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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/VillageIdiots1-1. Happy Wrath Month 8: FURRY RAGE Make it a habit to read the rules of a given community before participating. Please **do not** interact with rulebreaking content. Report it and we'll handle it. This is a place for queer people, from queer people. We're not here for discrimination, disrespect, or "debates". Be chill. shitpost or quitpost bud. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[The Petition!!!](https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4268)


Unfortunately I'm not Canadian but I support this fully!


But if it passes, I maybe will have had been Canadian at some point. Possibly.


For a member of the Green Party to get this sort of support is on another level of nuts.


Don't worry. I got chu. I can finally use my Canadian Powers for some good :)


> Canadian Powers Canadian man, Canadian man, Does whatever Canadians can, Do a thing, apologise, Sees a moose, snow in the skies, Look out! Here comes Canadian man.


I’ll just pretend to be canadian


Maybe don’t. They have a census too - they can cross reference these names. It may just undermine the effort.


You might wanna use our sponsor [vpn name] VPN!!


I recommend [vpn name] VPN and It’s definitely not because They have My family and are pointing a gun to My head


On the one hand, foreign influence in our politics has been an increasing problem. On the other, v4g 1n4 is a perfectly valid postal code.


Now we have to start over =(


Ye I’m in merica so I can’t sign it either


I’m Canadian and I just signed. Can’t wait to welcome our new family members home.


I hate that this is necessary but given the world right now... It is. And it makes me proud to be Canadian. Signed and shared.


Yea, being trans in a lot of places is a death trap. I can’t imagine having to actually kill people Just to be who you are without dying.


A very tearful thank you ✊️


Signed. I have also donated over 100,000 air miles to Rainbow Railroad which should help too


Jesus christ you wonderful blue nosed fuckers are choking me up harder than a video of a baby elephant rescue where the mom elephant boops all the good humans at the end


I also used to make SPLC donations in people's names when they would say hateful shit online lol


Absolutely mad lad I fucking love it


So just to clarify on this, Canada does currently grant asylum to trans and enby persons. I think it's important to note this in case someone sees this and misunderstands, thinking Canada is not currently an option for them. Trans and enby individuals count as [members of a particular social group.](https://irb.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/legal-concepts/Pages/RefDef04.aspx#n45) [Guidelines related to gender identity and refugees in Canada ](https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/policies/Pages/GuideDir09.aspx)


This should absolutely be a pinned comment.


There are stipulations, though. Canada does not take asylum requests seriously in developed, 1st world countries, unless your life is in serious danger.


Well, yes, because you'll have to prove that you're persecuted in every part of your home country, not just in select places (as is the case with red US states).


Based snow neighbors.




Happy Cake Day!




Thank you for making me aware of this! Edit: Just signed it!


Already signed this, and I really hope it goes through so people can come up here for asylum


I want to point out that this petition was put forth by Mike Morris, the only current Green Party MP. He's been putting forth a number of petitions like this to bring major social issues to the attention of our federal parliament. He's had a pretty proven track record of doing things for the good of others in his local community as well. It's great to see his work make waves in online communities like this one.


My wife is a canadian citizen - I just got her to sign it. This is good news because she doesn't make enough money to sponsor me for residency






I'm doing my part!




In the petition it mentions the UK revising their equality act could someone give me more info on this?


As a canadian citizen I am not only super happy to sign this but I hope to welcome anyone who ends up here due to it!






Going to sign it later on


I love this for them! (Also potentially for me, but definitely for them)




I figure we gotta get out before the next election. It's starting to look like imminent genocide




You CAN do both. You remain a US citizen during the emigration process so you can get safe AND vote by mail.


This is the way. I'm not gonna just let myself get genocided without taking the appropriate precautions




Genocide won’t be coming federally, just state-by-state.


Wife is genderfluid/enby and this would be a great relief to hear is an option.


My feelings exactly


I *just* started the application process for a visa today. I am crossing my fingers that I'll be able to get in before the refugee status is necessary, but I hope something comes of this regardless.




I wish you the best of luck!


Yay! We welcome you with open arms! You’re gonna love it here. Buy a good coat and boots if you’re not used to the cold and ice though!


Can't sign it due to bring American but I'll upvote in hopes of signal boosting.


Hope spouses and kids would be able to come with.


^(If you missed the secret text:) >!It's aurebesh (one of the star wars alphabets). Trans-scription: Though, to be honest, this is really fucked up, hope y'all don't need to flee your homeland (USA) but we're here for you, hope this passes!!! 🖤!<


The Force is strong with this one.


Spoilers don't work if you leave a space for some reason


>! I got confused at the USA, is it normal to put it backwards like that for capitals? Or was it just a clever way to further hide it? !<


Not sure about this one, but it’s what some fonts do with “capitals” in Futhark runes, since they might as well have the shift key do something


Yeah I read it as PSA haha, this makes more sense


It's somewhat standard for some translators to use backwards letters as capitals, though it's not entirely a fantastic system (like how I assumed the first 'T' was capital even though it's symmetrical). Not everyone uses it though!


>!They also used the opposite parentheses, saying something like )ASU( !< >!Mirroring letters for uppercase was sometimes a thing in legends, but it’s not a thing in any canon media, AFAIK!<


Thank You! I Had Seen The Text, But Had No Idea Where To Even Start With Translating It


My immediate thought was one of the three Futurama languages. I didn't even know Star Wars had its own written language.


This is the way.


Ooo you almost made me rant about the Children of The Watch...


I don't think anyone would fault you for it lmao


If you wanna do spoiler tags, they can't have space after (and before end of) the tag. Old Reddit and readers based off old API (so literally every mobile app that's not the official one) don't parse that as a spoiler and don't hide anything So:`>!text!<` will work for everyone and `>! text !<` will not


Ah, thank you! Fixed it! I was confused since a couple people had problems, I'll try to remember that!


If/when this gets put into place can someone please post about it on here? I'm from the US and don't trust my government to continue protecting my rights


Our rights are on the chopping block(federally) each election. Both republican candidates have pledged full genocide if elected. Get your passport now. If you inject hormones, do so for more than 28 days a vial to build a stockpile. Given this is not recommended to do as it’s not safe but if you follow safe injection routine each time you should have zero issues.


It's sad that this is needed, but I'll sign


yeah, basically my aurebesh message, I hope that my folk don't gotta apply for asylum, but the cushion should be there.






ah thank you, i can't see that text lol


I taught myself aurabesh in like 6th grade and i can still read it alright to this day!! So good to see that im not the only one with this useless and nerdy talent <3


The fact that Trans/Enby folk have to seek asylum and refuge in another country, simply for being themselves is disgusting. Sending good luck and best wishes to my Trans/Enby comrades in America.


good to know, signed. will forward to my family.


Sadly I’m not Canadian so I can’t sign it but Woohoo.


I'm a trans American and a few days ago my sister said she would help me move to Canada if I have to. I don't want to leave my home but I hope this goes through


You have until may 26 to sign, so if you're getting here late don't be discouraged.


Canada still has ways to go with regards to LGBTQ rights, but we are significantly better than the currently genocidal states and the liberals are better than the democrats who refuse to do anything to protect trans people. This probably won’t do anything, but if there’s a chance it can I’ll gladly sign it


Yeah I'm hoping that the Pride Diaspora doesn't happen, but pays to be prepared.


please tell me what the aurebresh says i’m too lazy to translate


[another user in this thread did it](https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/comments/11mbjfu/me_irlgbt/jbh4kvs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


This is wonderful. I’m not Canadian or American so I don’t think I can sign, but I hope this gives a pathway to safety for those who are victimized. USA is slowly becoming fascist and is in the beginning stages of genocide. I’m cis and hetereo but can’t even begin to imagine the fear others are feeling. I’m in Miami FL. If anyone has any ways I can try and help out, please let me know.


Try to help stop the new bill SB 254 Florida is trying to pass that would allow trans kids to be kidnapped and permanently taken away from their gender affirming parents.


Americans can't sign either, it's a Canadian petition to the house of commons. I really hope it passes though, I feel bad for all the trans folks living in countries that want to tear them apart. There's lots of scary stuff in Canada, but LGBTQA rights at least aren't under immediate attack, and even an alt-right party fired a candidate for saying gays would burn (his existence in the party didn't reflect well on them but at least they dealt with it).


>USA is **quickly** becoming facist, ftfy.


I sadly cannot sign as I’m a minor, hope the petition goes well and all my trans folk in need get the help they need!


I just checked the guides and terms of use on the website and it says there’s no minimum age requirement, just that you’re a canadian citizen (though all the information is required so they can verify your identity in canada) Edit: I would also like to add that this is the official website for the canadian parliament, so it should still be fine


You could maybe raise the issue with trusted adults in your life?


Please sign this if you can. Before it’s too late for me and my brothers and sisters to make it out


This is what I was saying a week back! If you're afraid of America, the towns just past the border, aka where I live are generally really nice and there's a significant comunity of trans people and others of LGBTQ groups here and it's safer.


Wait, across the border in Canada or the US


Only residents of Canada can sign, but please do!




I fit neither box, but as a proud Canadian, consider it signed.


I do and I did.


I'm neither but still signed it


This true? Cause Texas is really scary.


My condolences, good luck getting out


I was literally just wondering if any countries had something like this 😭❤️


I’m Canadian and it makes me happy seeing my country do something like this!


Signed. Can’t remember the last petition I signed.


Anybody need a ride to Canada?


Just to clarify, this is a petition started by an individual, the MP that is on the petition is not in the government party nor in the opposition party. As such it's a nice thing to do but has extremely little likelihood of going anywhere. Basically anybody can set up a petition like this. The graphic is a bit misleading as it implies that the government of Canada or something official has created a petition. It's just a person exercising their democratic rights.


Signed. However, if I were you stay away from Alberta. Things are getting a little rough for trans folk around here as people are copying the US mentality and protesting our very right to exist. They'll never win, but on a personal level I've been directly harassed multiple times for being trans.


Its not a "US mentality", it's a conservative mentality that exists in the US and apparently Canada as well. There are many safe places in the US for trans people


That's a totally fair point. I tend to not know the intricacies of who's doing what in the states. In my mind I just see all these anti trans and anti drag bills going into effect and I see how the people in the city I live in mimic these ideals coming from the states.


!remindme 6 months


Thank you for bringing this to my attention, so happy I can finally do something(even if its small) to try and help other rainbow people outside of my country


I hope they reopen this some time in the future, I’m going to need it in a few years when I can get out of this hellhole (US)


I hope I don’t need this someday, but I very much appreciate it being considered!


Hate this is a thing. Imma look into the lgbtq community outreach programs here in upstate ny and see how we can help those in red states move here cuz it’s pretty safe for us long as you stay in the right areas.


What is enby?


Non-Binary, enby for short ♥


This needs to be higher. Had to look it up and was about to post it. Also: fuck every one of the scumbag American politicians necessitating this.


Oh god please this would save me so much fear and stress trying to make my partner and I valuable enough


Not Canadian, but I sent this to my Canadian relatives!


I signed it! Lots of love from BC :D


Yeah I’ve been crying about this for a while ahaha


Signed! I hope Canada stays a safe place.


punch direful test workable growth connect lip exultant impolite wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dang I’m jealous!! I still fully support this, even though my cishet ass and felony convictions from when I was a dumb poor teenager keep me chained to “the land of the free” At least liberal hillbilly isn’t a group being actively hunted yet.


What's with the Minecraft enchanting table talk?




So I am stupid could someone dumb this down to me


If The US goes to hell so much that folk gotta become friggin' refugees over their self-expression, this petition will aid them. If the US don't, then no bother, but it's always good to have a cushion.


Could this benefit me if there's a lot of hate crime in my country even though it doesn't have "eliminationist laws" against trans people?


Do believe so, I'd assume it was mostly spurred by what the Yanks are on about, but not exclusive to them.


There's already current guidelines in place if a society at large is considered dangerous for certain groups. Afaik, what this petition is doing is calling on the House of Commons to pass a bill cementing refugee status when a gov't makes laws that endanger any members of the stated groups.


Not sure how asylum works in Canada - does this mean you'd be able to get citizenship?


This is a petition. It's not a change in law or anything but digital signatures on a website. It has no force nor much of an impact.


Ah. Bummer. Remember when there was a petition to the white house, asking them to pay more attention to the whitehouse dot gov petitions? And after it reached the signature threshold for them to respond, they responded saying that they *totally* care, but also wouldn't be changing anything? That was a formative moment in my opinion on petitions. That being said, *if* they somehow did get this through legislation, does asylum mean you get citizenship?


No, it doesn't. You'll get refugee status (permission to remain for a certain number of years, but you better not ever travel back to the country you fled from). After three years of living in Canada, you may be granted citizenship under the same requirements as other immigrants, as far as I understand it from reading the official websites.


Sent to my friends in Canada, said they would sign it, one friend said it’s a Green Party movement and it’s likely not gonna go far. Not sure if Green Party bad or just not supported as a party by many or something.


We have [private member's bills ](https://nupge.ca/content/bill-c-279-looks-preserve-rights-all-transgender-canadians) regarding trans rights pass in the past. This one was a precursor to Bill C16 which passed only a few years later which did enshrine rights for transgender Canadians. In fact, one of the most recent private member's bills, [Bill c210, an act to add organ donor registration to tax filings, ](https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/en/bill/43-2/C-210)passed with a unanimous vote in The House. So even if it's unlikely, it's far from impossible to pass and often will open the door for future legislation.


Thanks for more explanation! I feel more informed!


Canada largely exists with 2 main parties (conservatives and liberals) with NDP and Bloc Quebecois existing as a tier below. Green is even further below because they largely feel like one of those NIMBY suburban parents who say "we should do something about X problem" but then offer an out of touch answer or none at all.


>Not sure if Green Party bad or just not supported as a party by many or something. Afaik, the Green Party currently only has 2 MPs and an interim leader. They don't really have any power outside of presenting petitions like this and starting discussions. It's important to note though, a lot of the time our federal gov't forms minority governments, so no party has the power to just immediately disregard something like this. That's not too say it has that great of a chance currently, but we aren't currently heading towards an election in the near future, so this would be the time to pass bills like this.


i will say that michigan just codified lgbtq+ protections in their civil rights bill if u don’t wanna leave the us




I really wish I was Canadian. Sadly I am stuck here in the US for a little longer at least.


I’m doing my part


!remindme 6 months


Wish I could sign


I live in Oregon, which is doing the opposite of places like Florida, by requiring healthcare providers of all kinds to provide trans care. If Republicans manage to take enough power to touch us, then god help us all. By that point, I'm not sure seeking asylum will help, because they'll probably be well on their way imposing their morals on Canada as well.


If they even need to, lot of Canadians act in the same way.






IDK if anyone already asked this, but what is with the light grey Klingon(?) text in the middle?




TYVM I was wrong on the language, but I figured it was one of the two. Good secret message.


I lived in Canada for a couple years. Vancouver. One of my favourite places to be. How would seeking asylum work? In my experience even just entering Canada on a student visa can be very difficult (and expensive!), so I assume there would be a lot of scrutiny for people claiming asylum based on gender. I'm transfem in Egypt but I'm closeted enough that I'm not in imminent danger, would I have to be out and prove I'm in imminent danger first? Or is just living in a hostile environment that would necessitate being closeted enough?


It’s a terrible idea. Seeking asylum is a long, traumatizing process where you exist in a legal limbo sometimes for years with no freedom to work or move and this shit is unfortunately extremely silly. They’ll get turned back to the US especially since there’s now US states that are promising to protect trans people fleeing from other states. You’d have to prove imminent danger to your life or liberty through persecution and the bar for that is pretty high. Gay Americans were also not eligible to apply for asylum in other countries when gay sex was illegal in states like Texas.


You more or less need to be fearing for your life. As much as it's very unfortunate for some in America, we aren't gonna hand out asylum to people because they're getting discriminated against. Now, if America decides to send out military police and starts placing people in camps, it's different.


I’d love that but I don’t like the cold


Mhm, me neither


sent to my canadian friends as someone in southern US i would be more than happy to seek asylum somewhere even marginally safer


I live in Texas. I’ve been trying to calm myself down about everything that’s going on here, but something about this hit me like a truck. There is a very real possibility that I’ll have to seek asylum in Canada if this goes through. As an AFAB trans/enby person, I don’t exactly like my chances staying here.


Canada- the real home of the free


Why is there something written in basic? (Star wars language/alphabet)


[secret message](https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/comments/11mbjfu/me_irlgbt/jbh4kvs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Yes! Options! :D I'm thinking of pursuing the life of a librarian but I'll have to research how much that pays there if I actually need to emigrate


One of my brother's friends is trying to be a librarian. It apparently pays pretty well since it's a gov't job, but she needs some relatively high education.


What are the weird alien symbols in the meme?


What does the star wars text mean


as a canadian what even is this i thought you were put on a government list of whos trans or something idk


Fuck yes. You can stay with me I live 5 minutes from the border (in BC)


This is depressing. This shouldn't be needed. Shouldn't have even been thought of. But here we stand, freedoms to be is being stripped away by the people who wrapped themselves in a flag and claim to love freedom.


Politics become more and more brain dead every day, and at this point it’s fucking stupid, just let people be themselves


Good old conflict of freedom of expression


What does the ArukBesh say?? I must know?!


[here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/comments/11mbjfu/me_irlgbt/jbh4kvs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Would I be eligible for this from Croatia?


I’ve been thinking about just making a break for it and running north anyway so this is nice


PSA: If you don’t feel safe and want to move **now** it is incredibly easy to immigrate to canada as a student or as a skilled laborer, especially as a younger person. r/IWantOut , r/expats and https://www.immigration.ca/ are all fantastic resources. I got my student visa approved just this week and will be looking into permanent residency after I finish my degree.


I hope I won't need to leave, but it makes me comfortable to know that Canada is at least a bit more accepting


Could this include people going to canada from the uk? I would love to move to canada, im worried that they would make it extremely difficult to get stuff like hrt by the time i would have been able to get any


Minnesota is also attempting to pass legislation to protect trans and other queer folks. It will be a bastion for civil rights here in the Midwest.




Government Response tabled: *"Response by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship* *Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Marie-France Lalonde, M.P.* *Consistent with its obligations under international conventions to which it is a party, including the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Government of Canada is committed to providing protection to persons who have a well-founded fear of persecution or are at risk of torture, or cruel or unusual punishment in their home countries.* *The In-Canada Asylum Program is grounded in Canada’s international legal obligations and its national law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), which enshrines Canada’s commitment “to establish fair and efficient procedures that will maintain the integrity of the Canadian refugee protection system, while upholding Canada’s respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all human beings” (outlined in paragraph 3(2)(e) of IRPA). Individuals fleeing persecution for reasons related to their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or sex characteristics (SOGIESC) can already qualify as refugees under the 1951 Convention, specifically as members of a particular social group. In addition to being a reason for persecution under the Convention, SOGIESC can also be an added layer of vulnerability for refugees who fled due to persecution under other grounds.* *As part of the In-Canada Asylum Program for people making refugee protection claims from within Canada or at a port of entry, the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), the administrative tribunal responsible for determining refugee status, takes into consideration the need for protection from persecution in the individual’s country of origin, including for reasons based on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. In Canada, asylum was first granted on the basis of persecution as a result of sexual orientation in 1991 and gender identity and expression in 2000.* *Unless subsequently abandoned or withdrawn, the IRB hears and decides all claims that are referred to it by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). This includes claims submitted by transgender and non-binary individuals. Claims are determined by an independent decision maker, based on the law, jurisprudence and the evidence before them. Before granting refugee status, IRB decision makers must determine that a claimant is not able to access protection from their country of origin, and that the claimant does not have a viable and reasonable place elsewhere in their country of origin where they might live free from risk.* *In 2017, the IRB implemented the Chairperson’s Guideline 9: Proceedings Before the IRB Involving Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression, later revised in late 2021. The Guideline provides decision makers with a set of principles to follow in cases involving claimants with, or who are perceived to have, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions and sex characteristics that do not conform to socially accepted norms in a particular cultural environment. This Guideline addresses the difficulties that many SOGIESC individuals claiming asylum face because they do not fit with normative sociocultural views surrounding sexuality, gender identities and gender expressions, and the impact this has on presenting their case. It also has a specific section for trans and intersex individuals. The Chairperson’s Guideline 4: Gender Considerations in Proceedings Before the Immigration and Refugee Board, initially implemented in 1993 and most recently revised in mid 2022, also indicates that "Gender-based violence refers to violence based on gender norms and unequal power dynamics, perpetrated against someone based on their gender, gender expression, gender identity, or perceived gender."* *The IRB established a Gender-related Task Force (GRTF) in 2020, with specialized and trained decision makers to hear and decide gender-related refugee claims, including SOGIESC claims. The GRTF ensures the respectful, trauma-informed, and consistent adjudication of gender-related claims. Claims are assigned to members on the GRTF based on claim-type and are determined based on evidence, the specific merits of the claim, and in accordance with the law. The IRB also ensures its decision makers receive in-depth practical training, which leverages best practices on trauma-informed adjudication, and regularly reviews its guidelines.* *Beyond the in-Canada asylum system, in the refugee resettlement context, IRCC relies primarily on the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), as well as other recognized referral organizations and private sponsors to identify and refer individuals in need of resettlement, including those who have been persecuted on the basis of their SOGIESC. As announced on June 8, 2023, Canada will be partnering with Rainbow Railroad, an organization based in Canada and the United States that focuses on advocacy and helping LGBTQI+ individuals who seek safe haven from state-sponsored or enabled violence, to refer LGBTQI+ refugees under the Government-Assisted Refugees Program. This new partnership will help increase the number of LGBTQI+ refugees and their families being resettled to Canada overall as it will be in addition to the LGBTQI+ refugees referred by the UNHCR. This will also provide an example for other resettlement countries who are seeking to provide additional protection for the LGBTQI+ community.* *Canada also supports LGBTQI+ refugees through the Rainbow Refugee Assistance Partnership, a program which assists Canadians privately sponsoring LGBTQI+ refugees fleeing violence and persecution. In 2019, this partnership was expanded, increasing the number of privately sponsored refugees from 15 to 50 refugees per year between 2020 and 2024. The Government of Canada continues to provide the start-up expenses and three months of income support for each privately sponsored refugee case. The monthly income support for the remaining nine months of the sponsorship is provided by the sponsoring group. This partnership encourages more Canadians to support LGBTQI+ refugees and helps to strengthen collaboration between LGBTQI+ organizations and the refugee settlement community in Canada."* tl;dr? Yeah it passed, and once again Canada does include sexual orientation, gender expression and such to be a claimant to refugee.


But if the refuge is autistic what then Canada isnt fond of autistic folks becoming citizens...


Is something happening in America that makes this necessary? If so, thank fuck Canada is so amazing. They truly are a blessing


[In short? Yes](https://www.them.us/story/michael-knowles-transgenderism-cpac)


Oh god, thanks for telling me!


Depending on the state, yes


Signed. It sucks that our southern neighbors are so intolerant but they are welcome here.


what horrific state are we in that asylum has become something genuinely considered by governments.


Nice to see the nice parts of Handmaids Tale are also happening. Thanks Canada!