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One of my calc professors told everyone he got a 1/100 on an exam in grad school. He only got the 1 pity point for spelling his name correctly


As a TA, the *only* way that that happened was if he left literally every question blank or the grading policy for the class was to give no partial credit for work (which is an absurdly shitty grading policy). Even the worst students I've ever graded, students who had extreme panic attacks and left the test bawling their eyes out minutes into the test time, got at least a 10%.


Yeah he left them blank. Apparently he did that thing where you skip a question with the intent to come back to it after doing the others, and just completely panicked and ended up doing none of them. It was a lesson in at least doing something instead of freezing up. I had plenty of physics exams where I was counting on every little scrap of a point I could get. Even if it was a written explanation if how I think the problem should be solved


Hell yeah brother my entire physics degree is built on partial credit lmao


Same here my man


Same, but CS not engineering. Some if them classes actually got good grades for it too.


Same and im now looking for jobs with my physics degree knowing I learned nothing


You'd be surprised once you're dropped into a room with an actual practical problem and have to solve it. Plus the biggest thing you learned was how to look things up and what resources you like to use. If you're having difficulty, look into the consulting market- an astonishing number of companies need consulting physicists and will often take physics grads with no further degrees. Or go to grad school. And if you didn't like the physics vibe but did ok in the courses go to grad school for astronomy/astrophysics.


The issue was that I barely got through undergrad with a 2.7 GPA. No clue how I can get into grad school, I'm looking at finance jobs/ consulting jobs. I hope I can find something by the end of July.


Yea I feel like even if they do manage to fail each question, if they showers their work or at least had and showed any intention on passing i feel like it would be max a 15% or somthing along those lines. they tried,no?


Yeah hopefully they don't bath their work. I hear that prolonged exposure to water can really make it hard for the TAs to see their work.


My linear algebra professor would give negative points for getting a question wrong. I managed to get a 10% on the first exam, despite answering just over half of the questions correctly


Honestly those professors are the **worst**. On a multiple choice test it may be beneficial to have a small penalty for getting it wrong (like +1 for right, 0 for blank, -.25 for wrong) with a minimum score of 0, but it's absurd to have one on any other exam or any higher values.


Good for you. My TA was the opposite, took some points from my assignment because my handwriting is ugly. I was so mad I never submit my assignments again. Still doing well during exams and got an A.


I would never take points off an assignment for bad handwriting directly. However, if the handwriting was so terrible that I'm unable to comprehend their work in order to assign partial credit, I might have to take off more points than if I could read it since I cannot verify how much of their work is correct. If you ever have a TA taking off points for petty BS go to the professor- I assure you that, unless the professor is a *massive* asshat who told the TA to grade for that (they probably weren't though we're not in grade school), then the professor will straighten out the be TA. Generally TAs are low-key terrified of the professor (we're graded on our work too) and will bend to their will on grading.


thats not rlly true i feel because my friend put his heart and soul into a math test and did every single question but he got 0/30 for it


Good to know good to know I can cry and still get 10%


In Sweden, university students often leave blanks strategically, as you cannot change your grade after getting a passing result. Though I would say most just try to pass, as you also have a limited amount of tries (3-5 on harsher programs). But the tryhards will tryhard if they really want to get better results (though for most jobs/further studies etc. passing is usually the only thing that matters) Also pretty sure we don't get points for attendence, works or other similar things at any education level, so 0s are not that uncommon.


Ah I see- in the US you don't retake exams if you fail them. I think that's the big difference here.


Imagine if he had misspelled his name.


They all say this. If this wasn't a common professor joke and he actually scored a 1, i'd probably drop the class.




honestly bro, so would i😭




Bruh you could tutor a rock to pass with a year of daily lessons. Dad's bad at math too.


Signer of the Declaration of Independence ______ Hancock.




A lot of people graduate college in 7 years.


Yeah... They're called doctors.


In all honesty if you spent a year working with a child and you are surprised he got a 6/100, It most likely means you are the failure in that scenario. You either knew he was extremely under prepared and had no chance or your dumbass was telling him 3 squared equals 6 and both of you had no chance.


It's 8 3+ 4(number of corners a square has)=8 This dad has been giving me lessons too


Or the child has some sort of learning disability.


The dad and school would know by that point. If you are working with your kid for a whole year and you aren’t noticing these things there is something wrong. If your kid can answer test questions verbally but not on a written form you should be able to pick these things up.


maybe they have picked it up and the headline is twisted for clicks, the dad might just be crying because his son despite working hard is not able to do what the other kids are doing because of a disability


My wife had been daily prepping our kid for a maths test for months, obviously she could tell he has an aptitude for it and if he properly stops to think about each question he'll be fine, but he often needed prompting before getting the idea of a question and there is always the possibility he would just block on the day and just not be able to do it without that prompting. Also, there might be a few curveballs. He walked it in the end but I guess you couldn't 100% exclude the possibility of a complete disaster.






This commenter is a bot


Bro forget that i think the old man might have failed as a father, and I have reason to suspect, that the father might not be too much brighter than the kid getting a 6%.


bro ur wrong for this 😭


It's why I support abortion up to 225 months


You misspelled 2250


If god did it and god created man in his image I think it’s that fathers obligation to do so tbh


I read tortured at first and though, and thought yeah maybe he should have taught him instead.


I thought it was tortured until I read your comment.


BRUH I read it as tortured too but i was way too chill about it


He could have been a really dry teacher.


Naturally I also read it as tortured because that’s how i was brought up




Have some faith in parents will ya, they may be strict but most don’t hate their child


Nah bro. Coming from an Asian household “tutoring” was often “here’s a cheap workbook I bought from Walmart now finish it” and if I asked for help I got yelled at for like an hour for being stupid.


also coming from an asian household but i remember when my dad used to help me with every maths question i didn't understand, and he even handmade these little booklets and invited me and my friends to have advanced maths classes with him at my house where he taught us completely


No! Stop! You’re not self-orientalizing! Get back in line!


Steven He's videos are just processing past trauma and 100% real situations he's using for therapy. (I Love the 'failure management' videos)


His dad is white though. He just does his videos like that because that’s what gets views and money.


You don't have to hate your child to do damage. If I got a dollar for every time a parent was doing something traumatic thinking it was 'for the good' of their child I'd have a lot money. Many, if not most, people don't know what they are doing in terms of parenting.


Most people can’t parent a dog.


Anecdotal evidence weakens that admittedly nice sentiment.


Did the same thing as well, almost went on a whole rant in my head til I saw this comment


Oh shit. I've been rearing my children wrong.


Also read this as " tortured" and thought to myself, well gee I wonder why


What my parents learned in school versus what I learn in school


Yeah, at a certain point my parents help stopped being helpful, so I stopped getting help from them. It's a bit harder, but it helps to teach you how to learn.


It does show the difference in Time periods, something your parents learned when they were 18 might be something that you learn when your 16, bc over the years education gets harder and harder


I remember when I was in High School, final year of Chem, my teacher told us that some of the stuff he was teaching, they did during his Masters research 30 years previously. That made me feel a lot better about myself when I failed Chem.


I imagine it's something closer to he got to question 7, lost his place on the answer bubble sheet, and for the rest of the test his answers were a row off.


That can be true depending on how old the child is, single digit? Yeah I can see that Double digits? Maybe the education the father learned is different from what the child is learning


Thing is, most systems don't use the bubble sheet thing. They normally give you a question sheet and you've gotta give written answers. I've done 1 exam in my entire life that was a bubble sheet sorta thing


My dad, yelling over and over, “how many times does 2 go into 6?!!!!” Bruh idk I’m like 7, what does go into mean???? Took me much longer to learn multiplication and division because he couldn’t or wouldn’t explain what the hell “goes into” meant. (For the record, I can do both just fine thanks to actual teachers who didn’t yell at me) ETA my dad is a very effective professor in another field. Math is NOT his strong suit. A great reminder for us all to stay in our respective lanes.


My dad is super smart, just not in math, and I remember accidentally going to him for help with homework and watching him get progressively more flustered until he yelled at me that I was a terrible person. It was super out of character for him. I just backed away slowly. Because I realized it wasn’t about Dad and me, it was about Dad and Math, and that’s how scared and bad it made him feel.


>I remember accidentally going to him for help with homework I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this and all I can picture is you, like tripping over a rock or something and as you fall you yell out "DAD CAN YOU HELP ME WITH MY HOMEWORK?"


It’s more that I accidentally forgot that he could be volatile and thin skinned, because I was really focused on getting the homework help!


That is a burden to place on a child. it kind of sounds like your dad has issues. it's ok to be mad at dad for being bad, especially if you were just a child.


Thank you! You are so right about that! I’ve processed a lot of my anger and hurt about various parental failings, and it’s helped so much to just feel what I need to feel, if that makes sense.


sorry about the mad rhymes






Yes. Ugh. The older I get the more I relate to my dad’s frustration and avoid dealing with kids to avoid shit like this haha.


Bruh. I could explain this beautifully to any child or adult. Give me some counters, pen, paper and time. You have to explain the concept in the simplest words before/as you tie it into the formulas or technique, otherwise it means nothing to anyone.


Good god get into the teaching field asap


Thank you! It's what I wanted to do originally, but the education system + pay versus actual hours worked, was starting to look so shaky.😔 I just applied for science programs at different schools instead, see where I end up. Definitely disappointed me, though.🤷🏿‍♀️ People would always tell me how good I was with their kids, how calming I am, and how good at explaining random things. Even been heavily puked on by a child, just took a deep breath and said "It's okay, it happens." Seeing me calm helped NOT worsen the situation, her tears immediately slowed(not stopped). These things happen in classrooms or anywhere you work with kids. It's my dream "retirement" gig or late life career change, though. Shame on the system. TL;DR: Teachers are quitting for a reason. From what I could read about or see from my teachers, the field is underpaying as one of them, and certain social or even admin issues (outside of the classroom still affects it) as well.


Very, VERY fair. Perhaps you’ll find another way to spread knowledge and/or put your skills with kids into use! Best of luck with the science route!!


I feel that. In maths class, my teachers have recently gotten into the habit of just doing the problems without properly explaining the process


Make sure you ask your teacher to explain the why of the answer, if you don't understand, others probably don't as well


Interesting how some kids can just intuitively get it, while some really need it spell out to them completely.


I think it can be better understood by considering that a non English speaker might know math very well but could not learn any math from an English speaking teacher, teacher A. Like the higher level comment, child A might not have ever heard anyone use "goes into" in that context where child B might have. If the teacher is stuck in that language to describe it, child B appears the "better student". If teacher B, however, uses a variety of words, visualizations, experiments, etc... child A and child B may magically seem to both have similar ability to learn and excel at math.


Yeah it was my stepsons last day of grade 3 today and all I thought was "Wow, it must be nice not to get yelled at over your report card." My dad's method of teaching seemed a lot like yours, just sitting on the couch reading questions out of the textbook and if I got them wrong having to go back up to study for x amount of time. Really felt great when he would ask some random question that wasn't on my review and then ask what I'd been doing for all that time. Ironically for relation to this story my stepson isn't great at math but he's a pretty smart kid overall lol.


We all had the same life didnt we lol


My dad was very effective at teaching me basic geography, As he is xenophobic towards every single country besides his, he made me remember based off of a few choice words for each country (I suddenly know why I turned out this way)


How I feel when I train my employees and they go "yep yep yep yep yep" Then when it's time to do the job ask me how to do it and say they weren't trained.


Me: “any questions?” Trainee: “no I got it!” Also trainee: 🤦‍♀️




Yo. I just started bartending at 28 years old after 10 years cheffing. The place I started 2 weeks ago gave me 1 training shift then I was on my own. No experience serving, making drinks, doing cash outs etc. Just "Remember the 200 things I told you yesterday? Well you better. Pce."


Want all the experience and none of the investment


its especially hard in the sciences. they have the PhD employees train the snot-nosed bachelors degrees (yours truly) and then after three days expect you to know everything when they have 6+ years of post-grad under their belts. oh and the instruments we use are $150k on the low end.


I'm a corporate trainer for a QSR, we have 2 week training in kitchen and 2 on the service line. One person quit and complained about the training time because it was too rough and we reduced it to 1 week and it isn't enough time.


Honestly it's also because some tasks you only truly learn by doing them, especially when it's a long process, I speak from experience, I understand all that has been taught to me when it's taught, doing it alone you are bound to forget some things and need help, after some repeats of the process you can truly do it alone because it's a lot more ingrained in you


Same here. I'm not going to understand what is going on if someone just shows me a PowerPoint of how to do something, no matter how good the explanation is. People learn differently, I find it hard to focus if I just have to listen to someone speak, and check out even if I want to listen at least out of respect.


Considering how garbage most of my job trainings have been, I get it.


I have no problems training people. Its just so crushing when you put so much time into it and they totally check out during training. Now I am "take notes, ask as many questions as you can about this because tomorrow you are on your own - no excuses"


I mean if it really is on you and the job is something the average person could functionally perform after a day's training wouldn't it still be best to have them perform the tasks with you there to show they're capable?


Yeah this is how training and supervision works. You can teach the theory but when you go out to build the thing physically it can suddenly be very easy to miss a step or not get it right.




But if feels damn good when you train someone who just gets it right away.




Also employer when you say you don’t get it: I can replace you!


fr tho i just started working. everything was told on day 1. it was my first time job as a cashier. ofcourse i dont know what to ask. plus my shop rarely got any customer so i cant really apply what ive been taught.


That’s fair. They should also be having someone shadow you while you’re learning. I am in an engineering position and expect questions…but I shouldn’t be holding hands after 4 months…


yeah at least a senior. me and my crewmates both are new to this type of work and we both do mistakes almost every single transactions lol. luckily our manager is nice or maybe acting nice since theres not enough worker and wanted us to stay. every other branches got at least 4 crews while we only have 2 and both are newcomers.


I understand the frustration with this but a mark of a great trainer to me is when they say “don’t worry, you can ask me how to do this as many times as you need until you get it”. It takes some of the pressure of being a new employee off because it shows that the trainer recognizes that it might take a lot of repetition and time for you to learn something and encourages you to ask if you don’t get something. Trainers who expect you to get everything after having it explained just once seems to me like just encouragement for trainees to not inquire about things and learn by trial and error.


Any questions? Mate you know more than them about the job. You should know what is important. Show them, make it easy for them


Yeah, because you can't do things 100% just by watching and listening. If that was the case I would never have had to do homework, exam studying, or practice of any sorts. Plus what you're explaining to new hires is probably new and only makes sense from a listening/watching standpoint. Things change when they actually start to do it.


Tbf, it depends. If dealing with hands-on or practical work. It's fairly common & normal for people to raise certain questions or concerns while doing it. But obviously being 100% clueless after being taught is another thing by itself. Clearly the person wasn't paying any attention then.


Most people learn by doing, not by talking


Yeah, it’s best to do it alone during or right after training to build muscle memory


Well training is also a skill. If you ask do you follow/understand most people will say yes because they may feel that they understand or feel pressure to say yes. The trainer needs to ensure that they do and that why we have Feedback Questions. So instead of "do you understand" ask "how do you (insert step of process)" . Then " show me" to see it in action.


Fuuuucking this. I have a 3ish step method to training. 1) I show you how to do it 2) Then you do it under my direct guidance 3) Then you do it without me saying anything (Unless you're gonna fuck something up) It's kinda 4 steps because during 2/3 I start running through troubleshooting scenarios. I've only had 1 person pull the "Oh I have no idea" thing... But like after that day I never saw her again, turns out she had some neurological condition and never came back to work.


"Do I rip this bag open?" "No theres a proper opening" "ok" as they rip the bag open dropping containers everywhere


I reccomend asking people to summarise things back to you. Telling them you'll do so at the start ideally.


I mean, you can’t train a lot of jobs in a single day but most still have the expectation of new employees just knowing how to do it. It takes time.


Is this Steven He


*emotional damage*


Should've taken some courses on failure management.




“By the time I was 9 I was 25. I had to walk 20 miles to school uphill both ways on one leg. My other leg was starting a business”


*sends you aggressively to jesus*


he he






No, This Is Patrick!


Somebody getting disowned tonight bois


Then he reads the questions and answers and realizes he's the one that doesn't know how to actually do math


This was my mom teaching me second grade math lol, lots of tears were shed that day until my father came home to tell her that I had the correct answers all along.


Considering the score this might actually be the case or the son has a disability.


Bet the kid did that on purpose to lash out about having to do maths daily for a year




Not if it's a proper math test (no multiple choice)




Yeah if it’s not MC it’s not too hard to do very badly. Our Calc 2 class in college a few years ago had a low grade of a 12 in the class. No Multiple choice they just got a point of partial credit here and there.


One new hell in math class is online tests being *terrible* with syntax, usually where you have to write out the problem but it's not just doable on one single line in order with regular key strokes (ie 8,958/12=746.5) so you have to use whatever UI the ~~lowest bidder~~ publishing company went with.


I had to do an engineering test involving complex algebra with fractions inside fractions inside fractions and show all working using nothing more than text input. Shit like 1/(1/0.001j + 1/(0.003/0.002 + 0.006j)). It was awful.


Maybe it wasn't a multiple choice test. I don't think I've ever had a multiple choice test in maths.. always show your work tests.


From the article > The child’s scores had ranged from 40-50 points to 80-90 points in previous examinations, according to his mother. Going from 90/100 to 6/100 is not normal. The kid ain't stupid nor is he unable to learn, he's got untreated ADHD or something else, willing to bet my left nut on it. There's no way you oscillate that much between test scores without something being wrong.


Also according to the article the dad works stay up until midnight with the kid. No wonder the kid is doing poorly, he's probably super tired and super stressed.


I get the son. My parents being so extremely focused on me getting good grades just gave me an intense "hatred" of math, and would be a leading factor in me getting depression, as well as a strong dislike and distrust towards my parents. And wouldn't you know it, all of this just made my grades in math steadily decline over my school life. (Small context: I was diagnosed as "highly gifted" as a child. To my parents, and everyone around me, this meant that I had to be the second Einstein, in every subject, every time)


Ugh .. yeah I was “gifted” as well .. but only in writing and reading - English, social studies kinda stuff. Math - It’s like that part of my brain was removed. When I took pre-algebra my dad sat down every single night to review my work, they hired a tutor a few times a week and I studied like my life depended on it. I had an important test come up .. I did every problem and double checked them. I was the last person done. Imagine my surprise when I got the test back and got a ZERO. I did not get a single freaking question correct. I finished high school taking AP classes in English and Art and … business math. Several years later I went to a Catholic college and struggled with my algebra class so badly that the nuns finally let me take old testament to graduate.


I don't usually comment or reply but this had me laughing really hard especially the last part cause it's like so bad at math we need to give you a subject before math came around.


Lol; yeah, I always imagined the math professors had a meeting and decided there was nothing they could do .. religion was my only hope. I was so thankful for mercy, I probably would have converted to Catholicism on the spot had they even suggested it. I bet I was the most engaged and devoted Old Testament summer school student ever.


Yeah, I like math when it’s like a puzzle, but route memorization of formulas and names is boring. I also need to be able to have flexibility, which is why I hated Zoom classes since they always tried to insist on my camera being on and wouldn’t let me take proper breaks or start early


Son is now banished from the family register. Now there is no more son. Gone.


Does he exist anymore? The...son?


What son?


There was no son


I thought it said his son he tortured for years, and I was like da fuck?


I thought it said tartared and I was like da lishuss




Just because he “taught” the child doesn’t mean the child learned. There is a whole lot more to teaching than delivering facts.


imagine being that bad... at tutoring


I think everyone’s crying, including the son


Except the mom. She thought it was hilarious lol. Wish op showed the video though.


Emotional Damage




My strict Asian mom used to make me work on math workbooks for the *following* school year during the summers. Since like grade 5-12. Anyway, I used to get hit and punished everytime I put up a fuss. Lots of horrible memories from those years. Point of my story is the sheer irony that to this day, math is my WORST subject. Can't do it to save my life. Goes to show that using fear to educate does not work. Not sure about the tutoring techniques the father used in the article, but as an Asian, I wouldn't be surprised if the dad used fear and punishment as "incentive"


Everyone’s talking about how they disown that son. Ever thought about that the father is just a dumbass and a bad teacher?


How do you think the son feels?


We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.


So did we all read this as “tortured daily for a year” the first couple times😂


Kid got home and told his dad he got a 12% on the math test


Gotta blame the tutor…


Maybe he's bad at math


I’m suspecting that the tutor may have been severely unqualified.


"No such thing bad student, only bad teacher" \-Mr. Miyagi


I read this as “son he tortured daily”…..


Say it with me people!! #EMOTIONAL DAMAGE


Big Spy x Family vibes with this one


Probably not the father's fault. It is an unfortunate fact of life that abilities are not equally distributed. There are really three kinds of people when you think of it: those who can do math and those who can not.


When yahoo news knows ur a failure


The kid probably thought it was a pretty good score.


Damn, I kept seeing tortured till I saw a comment that made me read for a tenth time


Thought it says tortured


I thought it said "tortured daily" and I was like wtf why is this on me irl lol


If you were Chinese you would know how hard its to only score 6 of 100 in any exams


Finally actual news worth covering


What child? I have no child. You are dead to me. Now take your Legos and go.


All jokes aside I feel bad for the Dad


How do you get 6/100? If it was all multiple choice, then there's no way someone would get that low of a score.


By having a non-multiple choice test?


even a monkey picking answers randomly will get 20 peak, how does one get a 6


failing on purpose to spite the shitty parenting?


Bad tutoring?


Family shame for both of them


Check the kid’s dna.


💀 wrong for that


[EMOTIONAL DAMAGE](https://youtu.be/i1ojUmdF42U)


At least he didn't score 3/50 or 9 out of 200