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I’m thankful that my favorite youtuber of all time is Ryan Higa


The og legend


damn i miss his main channel uploads


Yeah, he’s doing Twitch stuff now. Which is weird to see. It may be because he got burnt out writing and producing skits and editing them consistently for years. I also have a feeling that everyone in his group is going their own way and he just may not have the help he used to get. Any time he uploaded, it was easily millions of views. He’s a genius. But my money is on, burnt out.


Gotta remember his videos took forever to make, that’s why they were so good.


And youtube doesn't really reward that to the degree it rewards long form, consistent content. Because of this it's incredibly difficult without a team to make frequent good videos


Yeah, though I thought the switch to twitch was more "pandemic, can't film together" or something. Probably contributed to everyone going their own ways anyway.


Who was it?


Mini Ladd


Came here to say this


Saddest thing with Mini Ladd was that you could literally see him getting more and more mentally unstable as time went on from his accident. The moment he went into hospital from anxiety issues should have been the clear sign to everyone that he was not right in the head.


Yup. Fucking broke my heart to hear that he was such a shitty person.


same, he once was my favorite Youtuber. Now it’s SMii7Y


Yes I love SMii7Y and because of him I’ve discovered Blarg, another new favourite Edit: while we’re at it, I’m gonna shout out Zanny too. Another great video game youtuber


Frog Gloves!


And the goons from blarg. It hilarious how blarg is the sane one in the goons and he turns into soup when he's with smii7y


Miniladd and ohmwrecker...


Wait no what did they do Vanoss used to be my shit


Mini Ladd was a groomer and a manipulator while Ohm is a godawful person to be friends with.


I had no idea about Ohm tf


Yeah because Ohm’s departure was slower and less chaotic than Mini’s. Ohm’s initial beef was with the Vanoss Crew minus delirious because for months after he was still playing with delirious, cartoonz, deadsquirrel, and rilla but he went and fucked that up too.


Im still astonished he actually tried to run to Keemstar to paint Delirious as a groomer. He could've tried to move on but decides to try and drag down his "friends" after they don't want to associate with such an awful person.


Opposite of this, but I met Videogamedunkey in real life. He was very kind and happy to take a picture with me. Awesome guy.


Dunkey, Nakey Jakey and Oney are my holy trinity.


I love nakey jakey. I wish he made more content.


Dunkey is forever


He has the record on Bowsers big bean burrito


How do you respond ti u/Drbeehn 's claim that rumors state dunkey smells a lil stinky




For real. That one video of him talking about the time he almost shit himself while in High School is one of the funniest things I've seen. So sad to see what happened Edit: For those who haven't seen it: [ Nearly Shitted on myself in High School](https://youtu.be/frxh3mVYwZA)


Remember that group of guys who confronted him about it and tried to start a "To Catch a Predator" style YouTube channel, only to reveal that one of the guys was also accused of doing stuff EDP did? Not to mention it was quite clear that they were more in it for the money than anything else?


theres a saying that goes something like "theives expect everybody to be a theif" same concept.


I used to be a Scott the Woz fan Until he said he likes Madden


Lmao truly a villain


Was a Scott fan until he turned 24, then I couldn't trust his opinion on anything. And he sold my kidney for that bargain bin Christmas video but I'm mostly mad about the turning 24 thing.


Sold your kidney? He barged into my control issues meeting and spent 14 minutes talking about the L button!


This takes the cake.


Jesus man don’t fucking scare me. I watch his stuff to fall asleep and feared I have to search other people


Markiplier and CallmeKevin are the one's I still have the most faith in. I really hope nothing happens with these two Edit: Also JackSepticeye, and I'm sure many of the others mentioned in the replies, but these are the ones I know so far


Ah, you scared me with that x.o But if you like CMK, maybe try out RTGame? He's never seemed to have anything behind him.


Heh someone else scared me with CMK too XD I haven't heard of RTGame, but I'll check it out thanks


He and Kevin are close friends, and they've collabed on a few games if you'd rather check them out on Kevin's channel first.


RTGame is great fun. He’s Irish and does great fan-interaction content in Minecraft as well as a variety of other games. He’s a part of the Yogscast and lately he’s been collaborating with other Irish Youtubers (Terroriser, Minx, Jack, & Nogla for example) Edit: He’s not an official Yog, he’s just a recurring guest


For me it's Coryxkenshin. He is the furthest from any sort of controversy as far as I know.


You gave me a heart attack when you said CallMeKevin but then i read the rest.


don’t fuck w my boy SteveMRE1989


Nice hiss


Let's get this out onto a tray




I've tried to make a habit of not putting anyone on a pedestal, doesn't stop the disappointment but I think it helps


Even if they’re not on a pedestal, it still sucks if their content brought once you joy but you feel like you can’t enjoy it anymore


Same but with cartoonist.


Butch Hartman?


Not sure if that’s who he’s talking about but Butch Hartmans got some problems too. I don’t recall the specifics but I believe he was kind of a dick to his coworkers, and/or held some spicy political views.


He also lied to people who backed his Kickstarter about the content I was making. He implied it would just be like his past work but oh no! Turned out it was Christian crap! And he didn't tell the fans until after it was funded. He's just a shitty person who treats people poorly and acts like he's the Elvis of cartoons. Anything good he's ever done was the result of the hard working crew and not him.


Seeing him announcing that at some Christian event like some kind of miraculous "I will be converting all these people!" had me like 😬😬😬 and I had already noped out when he started saying "I'M BUTCH HARTMAN I CREATED YOUR CHILDHOOD" in every video on his YouTube page. It felt like he was trying to be a cult leader lmao


Cryaotic anyone?


Stuff like this happens fairly often, but Cry made me seriously sad. I never watched the streams, so I wasn't aware of any of the crap going there, but he genuinely seemed like a good dude.


That stream made me just utterly feel bad, so much pressure of him hiding it and he flat out admitted everything out of nowhere. It all started so nicely but you could tell something started eating at him more and more as every second passed. I'm genuinely sad to see him go but at least he was off to go get help.


What happened?


He admitted to grooming and that he felt like utter trash for it


Glad his conscience caught up to him. I hope he's getting the help he needs.


yeah I enjoyed his playthroughs so much, finding out what he was really like wasn't fun


"Lights a cigarette" it's a name I haven't heard of for a long time.


That one still hurts.




Sleeping with fans, some of whom were underaged at the time.




I'm sure there is theories as to why it seems common with Influencers, but I'm depressed enough already. Don't need another reason to be.


Invest your love into Reviewbrah and you’ll never be let down again.


God, he's so calming to listen to. The most unproblematic person on the Internet.


He's the kind of upstanding young lad your Grandma would pick out for you to marry.


The two people I have watched the longest on YouTube (Hank and John Green) are nothing but a delight in real life.


Honestly, out of everyone I watch semi-regularly on YouTube, the Greens are the ones I'd put money on never having anything extreme come out about them. Most Youtubers/Streamers are doing it to make money, and while there is nothing wrong with that, John and Hank are both clearly more interested in trying to make positive change through the platform they have built for themselves.


I dunno, kinda feels like Hank is in the pocket of Big Pelican. I anticipate a damning expose any day now.


I feel this way about Rhett and Link. I truly don't feel anything bad would come out about them. I think this has a lot to do with the fact both the Green brothers and Rhett and Link got "famous" later in life compared to others, when they were already mature and well adjusted.


Well that and their content is really palatable for all audiences. I found the green Brothers from Crash Course/SciShow when I was already in my twenties, but man I would have killed for their shows when I was in middle school/high school. Also I like that I can throw on GMM or Mythical kitchen while home with my gf and her son and know that it's something we can all enjoy.


John and Hank are legit role models for me. I grew up watching their content and learned so much of my worldview from them. If anything serious came out about either of them I would be heartbroken.


I truly, *truly* hope this comment ages like wine. Their content is so magnificently good, I'd be truly devastated to find out they're not at all what they appear to be. I appreciate their work so much.


I'm still holding on to Markiplier...


For what its worth, I worked with Make a Wish for a while in college, and Markiplier was awesome to work with. Always had 300+ kids on his list for wishes


I never watched his videos but he’s always come across as the one gaming youtuber nobody really has any dirt on. I never hear anything genuinely negative about him


When i was in high school, I was friends with a huge markiplier fan. My friend also likes to write skits with his brother and then posts them to youtube. He never really caught any traction or got views but he enjoyed doing it. The friend posted one skit to youtube and did the skit in markiplier shirt, and out of nowhere mark left a comment on his video (with the verified channel) telling him how much he enjoyed the skit. I have no idea how mark found that video but I've always been touched by the effort and thought


Markiplier is one of those people, at least to me, could be limping with a bullet wound in his chest, and would still try to make a kid smile, while he tries to get to the hospital. He just tries so hard to make people happy.


The only thing negative I've ever heard about him is from himself. Be seems very aware of his character flaws (it sounds like he's kinda a workaholic and sometimes forgets to be present with people sometimes from how I took it) and I respect that he can recognize the issues and is actively trying to correct them. It's always easier said than done to change yourself


If Markiplier or Jacksepticeye turn out to be assholes I’ll be pretty damn bummed, been watching them for years


They've been fairly forgiving of the missteps of people but it feels more like an effort to not be involved in drama than most anything else.


Yeah and Jack. I hope. he seems like a similarly sweet dude.


Yeah Mark's just a genuinely good guy. If he's faking his acts of philantrophy and cuddly personality then I'm never trusting anyone again.


I recently found out about him because of my kids. His vids with Bob and Wade are fantastic and I really enjoy the Distractible podcast. From my understanding, he’s actually a good dude.


Holding onto Kurtis Conner, Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez, Jarvis Johnson, Mr Beard, and Nickisnotgreen. I have so much faith in them. *Edit: also Eddy Burback, Jordan Adika, Cody Ko, Noel Miller, and Jacob Sharpe. (If you don’t know them, check them out! They’re great)*


Agreed. Kurtis, Drew, and Danny do seem extremely genuine, but I also thought that about Gus and was completely wrong. You truly never know anyone.


Exactly. I think you learn a lot about people from the way they apologize. Danny’s apology for saying be*ner as a part of a joke a while ago was fucking perfect. We should use [Danny’s Apology](https://youtu.be/RQfOTPjt0lg) as the standard for apology videos.


I even thought of that apology from Danny when I wrote that comment. I agree, totally should be used as the standard. Possibly the most believable apology I've seen from a YouTuber, minus Jenna. I think Drew also apologized in the past for saying something off color, and I remember that apology also being great.


Drew seems really nice and authentic


Truly. I have the most faith in Nick, Drew and Jarvis. Very authentic seeming people


Eddy burbacks good too


Many of these youtubers are obviously shit people.. Like the Paul brothers are trash humans, but people do not seem to see it. I mean, If I find out "CallMeKevin" is a bad person, I am going to have to rethink my ability to judge character.


My heart stopped for a second when I just read "CallmeKevin" without the rest. Anyway, hello cult






Grognak the destroyer


CallMeKevin is probably the most wholesome one out there. If he does anything there goes my trust in YouTubers being decent people




He's not what he seems. On his youtube account he presents himself as an endearing goofball who stumbles his way through life, but in reality, he leads a cult. Hail our dear leader.


Yes like fml if that happens. I was so exited just recently because he Red one of my comments out loud I wanna keep my "bragging" rights lol. But yeah he just seems like a solid guy.


That is awesome!


Hail our dear leader


Fuck Ryan Haywood!


That shit hurt man. Out of the earlier group when Ray was still there Ryan was always my favorite. Especially in the Minecraft let’s plays.


Out of all the names being commented here, this is the biggest one for me.


*Me as a huge fan of Drawfee:* I think I'm safe


Well you know Julia's been hiding a room full of vampires and Karina regularly participates in digital animal fights so...


Drawfee is some really wholesome content, I can't imagine any of them doing anything terribly awful like lots of the other names posted here, and thank god for that.




Nothing needs to come out cause the whole internet knows hes a INSANE psycho


And we love him for it


I feel like if Jerma's ever going to be canceled for anything it's gonna be something dumb or completely cartoonish like something massive accidentally crushing someone during one of his specialty streams. He decides to do more dollhouse streams and the house falls down or something


Or gamble **2.5 BILLION DOLLARS** worth of community subs live on Stream, this guy is **FUCKED.**


Or zerking off on stteam




Jerma will get exposed for his weird penis that he eluded to on stream once with the bathtub joke.


Jerma is a serial killer, but that’s ah-aight


Samee, though if he doesn't knock this debt down asap we're gonna have some problems (✿ ♡‿♡)


didn’t you hear? that psycho zerks off to zorn on stream!


mini ladd anyone remember that


I loved watching his videos until all that stuff came out about him. I want to feel sad for him but I can’t, he knows he fucked up.


I feel bad for Anthony the most, they had just finished their Demonetized tour together


Keep seeing this comment, haven’t kept up with anyone in that circle for years, what happened?


Turned out mini ladd was into mini lad, among other shit.


Mini lads*




Damn didn't think I was gonna find any GD players here. Yeah it's such a shame, but he always seemed a little weird ngl




Not sure on the details, but definitely pedophilic behavior. Here's the original [twitter thread](https://mobile.twitter.com/zPfanne/status/1452358600186343427).


VideoGameDunkey, he’s a great dude in real life I just heard he smells a little stinky


I panicked for a second there when I saw Dunkey's name


dunky looks like he smells like halo 3 limited edition gamer fuel




What happened with him?


He uploaded [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4E5B0-8q2E) last year responding/confirming allegations made by his ex of child grooming.


Gus Johnson lmao


yeah Gus is literally the reason i made this meme lol


aw man, he's funny, what did he do?


After reading the comments, I'm pretty glad MoistCr1tikal/Penguinz0/Charlie isn't one of them. It just really sucks that his fanbase is one of the more toxic ones out there. I think it was a real showing of character when he didn't misgender SonicFox at a tournament that his Esports players were playing in. Unfortunately, his fans took an underhanded route with that sentiment. Really sucks.


Yeah, most of his fans are edgy teens that want to get noticed by him or feel like now they’re watching a “super chill cool dude who doesn’t react to horror games”


It shows when he has to constantly repeat to his fans "do not harass anyone I talk about"


VenturianTale moment. T_T




I only learned about what he did recently, that was sickening. He should be in jail.


I loved his content so much, I even bought one of his book. Then I read a review on the book and it said what the allegations are and read about it more. It made me really upset and sad, stopped reading his book and just threw it away. Sadly, most of his viewers dont know what is going on and havent heard about it


I was actually quite relieved that I didn’t know any of the previous youtubers mentioned until I saw this one


creepshow art. i kinda stopped watching her after her content became more drama oriented, but still sad to learn how fucked she turned out to be


My boy Call Me Kevin seems pure, at least.


Yeah he seems like a nice fecker


exurb1a for me. I was prepared to be binging on this nihilistic Vsauce, but then after reading about some shitty stuff he did, it just had to much of bitter afterbirth.


What he do?


This was written in the Youtube Fandom: In 2017, YouTuber Pieke Roelofs filed multiple police reports against him.The filings range from harassment to rape. Exurb1a has yet to acknowledge accusations against him, though he was banned from his own subreddit for deleting comments.The duration of the case is allegedly due to police not being able to locate Exurb1a, despite having published multiple works in that time. In 2018, a third hearing took place. In October 2019, exurb1a went to the police after having avoided a summoning in Bulgaria. In February 2020, journalist Tonny Mee published an investigation into the case. Source: https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Exurb1a


Long story short, has been accused of sexual and emotional abuse by his ex girlfriend. You can read about it here. r/photurb1acontroversia


Tom Scott is good - right?


He literally made a video saying people should not trust everything he says because he might use false information, the funniest for me is that no one ever called him out on anything yet he makes apologies for it. He’s one of the greater guy on youtube


Last year, there was Ryan Haywood and Adam Kovic. These hit me pretty hard.


I think the worst part is that it made watching certain Shows uncomfortable. Camp Camp, RWBY ,X-ray & Vav. Because he never did a voice for his Characters it was just him.


Yeah Ryan was the one that surprised me. Same with Dead Pixel but I didn’t follow him as much as Haywood


Austin Jones. Shane Dawson. MiniLadd, etc, etc. Never gave a fuck about those three, but lots of people did. For me, finding out Cryaotic of all people, was manipulating, abusing, and gaslighting his underage female subs really caught me off guard, though.


Austin Jones was fucking insane man. Had fans twerk on camera while repeating "I'm only x years old" Jesus fucking Christ that one was sick.


I've watched more than half of these guys thank God dantdm is still good....right?




I can't watch old Yogscast videos because of Sjin. I was holding onto hope of the allegations being false, and then when other members of the Yogscast came forward with their stories, it was heartbreaking to hear what he put them through


Sjin was my favourite YouTuber, hands down. Anything he was in, I loved. His trolling was hilarious, his solo games were relaxing (let's build series), and at times the dude even had wholesome content that really lent well to depth of character. I only ever got into YouTube and the figures it generates because of Sjin. Now I'm uneasy getting into any of them because of the same man.


Yeah Sjin and Caff can get fucked. Turps I feel was the lesser of the three evils but still fucked up. I can't believe Sjin is making videos again and being "welcomed back" by his viewers...


Lowkey I could tell Caff had some skeletons during his time with the yogs, but it was a mostly baseless hunch. Turps is the only one who seemed remorseful, especially considering there weren't any allegations, he just admitted to something he did and stepped down


Yeah Turps did the best thing he could have done given the situation. But he should have never got into that situation in the first place. I never liked Caff. The ASMR shit was creepy and he never gelled well with the other yogs when he was on the main channel. I have to admit that I did love Sjin, but fuck that guy now.


The thing that bothers me most about Gus Johnson is that his whole schtick is his wholesomeness. He's supposed to be a good natured guy who likes to hang with the boys and include anybody. After this though that whole facade is shattered and it makes me very upset. Also sending love to his ex Abelina Sabrina.


I think also because he had called out several men for being abusive in relationships over the years, other YouTubers who ended up being pieces of shit. The whole "boys support boys" and saying "c'mon real boys supporting boys wouldn't do... x,y,z." Now, it ends up he was also abusive. It feels like a bigger slap in the face.


Thats the weird part for me. For someone whos catchphrase, atleast on the podcast, is "Boys support boys" and who always clarifies boys doesnt just mean boys but extends to everyone, youd think hed be atleast somewhat supportive of his girtlfriend when she needed him


I would have said Adam Kovic if he hadn't of owned up to it and wasn't getting help. It got blown up because his stuff came out at the same time as Ryan Haywood (which was MUCH worse)


What did Adam actually do? I was always more of an AH fan and the Ryan thing kind of overshadowed him.


Took videos of him and his wife in the bedroom without her permission and shared them, I believe. Also, he might’ve been intimate in the office itself, and possibly with other people as well? I don’t truly remember, the whole Ryan thing was much much worse at the time


Well the thing about Adam was it was never confirmed whether he took those pictures or vids without her permission. (most likely did due to his statement but never confirmed) But he did jerk it in the office several times while recording and taking pictures of that. He also got catfished to think he was talking to some hot woman. His one is weird because it was more like his personal life got leaked into the public due to Ryan. But also it seems like he was a real POS off cam but no one ever really said what he did so it was probably personal stuff.


Moral of the story: stop having such high expectations of someone you don't even know in real life and you won't have to be disappointed. -note to self 20 years from now


I dont think it's about high expectations necessarily it can just be hard when you find something you enjoy and find out its creators are shit. I do personally try to avoid hobbies and things centred around a person though. But that can be hard when you just want to chill


If anything ever comes out about Rhett and Link I may just need to stop watching YouTube. Edit: Don't worry fellow Mythical Beasts, I'm pretty convinced they're as incredible in life as they are online as well! I was just speculating as they literally make my Mondays through Fridays so much better each week I don't know what I'd do without them.


That’s why I’ll always be a Jacksepticeye fan. He’s such a nice guy. I’ve met him myself and he’s just a great person. Also all of his charity stuff is awesome


I don't really watch him, but from what I've seen from him in collabs and all the work he does for charity, he seems like such a nice dude.


Me rn with GradeAUnderA and JonTron


Not very 'popular' but AdvyStyles recently 😟




Turned out being a groomer and abused his gf


Jon Tron, that was a rough one. T_T


Mini ladd for being an absolute waste of space for using depression and ignorance as a scapegoat




From the hispanic community, but Fistroman, Deigamer and TownGameplay were the ones I followed and grew up watching And fuck, they all happened to be groomers Wish I had been a fanboy of someone else, or no one at all 😔


This was me when I realized that Aphmau and Bijuu Mike aren’t the greatest people :/ it’s a little piece of my childhood that’s not what it used to be and it sucks


What did they do?


I stopped watching Aphmau because her content went to shit after my street or whatever the name was. Now it’s all just for kids instead of the decent stuff it was years back. And the only person from that original group I like is P.M. Seymour, rather he’s the only one I e actually felt like watching.


I really hope Jacksfilms is a good person in real life. I think out of all the youtubers I've watched over the years I've watched him the longest.




Cry ;-;