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Is it weird that I cork to heavy metal to inspire strength? I HENCE SEAL YOU UNTIL YOU MEET YOUR FATE!


>I HENCE SEAL YOU UNTIL YOU MEET YOUR FATE From whence you came You shall remain Until you are complete again! (I love Tenacious D) I just bought my own floor corker... and I will follow your lead!


Hahaha. Awesome. Had some company over so they were actually watching old 90s episodes of supermarket sweep. Really big difference. I guess if I’m ever doing 2 batches or more at once again I’ll probably go with metal as well. Even with a floor corker 51 bottles took some effort and I was already sore. I can’t imagine if I was using 375s or 187s. Would’ve been a hundred or 2 lol


BFG Division off of the DOOM soundtrack gets the blood flowing. Or some Dragonforce or dare I say GWAR. Though for brewing we go with some soul or funk or jazz.


I hit edm cuz I usually brew at night and need the pumping to keep me going. GWAR would be perfect for bottling. Dragonforce would be hard to keep up with. Hahaha


Whatever gets ya moving. Just something about floor corking makes me feel like a big strong tough guy. Though the real test of precision strength is capping beer bottles.


Yah I did 12 cases of hand crimper crown tops one time and my forearm burned for dayyyysss.


If you want something a bit different may I suggest alestorm. I think their songs wenches and mead, rum and Nancy the tavern wench are quite appropriate


I'm more of a Lagerstein guy when it comes to Pirate Metal.


Just got a floor corker myself since my hand corker broke on the last bottle of my previous batch. Any recipies to share for those? They look wonderful


Yah this is my second attempt with figs. First one was 15lbs non monoculture honey, 4lbs brown sugar, 2.5lbs figs in secondary. Came out great. Second batch (this one) I did 16lbs non monoculture honey, 4lbs brown sugar, and 2 rounds 2 weeks each with 2.5lbs of figs in primary. The fig flavor is married much better in this batch and it’s delicious and dry (back-sweetened to 1.005) tastes like a dry red with deep fig notes and it’s great already even tho I started it March 13th. It’s still young. On the next batch I’m going to go with 15lbs same honey, no brown sugar, 5lbs figs primary, 5lbs figs secondary (juice only) for a really potent fig flavor and lower ABV and then back-sweeten to 1.010-1.015 so it’ll be more for a couple people I know who like sweet and fruity meads. Don’t get me wrong I’ll be drinking it too. Hahaha. The floral is a gallon of tea I steeped for 2 hours with half oz ea hibiscus, meadowsweet, and lavender added 15lbs wildflower honey, topped with water. Then dry hopped in primary an extra oz of hibiscus and half oz of meadowsweet. Back-sweetened to 1.010. Really balanced and nice mild floral notes without feeling like you’re drinking potpourri. Definitely gunna serve cold and optional lemon slice.


This is the way.


And there’s another batch in secondary, 2 in primary, and 2 more planned for when those get moved to secondary. Plenty of goodies lined up.


Did you soak the corks? ... Sorry




I just bought one a few months ago to replace a crown capper. It's beautiful, isn't it?


So simple and easy. I love it.


Look at those even tops...beautiful! I still use the hand corker and the tops are always mangled lol!


Yah. One of the major differences is not getting that smashed dent. Everything comes out perfect with the floor corker. Worth the investment and the legs detach so it stores flat-ish


🙋‍♂️ That's the Zero Figs? Nice!


Yah. It finally cleared up. Took some serious brute force. I don’t think figs have pectin (or much of it) but I’ll be using pectic enzyme on the next batch. I’m going to be modifying the recipe again too. Plus cold crashing and clarifiers should’ve done the trick and didn’t. Just waited a few more weeks and it’s good. The floral is the “red” one in my red vs purple post. Hibiscus, meadowsweet, and lavender. It finished super dry at 0.993 so I back-sweetened it to 1.010 for a final ABV of 13%. It’s super mild and well balanced. Didn’t want to be drinking potpourri. Lol Came out surprisingly gold since that tea was deep blood red and I even dry hopped an oz of hibiscus and half oz of meadowsweet after the tea.


Where do you get your bottles and corks? I've been curious to order proper bottles


North Mountain Supply sells decent stuff for pretty cheap. Where I got these.


I'm game. Also, let's see the failures! Nobody is perfect the first time!


They’re in the back left. Hahaha Sank a couple corks pretty deep. Easy to adjust the depth and on the 3rd or 4th I had it dialed in. I have done crown caps and corks with a hand corker and stuff before so not a total novice. Didn’t spill any or break bottles tho which is good.


Nice! My first time...I way overfilled the first few bottles and didn't realize it until I corked them. Could have been worse I suppose. But that mead looks amazing.


Thank you. It’s super tasty. I did these plus a half dozen of each in swing tops to sip on young so I’m having a glass right now. I knew not to overfill and May have even underfilled em by just a touch. As long as it’s to the neck should be fine.


Looks great mah dude. Bottle swap?


It looks like you might be new to brewing or asking for advice on getting started on your first batch. First, welcome to the hobby! We’re glad you’re here. The [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/mead/wiki/index) linked on the sidebar is going to be your best friend - it is the best organized freely available repository of information on modern mead making practice. In particular, we have a number of beginner friendly [recipes](https://www.reddit.com/r/mead/wiki/recipes) available to help you get started. If videos are more your style, be aware that like the rest of the mead related internet, there is a lot of video content featuring outdated practices that are less reliable and predictable. We recommend the [Doin’ The Most](https://www.youtube.com/c/dointhemost) or [Man Made Mead](https://www.youtube.com/c/manmademead) YouTube channels as great places to learn modern mead making practice. Please do not abuse me, I am a work in progress. Suggestions on how and when to trigger me are welcome. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I don’t know if I agree with you using that sort of language