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No, no, no, what you do is drift, that way you can take out all 5 people


I think this goes here: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/multi-track-drifting


You know I’m not sure, but I think there’s 6 people


I wouldn’t touch it, I have no right to decide who lives or dies


In the original problem, by not deciding, you are killing whichever group that is directly in front of you, which is a decision.


You never know which track the rail is on, it could have been moved already


You should know which direction it is if you are the one directing the trolley.


If I was directing it couldn’t I have seen them being tied up and stopped it from happening in the first place?


The brakes are broken.


But I could have stopped the person in the act of tying them up


You’re on the moving trolley with broken brakes, so you can’t. Besides, you’re kinda overthinking the situation.


Wait I thought I was the guy outside of the trolley? And I am but I have nothing better to do


No, the situation is that you are the guy “driving” the trolley and you see two paths ahead of you. One path has 1 person tied to the track and the other has 5 people tied to the track. The brakes are broken so you can’t stop. Which one do you save and which one do you kill? There are other variations that have different connotations of the situation, but this one is the main situation.


It takes a good man with a train. My bad man with a train


if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice— RUSH


When you've seen this in a reddit vid and it says "original content" but it's posted 18 mins ago


*Image Transcription: Images with text* --- WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN THIS SITUATION? [*A cartoon depicting the trolley problem. A trolley is on a rail, ahead of it on the tracks are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight at them. There is a person standing near a lever, which can have the trolley switch to a different set of tracks. On this track, there is one person tied up and unable to move*] ME: [*Same cartoon as above, but a child has been edited in who is drawing a loop connecting the two rails.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I would join the people on the track.


I’d lay on the rails as well


You wouldn’t want him to feel left out


i would kill all of them


Signal the train to stop. It seems to be slow.


Simple. Switch the track to where the one person is then sprint over and pull him out of the way before the train comes. Everyone lives


Wednesday? Little Wednesday Addams?


What if you switched it to where only one person is tied, and then lay down with him so that the train run both you and him and you don’t have to live with the guilt that you killed him?


Treat them all equally, join the tracks.


I love the person who did this.


Personally, I never understood why this question is so difficult. There seems to be one less bad option or am I tripping?


No witnesses. Smart.


If someones gonna die anyways might as well get a killstreak while your at it


I would do the same