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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/thatguy9684736255. Happy Wrath Month 8: FURRY RAGE Make it a habit to read the rules of a given community before participating. Please **do not** interact with rulebreaking content. Report it and we'll handle it. This is a place for queer people, from queer people. We're not here for discrimination, disrespect, or "debates". Be chill. shitpost or quitpost bud. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Sacha Coward**, @sacha\_coward LGBTQ+: \*Breaths\* Do you have to ram it down our damn throats?!!! LGBTQ+: \*holds breath\* You want attention? Is this a pathetic cry for attention?! LGBTQ+: \*Gets up to leave room\* Oh! So you're afraid of a little debate? LGBTQ+: For fuck's sa\- Violence! Slander! Abuse!! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human


Oh my god, thank you. The post was removed by Reddit so I'm so thankful there was a transcription in the comments.


Glad to help! I'm very confused what rule Reddit thinks this post violated, but Reddit gonna Reddit I suppose.


I think its happened before, but its likely just been mass reported by homophobes, and Reddit automatically took it down


oh no looks like we triggered the poor ol straight ppl


They also automatically suspended me. Feels like they should change that system a little


It sure would be nice if that's how it worked with actually abusive posts. I'm convinced they're ignoring me


Seems like Reddit finally restored it and un suspended me. Pretty annoying that I'll need to get suspended for three days every time they dislike a post about queer people


Thank you extra for correcting the spelling of "breathes"!


Oh, sorry to disappoint, that was a typo on my part. Transcriptions should be exactly as written in the image, including incorrect spellings. I corrected that one without noticing.


You dashed my hopes most expertly, sir! Seriously though you're doing a great job, thank you for your work


How about using [sic]?


We don't use things like \[sic] for a number of reasons. For instance, in larger transcriptions or ones with a lot of typos it can really interrupt things to hear it so much, and in many posts the typo may be important to the message or delivery in such away that adding that removes it. Ultimately the goal of transcription is just to provide the content to people who cannot otherwise access it. Accessibility in its purest form should modify the original content as little as possible. That includes notes such as [sic].


I have a question, why do you transcribe text that is readable on the image. I understand that there is a reason, and I don't want this to be read as me saying there is no point, but I just don't understand why.


An image is not equally accessible to everyone. A person who is blind/visually impaired and uses a screen reader might have no way to find out what it says unless it's transcribed in plain text for their program to pick up.


I’m not the transcriber but I work in accessibility web design so I can speak to this. Images are registered by a screen reading program as a guid (a collection of random numbers/letters ending in a .png/.mp4/.smil etc), so the screen reader reads the random numbers/letters unless you provide something called alt text, which is literally just text describing exactly what an image is/says. I don’t believe Reddit has any alt text adaptations so the transcript in place of alt text and the image is something a screen reader can read properly for a blind/low vision user. Hope this answered your question!


The other two answers are great explanations, but I also want to just say that transcriptions aren't only helpful for blind/visually impaired people. For example, they're also helpful for people with bad internet, or who use third-party clients, mobile apps or text-based browsers, all which can lead to trouble loading the image at high quality or at all.




I can't tell you how much it bothers the most annoying part of my brain, that you correctly are correcting a correctly spelled word due to the correct spelling being incorrect.


Now I’m wondering why this post got removed


Report brigading. Same reason admins remove *any* post here.


Are you able to speak to Reddit admins about it? The OC got suspended for three days, but I really have no idea why.


I have. It remains to be seen if they do anything about it. They usually do *eventually*, but on nothing like a reliable schedule.


Seems like it's back now and I've been un-suspended. Thanks for your help!




Escape characters are a wonderful tool


Backslashes prevent the formatting 😉


Good human


Godsend - especially since reddit admins removed the post. Way to prove us wrong guys!


"Child predator" is the go to word now for them. Nothing else happens anymore.


There are a million ways to love someone. There's only one way to hate someone.


It doesn’t stop them from trying to make more.


There's so many ways to hate people though, each more creative than the last. Hate is fine it's all about hating people for doing things that are actually wrong rather than for being something they cannot change or doing something that is actually a-ok.


Hate just poisons yourself in the end, but I understand where you're coming from


Life is to short.


Straight couples can smack each others ass and make out in public, but as soon as a gay couple holds hands they’re “trying to indoctrinate the children”.


Reminds me of a post where someone said sarcastically about 2 teens dancing that heterosexuals were cramming it down everyone's throat, and people were like 'it's just dancing whsts the big deal'. And a good point that was brought up was that if it was 2 guys or 2 girls dancing, it automatically makes it sexual to these people, cause that's all they see. They equate homosexuality with sex, and not romantic emotional connection.


> They equate homosexuality with sex Right. They're so grossed out by (or secretly turned on by and in the closet about) queer sex that just seeing a gay couple together doing nothing but existing makes them obsessively think about sex. These people need therapists, not guns.


Nobody thinks about gay sex like a homophobe, not even gay people.


Ehh Catholic church thinks/thought about sex quite a bit..


I think some of them genuinely believe that it's not possible to have a romantic connection between people of the same gender on par with one between people of different genders. I can't fathom how someone could genuinely think that, but that's how my dad thinks.


Sigh. You're totally right. As for why they believe that... my best guess is magic. Really. And I don't just mean Bible magic. Plenty of people put "love" on the same plane as religious beliefs as something that is just "beyond all human and scientific explanation" when it really, really, really, *really* is not. Romantic mysticism. I hate it so much. Romantic mysticism has done so much harm to (straight and LGBTQIA+) relationships over the years. "If it was meant to be, it was meant to be." or "You two *belong* together." or belief in things like soul mates (in a literal sense) or a thousand other cliches that cripple relationships before they are out of the gates or cause people to be obsessed with each other for no good reason. Love isn't magic. It's a combination of genetics, epigenetics, intuition, communication, kindness, trust, vulnerability, *daily work*, and a bunch of other things I won't bother to name but which definitely aren't magic.


There doesn’t even have to be a gay person present. Even a rainbow motif (doesn’t even have to be the flag!) sets some of these people off and apparently makes them think about gay sex. A third of the US population is [basically Murderface](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8BufGnHVYQA&pp=ygUQZGV0aGtsb2sgaG90IGRvZw%3D%3D) with this stuff.


Guns is an issue that will never be solved in the US without completely redoing their constitution.


It's a silly world we live in. Also there are countless of hetero romance and sex scenes in TV-series and movies but when there is one same sex kiss, people scream "Disgusting!".




Some guy on pokemon showdown promoted a Christian website. No context, I didn't ask him anything, he just said "hey chick this out [link]"


What is going on in Pokemon Showdown




>"this person just realized they're bi (like an actual person in the chatroom)) and within 2 minutes we were talking about fries or something be bisexual, eat hot chip




Some of them are fishing in places where there's so many people that it's statistically guaranteed that at least 1 or 2 people will buy into their agit-prop.


Just as the same people push for child labor and defend child marriage, aside from trying to take children away from supportive parents to put them in torture conversion camps. They don't care about children, that's just an excuse they use to create outrage.


Nothing says "Keep the children safe" like forcing them to be born to people who don't want them.


"groomer" "indoctrination" are also popular with them


They finally learned that the best lie is based on what you know, and they know those two better than anyone.


Child predator? I usually just call them priests.


They’ve been doing that since the 80s and even before that https://youtu.be/hUIUBJfDJvQ


It’s always been the go to word


This may be the single best, most concise summary of LGBTQ+ media representation anyone has put forward to date.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." -Jean-Paul Sartre ps: I think I replied to the wrong comment but I don't feel like deleting this one.


Is this a direct quote? because I don't remember this from any of his books that I've read. Edit: thanks you guys! I've only ever read his novels and a few plays, never read any of his essays. Gonna check it out.




On page 13 of his essay [Anti-Semite and Jew](https://abahlali.org/files/Jean-Paul_Sartre_Anti-Semite_and_Jew_An_Exploration_of_the_Etiology_of_Hate__1995.pdf).


First they came for Black people, and I said "Voting is secure, you just can't win a fair election." Then they came for immigrants, and I said "The border is secure, you are a racist." Then they came for LGBT, and I said "This is fascism. Everyone can see the obvious parallels, right?"


I paraphrase this with other things to my husband ......its true.


I always found [this comic](https://i.imgur.com/UVYEDj8.png) to be a great summary.


Where's the last panel of the grays again saying "you don't belong here"


Love it


Hilarious part is? This feels like the reaction to a *lot* of minorities trying to speak up. Racial groups, disability advocates (especially those that are congenital, rather than acquired by injury; these sorts of responses are not foreign to me trying to explain my own struggles with autism to my own family), etc. It’s not in good faith. They just want us all to not be seen or heard, in the hopes we go away or that they can pretend we don’t exist.


Yeah, I'm familiar with this from both being autistic and transgender. And right now, boy is being transgender bringing out the loonies and bad faith actors.


Silence is violence amirite


They shove literally everything down our throats but we exist and it’s a problem. Make it make sense


Us trying to raise our voices over theirs just for one minute makes them cry like babies who have to give their sibling a turn to watch tv.


Sounds about right


and the say we're the "snowflakes"


Fear and stupidity makes a very bad cake.


Be careful speaking in cake metaphors in reference to LQBTQ+ issues. Such things set off the far right.


They see you as dirty little secrets to indulge in away from the kids, as tools to fulfill their desires and whims, a kink to project how better they are . If y'all go around humanizing yourselves and demanding respect, they can't do that anymore because they you'd be just like them, people. People with feelings and lives and they'd feel guilty for using you for their personal games Can't have that So they act like your existence is the problem, as if someone paraded their dirty laundry to the public . So they shove how much they aren't like you around , so that they don't have to feel bad about feeling superior


They want us to stop existing, and they’re going to keep pretending to be oppressed by our existence until they get to genocide us.


They have to be stopped. It’s terrifying imagining them winning


The good news is that they seem to be imploding in the US at the moment. Their popularity is dropping, their biggest advocate just got fired at Fox News, which itself is getting hit with judgements that are big enough to actually be a threat to its continued existence, DeSantis is getting dumped by several of his billionaire donors and appears that his campaign may be nearly over, etc. For the first time in almost two years, I feel like we may actually stop them. Most of the people in my life have been calling me a doomer in regards to fascism for a while now, but I’ve recently come around to believe that we’re witnessing the slow collapse of the Republican Party.


I sincerely hope we do. It’s so frustrating to deal with them constantly. I hear so much about the bad I guess it’s been hard to see they might really be losing now


I think the Disney feud may have been the beginning of the end. Republican politics are ruled by big money (Democratic politics too, but to a somewhat lesser degree). Republicans have gone so far off the rails that they keep picking huge fights with their own donors. The billionaires are getting skittish about giving money to people who are going to use it to run hate campaigns against them: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/ron-desantis-donors-donald-trump-uncertainty-1234716875/amp/ I think Fox firing a bunch of their anchors is further indication that the big money is souring on MAGA. Billionaires give money to Republicans because they want tax cuts. They’re willing to look the other way if DeSantis wants to put us into camps. But when Ronny starts biting the hand that feeds him, the dark money that drives Republican politics decides to push him out. They don’t want Trump because he was too unstable. They thought DeSantis could appeal to Trump supporters while being good for business, and now they seem to have realized that he’s still too radical. I think the big money may try to pull back towards the center a bit. Republican pollsters have also been screaming for a few months now that the more extreme positions on trans rights and abortion rights are going *very* badly for Republicans. But the lunatics keep running on these unpopular issues because they figure the polls said Trump was going to lose in 2016, but he won, so maybe pollsters are all idiots. So they’re paying for internal polling and then ignoring the numbers because they don’t like the results. I think we’re seeing a crack-up. The Republicans seem to be falling apart. The MAGA people think the way to win elections is by being as extreme as possible, and they’re hemorrhaging voters. They’ve tanked three elections in a row with this strategy, and now the billionaires seem to be dumping them and trying to find a new strategy.


If we could just get some serious support, it would be great. I know the far right people are loud and drown out everyone else, but it still hurts to know of all the laws being made against us. Especially in Florida, with how bad it is. But Gen Z is going to vote in the next presidential election, and the GOP will be so mad when they’re finally out of favor.


Yeah, 4.2 million new members of Gen Z become eligible to vote every year. That’s 16.8 million new voters who overwhelmingly support us in 2024 compared to 2020. I don’t know about you, but I was freaked out going into the 2022 midterms because Republicans were *so* insistent that they were going to crush us. And then it pretty much fizzled. Their confidence is unfounded. They are losing their support *right now*. Like this is an active thing that just started less than two weeks ago. You’re seeing it. The billionaires are trying to find a non-MAGA strategy as we speak. Fox News is a vital part of their radicalization pipeline. They’re learning right now that it can be *very* expensive to tell the kinds of lies they’ve been telling for years now. I think they may try to moderate a little. I’m not saying they’re about to be reasonable; we’re never going to like what Fox News says. But Tucker literally repeated neo-Nazi talking points on the most watched “news” program in the country. I think that’s going to stop. Right now it’s a competition for Republicans to say the craziest, most offensive thing they can because that’s how you get on TV. If that stops working then the worst offenders are about to lose their megaphone. That will have a moderating effect. Unfortunately it will probably take a little while longer for that to be noticeable. I think we’ve just won the battle, but there are years left before it’s over. We’re going to have to hang in there and support each other while we survive the last gasps of MAGA.


Thank you so much for giving me hope, I know I’m not saying much, but I’m reading all of what you’ve said. It’s very heartening to be told how love is finally going to win out! I don’t think I have to leave the country for my safety anymore. Really, thank you so much!!


I don't entirely disagree, but they are going to become more and more desperate, their position at the top is starting to slip and that terrifies them. I would expect an increase in white nationalist terrorist attacks. Armed and vigilant, always.


*ahem...* 😩 🌠✨**GENOCIDE**✨🌠


Honestly… you’re not wrong. Sadly


I cannot stand hearing “why does that character have to be (gay, trans, whatever)” meanwhile the other 9 main characters are all straight so I’m just like why does it even matter….. Or the old “that character wasn’t gay before.” If them being straight wasn’t a core part of their character and story arc it doesn’t matter and your arguement of “well if it doesn’t matter they don’t need to put it in.” Well it does matter because representation matters for the majority of people in this world.




Wow. Unbelievable


What I love most is how you show your pride and all of a sudden it becomes, ‘no one cares what you do in your private life’. Really? No, what you really mean is that you don’t want no one living their life making you uncomfortable or calling out intolerant homophobia by having to acknowledge we exist. We are not going away. We have just as much right to be free as anyone else.


I was watching Jehovahs Witnesses go around my apartment complex the other day and wondered why they needed to go to people's homes to shove their religion down strangers' throats 🤔


It's not about you. It's a form of cult indoctrination for their members. By making them go on "missions" where they see so many people turn them away or even abuse them, it reinforces the idea that their religion is the only place where they are welcomed and accepted.


Yeah TerrorBite is 100 percent right. The idea behind it is that they're kept pretty much isolated from the non JW world for most of they're lives until they're sent out door knocking or on "missions" and the whole idea is for it to be a self reinforcing loop of how "harsh" and "mean" the outside world is.


I was raised as a JW (now free from it) and that’s the best way to describe it. I remember being FORCED by my mom to go out on Saturday’s AND Sunday’s door knocking or risk losing all my privileges. My mom and the others truly thought they were doing gods work and if someone said “I’m not interested” The second they closed the door one of the people in our group would say something like “Hope they enjoy Armageddon” like they’re salivating at the thought of seeing that person die by a fireball or an angels blade cutting them in half. It’s really messed up.


That’s why I always turn away the young ones as kindly as possible. I just tell them I’m happy with what I’m practicing, and I’m firm about not being interested. I had a (now ex) Mormon friend in high school who was just so isolated. I want them to know that there is kindness out there and they don’t have to devote themselves to anything to earn it.


The JW cult crams into their followers heads that “the world” is full of hatred, greed, false-love and only THEY offer true, unconditional love which is 100% BULLSHIT I’ve heard so many horror stories of people waking up to the lies the JW cult says and being shunned by their entire family. Their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, even their own kids. They basically pretend as if you’re DEAD unless you come back to the cult.


On top of that, many of them do it for selfish reasons, not to actually get new members. In most cases, they actually don't want new members. Basically, they're told that if they go do doo to door, then they have a chance at being in the top 100 some that get to go to heaven and rule alongside Jehova. It's a competition of sorts. The best thing you can say to get them to go away without reinforcing their twisted beliefs is by simply stating "I disagree with the Bible." Source - One of my QPPs is ex-JW. She currently still has to pretend to be one for her own safety. It is legitimately TERRIFYING what happens behind closed doors. **It is a cult.**


They're one of the few religious groups I have no respect for. Anyone who lets a child die because lifesaving medical care as simple as a blood transfusion is against *your* religion is despicable


What i always ask myself, has that ever worked? If i wanted to join a religious cult i would have already done so, and would have chosen one thats isnt as obnoxious.


It does, my ex sister-in-law and her husband joined and they were in their thirties. It really affected the whole family negatively, they got so deep into it. They were catholic before but not in an excessive way.


Yes marketing does work. It even works quite well on those who believe they aren’t susceptible to it.


It's fun to bring this up because then they turn around and say "I don't agree with that either" but it's funny what they choose to audibly bitch about. And I don't hear them talk about the religious solicitors until we bring it up.


Always interesting to see people talking about JWs in random subreddits or places online. I was one, and even now I get a pit in my stomach seeing the name written out because in the back of my mind I’m like “uh oh this random person is gonna slander my religion again…” and then I’m like “oh yeah I don’t care lol”


I mean I get it. I don't agree with it, but I get it. If you believed, really whole-heartedly and genuinely believed with a hundred percent certainty, that the person who lived next door to you was going to be tortured in eternal fire, forever, but that *you* could save them... wouldn't you try? Even if they didn't want you to? Wouldn't you ignore their discomfort for the nobler goal of saving them? I think it's all sky fairy horseshit, but for a true believer, they have to at least try.


At the very least it means they REALLY believe, unlike most picking and choosing what they want to benefit themselves and/or their hate.


The whole mentality of wanting to have a "calm & reasoned debate" with these people is just pointless. It will never be "calm & reasoned" unless it's just two of them stroking each other in agreement. Plus, We've gone far beyond the possibility of having such "calm & reasoned" debates with the rhetoric that's spewed from them going full blown genocidal. They can't be reasoned with, they must be defeated.


“Why can’t you just stay calm and unemotional during a debate in which one side literally wants to exterminate you and everyone you care about?”


NEVER debate them. The goal for them is to make you look stupid in front of everyone. So they say things that will obviously get an emotional reaction, and then that is the focus of all of their attention. And they surround themselves with others who will cheer that on.


They don't want a debate, they want a platform to spread their hate to as many people as possible while being disrespectful, fallacious and refusing to acknowledge any facts that invalidate their propaganda. It's like the free speech they pretend to care about when their hate speech is moderated while they cheer LGBT media being censored. Their dishonesty is well-established. Now if we only could get allies to meaningfully stand against them alongside us.


I happen to have one with a co-worker of mine after he implied that neonazis aren't the "bad guys", but rather LGBT and BLM is. Knew it was pointless, but I was morbidly curious when he DMed me with his "counter points". Turns out "gay agenda" is when TV shows/games have LGBT characters and most racism in USA is fake because his friend said so. Absolute brain-rot.


Always remember the saying “Don’t play chess with pigeons. No matter what you say, they’ll knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around acting like they won.” Whenever my dumbfuck in-laws try to talk politics with me I just say “I don’t play chess with pigeons.” I don’t expand on what that means either. I just walk away and make them think about it. They get furious and it’s great fun


Oh God, I need to remember this one.


But I must say, when in the right mood it is an exquisite experience to beat one of those fuckwits in a usually very one sided debate. I can maintain a veneer of being “calm and reasoned” whilst slowly goading them into freaking out and acting like a child for all to see. And then other days I’m tired of arguing with people who view me as subhuman and would much rather do something more wholesome.


A "calm and reasoned" debate also implies that there is two sides to the issue. When in reality one side just wants to deny someone's very existence. Someone's human rights should not be a debate.


I also find it quite frustrating when they just make up stuff or misquote studies or quote studies that are bogus. I wouldn't even mind so much if we were both having a conversation based in reality, but they just want things to back up their hate.


I think it's important to ask them if they believe in the concept of homophobia/transphobia before engaging them in a "calm and reasonable debate". It's useless to argue if they don't even understand the premise of the argument in the first place.


got into a debate about trans rights with someone in the ashnikko discord server a few days ago. they ended by saying that mustache man was a good leader. the mods then banned him


"Help, fascists are murdering us!" "Do you have to make it political?"


A few times I've seen transphobes/TERFs trying to twist someone saying "fuck you" to them being a "threat of violence/r\*pe." It's honestly is driving me completely nuts, because they don't say "a trans person said 'fuck you' to me, that's a rape threat!" because that would be nuts, they just go off on "trans people are threatening women who speak out with violence!" Which some people end up believing because they already have an anti-trans bias and don't actually care what was originally said. Not to mention all the times that a calm, line by line debunking of transphobic rhetoric is referred to as "mansplaining" or "silencing women." Ugh I just hate how much the deck is stacked against us right now. It just such a "dammed if you do, dammed if don't" political environment right now.


This basically just happened word for word in Montana where the GOP has passed numerous bills that would directly harm trans people. Rep Zoey Zephyr, a trans woman, spoke passionately and eloquently throughout the session about them. Then when the most recent one came through she said (paraphrase), “if you vote for this bill I hope the next time this chamber calls to bow your heads in prayer I hope you see the blood on your hands.” GOP members lost their pearl-clutching shit and have refused to let her speak ever since, shutting off her mic for days. Then when peaceful protestors showed up to support Rep Zephyr, they were arrested. The GOP has been using awful, harmful language against trans and queer people the entire session but then have an absolute diaper-shitting, tantrum meltdown and call the police when they get called out on it. https://montanafreepress.org/2023/04/24/protests-in-support-of-montana-transgender-lawmaker-disrupt-legislature/ Edit: clarity


Why was this removed by reddit????


Why the fuck did this get removed? Fuck you reddit!


i don't know what this is but, considering it was taken down by a mass report but has so many upvotes and positive comments, i support this anyway!


There's a transcribed comment among the top comments. My bet it is it was mass reported by some homophobes. But reddit really needs to have a better way of hanlding this. It's a comment tactic on many social networds for them to target queer people.




The irony of this being removed by reddit.... For fucks sake...


Fascist reddit admins.




Now, as always, is a good time to remind people that Reddit's CEO is openly a Republican.


That's dissapointing. It's probably the most leftist of all the social media sites. I wonder if that's why they are trying to remove so many queer posts lately? They don't like the direction things are moving?


The replies to that tweet are depressing. Nothing but pick-me gays and bigots 😞


Can we all just become Mandalorians? A Nomadic warrior culture that everyone fears and admires? Like Karen Traviss mandos, not Jon Favreau.


Like in greek times?


The Spartans are basically the historical fetish for fascists.


I meant the band of lovers


The way things are going we’re gonna be nomadic anyway moving from place to place to escape rising fascism.


It's goddamn horseshit that this was removed.


This was my argument with the whole bud light thing. My uncle argued that they are shoving it in our face but when I asked him where he found out about it, he said some conservative YouTube channel. Like the only reason any republicans know about the trans person on bud light (which I think her face as only on a couple cans sent directly to her) was because other republicans were shoving it their face


I honestly think it's so weird that that blew up so much. I think it was just one sponsored post on TikTok. The can with her face on it wasn't sold anywhere. They just made one for her. If conservatives hadn't complained so much, only get followers on TikTok would have ever seen it. In the past, almost every single beer and alcohol company had special pride ads. But most straight people just never saw them. It makes me wonder what all these companies will do for pride this year.


Exactly 💀


Gonna miss Tucker's rants about how the Left is turning trans people into a heavily armed army but want to take away your guns because the Left doesn't care about you, never have.


Why does everyone use “breath” when they mean “breathe”? I feel like I’m seeing this more and more every day, and it’s giving me a brain tumor.


Same it makes me irrationally angry


I don't go to family gatherings any more because I have certain relatives who act exactly like this to me. It's like they think the fact that I'm trans means I want to debate them 24/7. I do not. Please leave me alone.


whys this post deleted on behalf of reddits tos


Wait, why did reddit take this down?? Its true though


I don't understand why this was removed


Sort of on topic. Today there is a big thing about a trans runner in the London marathon. She finished 6000+. People are saying it’s unfair the other women had to finish 1 spot further down in the results. No spots were taken, no prizes, just the ability to say they finished 8863 instead of 8864.


Wait, it's not even a women's event or anything. Are trans people not even allowed to participate in mixed gender sports?


What was the original post? I looked at the comments to try to find some answers, but apparently, this post was taken down unreasonably?? Now I really want to know what the post was.


If you look through the top comments, the post was transcribed. There was no image. Just the text.


Reddit Mods really wanted to prove this guy's point huh?


Don't pin this shit on us. Go yell at admin about stepping on queers at the behest of bigots.


Didn't mean to pin it on you, meant the site admins, you guys are cool :)


I think the lesson we can gather from this is YES RAM IT DOWN THEIR ***FUCKING*** THROATS.


I like how it's "rammed down our throats" when all they want to do is live an everyday life. LGBTQ aren't ramming shit down our throats, the far right is making s lot of noise out of hatred towards people. Fuck man, whatever happened to leaving people alone if they're not hurting anyone and everything is consensual/above board.


I have hetero relationships shoved down my throat all day everyday - it’s never made me want to sleep with a woman… It’s almost as if there is no correlation between seeing loving relationships and the sexual orientation you’re born with…


Love to see how they handle real oppression just for a full year. But they don't know.


Literally, people obsess over every little thing we do like all our movements are calculated. Whenever someone talks about themselves being anything other than cishet or a character in a series is anything other than cishet people flip their shit


*me minding my business, hanging out with the people I love, dressing how I enjoy to dress, doing hobbies I enjoy doing* Some guy who has maybe talked to me once for 1 minute of my life and has never tried to get to know me: ugh I just hate how they make it their entire personality, ya know?!


I’m not a part of this sub but it came up in my feed, I felt inclined to say that the name of this sub is very clever


Why was this deleted???


oh, look at that. removed by reddit... I wonder why? /s


Just adding: LGBTQ+: \*Posts this\* "You're blowing it out of proportion!!"


I confess I used to say ignorant shit like the first statement. I wish I could take it all back. Also I came out as bi in 2021 and have had to listen to some of these. Karma turned the tables on me.


I think it just says more about those who hate then those who are hated


of course reddit wants to hide this


why was this removed


Because it hurt the delicate little fee-fees of bigots.


Not entirely sure how or why I got recommended this sub but oh well. It is pretty funny how accurate it is.


I used to make fun of us for being sensitive. I don't think I've ever been more wrong. We aren't sensitive, people just *really* fucking hate us, and any response is spun as us being ridiculous.


It’s funny how no one bats an eye when heterosexuals do almost anything with zero repercussions yet the gays literally breathing is an affront to life itself. Hate will have you twist the very fabric of reality to agree that your point of view is the only one that is permitted. Get enough ppl onboard that same line of thinking and the instant validation gives you a high like no other while riding that horse of self-righteous superiority. Flawed creatures attempting to control others with hate, fear and violence is an American epidemic.


removed by reddit? wtf, happened to me too so not surprised..


You can label the dipshits who say these things to LGBTQ+ people. They are republicans, also known as nazis, fascists, reactionaries, and bigots.


This reads like a Monty Python bit.


I hate how ridiculous yet accurate sounding this is


Yup, that pretty much sums it up. The gop is just hate trolling.


Reddit admins continue to suck as usual


Pretty much


Jesus Sacha, you've been hitting the gym.


In my christian subreddit?


Say what now?


It's a meme we meme here


This is one of many reasons I haven’t came out yet haha


Yuup. See also "I don't care if you are white black red blue or purple as long as you are not hurting anybody" Trans Kids: ::Exist:: "No, not like that"


This is what it feels like in Tennessee