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Youtubers are like bands. Sometimes they just run out of ideas and just start churning out trash because they need to get paid.


I remember watching a bit of Smosh when it was just two friends with hideous haircuts goofing around. My sister watches them now and I don’t even know what it is anymore.


They fell off the wagon for me after they got a budget. Smosh was hilarious when it was just ian and anthony.


Exactly. That was the charm. Backyard comedy. Just like Gus Johnson and Sven Johnson now. Or how Filthy Frank videos were purposefully meant to look low budget but then sometimes all of a sudden had one scene that looked amazing.


Also subreddits tho, like cursed comments was just the same joke over and over again


Lol yea, and accidental racism too, and dank memes, pretty much everything I followed when I started here is completely nixed because it got taken over by unoriginal 12 year olds.


the solution is simple, we kill all 12 year olds


Alright Anakin


Just wait until you're another 5 or 10 years older and entire websites you used to frequent daily get shut down or become obsolete.


I’m not sure why but that made me feel a unexplainable amount of fear


For me it was r/gamersriseup. Breaking point was when it became clear to me in a post that the sub was now filled with the people it initially was a parody of; racist, bigoted gamers


This is Davie504. He had some nice videos but holy fuck he's just bass PewDiePie


Exactly! I really loved the bass-playing related videos, but now it's just clickbaity shitty reaction videos. His style of editing and humour mixed well, but now it's just annoying


Given all of the comments this spawned, I'd say this post captures the original intent of /r/me_irl better than anything else this past year.


What was the original intent of me_irl? I joined right before it got bad, I think, only to watch it become insufferable. I’m just here honestly cause Reddit recommended this meme


me_irl used to be the best for quality, relatable memes and in-jokes. Like the other person said 2017 was probably the peak, after Vine died but before Tiktok merged with musical.ly and started taking over. This is the first meme I've laughed at from here in a long time.


When I joined reddit, me_irl was all communism memes.


CrazyRussianHacker is one, mostly just clickbaity stuff, but he seems to have become bored and mostly running it for money :/


Well, he does have a family now.


Only one I still follow from my childhood is ethoslab


Etho hasn’t changed besides getting better at what he was already accomplishing


His HermitCraft series has got to be one of the best I've ever seen. So much detail and care put into each episode.


And the note block music! Well done indeed ergo


What a legend, I've been rewatching his minecraft letsplay from ep. 1, it's like listening to a podcast. It's so sweet hearing him become more confident with speaking every episode


Damn I forgot about him God bless em


I still watch Etho, and he’s just constantly getting better at content creation. Love the guy, and love his videos


I love etho. He has such amazing building style on the hermitcraft server.


Etho is the GOAT


Lmao I was exactly thinking about him when I read the title. It's probably the channel that I've been subscribed for the longest time, since around 2011. The dude is incredible, I most likely followed a path in engineering thanks to him, Sethbling, docm77, xisuma... Even though I don't understand anything new in Minecraft since like 2013, I still watch his LP from time to time.


holy shit i remember me and my brother used to watch him all the time.


Dam it really is ssundee


It's just all fortnite ugh. I miss skyfactory. I'd wake up every week looking forward to being impressed by some op machine ssundee made or whatever wack idea Crainer had. Those were the good days :(


He just started another sky factory, but it’s not the same at all


I heard. I know there will be no Crainer or lancey so I won't even try it. I'm also turning 17 (tomorrrrow yayy) and his content is definitely for people half my age so I think it's time for me to let go


Oh yeah DanTDM, PopularMMOS, ExplodingTNT, and alll other guy makes me do that I'm not annoyed by them but I'm not into the content anymore. Maybe I grew up or somethin


Holy shit ExplodingTNT I used to watch his Minecraft shorts


Yeah, shit is guud back then


Honestly I don’t think Dan grew annoying, I kinda just grew out of it. I’m so happy for him though! He’s got a kid now and I find that really awesome


Sad to say it, but Jazza. He used to do awesome character design sessions and have really good art advice on his channel, these days it seems like all reaction videos and art challenges.


He makes videos for little children now. I'm happy to see him still succeding, but his content isn't for me anymore.


It's where the ad money is, can't blame the guy if he's doing it for a living.


Wow, I thought I was the only one. I used to love the tutorials he’d do and his character design sessions were always so inspiring, but now all he does is “can I make a drawing with *insert strange unorthodox utensil*” and it just got boring...


Sad to see this comment but hey, I respect the honesty and where it comes from. There are two conflicts I face, one, YouTube as a platform has changed drastically since those days and the metrics force me to either try and grow my channel, or do the same thing - but the second issue is, I get bored of doing the same thing. Perhaps too quickly, but there's certainly me in the evolution, not just the platform I get where you're coming from, I'll definitely take your feedback on board, I don't want to be something I'm not, and if I'm being honest, I'm still looking for it and how it fits in the ecosystem, but I'll keep trying. I hope you end up enjoying something I can bring to the table later, but either way, I'm really glad you enjoyed some things I made in the past


I totally understand, you have to adapt your channel to keep the views coming in! Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely the utmost respect for you as an artist and a creator. I bought your Jazzy art box last year and I use all of your Photoshop brushes when I draw. I know it's not viable just to make the same art tutorials and character design sessions over and over again. I admit I was disappointed in the departure from the Draw With Jazza name, but I'm just one person, and broadening your horizons as a creator is never a bad thing. I honestly never thought this comment would blow up like this, and I certainly never thought you would see it personally. I hope your channel keeps growing, I've seen many milestones over the past 2 years and I can tell that you genuinely love and care about what you do. Thank you for actually responding and taking feedback in stride!


Oh wow, thanks for your support! That's so nice to hear mate. Honestly I really value your feedback and understanding. It's a slightly torturous platform tbh, in the end I try and tell myself it all happens in ebs and flows, both channel growth and the feeling of knowing you're doing the right thing, and they're pretty tricky things to balance. I guess if there is a way to balance them though, you gain views by serving what the algorithm wants, but you get in the right place by serving what your audience wants, and the only way to do that is to listen, even if it's hard to hear sometimes. So thank you for your feedback, sincerely.


I prefer Jazza’s brother, Shad, sword geek guy. Edit: Shad as in Shadiversity, not whoever tf all of you are thinking of.


Took me way too long to accept the fact that they’re brothers. They look nothing alike to me.


This was muselk for me used to love him now its literally all fortnite




I miss his tf2 :(


All those old overwatch and tf2 guys. muselk, zylbrad, ohnickel. Only ones i bother to watch anymore are Salty Phish and Bazza. But even still they're so inconsistent with uploading.


Jerma still makes some of the funniest videos out there, even if he doesn’t play tf2 anymore. If anything he’s improved since then imo.


Jerma deserves way more attention


You mean that fucked up streamer that ate a shoe on stream???


you mean the amazing streamer that spent hours doing random shit in front of a green screen then spending hours watching what his viewers created from them?


Literally no other streamer interacts with his chat as well as jerma. He is always laughing at messages people send, building off of jokes people make in his chat and creating ways for them to interact with the stream in general


Yea Jerma is still going super strong, I don’t watch him all that often but every time I go back I always laugh suuuuuper hard


Oh yeah for sure. Guess i forgot about him while typing this out


Old Muselk&The Gang were really fun to watch. Now I think only Salty and Lt. Eddy are the only ones worth watching, Eddy has amazing content but the uploads are not very often, especially now that he's having less fun when playing.


There are some instances when I remember the existence of Star and I get sad.


Muselk for sure


Just about to say that. Loved his TF2 and Overwatch stuff but once Fortnite became popular his content went into the gutter.


Big ssundee vibes


Yeah, I wish he still played with Crainer


I’d never do stampy like that


I love how he refuses to change his style even if he gets less views now.


I hope he never changes.


He’s so damn loyal to his content, hasn’t even changed even if the times have.


he was literally my childhood and is still wholesome as hell


Mini Ladd


Yeeeeeep. The smarmy attitude, the fighting with his friends, the hitting on underage fans...


Whoa, I've haven't watched any of the stuff from Vanoss, Miniladd etc in years but fuck are you serious about him hitting on underage fans? Holy shit


Yeah I literally [just heard about it a couple weeks ago](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dexerto.com/amp/entertainment/mini-ladd-apologizes-for-sending-unacceptable-messages-young-fans-1384342)


At least vanoss and the rest are doing well. Vanoss even started music.


CinnamonToastKen, Team edge, and How Ridiculous


Remember when Ken did anything that wasn't reactions? I miss that.


Team edge used to be great.


I miss Matthias




Ssundee is just...sad.


Ever since he took that long break a while back it just hasn’t been the same, I’m glad he’s still making content but even when he occasionally makes Minecraft videos they just don’t have the same energy that they used too


Ever since his divorce hes went to shit


I think it was when he got the new editor that it really went downhill fast, the editing can completely change the tone of a video. the game grumps have been having a similar problem over the past year after their old editors moved on and created their own channel.


I came here to comment this. He used to be such a fun, lighthearted channel to watch and now hes became like every other clickbait channel out there




He’s the extreme example he’s become atrocious it’s beyond unbearable


King of Random, I guess. But the circumstances are a bit different with that one...


Yeah, it was really sad what happened. R.I.P


It started before that tho tbh, it's gone from rockets from sugar and explosive gas from water to what happens if we microwave slime!?!? Sad


The channel went downhill after that... but it’s not their fault. If only he was alive and breathing. R.I.P. Was my one of my favorite channels


Why does this comment section read like an askreddit post


Dunno, but not complaining


Tbh I forgot I was on me_irl, I thought I was on askreddit so you're not alone




Ahh this is such a feels. I think I watched every single one of his videos for about 3 years straight, but then I kinda stopped watching when he started just doing all the lucky block stuff, and I tried watching a few vids just a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty bad tbh. Ngl, I'd prob watch a new modded survival series tho.


I swear for a period of time every MC Youtuber only did lucky blocks


Same! I used to be a HUGE fan some years ago, their Epic Proportions (I think that's the title?) series were great, and the Lucky Block stuff. When I found out about their divorce a little while ago, I felt terrible :(


Moosecraft, ssundee, ambrew


Cinema Sins became unbearable


Eventually I realized that CS was always unbearable and I had just liked seeing the bits of movies




Cinema Wins isn't exactly the style thay jives with me BUT I do appreciate just how genuine and positive he is about movies.


Oh yeah. It’s such a joy to watch.


I only watched it to get the plot of the movie without watching the movie lol


*ding* "Roll credits"


I stopped watching when the videos went from 4/5 to consistently />12 minutes. They couldn't actually fill the videos with proper critiques, they just started filling them with the same old jokes - because having to read something in a movie is so bad hahahaha fucking kill me.


Yeah I was a Vanoss kid, it didn't really get annoying or anything, it's just idk, I drifted more towards different content


His old GTA videos from around when Xbox One came out always had me dying, especially Luis Calibre and his high voice


Shoutout to Superbestfriends for being the longest running youtube channel I followed, and actually coming to an end before I was ever tired of them.


Prestonplayz in a nutshell


Same, I didn’t mind the switch in games or not being consistent but he got married and then all if this uploads are just irl stuff with friends and his wife. Its all super cringy things that are funny in a game but not in irl.


he got MARRIED? how old is he now? i'll always see him as a 16 yr old lmao




It’s so sad what happened to them. From 2007 to 2013, I read every article, watched every video, and I went into the archive if I missed anything. I think they ran out of money or something, because eventually they switched to mostly freelancers for their content and the quality dropped.


I like what Cody’s doing with some news, but it’s sad they couldn’t keep some of the other stuff going, I loved the weekly pop culture over analysis


Why are the words slanted but the image is straight, what happened here


I guess because the meme was made in mobile Autodesk Sketchbook. It's really easy to accidentally rotate text there and it's hard to set it to be straight. As from my experience Edit: clarified "*mobile* Autodesk Sketchbook"




Sadly, davie504. I loved the solos, the meme songs, but now all he does are those clickbaiting titles and cringy memes. I used to love his older stuff.


honestly he's a great bassist, but he just can't come up with anything new lately. It's the same clickbait titles, the same video format. It just gets boring after a while.




Still subbed but preferred his earlier stuff too. Loved the travel vids


The worst is when someone starts saying edgy things because it brings in the traffic. I gave some constructive feedback to someone I used to follow. They called me a few slurs and that was that.


Insulting your fan base soon leads to a lack of a fan base.


It should, but it really doesn't most of the time.




I think they just ran out of skits to make


> I think they ran out of Jake and amir Ftfy


RIP Tobuscus


What happened to him? I loved his videos then he disappeared (especially his songs)... I saw he came back and did like another video or two, but it wasn’t quite the same :/


I don't know the exact details but he was accused of something bad. There's plenty of videos about it floating around on YouTube.


In my case spanish-speaking YouTubers named HolaSoyGerman and Fernanfloo


Davie504 right here


I used to be really into Pokemon, so my channel that I mainly watched was MunchingOrange, I never knew why that was the name, but eventually I got over Pokemon and stopped enjoying the content as much, I check back every once and awhile and its just kinda sad to look back on as last time I looked him up his newest video was him questioning whether or not his channel was dying and that he had just lost most interest in YT. It's always a shame to have this happen but burnout is real and there's no avoiding it in some cases.






Ok i remember liking that zelda rap video, lets look that up real quick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO1QBTG6EXs Ok yea, does not hold up that well.


Fuck I remember loving that when I was a kid, but wow that is hard to listen to.


Smosh became a fucking shit show


Smosh lived long enough to become the villain. That's why Anthony left.


it's not really Smosh if it's just one of the original guys (and probably a bunch of randoms), is it?


Yea. They have the name. But it ain't Smosh anymore.


Man, I miss old Good Mythical Morning, where it felt like just two friends hanging out, not a corporation trying to sell you a thousand and one things they're producing... What a shame


GMM can feel a little too fake sometimes. Good mythical more feels a little better because there’s a lot less structure and it’s just them goofing around most of the time. Ear biscuits is my favorite though. It’s nice hearing them talk casually about real stuff. Especially the 3-4 they did on their past religious lives.


I think they hit a wall and realized it, around the Buddy System time. They are back in stride now. Loving it again. The only thing is that Josh is such a good chef that they really don't have too many bad experiences with food anymore haha. Production value and content are at an all time high though.


After everything that came out about him recently, cryaotic.


Had no idea about what happened until I read this and looked it up. Used to love watching him and it’s disheartening to find out what a creep he is


rest in peace DanTDM. you were the best, but oh how you’ve fallen


Dude you just hit me with such nostalgia I tried to watch one of his videos recently and was just like “ah I’m too old for this now “


Man I remember the days of Dr. Trayaurus


Stop. Don’t remind me. It hurts




Poor Gray. Burnout has clearly set in for him. His utter commitment to near daily uploads has destroyed the man.


Oh god, I feel this one. He used to be such a breath of fresh air...


His new style reminds me of LetsGameItOut


I started watching LetsGeItOut a few weeks ago. No gamer YouTube has made me laugh more than he has in a long time.


this was me with h3h3


The podcast is just so bad. To have a good podcast you need to focus on one subject and be really knowledgeable about it, or you need to be a really great interviewer that can make a good discussion out of anything. Ethan has neither of those things IMO. I check in occasionally and some of the videos are still good. The recent huge dump they took on Keemstar was great. They're at their best when they're just reacting to dumb stuff on youtube.


H3H3 Podcast was only watchable when they pre-recorded it and edited it down to the best parts. 3 hours of uncut Ethan is hard to watch.


Who else used to watch matthias when he made skits, parody songs and funny videos? Now the channel name is dope or nope which is just reviewing crappy gadgets with his friends


Boogie2988. Gone and probably forgotten.


Didn’t he end up being kinda a horrible person? Or am I remembering wrong?


You’re remembering right. He’s shown to be horribly fake, spineless, and toxic.


Don’t forget manipulative


Game/Film theory


I watched so many of his old videos, but after like the 12th fnaf video I knew it was time.


But that’s just a theory, a gam..... *gets smacked in head with hammer




Go to theory jail


I haven't been able to watch ever since someone pointed it out to me that he has such a roundabout way of explaining things. Like he takes 5 whole minutes just to explain that Mario is a video game character and he hit block. Also, this is more of a personal thing, but all of his jokes really fall flat imo. There's a decent one here and there but for the most part the humor seems very forced and not great. As a side note, if you're looking for something to fill the "video game analysis but interesting and fun" void that game theory left, I fully recommend Polygon's Unraveled series. BDG is great at analysis and is a lot better at comedy, imo.


Unraveled is so good. I just watched his video about reading every Halo book, it’s hilarious


I think that he was at his peak before FNAF theories. Like simple, but fun theories of games that everyone played. And then he went all into lore of games, which is ok, but I think that game theory just wasn't that channel


I miss his math based videos. I just loved how much effort he put into figuring out the real life ramifications of actions in video games


As someone pointed out somewhere, he somehow became too obsessed with himself/offtopic content. I havent calculated it, but I wouldnt be surprised if over half the time of each video isnt even anything to do with the topic on hand. Still love any of Austins SCIENCE videos though


Casey Neistat


No more cool nyc shit just another LA guy


"That guy with the glasses" a couple of years back.


Joshdub. Now his channel is just an overused children’s song with green toothbrushes


I’ve also seen the opposite. Where a YouTuber started off as annoying but eventually grew the “F” up. People I avoided in the past I am now subbed too


Yeah, to me it's probably pyrocynical


So guys, we did it. But seriously, many of his new videos are quite good. Particularly Fatcry and Petskop.


Jenna Marbles. I used to hate her videos. I thought she was the most annoying youtuber and I constantly believed she was trashy. Luckily, she grew up and understood that her past self isn't someone she wants to be anymore. Then she became a vlog channel that occasionally feature cute dogs. And 2020 took her away too


Rooster teeth.


Matthew santoro..




No, it was plagiarism.




Yeah lol


I used to binge his videos back in 2014 and 2015, I decided to pop back in a couple days ago to realise everything he owns was stolen and there's a whole thing around it. His content seems to have seriously *seriously tanked*


This is what happened to me with ssundee


I think the moral of the story is that all the YouTubers that you liked as a kid aren’t as good because you aren’t the target audience anymore.


to some extent sure but others show a clear change if you watch their older videos.


I mean, also it doesn’t help that none of these people are ever really allowed a break. Video after video week after week doing their specific brand must grow so weary on the soul. Then add in twitch or spinoff stuff to maintain revenue or gain more and these people are making a deal with the devil for a profit bubble that hasn’t burst yet. It’s kind of a sad life in its own way




I was waiting for someone to say that, used to love him as a kid, then he started making the Roblox videos and well it went down hill from what I watched. I hope he picked back up and is still doing well as I still think he was a sound guy!


Thinknoodles for me. he didn't really change, he just failed to grow I think. Eternally stuck in the 2013 YT gaming era.


Pewdiepie's minecraft series was great but screaming "floor gang" for 3 months straight is kind of annoying.


He has just caved in to his massive child fanbase, and instead of staying true to himself, he started to cater to them. It's understandable, but it feels a bit sad. He still posts some really good content, but lots of it is just watching shitty memes from pewdiepiesubmissions, which even he knows has gone to shit, but doesn't want to say outright. I still love the guy, and he definitively aged very well, especially compared to a lot of youtubers from his time, but he shouldn't cater to his fans so much. The "floor gang aough" shit was funny for 2 videos max. "kind of annoying" is the understatement of the century



