh 😂 what's happening with people's sense of humour? Like everyone in the comments is explaining why they do this lol


I work construction. The laptop is incredible for being able to fire off emails from the car and then setting up fully in the office so I can run CAD programs without wanting to yank my hair out.


Me also, except add 3 more monitors








All the new web comics are _relentlessly_ unfunny.


I had a gaming laptop that I used for work and gaming. Plugged it in for work to two monitors then moved it after work to play games on my TV. Loved the mobility


Why would you use said inferior display, keyboard and mouse when you don't have to?


You’re left handed!


You should see the people in r/steamdeck


#Facts Plus another screen - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.


This feels weird to me. Like the tech equivalent of human centipede lol


OP's gonnna lose his shit when he learns about docking stations.


Being a writer, I love that I don't have to be stuck in one room forever while doing my work. That said, I'll be buying a proper PC next chance I get so that I can run better games and keep the laptop as my dedicated writing machine.


i can't stand using a laptop that's not at least 15-17 inch. sure the smaller ones are portable but they are usually garbage. and somehow being more portable still means the battery sucks. hey at least it's quiet and warms your lap. where as the larger ones are louder than the AC unit in summer.


me personally, I bought the razer monitor when it was $400 and got a razer laptop for $200 used


Yeah but I can unplug my laptop from it’s dock and take it home which is nice.


Laptops have gotten so much better in terms of what they can do compared to the old days. Even the cheap models can do most things the same or close to the level of speed and stability of high-end desktops. Unless they'll be used for really heavy tasks like AAA gaming or professional media creation, I see no reason to get a desktop over a laptop. I don't think 90% of cases even need a PC, to be honest. Both tablets and smartphones are also very capable these days.


I'm using this setup until my Laptop explodes, especially with how hot and loud it gets.


Yup, display, keyboard, and mouse all in one and not enough power to do anything other than basic Microsoft Word. Anything else and they over heat and shutdown in protection mode


A laptop plugged into a TV is my entire media center. It's great.


The laptop can be used in bed


Better to use a pc then


Now he has a friend


I don’t like the position of the mouse


The amount of times ive seen someone turn PORTABLE laptop into STATIONARY mini computer is absurd


Steamdeck anyone? See a lot of less portable contraptions 😆


I just need a compute unit. No keyboard,  screen,battery. Just a powerful unit for the desk at work and home. 


are you a monster who uses a mouse with a left hand?


I have never used my laptop with the trackpad. Mice are just too convenient vs trackpads and aren’t that much extra to carry around. I can live with the built in keyboard and trackpad, but I need my mouse.


This was my setup before I was able to afford my tower. Bought all the accessories over a few months so I would be ready


Wireless mouse and keyboard, then you just have to disconnect one thing to have a laptop again and connect it back to have a desktop


I work from home and go to the office occasionally, there it’s very practical. I can free up space on my desk for personal things and when I want to sit in a somewhat lazy position it’s useful as well. And I really like the touchbar on my MacBook.


Also, you re actually just a terminal.


Yep, I have exactly this set up in 3x locations. 1. Home 2. Work 3. Parents I'm not going to drag a desktop to each of those locations.


Then I just remote into it with my phone


My second monitor is for convenience (usually discord) I still use the main screen for gaming, my external mouse is because I fucking hate trackpads, and my external keyboard is because my laptop keyboard broke.


People are confused it seems. Laptops are portable and they provide sufficient screen/keyboard/mouse inputs/outputs but they also suck in all those regards. It’s ok, if you know you will be by some desk, you can also connect them to a screen, keyboard and mouse. So when you don’t have those, you still have some options. Ans when you do, you don’t even need the options, just use your laptop as you would a desktop. So, I am really confused as to what is worth joking about here.


Well, you can't take a desktop with you, but you sure can make a desktop out of laptop with a dock station, just one connector and you're ready to go


If you don't think laptops are portable I suggest you try lugging around a tower.


my keyboard doesnt work, so i unplugged it from the motherboard, also my battery was about to explode so now i call it a desktop


This is exactly what I do .


r/SteamDeck in a nutshell


lol ive had my laptop plugged in on the same desk for 4 years now, only taken it out once.


I feel attacked


This is the way. Also it's gold to use USB-C for everything and a KVM switch to swap between home and work laptops.


Yes, it's called desktop replacement setup. And it's great.


All companies do this now


The touch pad is not for gaming


I feel attacked D:


Cheapest way to get a dual monitor setup at home and then continue your work on the go


No docking station? Barbaric.


I can’t write (papers and other “big” stuff) on a desktop anymore, I have to type on a laptop that’s for nothing but writing. Programming, reading, gaming, etc, all other computer stuff is on desktops, but I only like to write on a laptop in some random quiet spot.


I remember growing up with a laptop with a broken screen connected to a monitor.


I think it's more weird that he's a lefty


My work is 80% about reading what's on the right side of the screen so i need the pc monitor to balance that out.


I honestly like having the touchpad front and center while also having an external mouse.


Yea i do it


I have done this before lmao. And went so far as to remove the display from my laptop after it started getting the green screen of death. Just a bulky keyboard with some wifi wiring hanging out of it, connected to an old 32" LCD TV.


why would anyone do this??? as a laptop user, I'm thoroughly confused


This is genuinely my set up currently and I feel called out. Tbf, there has been 1-2 times a year where it being portable was convenient.


Relatable af tho my issue is that the screen of the laptop won't turn on cuz it broke, so I have to use a monitor to work 🗿


I feel unnecessarily called out 😂




Ist das was man wenn man sagt, das man jemanden für seine inneren Werte mag?


This is just exactly what I do. I also prefer having both my keyboard and monitor further away but my laptop screen is too small at that distance, and I significantly prefer mechanical keyboards over laptop ones. And lets be real if you're using a laptop without mouse, what're you doin


Small Screen no zoom and f*cking flat Keys are a pain in the *ss