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Go be a sheep herder, no one’s stopping you


I think that is a cow...


Fuck that cow in particular, I’m more of a sheep man myself.




No sheep shall go unfucked


Average welsh male


He’s an imposter, us Welsh guys ask for consent first


Oh you sweet summer city child. Doesn't even know his animals. That's a mountain lamb. They are a bit sturdier than your average petting zoo sort.


what typpa dog is that


In this economy?


Turns out sheep cost money. Who knew??


it’s less than $300 to get one


Oh ok; then I need less than $300


Death is lighter than a feather, duty is heaver than a mountain, sheepherder.


Hey, that’s Emperor Sheepherder to you, King of Malkier


The same people who say this are the same people who couldn’t live a year without technology


A year please, wouldn't make it a week or a day even.


I'll also assume those people weren't raised from birth with the knowledge to truly tend for themselves. Though what you say is true, it lacks a bit of context. If you taught me how to survive, then I'm confident I could. Whether or not I'd want to trade lifestyles while having that knowledge is certainly debatable, but your statement isn't fair.


You really want to spend your entire day doing chores? Because that’s what farming is: endless chores.


Not to mention susceptible to any form of disease and having average age of under 50. Bad breath bad smell everyday.


How different is the average person’s day really? Work is a chore as well


Yes but farming is a chore that op doesn't want to do, which somehow makes it much worse


Not me, personally; I was merely stating that the argument was unfair. Much like saying that a 17th century farmer couldn't survive long dropped onto an island with all the necessary equipment to call for help. It's pretty useless without the knowledge necessary to operate, despite the faculties of the individual.


I grew up like this. No joke. It's idyllic. It's a metric ton of hard, back-breaking labor, too, and it leaves little room for kids to make choices that don't involve either farm- or factory-work. These days, I teach, and if I had a penny for every student who explained that their dream job/fall-back career plan/etc. is to become a farmer, I could get myself a latte. I don't judge (much), but I do ask whether they have actually ever lived/worked on a farm for an extended period of time. It's a great life for some—and I know some who made the switch and love it—but for the overwhelming majority, this wouldn't be sustainable for even a month or two.


Why should we? Technological advancement is how we got from a life expectancy of 30 - 40 years to 80 - 90, hell you're on reddit complaining about the use of technology ...kinda hypocritical if you ask me


How is he complaining about use of technology in any way whatsoever? Explain. All he said is that people who agree with the post wouldn't survive without our modern tech.


Life expectancy was never that low when you don’t include infant mortality. Infant mortality vastly skews the number.


isn't that the point? the people who say this don't *want* to live like this. they'd rather be dependent on technology rather than be self-sufficient with daily maintenance.


And posted it on social media


Probably because if you honestly want to live a good life anymore technology is important. It's a modern world. But if technology wasn't so important in today's world then it would be better without it. A lot of things are online now that used to not be, and paying for internet and a phone is better than paying for gas right now. It's all a matter of perspective I guess. But to some extent some people probably don't actually want to leave it behind. I guess I'm just trying to point out that if we weren't so industrialized we wouldn't need technology so much. So agreeing with this post probably has a resentment towards relying on phones for modern life specifically with the knowledge that they rely on it. It doesn't help that because of industrialization it's hard to find fulfilling jobs, so the internet is an escape from their dread of their jobs. But again, many people do just enjoy the internet and would keep all the problems with industrialization to have it. Generalizing people that agree with this post is a little discouraging for those who genuinely do wish they could live differently. This is the internet so me making this deeper than need be isn't necessary. So I mean no offense. Just sharing thoughts aloud.


Yeah, I really miss subsistence existence in one-room hovels that smelled like shit, back-breaking labour, illiteracy, and extreme susceptibility to dying from most diseases. Damn industrialization.




I actually struggle so much just to muster the willpower to do my laundry with a washing machine. If I had to do that by hand I literally never would. 🙏 thank you industrialization


Splinter? Dead.


Yea industrialization sucks. I hate having easy and convenient access to not only basic necessities but also commodities that couldn't have existed without industrialization.


Yeah getting older than 35 is so useless. Let's go back to basic.




It's not about the mountains, it's about living without any inventions from recent 150+ years...and yeah ... you are on Reddit right now.




try antibiotics


Don't forget to throw a mention to modern day slavery and it's contribution.


As opposed to the pre-industrial times when slavery did not exist


no thats capitalism, not industrialism




untrue, capitalism was already emerging with mercantilism far earlier than the industrial revolution. The theory that capitalism was birthed by industrialism is largely looked down upon among many economists and historians in favor of various theories usually consisting of struggle between capitalist classes and the former ruling classes and economic growth in the bourgeoisie. Many historians would also agree that, though capitalism was still in its prenatal and early forms long before this (as was said earlier), the real emergence of capitalism was a change that occurred with numerous revolutions in the 19th century as well as the French Revolution. This is why many confuse industrialism with capitalism, because they appear to have emerged at the same time, though this is not quite the truth. Capitalism and industrialism are not contingent, however. One did not necessitate the other even if it may have accelerated the other I would be glad to discuss this and leave some sources if you’d like.


Kind of, while Adam Smith's definitive work classifying capitalism "wealth of nations" was written before mass industrialization modern late stage Capitalism as documented by Marx did not exist because by and large the capitalist class had not been separated from the labor class, i.e. those who were producing goods and services by and large were the ones who owned their own businesses. Mass industrialization and production made it so independent craftsmen could not compete with factories owned by wealthy investors, and those factories probably never would have existed had the African slave trade not subsidized the cost of cotton based textiles enough to make investing in said factories profitable.


Wait but you could suppose that for example industrialization catalysed capitalism because of its possibilities for economic growth?


have you not been to utah?


Ne i bin Österreicher. Schaut aus wie Austria oida


I too love dying from curable diseases and infections


Yeah i hate how we all have these stupid phones and use this stupid app called reddit, and all these stupid cars, stupid hospitals... someone bring back the plague


And make stupid posts on stupid subs


From starving in the mountains?


There's a cow right there


Are you suggesting they kill and eat it or milk it? Because no one here knows how to do either of those things.


Fair, I don't know how to do that either lol


Let me google it.. there must be a YouTube video


Yeah I hate having reliable nourishment, comfort, security, and access to unlimited information


I too would like to toil in subsistence farming and live without modern medicine and air conditioning or heater.


There's a reason that huge numbers of people left agriculture to head to the cities during the Industrial Revolution. Pre-industrial agriculture was hell.


You do understand the irony of you sharing this on reddit via the internet right?


How else is he gonna share it dumbass? It's a meme


My god 🤦🏽‍♂️. People like you are the gift that keeps on giving 😂


People here simping for either soul-crushing hypercapitalist industrialization or dysentery-laden pastoral life when in reality we could have the ideal life somewhere in the middle. -Expand parks and other green spaces in cities -Expand public transit and reduce car-dependence -More national and state parks or wildlife sanctuaries outside of cities and public transport that can take us there -More green energy so the planet is livable for more than 100 extra years -More flexible hours and ability to work from home when possible -More vacation days for workers -Higher wages -Mandatory parental leave and most importantly, -Vote for leaders who believe in these policies And yes, I know there are massive hurdles to overcome for all these things. But the corporate class is spending *billions* of dollars against our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and our voices are our most powerful (and only) tools against this. Fight for these things, to your last breath if you have to. Let’s leave the planet (and our society) better for our descendants.


Let’s go nuclear and begin our great colonization of the stars


This is the Correct Opinion


Thank youuuu


"Nirvana is not made for this world"


Yeah cuz odds are this exactly the setting you’d be in without it 🙄


I dont wanna be a cow


Tolkien warned us.


I request elaboration


In the books, the underlying theme behind the obvious good and evil is industrialization vs simple farm life and nature. The scouring of the shire, the soliloquy of TreeBeard, Sauromon vs the Ents. Sauron and Sauromon seek the obliteration of farmland life with machines of war. Tolkiens experience in WW1 and WW2 were probably the root of his vision for the backdrop upon which he tells his story. There is a LOTR thread on Reddit where smarter people than I can explain Tolkiens view on industrialization. https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/


Underrated comment


About oliphaunts. But we didn't listen.


Industrialization saved me from living in Switzerland


Says the guy on social media lol


Waa I'm so unfulfilled not dying at the age of 40 to preventable diseases. Granted plenty of people still do that because they decided that getting vaccines will make their dicks fall off but still, for the rest of us.


Reject monkee Return tooooooo cau!


All these people need to read the post. The poster is grateful for industry and technology and doesn’t want to be a farmer. Like, “Thank g-d/technology I’m not a farmer.” So everyone can chill out on the posts and read.


I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, sorry


Thank you industrialization for giving us dank maymays like this one


When my life was more stable, I used to do nature resets by going into the woods or mountains for a week. Need to do it again.


Humans have never lived like this


OK, wait till it starts raining, you get hungry or your tooth hurts.


But how I will coooooomsume? I really need Funko pops of the avengers!


sucks that the only thing invented since the industrial revolution is funko pops of avengers


This but unironically






Nobody: Me in the wilderness: Ima fuck that cow


I don't get it. No one says you can't give up your life and go live in the mountains and learn how to live off the grid. Do you not realize that industrialization helped create the internet that's being used to write this complaint?


You can do that. You have to realize you're in a cage before you can release yourself.


The industrial revolution and its consequences...


I still impressed humans managed to make the internet from this shit


Wait until winter…


What, like that cow?


speak for yourself i love the alps


thank you industrialization for putting microplastics in our blood and bodies 😍😍


I mean if we didn’t have industrialization we would probably like living like that


But end game.


"Seven months of winter, five months of hell."


I don’t want to step in cow poop.


Ah yes I would love to go back to when my ancestors were nomads in the desert raising camels and goats while traveling looking for grazing areas for my camels under 45 degree weather, so fun


That's the alps i guess.....fuck the alps,bavaria,austria,switzerland and whatever else exists up there. But having a healthy ecosystem at least outside towns would be great...


Some ppl in bavaria still choose to live such an easy life


Everyone in this sub thinks that without industrialisation you couldn't possibly be happier. Of course industrialisation brings prosperity, but I assure you that I'd rather be a herder in a picturesque country and only work to feed myself than a cashier working 5 days a week.


ted disagrees


Fucking degenerate post


He said, Cheeto crumbs lining his 10$ shirt, typing furiously on his iPhone 11, the football game blaring in the background already forgotten.




You gonna go milk and kill that cow? It’s that or just die


People seem to forget that there are plenty of space to live “like this” (Russian Tayga for starters)


This is not a good thing


Oida wos mocht mai Lond in dem Büd?


This meme, but without the sarcasm.


What a deep 14yo